The University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa provides visitors with a variety of parking locations within walking distance to any campus destination. As part of our institutional commitment to environmental sustainability, we would also like to encourage you to consider alternatives to driving to UH Mānoa alone.
Daily visitor parking is available in UH Mānoa’s 2 parking structures and hourly in visitor lots throughout campus. Please check the tables below for detailed information.
Annual or Semester Employee or Student permits are required for parking on all roadways or in all surface lots on campus other than designated visitor lots from 6 AM to 4 PM, Monday to Friday. From 4 PM to midnight, these stalls are available for hourly parking. In Zones 8 & 21, our student housing lots, and Zone 19, next to Stan Sheriff Center, parking is reserved for permit holders 24/7, including nights and weekends.
Parking is free on weekends and State Holidays in permit-only and visitor lots except during Athletic and special events, which may have fees in the evening, weekend days, and holidays. (this excludes UH Mānoa graduation) If you are attending an event, please check the specific event website or contact the event coordinator to confirm parking rates and arrangements.
Special instructions for delivery, vendor services, consultants, and contractors.
Where to Park
$3 PER HALF HOUR (6 AM – 4 PM)
$1 PER HOUR (4 PM – midnight)
- Use the JustPark app to pay for visitor parking. If you don’t have a smartphone, you may call 1-888-546-1481 to make a payment over the phone.
- 3-Hour maximum from 6 AM – 4 PM
- Parking allowed in any stall from 4 PM – midnight, except Student Housing.
- On demand parking, must be parked in stall prior to payment.
- Events may affect pricing and availability.
- Use the campus map to see visitor lots.
- Use the JustPark app to pay for visitor parking.
- Use the campus map to see visitor moped lots marked M.
- Park in designated areas only.
$5 FLAT RATE (excluding event parking)
- Pay using the JustPark App.
- Hours valid: 6:00 AM – midnight
- Events may affect pricing.
✅ Daily re-entry allowed
✅ Valid on Upper Campus after 4pm
No overnight
$5 FLAT RATE (excluding event parking)
- Pay attendants at a kiosk upon entry. Credit card only. Cash is not accepted.
- Hours valid: 5 AM – midnight
- Events may affect pricing and availability.
Note: Daily sales for parking in the lower campus structure may be temporarily suspended if capacity is reached. Those paying for daily parking should plan ahead, especially on weekday mornings during the peak hours of 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM.
✅ Daily re-entry allowed
✅ Valid on Upper Campus after 4pm
No overnight
- From Dole St. to Lower Campus Rd.
- From Waialae Ave. to Kalele Rd.*
Parking Policies
- Daily re-entry allowed within the same day.
- Payments are non-refundable.
- Parking permits are non-transferable.
- Overnight parking is not permitted.
More Information
Your hourly parking permit is tied to your license plate or the last eight digits of your vehicle’s VIN. You will get a citation if your correct license plate or VIN is not in our system for the time that you are parked. Park in the appropriate visitor lot, pay the hourly fee and adhere to UHM Parking rules.
Student housing/dorm parking areas are reserved for campus residents only. Visitors are not allowed to park in the stalls located in these areas or in any stalls marked as 24-Hour Reserved Stalls.
Please familiarize yourself with UH Mānoa Parking Regulations and observe street and lot signs and markings while driving and parking on campus.
Commuter Services reserves the right to close parking lots, restrict entry to certain areas, and/or designate alternative parking locations as necessitated by special events and other circumstances.
Location IDs for use with JustPark App
Lot | JustPark Location ID |
College of Education – Zone 1 | 1000 |
Architecture – Zone 2 |
2002 |
Varney Circle – Zone 3 | 3000 |
Korean Studies – Zone 4 | 4000 |
Biomed – Zone 5 | 5000 |
Campus Center – Zone 13 | 1301 |
Kuykendall – Zone 13 | 1302 |
Kennedy Theatre – Zone 13 | 1303 |
Music – Zone 17 | 1701 |
Law School – Zone 17 | 1702 |
ROTC / Pool – Zone 18 | 1800 |
Dole St Structure – Zone 22 | 2200 |
Institute for Astronomy – Zone 25 | 2500 |
Moped/Motorcycle Parking | 9000 |
- Tap – “Enter location ID and pay”
Location ID is on the JustPark signs.
- Tap – “Enter location ID and pay”
- Tap location at the top of the screen
- Tap Input a duration
Use wheel to select duration
Tap green check circle and continue.
- Tap SMS receipt and SMS reminder to uncheck (fees apply if selected)
Scroll down and enter vehicle license plate.
Enter credit card information or use Apple Pay or Google Pay.