The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Council (UROC) is UROP’s faculty advisory board that consists of full-time UHM faculty from a wide range of disciplines across campus. UROC members are responsible for the following:

  1. Facilitate and promote opportunities for undergraduate students across all disciplines at UHM to engage in collaborative, faculty-mentored research and creative work, particularly in their academic unit
  2. Participate in the review of student funding applications, including Project and Presentation funding applications
  3. Provide discipline-specific knowledge to develop policy and strategic direction for the UROP to better serve the needs of students in their discipline and the broader UHM campus

UROP is deeply grateful to the service that UROC members provide to the undergraduate research and creative work community at UHM!

Current UROC members:

A. Zachary TrimbleAssociate ProfessorMechanical Engineering
Aaron OhtaProfessorElectrical Engineering
Ashley RubinAssociate ProfessorSociology
Bryan Kamaoli KuwadaAssistant ProfessorKamakakūokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies
C. Harrison KimAssistant Professor History
Craig NelsonAssistant ResearcherOceanography
Creighton M. LittonUROC Chair, ProfessorUROP, Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Daisuke TakagiAssociate ProfessorMathematics
Ellinor HaglundAssistant ProfessorChemistry
Erin Kahunawai WrightAssociate ProfessorEducational Administration
Ikkei ShikanoAssistant ProfessorPlant & Environmental Protection Sciences
Jonas VibellAssistant ProfessorPsychology
Mapuana AntonioAssistant ProfessorPublic Health Studies
Michael GuidryUG Chair, SpecialistGlobal Environmental Science, Oceanography
Michelle TallquistProfessorMedicine
Pei-Ling KaoAssociate ProfessorTheatre and Dance
Pratibha NerurkarProfessorMolecular Biosciences and Bioengineering
Scott GroenigerAssociate ProfessorArt & Art History
Stuart DonachieAssociate ProfessorMicrobiology
Travis IdolProfessorNatural Resources and Environmental Management

Past UROC Members:

Chris LepczykAssistant ProfessorNatural Resources and Environmental Management
David J. RoyerAssistant ProfessorSpecial Education
Debra MarkDirector, Assistant ProfessorOffice of Research and Extramural Programming, Nursing
Dominic ChowAssociate ProfessorInternal Medicine and Pediatrics
Dongping ZhengAssistant ProfessorSecond Language Studies
Fred RosterProfessorArt
Ho Leung NgAssistant ProfessorChemistry
Lipyeow LimAssociate ProfessorInformation and Computer Sciences
Lorey TakahashiProfessorPsychology
Lori IdetaAssistant Vice Chancellor and Dean of StudentsOffice of Student Affairs
Loriena YancuraAssociate ProfessorFamily and Consumer Sciences
Maria ChunSpecialistSurgery
Miguel FelipeAssociate ProfessorMusic
Miriam StarkProfessorAnthropology
Patricia CouvillonAssociate ProfessorPsychology, Pacific Biosciences Research Center
Peter HoffmannAssociate ProfessorCell and Molecular Biology
Qing LiProfessorMolecular Biosciences and Bioengineering
Reza Ghorbani Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering
Sandra von DoetinchemProgram SpecialistOutreach College
Scott SinnettAssistant ProfessorPsychology
Shana BrownAssociate ProfessorHistory
Steven RobinowProfessorZoology
Terry HuntChair, Director, ProfessorUROC, Honors Program, Anthropology
Vernadette GonzalezChair, Director, Associate Professor UROC, Honors Program, American Studies
Wendy KawabataAssociate Professor Art & Art History
Kasey BartonAssociate ProfessorSchool of Life Sciences
Rakan (Zak) ZahawiDirectorLyon Arboretum
Zhenhua HuangProfessorOcean and Resources Engineering
Deborah MattheusAssociate ProfessorNursing & Dental Hygiene

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