
The UH Mānoa Choral Legacy Endowment was founded in 2017 with the sole purpose of supporting singers in the UH Mānoa choral ensembles. The Legacy Endowment recognizes the rich inheretance we receive from our kūpuna and, with it, the responsibility we have to shape and perpetuate that legacy.

By giving to the Choral Legacy Endowment, you support choral singing and education in Hawai‘i in perpetuity. Each gift is held permanently and the interest will be used exclusively to support singers as they learn, grow, create, and work together.

Please consider giving and know that every donation supports a student at UH Mānoa have access to the creative, communal, and cultural legacy that is choral music!

2018 Choral Legacy Endowment Progress

Number of Donors (Goal: 100)
Funds Given (Goal: $50,000)

as of April 12, 2018

Charter Donors

All donors whose gifts are received by December 31, 2018, will be listed on the donor list as Charter Donors and will remain on our Donor List permanently. To be a charter donor to the Legacy Endowment, your total 2018 gift must be at least $120 (or, $10 a month) and be received by December 31, 2018.

Please consider giving now in our initial drive to kick-start the Choral Legacy Endowment.

Support the Choral Legacy Endowment

Examples of Support

All levels are support are welcome in the Choral Legacy Endowment. And, since every gift is permanently restricted, your gift—your legacy—will continue to support singers in perpetuity.

To help put things in scale, here are some examples of how much the UH Choirs need in endowment to support various sustained uses.

Send 1 Singer on Tour (Biennial) — $50,000
Offer 1 Recruitment ($4,000) Scholarship — $90,000
Support 1 Student’s Tuition — $250,000
Send a Full Section on Tour — $400,000
Support 4 Section Leaders ½ Scholarships — $510,000
Offer ½ Scholarship for a Chamber Singers Section — $760,000
Send the Full, 32-member Voices of Aloha on Tour — $1,580,000
Offer ½ Tuition for all of Chamber Singers — $3,030,000
Offer Full Tuition for all of Chamber Singers — $6,070,000


as of April 6, 2018

Na Lani ‘Eha Level
(over $3,000)

Dr. Miguel Ángel Felipe & Mr. Aaron Gould*
Hawaiian Style Rental & Sales*

Lili‘uokalani Level
($1,200 and up)

Kalākaua Level
($600 and up)

Ms. Wanda P. Gereben*

Likelike Level
($300 and up)

Perform International*

Leleiohoku Level
($120 and up)

Ms. Karyn A. Castro*
Mrs. Olivia Castro & Mr. James Castro*
Mrs. Susan M. Duprey & Mr. Bryan Duprey*
in Memory of Mr. John S. McCreary
Mrs. Shannon L. Harrison*
Mr. Paul Lam*
Prof. John W. Mount*
Mr. Bert N. Shimabukuro*

Hoaloha Level
(under $120)

Ms. Brittany K. Bergeman
Mr. William Potter

* CHARTER DONORS gave $120 or more during 2018, the first year of the Choral Legacy Endowment. Their gifts helped to establish the foundation of generosity for the future. Mahalo!