The Council of Academic Advisors (CAA) was established in October 2002 under the aegis of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and is composed of representatives from academic advising units at UH Mānoa. (See CAA By-laws for complete details.) The CAA has focused on academic policies and practices that shape the limits and potentialities of students’ academic  progress, and on improving or changing those policies when necessary.

The initial effect of the Council has been a renewed sharing and commitment to improving advising services for all students in order to ensure consistency in advising and in interpreting University policies. First and foremost, the CAA recognizes the need to clarify and simplify academic policies to make it easier for students to understand and actively engage in their academic careers.

Increasing experiences for our student population creates a need to employ broader avenues for advising and solutions for scholastic success, but it also means that academic advisors must double their efforts to ensure equitable treatment of all students, especially in an increasingly complex campus environment. In recognition of this, the CAA strives to create the ideal forum for discussion, decision-making, and consistent implementation of academic policies and procedures across the various academic units at the University of Hawaiʻi Mānoa.

CAA goals include the following:

  • Improve our students’ experience and educational success, thereby improving UH Mānoa’s retention and graduation rates;
  • Clarify University and campus policies in order to promote greater consistency in advising with respect to interpreting policy for students;
  • Simplify and streamline processes and procedures for greater efficiency;
  • Propose changes to policies, procedures, and processes as necessary to improve campus function and the experience of our students;
  • Serve as an adjudicating body to resolve discrepancies and conflicts between units regarding advising  practices and the interpretation of policy;
  • Improve the quality of academic advising at UH Mānoa by promoting developmental advising that provides context and meaning for students’ academic journeys;
  • Serve as a forum to share information about advising and as a network for communication and support, and foster collaboration between units; and
  • Promote professional development about academic advising.

Past Chairs

  • 2022-23: Megan Terawaki
  • 2021-22: Kari Ambrozich
  • 2020-21: Michelle Tagorda-Kama
  • 2019-20: Siobhán Ní Dhonacha
  • 2018-19: Stephanie Kraft-Terry
  • 2017-18: Jennifer Brown
  • 2016-17: Lisa Kitagawa-Akagi
  • 2015-16: Kiana Shiroma
  • 2014-15: Megumi Makino-Kanehiro
  • 2013-14: Denise Nakaoka
  • 2012-13: Leona Anthony
  • 2011-12: Mari Ono
  • 2010-11: Ruth Bingham
  • 2009-10: Ruth Bingham
  • 2008-09: Rikki Mitsunaga
  • 2007-08: Erica Lacro
  • 2006-07: Ronald Cambra (interim)
  • 2005-06: Ronald Cambra (interim)
  • 2004-05: Carolyn Brooks-Harris
  • 2003-04: Carolyn Brooks-Harris