Experience the Education of a Lifetime at UH Mānoa
About Us
Founded in 2021, the Koa O Ke Kai Battalion is proud to claim the title of the nation’s newest Naval ROTC unit. Already boasting a student body of more than 40 midshipmen, the University of Hawaii’s NROTC unit is poised for success.
Led by an experienced and dedicated staff and armed with a host of unique opportunities for training, programs, and internships, our midshipmen are well prepared to lead the next generation of Marines and Sailors – safeguarding our way of life.
Find your future in the gem of the Pacific. Contact us today!
Mission of the Naval ROTC Program.
To develop young men and women morally, mentally, and physically, and to instill in them the highest ideals of honor, courage, and commitment. The program educates and trains young men and women for leadership positions in an increasingly technical Navy and Marine Corps!
Aloha! E Komo Mai!
Midshipmen of the #koaokekai battalion hone their discipline and precision as part of the #uhnrotc drill team.
Through rifle spinning, marching and drill routines, midshipmen develop attention to detail, teamwork and professionalism—core values of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. Drill not only sharpens military bearing but also reinforces the dedication and excellence expected of midshipmen.
#uhnrotc is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
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Marine option midshipmen of the #koaokekai battalion review the fundamentals of hiking during Marine Lab.
Hiking conditions midshipmen to prepare for the rigors of Officer Candidates School and The Basic School by developing endurance and mental resilience, essential traits for future Marine Corps officers.
#uhnrotc is committed to leading, training, and preparing prospective naval officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness, and leadership skills.
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Training Tuesday📓
Captain McHale, Commanding Officer, NIOC Hawaii, shared his Navy experiences of “calculated risks,” and mantra, “get comfortable being uncomfortable” with the Midshipmen of the #KoaOKeKaiBattalion.
Captain Chow, Marine Officer Instructor, presented our unit’s very own Gung Ho award. Given to the student who best possesses the intellectual honesty and moral courage to put aside self-interest for the good of their unit, which demonstrates the tenacity and self-discipline in keeping with what is known as the avenger spirit and the gung-ho attitude of the Marine warrior. Congratulations to MIDN 4/C Maxcy for being the Fall 2024 recipient!
#UHNROTC is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#UHNROTC #NavalReserveOfficersTrainingCorps #MarineROTC #KoaOKeKaiBattalion #oorah #semperfi #unitedstatesmarines #unitedstatesnavy
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Students of the #KoaOKeKaiBattalion receive awards honoring their performance during the Fall 2024 semester.
Students of #uhnrotc are required to earn a 2.8 or higher grade point average, a first class physical fitness test and demonstrate commendable leadership attributes.
Thinking you have what it takes to join? Talk to a student on campus in uniform on Tuesdays to learn more!
#hooyah #oorah #semperfi #standards #BlueGreenTeam #academics #merit #physicalfitness
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👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽congrats to all achievers! We have the best students! 💪🏽 Let’s go #KoaOKeKaiBattalion
Passing of the guidon 🤝
Ensign Kirsten Spillman passes the guidon of the #KoaOKeKaiBattalion to Midshipman 1/C Dylan Yamaguchi in a change of command ceremony.
The act of passing the guidon symbolizes the transfer of authority and responsibility from an outgoing commander to a new one. The guidon is always in someone’s hands signifies the unit and its Marines and Sailors are never without leadership.
#PassingOfTheGuidon #ChangeofCommand #MidshipmenInHawaii #NROTC #ROTC #ROTCScholarships #NavalScholarship #MarineCorpsScholarship
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Present arms 🫡
Ensign Raphael Blair and Ensign Kirsten Spillman commissioned into the United States Navy today from #uhnrotc.
The ceremony marks the completion of their role as midshipmen and the beginning of their journey as United States Naval Officers. Blair will be attending nuclear power school as he prepares to become a submarine officer. Spillman will attend Naval Flight school on her path to becoming a Naval Flight Officer (NFO).
The two Ensigns were given their oath on this special day by Vice Admiral Blake Converse. Admiral Converse is the Deputy Commander of U.S. Pacific Fleet.
#uhnrotc is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#commissioningceremony #usnavy #hooyah #uhmanoa #hawaiinrotc
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Congratulations ENS Spillman and Blair!!! So proud of you both!
Great job! Respect, RG
Don't come 🚘 🏤
Hai dear there are enemies in telangana
Help SOS I warned the US military to open a case, urgently investigate and arrest. 我警告美国军方立案,紧急调查并逮捕。 I warn the US police to open a case and urgently investigate and arrest. 我警告美国警方立案并紧急调查和逮捕。 The homepage has detailed instructions 主页有详细说明 Facebook主页 Name: Chang Tnee Chang Chang The case involves crimes committed by more than 100 U.S. soldiers 此案涉及100多名美军士兵犯下的罪行 Sir, are you aware that this matter has anything to do with the CIA and the crime problem of American police and soldiers? 长官,您是否知道这件事与中央情报局以及美国警察和士兵的犯罪问题有关? They commit crimes 24 hours a day. Even if the police don't arrest them, they are still committing a crime. 他们一天24小时都在犯罪。即使警方没有逮捕他们,他们仍然在犯罪。 is every day 是每一天 attempted murder case 谋杀未遂案 This is manipulative murder. 这是操纵性谋杀 rape National People's Case 强奸全国人民案 Using animals to rape case 利用动物强奸案件 They used more than 50 to 60 civil aviation aircraft to commit the crime 他们动用50至60多架民航飞机作案 Aircraft and space capsule soldiers pose serious threat to life 飞机和太空舱士兵对生命构成严重威胁 The problem now is that the planes of these American crime officers are still flying over the villages and raping many women. Every household in the village, young and old, had been raped in this way. 现在的问题是,这些美国犯罪官员的飞机还在村庄上空飞翔,强奸了不少妇女。村里家家户户,无论老少,都被他们用这种方法强奸过。 These U.S. officials are considered criminal officials and they still abuse their power and give orders. 这些美国官员被认为是犯罪官员,他们仍然滥用职权、发号施令。 No authority to give orders...please don't listen to them 无权发号施令……请不要听他们的 Please notify headquarters
一位名叫穆的美国华人女中情局特工已被软禁在飞机上两年多了。 红白色飞机Air Asia 其中架一直在附近飞行的 机内 中央情报局女特工拥有整个军队所犯罪行的视频证据。 全军密谋将他软禁在飞机上 全军都有谋杀的罪行举动,她在飞机也可能有性命危险会被害~
Help Home important information The homepage has detailed instructions 主页有详细说明 Facebook主页 Name: Chang Tnee Chang Chang Chan Tnee Chan Chang Important information
This is the CIA's emergency rescue signal 这是CIA的紧急救援信号…This is a distress signal to the US military and police or CIA Headquarters 这是向美国军方和警察或CIA总部发出的求救信号 is a command slogan used by the military and CIA or police 是军方和CIA或警方使用的命令口号 CIA headquarters naturally knows CIA总部自然知道 please please Call 2 Call~Call 2 Call Agulla阿古拉 Agulla阿古拉 Call 2 Call~Call 2 Call Agulla阿古拉 Agulla阿古拉 CIA two star captain 二星级队长 please please please Call Ogu欧固 CIA submarine call signal 潜艇呼叫信号 three star captain三星级队长 please please please please please Call Ah TT CIA small Captain Just report these distress calls to headquarters... (Call) CIA headquarters will naturally know this situation. 只需向总部报告这些求救信号即可… (呼叫 ) CIA总部自然会知道这个情况。 command request signal 命令请求信号
You’ve made it! 💪 Now time to knock out those finals. It’s… #FinallyFriday
#UHNROTC is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#finallyfriday #holidayseason #finalsweek #hawaiinrotc
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So proud of My Grand-daughter, Kirsten Spillman! Graduating next Saturday from UHNROTC! 😊❤️
Then ➡️ Now
This week’s #ThrowbackThursday we go back in time to when the battalion first started in 2020, to today when we have over 80 members of the unit!
#UHNROTC is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#throwbackthursday #strenghtinnumbers #uhmanoa #hawaiinrotc
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Leadership Labratory📝
This week for Leadership Lab we had guest speaker Doctor Vassilis L. Syrmos. Doctor Syrmos is the Vice President for research at the University of Hawai’i. He is in charge of managing millions of dollars of research money for the University, of which is one of the most funded research colleges in the nation.
Today he came to speak to our Midshipmen about the opportunities to excel in research fields and expand their horizons in academia.
#UHNROTC is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#hawaiiresearch #merrychristmas #hawaiinrotc
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Honolulu Marathon 2024🏃💨
This week’s #SaturdaySpotlight goes to the members of the #KoaOKeKai battalion participating in the Honolulu Marathon.
Good luck to you all!
#UHNROTC is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
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Best of luck to you Simon and Carlos! So proud of you!
Good luck boys!!!
Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
For this week’s Fun Friday PT, the #KoaOKeKai Battalion embraced the holiday spirit with football, ultimate frisbee and tag. Midshipmen showed up in their Christmas attire to celebrate the holiday season and a near end to the semester.
#UHNROTC is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#happyholidays #christmasspirit #elfontheshelf #hawaiinrotc
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I LOVE IT!!! Merry Christmas All!
Tis’ the season everyone ❄️… It’s #AlmostFriday
#UHNROTC is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#almostfriday #hawaiinrotc
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Special Guest ⭐️
This week, midshipmen in the Leadership and Management NROTC Class had a chance to hear from Mr. Coby Sillers. He shared his experiences with leading teams in both military and business environments.
Coby is a member of the Honolulu Council of the Navy League. Commissioning out of Oregon State University on the four year NROTC scholarship, Coby became a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marine Corps. During his four years of service he also served one year in combat in Vietnam. He now mentors Marine option midshipmen as they prepare for the rigors of Officer Candidate School.
#uhnrotc is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#leaderscreateleaders #marinecorps #navy #hawaiinrotc
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Warrior Wednesday⚔️
Marine option midshipmen conduct Marine Lab aboard Marine Corp.
During this lab the midshipmen participated in the Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer (ISMT). Here they operated different weapon systems in a simulated enemy insurgency scenario.
Midshipmen also conducted the Marine Corps obstacle course and had a chance to race each other for time.
#uhnrotc is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#WarriorWednesday #marinecorps #oorah #hawaiinrotc
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BAD A$$! You guys rock!
Lead Lab📝
Commander Eggers, executive officer of the USS Louisiana (SSBN 743), spoke to the #KoaOKeKai battalion in this week’s leadership lab.
Eggers spoke about his experience on a variety of submarines as well as the challenges and highlights of his naval career. He encouraged midshipmen to spend their Summer cruise aboard a submarine if afforded the opportunity.
#UHNROTC is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#NROTC #HOOYAH #HawaiiNROTC #Submariners
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Midshipmen of the #KoaOKeKaiBattalion compete in the annual Reserve Officers Training Corps Turkey Bowl amidst other ROTC students at University of Hawaii.
The Turkey Bowl breeds camaraderie amongst the ROTC services and is a way to build relationships through friendly competition.
Happy Thanksgiving!
#uhmanoa #thankyouforyourservice #JointTaskForce #departmentofdefense
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Awesome last minute win! Way to kick A$$ Koa O Ke Kai!!!
Leadership Laboratory📝
Marine Corps Capt. Pacheco and Navy Lt. Deppe spoke about their experiences flying the CH-53 and Growler in today’s Leadership Laboratory.
Lt. Deppe is a naval flight officer and shared her experiences conducting electronic warfare.
Capt. Pacheco is a joint terminal attack controller and shared his experiences as a Marine Corps pilot.
#UHNROTC is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#BlueGreenTeam #Aviation #NavalAviation #aviationofficers
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Wenda and Ponzi were awesome!!!
Stay Motivated⚓️
This week’s #MondayMotivation is a quote from Winston Churchill, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
As we near the end of the semester, stay motivated midshipmen.
#UHNROTC is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#mondaymotivation #hooyah #oorah #hawaiinrotc
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Saturday Spotlight ✨
This weeks #SaturdaySpotlight goes to Staff Sergeant Morrison. Morrison is currently studying abroad in London, England.
Here are some highlights from his time abroad!
#uhnrotc is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#SaturdaySpotlight #studyabroad #adventurer #hawaiinrotc
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Where is he now?✈️
This week’s #ThrowbackThursday is Ensign Simmons. Simmons was one of the original members of the #KoaOKeKai battalion.
After commissioning just this past Spring as a Naval Flight Officer he moved to Naval Base Pensacola, Florida.
#UHNROTC is committed to leading, training and preparing prospective Naval and Marine Corps officers by emphasizing academic excellence, physical fitness and leadership skills.
#throwbackthursday #hawaiinrotc #hooyah #flynavy
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Fund #129-8750-4
Make a gift online, now. Your support provides the Department means to do more towards our mission. Mahalo nui loa!