Resources gathered by Dr. Yeonjung Jane Lee of the Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, Department of Social Work
Selected Scholarly Articles
- Gee, G. C., Ro, M. J., & Rimoin, A. W. (2020). Seven reasons to care about racism and COVID-19 and seven things to do to stop it. American Journal of Public Health, 110(7), 954–955.
2020.305712 - Gover, A. R., Harper, S. B., & Langton, L. (2020). Anti-Asian hate crime during the COVID-19 pandemic: Exploring the reproduction of inequality. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 45(4), 647–667.
s12103-020-09545-1 - Misra, S., Le, P. D., Goldmann, E., & Yang, L. H. (2020). Psychological impact of anti-Asian stigma due to the COVID-19 pandemic: A call for research, practice, and policy responses. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(5), 461–464.
tra0000821 - Reny, T. T., & Barreto, M. A. (2020). Xenophobia in the time of pandemic: othering, anti-Asian attitudes, and COVID-19. Politics, Groups, and Identities, 1–24.
21565503.2020.1769693 - Ruiz, N. G., Horowitz, J. M., & Tamir, C. (2020). Many Black and Asian Americans say they have experienced discrimination amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Pew Research Center.
social-trends/2020/07/01/many- black-and-asian-americans-say- they-have-experienced- discrimination-amid-the-covid- 19-outbreak/ - Tessler, H., Choi, M., & Kao, G. (2020). The anxiety of being Asian American: Hate crimes and negative biases during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 45(4), 636–646.
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice
- Cornell University
- Stop AAPI Hate reporting center
- Anti-Asian Violence Resources
Educational Resources
- Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA):
uploads/8/3/2/0/83203568/ asian_american_racial_justice_ toolkit.pdf - California Faculty Association:
main/files/file-attachments/ curriculum_guide_combatting_ anti-asian_racism_in_the_age_ of_coronavirus.pdf?1589395997 - Racial Equity Tools: https://www.racialequitytools.
org/resources/fundamentals/ history-of-racism-and- movements/overview-and- timelines
Online Readings
- California Faculty Association:
combating-aapi-hate-age-covid- 19 - Learning for Justice: https://www. magazine/how-to-respond-to- coronavirus-racism - NPR:
17/978055571/anti-asian- attacks-rise-during-pandemic- read-nprs-stories-on-the- surge-in-violen - PBS:
nation/what-you-can-do-to- fight-violence-and-racism- against-asian-americans - USC:
magazine/fall-winter-2020/ combating-anti-asian-racism- in-the-classroom/
Other resources
Culturally competent mental health care (substance use prevention in the AAPI community)
- Live Another Day– Extensive information on mental health and substance use resources for AAPIs and other people of color. Their mission is equal access to life-saving resources.
- Detox Local – An extensive list of mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community.
- Mental Health for Asian American and Pacific Islander Students