Interdisciplinary Studies Mission Statement 

The mission of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program is to serve students in developing coherent and rigorous degree pathways that address broad and complex issues by integrating multiple intellectual traditions. Our vision is to serve faculty by facilitating interdisciplinary collaborations, piloting new interdisciplinary programs, and promoting academic innovation and synergies across campus. The Interdisciplinary Studies program seeks to build collective capacity in interdisciplinary thinking, research, and practice through IS initiatives, programming, and courses.

The Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) Program provides students with an opportunity to pursue an integrated course of study that is not restricted to conventional departmental or unit boundaries. The IS BA degree allows students to pursue different thematic areas of focus in emerging or non-represented fields of study. Students pursuing a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies follow a pre-designed or self-designed academic degree pathway. IS Pre-Designed Degree pathways have a flexible and diversecourse of study articulated by faculty experts from multidisciplinary fields. IS Self-Designed Degree pathways have a course of study proposed by the student in collaboration with faculty.

Housed outside of any one college or department, the IS program serves an important neutral role in serving interdisciplinary collaborations across campus. The IS program helps to facilitate collaboration between units by organizing cross-college and cross-departmental meetings, serving as a 3rd party entity in program negotiations, ensuring due diligence, and preparing materials for program proposals.

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