Navigating the Future of Advising

CAA’s 7th Annual Summer Conference
Date: Friday, July 22, 2016
Time: 8:00am – 2:15pm
Location: Campus Center Ballroom/3rd Floor Meeting Rooms

Navigating the Future of Advising

Conference Schedule

8:00am - 8:25am Registration (with light breakfast)
8:30am Welcome!
8:35am - 9:15am Keynote address: Erika Lacro, Chancellor, Honolulu Community College
9:20am - 10:20am Concurrent session I
The Journey Ahead: Strategizing for the Tenure Process

For those in tenure-track positions, the journey towards earning tenure may be intimidating and confusing.In this interactive discussion, tenured panelists will share their experiences in earning tenure. They will discuss challenges faced, strategies they engaged in, and tips and advice about the process. It will also include an audience discussion to share further challenges and advice.Come learn about the tenure process and important information that may help with your journey towards tenure.

Presented by: Rayna Tagalicod, Academic Advisor for the Manoa Advising Center; Niki Libarios, Director of Office of Student Academic Services for the College of Education; Kari Ambrozich, Academic Advisor for the Student-Athlete Academic Services; Garrett Clanin, Academic Advisor, Student-Athlete Academic Services; Megumi Makino-Kanehiro, Director of Manoa Advising Center; Gerald Lau, Assistant Faculty Specialist for Information & Computer Sciences.

Successful College Student Workshop

Participants will be introduced to the Learning Assistance Center (LAC) services, and reflect on academic goal exploration, so as to articulate and clarify a path to success. They will see firsthand where students may stumble when trying to understand their academic journey, which will, hopefully, enhance their approach to advising students in achieving their academic goals.

After a brief introduction to LAC services, participants will work individually and in groups to create a profile of a successful college student in order to identify personal and/or academic goals. Participants will then clarify steps needed to achieve one of their goals.

Presented by: Adam Pang, Program Coordinator of the Learning Assistance Center at UH Manoa

Piecing Together Academic Advising and Financial Aid[Session offered in morning & afternoon sessions]

Approximately 60% of students at UHM receive some form of financial aid. With new standards and deadlines being instituted by the federal government it is imperative that academic advisors play an active role in helping students navigate their academic path while keeping their financial needs in mind. Lack of funds is cited as one of the top reasons for not persisting in college.Join the academic advisors from Student Support Services (SSS) and personnel from Financial Aid Services for a practical, hands-on session on how to help students think about their financial aid situation. Participants will receive a financial aid kit to use when they return to their offices.Presented by: Barbara Watanabe, Academic Advisor for the Student Support Services, Gary Tachiyama, Academic Advisor for the Student Support Servies; and Jodie Kuba, Director of Financial Aid Services at UH Manoa

Navigating Towards a High-Functioning Advising Team

Communication is often cited as the root of dysfunction, but how do we "fix" communication? What happens when people communicate well but still can’t work together? Patrick Lencioni, author of “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” (2002), finds that teams fail because of underlying communication issues, such as an absence of trust or fear of conflict. To overcome these dysfunctions we need to develop the skills to identify the issue(s). In this session you will learn about the model, use an assessment tool to analyze your unit, and explore strategies to help your team navigate towards being a high-functioning unit.Presented by: Amy McKee, Graduate Academic Advisor Assistant for the Advising Center for the Colleges of Arts & Humanities and Languages Linguistics and Literature and Graduate Assistant in the Office of Graduate Education, and Ruth Bingham, Director of the Advising Center for the Colleges of Arts & Humanities and Languages Linguistics and Literature

10:20am - 10:30am Break
10:30am - 11:30am Plenary Session: STAR demonstration of GPS registration system
11:30am - 12:10pm Lunch
12:10pm - 1:10pm Concurrent session II
Navigating Work and Life Balance

It is common for academic advisors to face challenges with balancing work and life responsibilities. The demands from work and life are equally important but often conflict.

In this interactive discussion, panelists will share their challenges with balancing work and life responsibilities and successful strategies they have implemented. It will also include an audience discussion to explore other ideas on navigating this delicate balance.Presented by: Alyssa Kapaona, Academic Advisor for the Manoa Advising Center; Rayna Tagalicod, Academic Advisor for the Manoa Advising Center; Reid Kuioka, Academic Advisor for the College of Education; Denise Nakaoka, Academic Advisor for the College of Education; and Cathy Raqueno, Student Services Director, TIM.

Your Next Step as a Research Practitioner in Advising: The Doctoral Degree Plunge - Tips, Wisdom, and Useful Information for Your Journey

Taking the doctoral degree plunge? You are not alone. Research is the next advising frontier, and part of a continuing professional evolution that situates academic advising as a holistic and complex whole student experience (Grites, 2013; Heisserer, 2002; N. S. King, 2008; Light, 2001). Faculty advisers in the tenure track in particular are tasked with becoming research practitioners, expanding knowledge, reflecting thoughtfully upon assessment, and opening new research and collaborative pathways in the University community, even in the midst of extremely heavy and busy advising and programmatic loads. Learn about the doctoral journey and prepare for the exciting pathway ahead.Presented by: Siobhán Ní Dhonacha, Faculty Specialist for UH Manoa's Honors Program and Shannon Johnson, Program Coordinator for Come Back to Manoa with Outreach College

Piecing Together Academic Advising and Financial Aid [Session offered in morning & afternoon sessions] CC309
Deepening Transfer Connections: Ka'ie'ie and Partnering with the UH Community Colleges

Did you know that nearly half of all incoming UHM students are transfer students? Learn more about the barriers students encounter when they transfer to UHM and how you can help ease the transition. Discuss ways that UHM advisors can reach students earlier by promoting programs through outreach opportunities at the UHCCs. Learn more about how the Ka’ie’ie transfer specialists can partner with you to promote your UHM program at the UHCCs. This session will also provide a brief history and overview of the Ka’ie’ie Transfer Pathway Program, assessment data, program updates, and the future expansion of Ka’ie’ie.Presented by: Jennifer Brown, Transfer Specialist for Kapiolani CC; Melissa Jones, Transfer Specialist for Leeward CC; Lauren Prepose-Forsen,Transfer Specialist for Honolulu CC; and Kehau Newhouse, Program Coordinator for Manoa's Outreach College on Maui and Transfer Specialist for Maui College.

1:10pm - 2:10pm Panel Session: CAA award recipients & MPA's
2:10pm - 2:15pm Closing remarks & Evaluations