Interim Report
The Student and Residence Life Team represents a broad range of student affairs programs, and is creating individualized plans to meet the specific needs of each department and program. Our campus community can be assured that departments and offices will continue to offer student support services to meet the needs of students during this unprecedented time. To ensure the health and safety of students and the public, plans will be developed based on CDC, DOH, city, and state guidelines and practices for reopening. Departments will provide modified services that support social distancing guidelines, the use of partitions and barriers if necessary, extensive cleaning protocols, and the use of face coverings. In some cases, these services will be offered remotely via telephone, Zoom, other platforms for engagement, or limited in-person services by appointment.
General plans for offices/departments/programs that provide services to students for Fall 2020 may include but not be limited to:
- Provide student support services virtually, as feasible.
- Department heads and supervisors will identify essential staff that will work on campus.
- Student services offices will follow the same social distancing and health and safety protocols as outlined in this document.
- When possible, limit traffic in front-facing offices by offering virtual walk-ins.
- When necessary and possible, see students on an appointment basis, with proper social distancing and safety protocols.
- Limit face-to-face engagement with online processes and electronic delivery of documents (such as ordering transcripts, submitting an admission application, electronic signatures for finance and HR documents etc.)
Specific re-opening plans for key programs and departments will be updated in this document as they are refined. Please check back regularly for the most updated information.
Student Housing
Residents living in our Housing Communities have unique concerns that we are committed to address in light of COVID-19. Health and Safety has and always will be our priority in student Housing.
Modification to rules and procedures to meet social distancing guidelines will be the biggest change that students encounter. While initially these changes are anticipated for only the Fall 2020 semester, we will revisit the situation for Spring 2021 if necessary.
- Residential capacity will be less than 100% to de-densify the living spaces and to adhere to social distancing requirements.
- Move-in process will be phased and the pace of move-in will be dependent on logistical considerations.
- Considering whether every student should be tested prior to arrival or on-campus after. What test is used, and the frequency of any subsequent testing will evolve as the science, sensitivity, and availability of testing rapidly changes over the coming weeks.
- Considering if on-campus residents could be tested throughout the semester to detect students who may be ill and could infect others.
- Establishing isolation/quarantine protocols for residents who test positive or have been exposed to a positive case.
- Common areas may be closed or have limited access depending on social distancing, group size requirements, and cleaning protocols.
- Elevator occupancy may be limited due to social distancing concerns.
- Developing clear communication protocols for established requirements for facial coverings, physical distancing, size of gatherings, dining, etc. Guidelines will be posted online and physically posted throughout the residential complex.
- Shared restrooms and communal kitchens in the residence halls will be cleaned and sanitized daily by custodial staff.
- Halls in which students are responsible for their own shared areas (bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms), must be cleaned and sanitized by the residents of the unit.
- Room assignments and types due to COVID-19 requirements are for the Fall 2020 only and may change for Spring 2021.
Housing Priorities
With social distancing protocols in place, the number of available beds will go from approximately 3,000 beds spaces to just over 1,700 spaces (final bed availability still being determined). The priority for housing for Fall 2020 due to fewer beds will be:
- Incoming Non-Oʻahu Freshmen
- Exceptions Groups
- Neighbor-Island Renewals
- Other Renewals
Occupancy Changes in Residence Halls
- Halls: Doubles into singles
- Apartments: Regular Occupancy (2 per bedroom) except for small number of units where social distancing cannot be maintained (1 per bedroom)
- Pricing: Double rooms will retain the original double rate (rather than single); single rooms will continue to be at the single rate.
- Fall only: students will have to be prepared to move in the spring and have roommates (or buy-out the other half of their room).
Move-in typically would see large numbers of people (residents, family, volunteers) in the elevators, rooms, and common areas at the same time.
- Move-In process adheres to social distancing guidelines.
- Schedule will be extended to limit the number of people arriving at the same time (tentatively from 8/17 to 8/23 with students moving in at assigned appointment time.
- Volunteers will not be available to assist in moving belongings into the building. May use volunteers in other parts of the process outside the buildings.
- Masks required: Tentatively planning to require masks inside all building common areas (elevators, hallways, lobbies, laundry, etc.).