UH Library Digital Repositories
ScholarSpace stores the intellectual works and unique collections of the UH Manoa academic community and provides a permanent web location to access these resources. These materials potentially include scholarly communications (articles and pre-prints), theses, dissertations, technical reports, and other textual material, which may itself include different formats such as multimedia clips, interactive teaching programs, data sets, and databases. Visit ScholarSpace
eVols is a home for material that the University of Hawaii at Manoa digitizes as part of grant projects and digital library initiatives. It provides a permanent web location to access these resources. Visit eVols
UH System Repository
The UH System Repository provides a space for materials from Kapiolani, Leeward, and Honolulu Community Colleges, UH Hilo, UH West Oahu, and the Open Education Resources communities. Each collection is managed by the individual campus, but hosted by the UHM Library. Visit the UH System Repository