Campus Experience Survey

What is the UH Mānoa Campus Experience Survey (CES)?

The Campus Experience Survey is designed for all members of the UH Mānoa campus community – including all students, faculty and staff – to provide information about their undergraduate experiences living, learning and working at Mānoa. The University is conducting the survey in order to learn more about what students, staff and faculty think about their Mānoa experience, and to learn how we can support and improve the campus experience for everyone.

How is this survey different from other surveys?

This is the first survey designed specifically for all members of the Mānoa Campus community. This survey provides an opportunity for all students, faculty and staff at Mānoa to share their opinions about their experiences on this campus. By using an open-ended style of survey questioning, we invite all our community members to tell us what they think is most important about their Mānoa experience.

Who can participate?

All students, faculty and staff at UH Mānoa are invited to participate and share their experiences.

How do I complete the survey?

Search your email account for the keyword phrase “CES” on or after September 18. If you are included in the survey sample, you will have received an email invitation from Chancellor David Lassner containing a link to complete the survey online. Please also check your spam folder, just in case it has been filtered out of your inbox.

Are there any incentives?

All participants who complete the survey by October 5, 2018 will be entered into a prize drawing for one of five $100 Starbucks Gift cards.

When is the survey happening?

The survey administration period begins September 18, and ends on October 5.

Why should I take part?

Simply put, your participation makes a difference. It is a way for you to have a voice in your work and learning environment, to let the university know what it is doing right, as well as identify areas that need improvement. By learning more about your Mānoa experience, UH Mānoa can reflect on how to improve the overall campus experience for everyone who lives, learns and works at Mānoa.

How long will it take?

This short online survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete.

If I have received an invitation am I obliged to complete the survey?

Completion of the survey is entirely voluntary, and there will be no consequences for those who do not take part.

Will my responses be kept confidential?

The intention of this survey is program improvement. Your name will NOT be associated with your responses when results are shared with the university administration.

Please note that this confidential surveys collect personally identifiable information that may be combined with existing data in the university databases for further analysis by Mānoa Institutional Research Office. No personally identifiable information will be shared with administration unless you voluntarily offer personal or contact information when answering the open-ended questions.

Please be aware that if your response indicates a potential violation of Interim Policy and Procedure on Sex Discrimination and Gender-Based Violence (EP1.204), it is required to forward the information you provide to the Title IX office and they may contact you.

Who to Contact if I have questions?

Please email Mānoa Institutional Research Office at, or Campus Climate Program Officer Amrita Mallik at

What does the Survey Questionnaire look like?

You can check it out here: Questionnaire for students      Questionnaire for employees