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University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Policy Review and Approval Process

Please follow the steps below to update an existing or create a new academic policy. The submitting unit must transmit the proposal under the appropriate cover memo to Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Excellence (OVPAE).
OVPAE will work with the submitting unit to manage the remainder of the review and approval process.

Step 1: Unit submits proposal via action memo to OVPAE

Consult with OVPAE Director of Program Development and Review to prepare the memo.

Step 2: OVPAE consults appropriate offices on behalf of submitter

Approximately 30 calendar days for internal office reviews. If applicable, consult with the appropriate Vice Provosts (i.e. Student Success, Enrollment Management, Research, etc.).

Step 3: For major policy changes OVPAE will submit to Mānoa Faculty Senate for review 

Review within 60 calendar days, when MFS is in session. Excludes minor wording changes, clarifications, updates necessitated by state & federal regulations, and accreditation.

Step 4: OVPAE/Provost final review 

OVPAE conducts final review (inclusive of MFS resolution when applicable) within 15 calendar days. After review, OVPAE submits to Provost for final review and approval.

Step 5: Notification and publication of updates

Notifications includes, but is not limited to Catalog, Admissions, Registrar, Cashier, VPSS, APC, CAA, GenEd, Scheduler, and Graduate Division. Posted to the OVPAE website and Catalog (in next applicable catalog year).