Committee Membership

Co-Chair Diana Thompson
Co-Chair Seth Yoshioka-Maxwell
Jason Higa
Reynold Kajiwara
Julie Motooka
Kehau Newhouse
Joy Nishida
Jill Sur

Future Meetings

October 27 (12 pm)
November 20 (10 am)
December 8 (12 pm) - if needed

Meeting Minutes

All minutes from the Advising Technology meetings can be found here.  You must be logged in with your account to access the documents.

Strategies for Implementing Recommendations

The Advising Technology Committee will assume the following charge generated during Phase I of the EAA project:

Technology Committee
This committee will start by reviewing existing campus-wide technology and determining what the long-term technology needs are to support the student learning outcomes for academic advising. Some of these have been outlined by the Technology Enabled Advising Conditions report and should be used as a springboard for conversation. Working with the Campus-wide Administrator for Academic Advising and other stakeholders, such as STAR, the committee should create a comprehensive technology plan for the campus that includes long-term software needs and a prioritized development plan to ensure software is developed with user needs in mind.