There are six General Education Boards that oversee various areas of the Gen Ed curriculum: Foundations, Diversification, Contemporary Ethical Issues Focus, Hawaiian, Asian & Pacific Issues Focus, Oral Communication Focus, and Writing Focus. Members are drawn from the faculty at large, from a diversity of departments, programs, and colleges/schools, and serve staggered three-year terms. The current membership of each Gen Ed Board is listed on the Committee/Board Membership page.
Board Orientation Materials
Here we offer resources created for the purpose of conducting orientations and norming reviews of proposals/TCEs. These include:
- Instructions for new Board members to access and review proposals on Laulima
- A document outlining the duties and responsibilities of Board Chairs, Co-chairs, Vice-Chairs, GEC and GEO liaisons to each Board
- A calendar that is updated each semester, with GEC and Board meeting dates and important deadlines
- The General Education Handbook, produced and annually updated by the General Education Office
Board Working Files
A collection of materials specific to each Gen Ed Board’s work, such as sample proposals/TCEs (used in Board member orientation and training sessions), meeting notes and agendas, sample email language for negotiations, etc. can be found by clicking on the appropriate icon below. Note that access to these resources is restricted to current Board members.