Victoria Holt Takamine
Hawaiian Hula and Chant

Vicky Holt Takamine is the kumu hula (master teacher) of Pua Ali`i `Ilima, a school of traditional Hawaiian dance. She graduated through the `ûniki rituals of hula from Maiki Aiu Lake.
Vicky is a graduate of Kamehameha Schools. She received her Bachelor’s and Masters Degrees in Dance Ethnology from the University of Hawai`i. She is presently a lecturer at the University of Hawai`i Mânoa Campus, Leeward Community College and the University High School.
In addition, Vicky is the po`o (president) of `Îlio`ulaokalani, a coalition of traditional practitioners who are committed to protecting their Hawaiian customs and traditions, the president of KAHEA: The Hawaiian Environmental Alliance, a coalition of Hawaiian and Environmental organizations committed to protecting the natural and cultural environment of Hawai`i and co-founder and president of Aloha `Aina, a new Hawaiian political party.
Pua Ali`i `Ilima, under the direction of kumu hula Vicky Holt Takamine, participates in many cultural festivals throughout Hawai`i. The halau just returned from the Pan Pacific Hula Festival held in Tokyo, Japan. Vicky and the halau, along with students from UH Manoa participated in the national celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the University of Peking in Beijing, China at the Hong Kong International Dance Festival in Hong Kong and in the Honolulu -Seoul Sister City cultural exchange program.
Pua Ali`i `Ilima is committed to perpetuating, preserving and promoting Hawaiian culture, art, music and dance.