If a program is not prepared to request established status within the designated time frame (Bachelor’s- 6 years, Master’s- 4 years, PhD- 5 years), an extension must be requested using the appropriate request memo.
Step 1: Unit Consults with OVPAE
Dean/Chair consults with the Director of Program Development and Review at the OVPAE to ensure that the memo is ready for submission. Upon successful consultation, email the completed memo created using the memo template to academic@hawaii.edu.
OVPAE will manage the remainder of the review and approval process.
Step 2: OVPAE Reviews (including Graduate Division Review)
The Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Excellence will evaluate the proposal for content and format. For graduate programs, OVPAE will send the proposal to Graduate Division to manage the review process. Graduate Division will send back approved proposals to OVPAE for review and approval.
Step 3: Provost Reviews
The Provost will evaluate the proposed action and determine if it fits within the institution’s goals and mission.
Step 4: President Reviews & Approves
The President is delegated authority to approve these proposals.