How to Obtain an Unofficial Combination Transcript from STAR

  1. Navigate to STAR and use your UHM credentials to log in
  1. After logging in, click on “Transcripts” on the top menu
  1. Select “All Campuses and Degree Levels” and select “Combination Transcript by Semester
  1. You should now see your transcript on your screen. Click on “PDF”


  1. Your transcript should open on your browser. Click the download button to save it on your computer
  1. Name your file: FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME_TRANSCRIPT. Save it in your preferred location on your device and upload it in your Project or Presentation Funding Application.

GROUP: If you are applying as a group (i.e. you have more than 1 applicant in the Project or Presentation Applicant Information Form), you have an option to combine and upload all group members’ combination transcripts here; however, you are not required to do so. If you choose not to upload all members’ transcript here, UROP will retrieve the transcripts and add it to the application. The transcripts will not be viewable to the applicants.

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