1. Mānoa Bookstore Copy & Print Services
Email regarding poster printing should be sent to: csprint@hawaii.edu or call 808-956-9645.
2. Pacific Bioscience Research Center Poster Printing Services
The Computer Network Support Facility Poster Printing Service is available to anyone in the University of Hawaii System. Poster pricing is based on a simple flat-rate schedule. The cost of poster printing includes trimming (if required). Laminated is available for an additional cost. Printed posters will be available for pickup on-campus at UHM. Email regarding poster printing should be sent to: posters@pbrc.hawaii.edu or call 808-956-6982.
3. Campus Center Graphics
Campus Center Graphics is a student-run graphic and printing service located at the bottom of the green stairs in the Campus Center courtyard. While they primarily service the Campus Center Board and its programs, they extend their services to the UH community and the public. They serve student organizations, departments, and students with their design and print needs. Email regarding poster printing should be sent to: ccmg@hawaii.edu or call 808-956-7219.