Monthly Afternoon Permits for Employees

Monthly automobile and moped/motorcycle permits enable employees to park in the Zone 20 parking structure after 12pm and other zones after 4pm, including surface lots on upper campus (excludes student housing Zones 8 & 21). Employees interested in obtaining a Monthly Afternoon Parking Permit may do so online via the Commuter Services Online Portal—approval from Department Parking Coordinators is not required.

Monthly Afternoon Permits are valid from the purchase date until the last day of the month. If employees purchase a permit mid-month, they will pay a prorated amount based on the date of purchase—additional details are available on the permit rates page. Employees interested in obtaining Monthly Afternoon Permits for consecutive months must purchase a pass online each month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Monthly Afternoon Permits can be purchased online at any time. Approval from Department Parking Coordinators is not required for Monthly Afternoon Permits.
No, Monthly Afternoon Permits are non-refundable and may not be transferred to another individual for use.
Yes, please visit the permit rates page for additional information.
Yes, after 4pm on weekdays, employees in possession of a Monthly Afternoon Permit may park in any white or green stall on campus with the exception of stalls that are reserved 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Monthly Afternoon Permits are not valid in student housing Zones 8 & 21.
Monthly Afternoon Permits are valid in any non-reserved white or green stall on upper campus all day on Saturday, Sunday, and State holidays. Exceptions may apply during special event periods.