
Are you a pre-major student?

​The pre-major category exists because students cannot declare these majors until they meet the admission requirements of the specific college or school to which you are applying. A pre-major is not a major, declaring a pre-major only indicates interest in pursuing that major.

If you have not been fully admitted to a college or school within UHM and have not decided about your major, you are considered an exploratory student. Go to the exploratory students page.


Mānoa Advising Center Majors

Old DesignationsNew DesignationsOfficial Actions and AdvisingAdditional Advising Options
General Arts and SciencesExploratory (EX)Mānoa Advising Center


Pre-BusinessExploratory Business and Industry (EXB)Mānoa Advising CenterShidler College of Business
Pre-Dental HygieneExploratory Health Sciences (EXHS)Mānoa Advising CenterSchool of Nursing and Dental Hygiene
Pre-PharmacyExploratory Heath Sciences (EXHS)Mānoa Advising CenterPre-Health / Pre-Law Advising Center
Pre-LawExploratory (EX)Mānoa Advising CenterPre-Health / Pre-Law Advising Center
Pre-MedicineExploratory Health Sciences (EXHS)Mānoa Advising CenterPre-Health / Pre-Law Advising Center


Exploratory Arts and Humanities (EXAH)Mānoa Advising CenterMānoa Exploratory Program


Exploratory Social Sciences (EXSS)Mānoa Advising CenterMānoa Exploratory Program


Exploratory STEM (EXST)Mānoa Advising CenterMānoa Exploratory Program

Other Pre-Majors

MajorsOfficial Actions and Advising
Pre-EngineeringCollege of Engineering
Pre-Medical TechnologyDepartment of Medical Technology
Pre-NursingNancy Atmospera-Walch School of Nursing
Pre-PsychologyDepartment of Psychology
Pre-Social WorkThompson School of Social Work & Public Health