Treat Online Classes like In-Person Ones

  • It is important to treat your class as if you were attending in person, as it could help you stay on task and motivated to keep up with your courses.
  • Create a designated space for studying.

Create a Routine Schedule

  • Block off times when you need to attend classes and when you will study, which will help you stay focused and disciplined.

Eliminate Distractions

  • Give your professor and your school work full attention. What is taught will be vital information you will need to succeed.

Create Study Groups

  • We may be social distancing, but now would be a good time to schedule times to meet online with your classmates in case you need to discuss class content.

Utilize Online Tutoring Provided by UHM

Remember To Take Care of Yourself 

  •  Although classes and extracurriculars are important, you will not be able to be successful in either if you do not take the time to take care of yourself.

DO NOT cheat!

  • If you are caught, it will be recorded on your student conduct record, which may affect your ability to receive scholarships, be selected for internships, and be accepted into professional or graduate school.
  • Cheating could also lead to suspension or expulsion.