Musicology professor featured on award-winning podcast

In Department News, Musicology by General Entries

UH musicology professor, Kate McQuiston PhD, was a featured guest on the March episode of the MUBI Podcast to discuss Stanley Kubrickʻs 2001: A Space Odyssey. Dr. McQuiston has studied film music for years, publishing several articles and the book, “We’ll Meet Again”: Musical Design in the Films of Stanley Kubrick (Oxford University Press, 2013). She first became interested in the film because of Kubrick’s choice to go against the expectations of the time and score a science fiction film with existing orchestral and choral works. Her work on the filmmaker took her to the Stanley Kubrick Archive in London, where she was able to see first-hand the level of care Kubrick took in choosing the pieces that would eventually go into the finished film.

When asked about how this opportunity came about, McQuiston said “The makers of the podcast emailed me out of the blue, and asked if they could interview me for their upcoming episode on the music of 2001: A Space Odyssey. I get a fair volume of questions and invitations to speak about music in film, but this was my first involvement in a podcast.” The show can be heard here.