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University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Authorization to Plan Certificates & Degrees

ATP Certificates

Academic Certificate Programs are a designated set of courses designed to complement a degree program by fostering the development of skills and knowledge in a focused area of study. Read the requirements for certificates.

The President delegated approving authority to the Provost on March 28, 2023: The Provost is the campus authority for ATPs, provisional proposals and termination of certificates.

The first step in creating a certificate program is to consult with OVPAE and then complete the Authorization to Plan (ATP). This brief planning document summarizes the overall purpose and structure of the certificate, and ensures that the necessary consultation between faculty, deans, and administration has taken place. Once the ATP is submitted by the Dean using the appropriate memo template, OVPAE will manage the remainder of the review and approval process. Please be mindful of the various deadlines that may impact the review, approval, and implementation process.

Step 1: Unit Consults with OVPAE

Dean and Chair arrange meeting the VPAE and Director of Program Development and Review to discuss planned proposal. Upon successful consultation, email the Authorization to Plan (ATP) document as well as the completed memo created using the memo template to
OVPAE will manage the remainder of the review and approval process.

Step 2: OVPAE Reviews (including review by Graduate Division or Undergraduate Academic Advisors)

The Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Excellence will evaluate the proposal for content and format. For graduate programs, OVPAE will send the proposal to Graduate Division to manage the review process. Graduate Division will send back approved proposals to OVPAE for review and approval.

Step 3: Provost Reviews & Approves

The Provost will evaluate the proposed action and determine if it fits within the institution’s goals and mission. Upon successful review, the Provost will approve the proposal and return to OVPAE for distribution.

ATP Degrees

The first step in creating a degree program is to consult with OVPAE and then complete the Authorization to Plan (ATP). This planning document summarizes the overall purpose and structure of the degree, and ensures that the necessary consultation between faculty, deans, and administration has taken place. Once the ATP is submitted by the Dean using the appropriate memo template, OVPAE will manage the remainder of the review and approval process, including interfacing with the UH System Office of the Vice President for Academic Planning and Policy.

Programs with a distance education component may be subject to additional review and requirements. Please review the distance education process to determine whether additional action is needed. 

Please be mindful of the various deadlines that may impact the review, approval, and implementation process.

Step 1: Unit Consults with OVPAE

Dean and Chair arrange a meeting with the VPAE and Director of Program Development and Review to discuss planned proposal. Upon successful consultation, email the Authorization to Plan (ATP) document as well as the completed memo created using the memo template to
OVPAE will manage the remainder of the review and approval process.

Step 2: OVPAE Reviews (including review by Graduate Division or Undergraduate Academic Advisors) 

The Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Excellence will evaluate the proposal for content and format. OVPAE will consult with Graduate Division. OVPAE and Graduate Division may return the proposal to the submitters for revisions.

Step 3: UH Officers Review

OVPAE will submit, via the Provost, to the UH Officers for discussion and approval. Upon approval by the UH Officers, the proposal is forwarded to the Council of Chief Academic Officers (CCAO).

Step 4: Council of Chief Academic Officers Review

OVPAE will facilitate the attendance of the proposal submitters at a CCAO meeting, during which the submitters will provide a brief overview, answer questions, and receive feedback. The Vice President for Academic Strategy will return the proposal to the OVPAE for final Provost approval.

Step 5: Provost Reviews & Approves

The Provost will evaluate the proposed action. Upon successful review, the Provost will approve the proposal and return to OVPAE for distribution.