
Students of specific types (e.g., undergraduates and graduates, first-time students and transfers, or transfer students at different educational levels), who matriculated during a certain period of time, form a cohort. Each cohort is monitored to determine whether students are retained (retention rate) or successfully graduated (graduation rate) after each fall or spring semester. Persistence rate is a number combining students who are either retained or graduated. It measures overall success.

First-time Full-Time Freshmen Retention Reports
First-time Full-time Freshmen cohorts are often used to calculate official retention and graduation rates. The group of first-time full-time freshmen who matriculate at UH Mānoa in a given fall semester is defined as a cohort. Please note that no transfer students are included in this cohort.

All First-time Full-time Freshmen Cohort Report

By Gender      Female     Male

By Geography    State of Hawaii   US Mainland     US National/CFAS     International

By Race & Ethnicity

Race Ethnicity
Hispanic/Latino N/A
Black or African American N/A
White N/A
American Indian or Alaska Native N/A
Asian Japanese     Chinese   Filipino  Korean    Vietnamese     Mixed Asian
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian or Part-Hawn
Multiracial N/A

Note 1: Due to small sample sizes, some persistence reports for ethnicity are not reported, such as Thai, Laotian, Asian Indian, other Asian,  Guamanian or Chamorro, Micronesian, Samoan, Tongan, Other Pacific Islander, and Mixed Pacific Islander.

Note 2: Please refer to race and ethnicity report guidelines for more details about how racial and ethnic groups are reported at University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.

Transfers Retention Reports
According to the number of credits transferred in, transfer students’ persistence is tracked at different educational levels. Transfers whose first semester’s course load status is full-time are included in this report.

Full-time Transfer Freshmen Full-time Transfer Sophomores Full-time Transfer Juniors Full-time Transfer Seniors

Persistence Rates and Drop-out Rates By Graduate Program