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College of Arts & Humanities

ACM 210 Introduction to Cinematic Digital Production (3)

Introduction to the basic techniques of cinematic digital production and allows them to explore their personal voice in this process. A-F only.

ACM 215 Introduction to 3D Computer Animation (3)

A basic overview of the 3D animation production process, including modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, lighting, and rendering. A-F only. Pre: 255.

ACM 216 Fundamentals of Animation (3)

Introduction to traditional styles and methods of hand drawn 2D, digital, and stop motion animation through theory and practice. A-F only. Pre: 255 and ART 113, or consent.

ACM 255 Introduction to Cinema and Digital Media (3)

Introduction to the study of cinema: history, aesthetics, and cultural impact. A-F only.

ACM 310 Cinematic Narrative Production (3)

Production-intensive course with collaborative as well as individual projects. Theories and application of basic digital cinema productions, including camera, lighting, sound, and editing. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 (or concurrent).

ACM 312 Cinematography (3)

Comprehensive course in visual styles supporting screen narratives through a study of principles of camera elements, operations, lighting, color and composition. Professional role and responsibilities of cinematographer. Project-oriented. Must have access to manually controlled still camera. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310.

ACM 314 Experimental Art and Animation (3)

Provides students an opportunity to experiment with new mediums while collaborating with artists from different backgrounds, such as art, theatre, dance, film, and animation. ACM, ART, THEA, DNCE majors only. Pre: 216 (or concurrent) or ART 113 or THEA 353 (or concurrent) or THEA 356 (or concurrent), or consent. (Cross-listed as ART 315 and THEA 314)

ACM 315 Narrative Game Design (3)

Storytelling through computer games. Effect of interactivity on narrative. Interactive plot structures, conceptual design, artwork, audio, cinematography, two- and three dimensional computer graphics. Design and programming of game narrative using scripting languages. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 215 and 216 and B or better in 255, or consent.

ACM 316 3D Character Animation (3)

Creating the illusion of life through the principles of animation. Application of theory to practical scene work with emphasis on acting and personality in animated characters. ACM majors only. Sophomore standing or higher for (C). A-F only. Pre: 215 and 216 and B or better in 255 and ART 113 for (B); 216 (with a C or better) for (C), or consent.

ACM 317 3D Cinematography and Dynamics (3)

Computer animation directing and cinematography for the design and creation of visual effects. Using particles and dynamics systems to simulate natural phenomena. Compositing of visual layers. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 215, 216, and 255; or 215, 310, and 255; or consent.

ACM 318 Classical 2D Full Animation (3)

Hand drawn full animation techniques; rough animation, inbetweening, clean up animation and digital color processes. Digital line testing, sync dialog and other advanced skills for classical 2D full animation. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 216 and 255 and ART 113, or consent.

ACM 320 Animation Production I (3)

Students work independently to produce a short, animated film. Emphasis on visual storytelling and character animation. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 316B, and 350 or 355.

ACM 321 Storyboarding and Animatics (3)

Exposes students to the history, application, format, styles, and methods of creating storyboards and animatics. Visual storytelling will be analyzed by examining the foundational components of the visual language of a film. ACM majors only. Sophomore standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.

ACM 325 Visual Effects (3)

Introduction to the history, theory, design and execution of visual effects for the screen. Project-based learning in traditional photographic and digitally-generated special effects. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 215 and 216, or 310, or consent.

ACM 330 Independent Producing (3)

Fundamentals of producing for independent filmmaking, focusing on business acumen and role of the producer through various stages of production. Topics include proposal writing, script breakdowns, budgeting, scheduling, legal issues, festival strategy, and distribution. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 (or concurrent), or 316B (or

ACM 350 Screenwriting (3)

Introduction to the basics of writing a short narrative screenplay for film or television. Students learn the fundamentals and format of screenwriting as well as basic elements of
storytelling and character development. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255, 310 (or concurrent) or 215 (or concurrent); or consent.

ACM 352 Screening Asian Americans (3)

Survey of Asian and Asian American representations in American film and television from the silent era to the present, with an emphasis on Orientalism and multiculturalism, as well as performance and spectatorship. ACM majors: A-F only. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 352)

ACM 355 Oral Tradition to Screenplay (3)

Adapting the stories, styles, and cultural values of oral tradition storytelling to cinematic narratives. A-F only. Pre: 255, and 310 (or concurrent) or 215 (or concurrent); or consent.

ACM 360 Indigenous Aesthetics (3)

Aesthetic theories and practices of indigenous cultures of the Pacific and their adaptation to the screen in cinematic storytelling. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.

ACM 370 Directing the Actor on Screen (3)

Introduction of the screen-director to the craft of acting for the camera. Students will develop collaborative communication skills and learn practical techniques to elicit spontaneous and relaxed performances from actors. A-F only. Pre: 255 (or concurrent) and consent.

ACM 372 Editing for Cinema (3)

Advanced course examining the theory, techniques, and practices of motion picture editing; use of non-linear digital editing systems; and practical experience in digital
editing projects. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 (or concurrent) or 316B (or concurrent), or consent.

ACM 374 Post Production Sound (3)

Practical course on the theory, art, and techniques of sound recording, editing, and design for cinema. Students work on projects involving dialogue and sound effects in post production. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 or 316B, and 372.

ACM 375 Directing the Camera for the Screen (3)

Detailed analysis of cinematic grammar, placement, movement, focus, and effects of the camera to create the mise en scene. Practical exercises and projects to apply theory to individual creative work. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310, and 350 (or concurrent) or 355 (or concurrent).

ACM 380 Genre and Narrative Theory in Creative Media (3)

Focus on the concept of genre, genre films, genre film criticism and popular genres such as
Western, film noir, documentary, and Chinese martial arts. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.

ACM 382 Authors in Creative Media (3)

In-depth study of the auteur theory and specific application to authors in creative media, such as film directors, animators, screenwriters or game designers. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.

ACM 384 Study Abroad (3)

Intensive study of selected topics, genres, filmmakers, or digital media production in the host country in a UH Mânoa approved study abroad location. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 255 and consent.

ACM 385 Topics in Creative Media (3)

Topics of interest to faculty and students; taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable one time on different topics. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.

ACM 386 Techniques in Creative Media (3)

Specialized techniques in the creation of digital media: taught by regular and visiting faculty. Repeatable one time in different topics. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 (or concurrent) or 316B (or concurrent), or consent.

ACM 390 Workshop in Creative Media (V)

Short-term intensive workshop in focused area of media production. Repeatable up to six credits. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.

ACM 399 Independent Group Project (V)

Participation in a group research or creative project under supervision of ACM faculty member. Only six credits of 399/499 in any combination can be applied to meet requirements for the major. A-F only. Repeatable up to six credits. ACM majors only. Pre: 310 or 316B, and 350, and consent.

ACM 405 Documentary Production (3)

Analysis and practical knowledge of the documentary process including, but not limited to, research, organization and story structure, shooting, camera coverage, and editing. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310, and 350 or 355; or consent.

ACM 410 Advanced Cinematic Production (4)

Production of a major cinematic/digital narrative project. Working in groups, each student takes on creative and technical role and responsibilities of a principle crew position. Emphasis on artistic form in narrative development; timely execution from pre- to post-production. Repeatable one time with instructor approval. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310, and 350 or 355; or consent.

ACM 412 Advanced Cinematography (3)

Applies the basic foundations, techniques, and theory of cinematography (covered in ACM 312) to a more informed and crafted practice with Camera and Lighting Scene study workshops, and research exercises and film projects. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 and 312.

ACM 415 Computer Game Production (3)

Students will work as a team to produce to design and produce a computer game: 2D and 3D elements, animation, story, music, audio, and project software. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 315 or ICS 313, or consent.

ACM 419 Virtual and Augmented Reality Programming (3)

Students will learn to develop virtual reality and augmented reality applications with
turnkey tools as well as through programming. Prior programming experience is not required for this course. Pre: any 110(Alpha) or 111 or ACM 215. (Cross-listed as ICS 486).

ACM 420 Animation Production II (3)

Student teams produce a short, animated film. Prior knowledge of 2D and 3D media authoring tools and animation techniques is necessary. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 320 or consent.

ACM 450 Advanced Screenwriting (3)

Application of narrative principles of character development, story structure and thematic spine to students’ short and feature-length screenplays. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 350 or 355.

ACM 452 (Alpha) History and Film (3)

Explores the many relationships between history and film including how film has reflected and shaped society in the past and our relationship to the past. (C) Europe; (E) world/ comparative. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: junior standing or consent. (C Cross-listed as HIST 452C); (E Cross-listed as HIST 452E)

ACM 455 Indigenous Filmmaking (3)

Theories and studies of indigenous films and creation of a cinematic project based in indigenous cultural and value systems. Students must complete a certification workshop in camera and editing processes to be enrolled in this course. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310, and 350 or 355; or consent.

ACM 460 Ethics and Film (3)

Ethical theory and dilemmas as reflected in film and filmmaking. Social responsibility for filmmakers. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: junior standing and 255.

ACM 470 Directing the Motion Picture (3)

Students direct a narrative live-action short film from prethrough post-production, learning how to develop a directorial vision and how to implement it through storyboarding, scheduling, and collaborative skill sets. ACM majors only. Pre: 310, and 350 or 355, and 370 (or concurrent); or consent.

ACM 480 Oceanic Media and Culture (3)

Involves close textual analysis of film, TV and multimedia content. The course includes cinematic and television screenings. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.

ACM 482 The American Documentary (3)

In-depth study of the nature and impact of documentary filmmaking in America, focusing on the interplay between filmmaker, subject, and audience. Will critically examine documentaries for their use of rhetoric, ethics, and narrative voice. Junior standing only. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent.

ACM 484 Data Visualization (3)

Introduction to data visualization through practical techniques for turning data into images to produce insight. Topics include: information visualization, geospatial visualization, scientific visualization, social network visualization, and medical visualization. Junior standing or higher. Pre: any 215 or ICS 110(Alpha) or ICS 111. (Cross-listed as ICS 484)

ACM 485 Seminar in Creative Media (3)

Intellectual issues in creative media. Conducted by regular and visiting faculty with extensive student participation and scholarly presentation. Repeatable one time on different topics. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 and junior standing, or consent.

ACM 486 Capstone Creative Production (3)

Emphasis on advanced production skills in creating a capstone film project to deepen understanding of cinematic storytelling with individuals taking on the role and responsibilities of key crew positions in collaboration. ACM majors only. Pre: 405 or 410 or 420 or 455.

ACM 487 Video Game Design and Development (3)

Students will team design, build, and demonstrate video games or related interactive entertainment environments and applications. Topics will include emerging computer science techniques relevant to the development of these types of environments. Junior
standing or higher. Pre: any 215 or ICS 110(Alpha) or ICS 111. (Cross-listed as ICS 485)

ACM 490 Global Media (3)

Involves close textual analysis and strategic analysis of the globalism phenomenon, with an emphasis on transnational media corporations. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 255 or consent. (Fall only)

ACM 495 Creative Media Internship (V)

Internship in professional cinematic, television, animation and/or digital media production company under professional and faculty supervision. Repeatable up to six credits. ACM majors only. A-F only. Pre: 310 or 315 or 316B, and 350 or 355; and consent.

ACM 499 Directed Study (V)

Independent research or creative project under supervision of ACM faculty member. Only six credits of 399/499 in any combination can be applied to meet requirements for the major. Repeatable up to six credits. ACM majors only. Pre: 310 or 315 or 316B, and 350 or 355, and consent.

AMST 110 Introduction to American Studies (3)

Introduction to different types of college-level writing through analyses of contemporary American culture and to the main themes and approaches used in American studies and the humanities.

AMST 111 Introduction to American Studies Writing (3)

Introduction to different types of college level writing and information literacy with a focus on American culture and society. A-F only.

AMST 150 America and the World (3)

Examines America’s role in world history and the influence of world affairs on U.S. culture and society. Focuses on U.S. interdependence with African, European, Native American, Asian, and Polynesian civilizations, from 1492 to present.

AMST 150A America and the World (3)

Examines America’s role in world history and the influence of world affairs on U.S. culture and society. Focuses on U.S. interdependence with African, European, Native American, Asian, and Polynesian civilizations, from 1492 to present.

AMST 201 American Experience: Institutions and Movements (3)

Interdisciplinary course that examines diversity and changes in American values and institutions–political, economic, legal, and social.

AMST 202 American Experience: Culture and the Arts (3)

Interdisciplinary course that examines diversity and changes in American values and culture-literature, film, visual arts, and architecture.

AMST 202A American Experience: Culture and the Arts (3)

Interdisciplinary course that examines diversity and changes in American values and culture– literature, film, visual arts, and architecture.

AMST 211 Contemporary American Domestic Issues (3)

Interdisciplinary exploration of such current American domestic issues; topics such as politics, economics, civil rights, family life, the justice system, and the environment.

AMST 212 Contemporary American Global Issues (3)

Interdisciplinary exploration of such current global issues as international diplomacy, economic development, national security, demographic change, and environmental protection.

AMST 220 Introduction to Indigenous Studies (3)

Interdisciplinary survey that examines the histories, politics, popular representations, self-representations, and contemporary issues of the indigenous peoples of the U.S. and its territories, including Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Kanaka Maoli, Chamorro, and Samoans.

AMST 220A Introduction to Indigenous Studies (3)

Interdisciplinary survey that examines the histories, politics, popular representations, self-representations, and contemporary issues of the indigenous peoples of the U.S. and its territories, including Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Kanaka Maoli, Chamorro, and Samoans.

AMST 225 Art and Social Change (3)

Will analyze examples from the visual and performing arts, including murals, digital art, film, poetry, and music, paying particular attention to the connections and influence upon social and political movements, both historically and today. A-F only

AMST 301 Hip-Hop and American Culture (3)

Survey tracing hip-hop from its Afro-Carribean musical beginnings to contemporary adaptations and interpretations. Students will analyze various materials and will pay attention to the relationships between hip-hop and contemporary social forms. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

AMST 308 Justice and Asian America: Social Movements and the Law in American History (3)

Examination of demands for and the changing nature of justice, historical and contemporary, through court cases, legislation, presidential orders, and social movements that address legal, social, and political definitions of Asian America. Sophomore standing or higher

AMST 310 Japanese Americans: History, Culture, Lifestyles (3)

Explores the experiences of Japanese Americans in Hawai‘i and the U.S. at large: historical and cultural heritage, biographical portraits, changing family ties, ethnic lifeways, gender relations, local identity, and the future of island living.

AMST 313 African Americans: Issues, Culture, History (3)

Traces the history and culture of African Americans and outlines contemporary issues. Topics include: slavery and racism, community formation and resistance, cultural expression, African American diversity, civil rights, gender and class relations.

AMST 316 U.S. Women’s History (3)

History of U.S. women and gender relations. Topics include women’s work in and outside the household, women’s involvement in social movements, changing norms about gender and sexuality, and shared and divergent experiences among women. (Cross-listed as HIST 361 and WS 311)

AMST 317 American Music and Culture (3)

Analysis of a variety of American musical genres and histories through focused writing assignments (record and performance reviews, personal narratives, interviews, research proposals, research papers). Pre: second year standing or consent. (Alt. years)

AMST 318 Asian America (3)

History of selected Asian immigrant groups from the 19th century to the present. Topics include: immigration and labor history, Asian American movements, literature and cultural productions, community adaptations and identity formation. Pre: junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as ES 318)

AMST 319 America, Hawai‘i and World War II (3)

Examines WWII as a watershed in American and Hawai‘i history and culture. Topics  include: Pearl Harbor, Japanese American internment, sex and racial tensions, Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, and the dawn of the Atomic Age.

AMST 320 American Environments: Survey (3)

Survey of social, political, and cultural relations in diverse, contemporary American environments, including: island societies, urban centers, suburbs, Indian reservations, farming communities, and national parks. Special emphasis on contemporary environmental issues in Hawai‘i.

AMST 325 Religion and Law in the U.S. (3)

Surveys church-state jurisprudence since the 1940s, with special attention to difficulty of defining religion, and applies the religion clauses to current issues. A-F only. Pre: sophomore or higher standing, or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as POLS 325)

AMST 326 American Folklore and Folklife (3)

Examination of the history and ethics of folklore studies and the dynamics and social functions of traditional culture in diverse communities through topics such as ritual, storytelling, games, gossip, belief, music, and cultural tourism. Junior standing or higher.
(Cross-listed as ANTH 326)

AMST 334 Digital America: Online Communities and Virtual Worlds (3)

Seminar on the impact of the digital revolution and virtual communities on American culture and society, with an emphasis on questions of identity and participatory democracy. Open to non majors. Pre: one DH, DA, or DL course, sophomore standing, or consent.

AMST 339 Religions in America (3)

Examination of American religious traditions, both historical and contemporary, with an emphasis on the principles of religious liberty, non-establishment, and pluralism. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

AMST 340 War and Media (3)

Examination of a range of media, including photography, film, print journalism, television, video games, and the internet, as they have shaped popular representations and
experiences of war in America from the Civil War through the present. A-F only. (Alt. years)

AMST 343 American Thought and Culture: To 20th Century (3)

Politics, family, philosophy, technology, etc.; their interrelationship with the total society. Pre-Colonial to end of Reconstruction. (Cross-listed as HIST 373)

AMST 344 American Thought and Culture: 20th Century (3)

Continuation of 343: 20th century. Pre: 150 or 201 or 202 or 211 or 212 or HIST 151 or HIST 152; or consent. (Cross-listed as HIST 374)

AMST 345 Religion and Conflict in American History (3)

Analyzes selected historical examples of religious conflicts in America, discerning characteristic patterns of American religious discourse, and identifying the social structures, interests, and ethical principles at stake in conflicts about religion.
Sophomore standing or higher. (Fall only) (Crosslisted as REL 345)

AMST 348 American Design: An Historical Survey (3)

Examination of design in American culture over the last century. Readings in industrial, graphic, interior, architectural, landscape, and user interface design used to study issues of gender, race, and class in the U.S. Open to all class standings. A-F only. (Alt. years)

AMST 349 Contemporary American Design (3)

Investigates design in contemporary American culture. Graphic, industrial, urban, and user-interface design practices are situated within broader social and economic forces. Modes of design practice, production, and consumption studied as reflection of American society today. Open to all class standings. A-F only. (Alt. years)

AMST 350 Culture and the Arts in America (3)

Study of the role of the arts in American society and diverse cultural practices in historical and contemporary contexts.

AMST 352 Screening Asian Americans (3)

Survey of Asian and Asian American representations in American film and television from the silent era to the present, with an emphasis on Orientalism and multiculturalism, as well as performance and spectatorship. ACM majors: A-F only. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ACM 352)

AMST 353 Indigenous Lands and Waters (3)

Examines indigenous practices born of and located in Indigenous places. Analyzes how indigenous knowledge of place informs Indigenous cultural, linguistic, intellectual, and political survivance and sovereignty, and resistance.

AMST 354 American Travel Writing (3)

Survey examines the roles that travel writing plays in American identity- and nation-formation, from early colonial history to the present. A-F only. Pre: 110, 150, 201, 202, 211, or 212. (Alt. years)

AMST 360 American Cinema (3)

Introductory history of American cinema from the silent to the digital era, with an emphasis on criticism, genre and style, as well as cultural and sociopolitical context.

AMST 365 American Empire (3)

Examines the interplay between an “American culture of empire” and the rise of the U.S. as a superpower. Topics: imperialism and political culture, social movements and international affairs, race, gender and class relations. (Cross-listed as HIST 379)

AMST 373 Filipino Americans: History, Culture and Politics (3)

An introduction to the study of Filipino Americans in the U.S. and the diaspora. The course pays special attention to labor migration, cultural production and community politics. Pre: sophomore standing. (Cross-listed as ES 373)

AMST 383 American Studies Approach (3)

Materials and methods for the study of American life and thought. AMST majors only.

AMST 401 Filipino Americans: Research Topics (3)

A research seminar on the study of Filipino Americans. Special themes in film/video/media, the performing arts, or literature may be offered. Pre: junior standing
or consent. (Cross-listed as ES 443)

AMST 405 Indigenous Literature and Film (3)

Interdisciplinary, comparative course examining native literary texts (novels, short fiction, poetry), films, etc. that address issues of representation and how native peoples actively resist colonial ideology.

AMST 410 Asian American Music Cultures (3)

An exploration of how Asian American music making is related to community formation, labor migration, and cultural sensibilities throughout the 20th century.

AMST 411 Japanese Americans: Research Topics (3)

Research and thematic seminar on Japanese American culture, issues, and history. Pre: junior standing or consent.

AMST 413 Regionalism: The South (3)

Definition of a Southern identity and its relation to the larger U.S. culture, using literary and polemical works of 19th- and 20th-century.

AMST 418 Hawai‘i’s Multiculturalism (3)

A multidisciplinary examination of the dynamics of the Hawaiian Islands’ racial and cultural diversity from the perspectives of historical trends, social processes, and contemporary political, social, and economic issues as they impact interracial relations.

AMST 420 American Ideas of Nature (3)

The natural world in American thought from Native Americans to modern ecologists.

AMST 423 History of American Architecture (3)

History of American architecture in terms of style, techniques, and symbolic meaning. (Cross-listed as ARCH 473)

AMST 425 American Environmental History (3)

Survey history of the complex relations between American societies and diverse U.S. ecosystems, from European contact and colonization to the present. (Cross-listed as HIST 480 and SUST 481)

AMST 431 History of American Workers (3)

Conditions of labor in major phases of American development; response of labor and community to changing work environment. Capitalism, unionism, race, gender, law, etc. Emphasis on 20th century. (Cross-listed as HIST 477)

AMST 432 Slavery and Freedom (3)

Examines the history of slavery, race, and abolition in the Americas from a comparative, global perspective, and traces the legacy of slavery in the post-emancipation societies of the New World. (Cross-listed as HIST 473)

AMST 433 Islands, Empires, and the Arts (3)

Histories of colonialism, neocolonialism, and cultures of resistance in literature, film, and arts of the Caribbean and American diaspora. Role of arts in political dissent; historical memory; nation building; construction of race, class, gender. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.

AMST 434 Politics in Hawai‘i (3)

Discussion of modern politics against the background of recent history and major contemporary issues.

AMST 435 History of Crime and Punishment (3)

History of American crime and punishment from 18th century to the present. Topics: changing crime patterns, evolving punishment methods, penal reform movements, convict resistance, growth of prison industrial complex, racism, class, and gender. Pre: junior standing or consent.

AMST 436 Gender, Justice and Law (3)

Exploration of landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases related to sex and gender. Topics may include sex discrimination, sexual orientation discrimination, privacy, and reproductive freedom. A-F only. Pre: one of WS 151, WS 175, WS 176, WS 202, WS 360, WS 381, or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 368 and WS 436)

AMST 437 Trans* Studies: Trans(feminine/ masculine/gender nonconforming/sexual) (3)

Focus on various aspects of Trans* identities, biographies, cultural productions, and communities. It also addresses issues on racism, medical intervention, dating, societal condemnation, mental health, and incarceration. Junior standing or higher. (Cross-listed as WS 493)

AMST 438 Women and Globalization in Asia (3)

History, culture, and contemporary reality of Asian women in Asia and the U.S. Includes critical analysis of American feminist methodology and theory. Pre: one of 310, 316, 318, 373, 455, POLS 339, WS 360, WS 361, WS 439; or consent. (Cross-listed as POLS 372 and WS 462)

AMST 440 Race and Racism in America (3)

Racial ideas and ideologies, and their effects throughout American history. (Cross-listed as HIST 476)

AMST 442 Social Movements (3)

Examination of mass mobilization in U.S. history from the Revolution forward, including abolitionism, feminism, civil rights, labor, and more. Concludes with analysis of various community organizing efforts today.

AMST 445 Racism, American Culture and Film/ Media (3)

An exploration of the critique of racial ideologies in American film. The course also examines how aggrieved communities develop cultural sensibilities, aesthetic choices and politicized identities through film, video and media work.

AMST 446 Gender in Action Cinema (3)

Investigates gender representation in the evolving genre of American action cinema through combined stylistic and cultural analysis, with special attention to the relationship of gendered action to categories of morality, race, class, and nation. Junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as WS 466)

AMST 450 Victims, Virtue, and Violence (3)

Examination of the history and significance of melodrama as a dominant mode of American cultural production from the early republic to the present, with a focus on issues of race, gender, and national identity.

AMST 451 Popular Culture (3)

Major themes, modes, and media of popular or mass culture in the U.S.; emphasis on cultural trends and social implications.

AMST 452 The ’20s and ’30s (3)

Novelists, painters, poets, jazz musicians as examples of culture of the 1920s and 1930s in America.

AMST 453 Culture, Society, and Literature (3)

Literary and non-fictive exploration of the intellectual and moral response of Americans to institutions and culture of 20th-century marketplace economy.

AMST 454 Fashioning America (3)

Examines linkages between American identity, representation, labor and capital through fashion theory, clothing discourses and other practices of textile production over history. Pre: junior standing or consent.

AMST 455 U.S. Women’s Literature and Culture (3)

Reading of selected works of U.S. women’s literature and cultural texts (such as art and film). Emphasis on historical and cultural context and diverse expressions of women’s gendered identities. (Cross-listed as ENG 455 and WS 445)

AMST 456 Art of the United States (3)

Emphasis on the 18th and 19th centuries. Pre: 202 or ART 176, or consent. (Cross-listed as ART 472)

AMST 457 Museum Interpretations (3)

Studies the interpretive strategies and methods used by museums to communicate with visitors in museums, art galleries, historic sites, parks, and related places. Considers how interpretations contribute to cultural knowledge. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Crosslisted as ART 481)

AMST 458 Film in American Culture (3)

Comprehensive survey of varieties of film experience from historical and contemporary points of view.

AMST 459 Sports in America (3)

Sports as reflected in literature, films, and TV.

AMST 460 Early 20th Century American Art (3)

American art in the first half of the 20th century and its impact on American culture. Junior standing or higher. Pre: ART 176 or consent. (Alt. years: fall) (Cross-listed as ART 460)

AMST 461 America’s World Role (3)

Examination of America’s role in modern world affairs, against the background of history, perceptions, and values.

AMST 464 America and Africa (3)

American attitudes toward Africa, as well as how Africa has functioned within the dynamics of American culture and history.

AMST 465 American Experience in Asia (3)

Comparison of American experiences in Japan, China, and Southeast Asia within historical and perceptual framework.

AMST 469 Religion, Sex, and Gender in the U.S. (3)

Examines religious and ethical conflicts about sexuality and gender nonconformity in contemporary America. Students gain knowledge, practical wisdom, and communication skills to negotiate moral disagreement in a pluralistic society. Pre: junior standing or consent.

AMST 474 Preservation: Hawai‘i, Asia, and the Pacific (3)

Lectures and discussions on historic preservation issues in Hawai‘i, Asia, and the Pacific. Emphasis on indigenous and national expressions. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ARCH 474)

AMST 475 Documentation of Historic Architecture (V)

Study and documentation of existing buildings, structures, sites of historic and/or cultural significance, including field measurements and drawings, historical research, photo documentation, and preparation of archival drawings to be deposited in the Library of Congress. Documentation conducted according to standards of the Historic American Buildings Survey/ Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/ HAER). Repeatable three times, up to 24 credits. AMST, ARCH, and HIS majors only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ARCH 472)

AMST 483 Elements of Research (3)

Required research seminar in American Studies in preparation for the senior capstone project. AMST majors only. A-F only. Pre: 383 (Fall only)

AMST 484 Senior Capstone Project (3)

Capstone course for American studies students to undertake a major research-based project. AMST majors only. Pre: 483 and consent.

AMST 489 World Maritime History (3)

Survey of world maritime history from earliest times to the present, with emphasis on the evolution of nautical technology, motives from maritime enterprises, and the impact of cross-cultural encounters between oceanic peoples. (Cross-listed as HIST 489)

AMST 490 (Alpha) Topics in American Studies (3)

Themes, problems, and issues not addressed in other American studies undergraduate courses, focused within these areas: (B) social structure and interaction; (D) arts and environment. Repeatable one time. Pre: junior standing or consent for (D).

AMST 499 Readings in American Studies (V)

Directed readings and research for majors. Pre: consent.

AMST 600 Approaches to American Studies (3)

Introductory survey of methodological issues underlying research in American studies.

AMST 601 Patterns of American Cultures (3)

American cultural origins and development.

AMST 603 Advanced Research and Professional Development (3)

Prepares advanced graduate students to present original research findings to colleagues, write for peer review, design undergraduate classes in their areas of expertise, and participate actively in their fields. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: (600 and 601) with a minimum grade of B-.

AMST 610 Early America (3)

Interdisciplinary approach to understanding early American culture and history. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as HIST 632B)

AMST 611 Asian America (3)

The Asian American experience from an interdisciplinary and humanities perspective. Asian American history, literature, media, and theater arts. Comparative study of Hawai‘i and the Continental U.S.

AMST 612 Women in American Culture (3)

Historical/contemporary status of women in the U.S.; women’s roles as defined by legal, educational, political, economic, and social institutions; implications for social science method. (Cross-listed as WS 612)

AMST 614 Advanced Topics: American West (3)

Examination of the U.S. colonization of the American West. Topics include: European-indigenous relations, migration and labor, regional literature, frontier ideology, ethnic conflict, and new community formation. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing and consent. (Cross-listed as HIST 639F)

AMST 615 Performance, Culture, and Theory (3)

Survey of major critical works in fields of performing arts and public culture (e.g., dance, theater, music, commemoration). Topics include: theoretical application for the discipline of American studies, and the impact of social movements and labor migration on the performing arts.

AMST 616 Gender and the African Diaspora in the Americas (3)

Explores the impact of the African Diaspora on the cultures and histories of the Americas  through interdisciplinary and feminist scholarship and cultural sources including fiction, foodways, film, poetry, religion, music, and dance. A-F only. Graduate standing only.

AMST 617 Social and Cultural Diversity in America (3)

Examination of selected subcultures in America.

AMST 618 American Sexualities (3)

Aspects of sexual identity within the context of American culture.

AMST 619 Slavery and the Modern Memory (3)

Exploration of contemporary resonances of slavery in the Americas through literature, historical scholarship, memory and trauma studies, and the visual and performing arts. Graduate students only. A-F only.

AMST 620 Indigenous Identity (3)

Interdisciplinary and comparative focus on how Indigenous identity is constructed, negotiated, asserted, ascribed, and deconstructed within and without Indigenous communities with attention to the U.S. Graduate students only. Pre: graduate level standing or higher.

AMST 623 American Architecture (3)

Cultural analysis of the evolution of American architecture from the Colonial period to the present involving sociopolitical and economic, as well as aesthetic, considerations.

AMST 624 Wilderness in America (3)

American wilderness as both physical setting and social construction. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent

AMST 625 Material Culture (3)

Physical artifacts considered as documents of American cultural and regional development.

AMST 626 Environment and Society (3)

Technological development in cultural perspective; its relation to the American environment, science, capitalism, public policy, and values.

AMST 632 Mass Media (3)

Appraisal of major media of communications in American society with attention to political, educational, cultural, and ethical implications.

AMST 634 Technologies of War and Media (3)

Critical examination of the relationship between war and media with particular attention to the overlapping histories of technologies of perception and destruction in the modern era and to the military-entertainment complex today. Graduate students only or consent.

AMST 635 Public History and Commemoration (3)

Approaches to public presentations of history and examination of various ways in which historic memory is constructed in sites such as museums, memorials, and theme parks.

AMST 638 American Punishment (3)

Examines the history of American criminal punishment, from the birth of the penitentiary to the rise of the prisonindustrial complex. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing. (Cross-listed as SOC 638)

AMST 640 Writing for Publication (3)

Advanced seminar designed to convert graduate research projects into publishable scholarly articles. Repeatable one time. A-F only.

AMST 643 Revolutions and Social Movements (3)

Examines the role of social movements in transforming American society and culture.

AMST 645 Historic Preservation (3)

Federal, state, and local laws and regulations that regulate and provide protection to significant archaeological and historical resources in Hawai‘i and the region. (Alt. years: spring only) (Cross-listed as ANTH 645)

AMST 646 Advanced Topics: Social/Cultural/ Intellectual (3)

Readings and research on American social and intellectual history. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing and consent. (Cross-listed as HIST 639B)

AMST 647 Advanced Topics: Business/Labor/ Technology (3)

Readings and research on American business, labor, and technological history. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing and consent. (Crosslisted as HIST 639K)

AMST 649 American Intellectual Traditions (3)

Examination of intellectual figures and movements in American history.

AMST 650 Field Mastery (3)

Prepares students to achieve specialization in an American Studies-related academic field. Repeatable two times with different contents. Graduate students only. A-F only.

AMST 656 Film in America (3)

Examination of various roles of motion picture film in America with particular respect to art form, cultural artifact, document, and myth.

AMST 659 Arts in America: Modern to PostModern (3)

Survey of the literature of the field.

AMST 664 Transpacific Studies (3)

Critical analysis of regional formation in and across the Pacific and the role of the U.S. therein; migrations within and across the Pacific; political, military, economic, cultural, and environmental dynamics of transpacific exchanges.

AMST 668 Globalization and Transnationalism (3)

Examines the socioeconomic and cultural meanings of globalization and transnationalism. Emphasis on how the deployment and flows of power beyond the nation-state have an impact on regional, national, and/ or local communities and cultures.

AMST 669 Advanced Topics: America and the World (3)

Historical and contemporary issues in America’s global relationships.

AMST 670 Comparative Methods in American Studies (3)

Examines approaches to American studies that use comparison as a primary method. Comparison of histories, institutions, of phenomena between the U.S. and another country as well as among communities in the U.S. Graduate standing only. Co-requisite: 600 or 601 or 602, or consent. (Every 2-3 years)

AMST 671 Indigenous Curation and Museums: Practice Meets Theory (3)

Seminar explores the history, evolution, and contemporary movement towards indigenous curation within museums, emphasis on the Americas and Oceania, as shaped by colonialism, globalization, multiculturalism, selfdetermination, and nationalism. (Fall only)

AMST 672 20th Century U.S. Literature (3)

Selected works of 20th-century literature as cultural documents.

AMST 673 African American Literature (3)

Cultural and social imagination of blacks and whites as revealed in literature, poetry, and drama.

AMST 674 Preservation Field Seminar (3)

Provides participants with basic knowledge of the field of historic preservation as well as the fundamental knowledge of how to document, conserve, and preserve both tangible and intangible cultural properties. Repeatable three times. (Summer only

AMST 675 Preservation: Theory and Practice (3)

History and philosophy of historic preservation movement. Analysis of values and assumptions, methodologies and tactics, implications for society and public policy. (Cross-listed as ARCH 628 and PLAN 675)

AMST 676 Recording Historic and Cultural Resources (3)

Techniques in recording and evaluation of historic buildings and other resources, with an
emphasis on field recordings and state and federal registration procedures. (Cross-listed as ANTH 676 and PLAN 676)

AMST 677 Historic Preservation Planning (3)

Local-level historic preservation, with an emphasis on historic districts, design guidelines, regulatory controls, and community consensus-building. (Cross-listed as PLAN 677)

AMST 679 Elements of Style (3)

The manifestations, visual characteristics, and social/cultural meaning of “style” in American architecture and decorative arts from the early settlement period through the present. (Cross-listed as ARCH 679)

AMST 680 Historic Building Technology (3)

History of buildings, building technologies, materials, and finishes, including construction techniques and methods of investigating older buildings. Emphasis on North American building practices c.1600–c.1960.

AMST 681 Vernacular Architecture (3)

Methods and approaches in the study of vernacular architecture, cultural landscapes, and material culture, with an emphasis on traditions and innovations in the Americas. (Cross-listed as ARCH 650)

AMST 683 Museums: Theory, History, Practice (3)

History and theory of museums and related institutions (art galleries, historic houses, zoos, parks). Relationship between museums, collections, and communities. Introduction to governance, planning, legal, and ethical concerns.

AMST 684 Museums and Collections (3)

Work of museums and professionals (registrars, collections managers, conservators, curators and others) in the care of collections, interpretive studies of museum displays and collections and field trips. Pre: 683 (or concurrent) or consent.

AMST 685 Museums and Education (3)

Overview of museum education including museum learning theories, informal learning programs, audience research, national and international policies and reports, and community projects. Pre: 683 (or concurrent) or consent. (Cross-listed as EDCS 685)

AMST 686 Museum Studies Practicum (3)

Applies coursework in museum studies to hands-on activities under the direction of practicing professionals and university faculty. Museum studies certificate students only. A-F only. Pre: consent.

AMST 688 Indigenous Studies Practicum (3)

Applies course work in Indigenous studies to hands-on activities under the direction of practicing professionals and university faculty. Repeatable one time. Graduate students only. A-F only.

AMST 690 Research Seminar (3)

Themes, problems, and issues not addressed in other American studies graduate courses; emphasis upon research methods. Repeatable unlimited times.

AMST 695 Historic Preservation Practicum (3)

Applies course work in historic preservation to hands-on activities under the direction of practicing professionals and University faculty. Historic preservation certificate students only.

AMST 696 (Alpha) Preservation Field Study (6)

On-site historic preservation field study. Site will rotate. Academic and hands-on preservation training. (B) Hawai‘i; (C) Asia; (D) Pacific. Each alpha repeatable up to 18 credits. Pre: consent.

AMST 699 Directed Reading/Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

AMST 700 Thesis Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

AMST 800 Dissertation Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

ART 101 Introduction to the Visual Arts (3)

Nature of the world’s visual arts and their influences on personal expression. Lectures, demonstrations, and studio practice. (Not for art majors or minors)

ART 101A Introduction to the Visual Arts (3)

Nature of the world’s visual arts and their influences on personal expression. Lectures, demonstrations, and studio practice. (Not for art majors or minors)

ART 103 Introduction to Fiber Arts (3)

Broad-based studio exploration of materials, techniques, concepts in contemporary fiber art. May include surface patterning/manipulation, papermaking, woven, other 2D/3D hand construction techniques. Focus on creative-problem solving, experimentation in a cooperative studio setting.

ART 104 Introduction to Printmaking (3)

Foundation explorations in the processes of relief, intaglio, and stencil printmaking. Direct workshop studio experience in the basic techniques and concepts of wood cut, linoleum cut, drypoint, monotype, and basic stencil processes.

ART 107 Introduction to Photography (3)

Studio/ lecture examining the major themes and issues in historical and current photographical production. Direct black and white darkroom experience. Students must have 35mm film-based camera with adjustable shutter speed, aperture, and light meter.

ART 113 Introduction to Drawing (3)

Descriptive, expressive, and formal aspects of visual language through drawing practice.

ART 116 Introduction to Three-Dimensional Composition (3)

Basic concepts, elements, and principles of art.

ART 123 Introduction to Painting (3)

Theory and practice of painting; material and technical procedures. A standalone course aimed at non-majors. ART majors should start with ART 223 after taking ART 113.

ART 130 Introduction to Glass (3)

Basic techniques of working with cold and molten glass. Theory of glass studio operation and introduction to glass theory.

ART 175 Survey of Global Art I (3)

Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from prehistory to the 15th century. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture,
painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Fall only)

ART 175A Survey of Global Art I (3)

Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from prehistory to the 15th century. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture, painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Fall only)

ART 176 Survey of Global Art II (3)

Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from the 15th century to the present. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture, painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Spring only)

ART 176A Survey of Global Art II (3)

Art produced in Asia, Africa, Native America, Europe, and the Pacific Islands, from the 15th century to the present. Religious and philosophical ideas expressed in architecture, painting, prints, sculpture, applied art, body art, and textiles. (Spring only)

ART 189 Introduction to Hawaiian Art (3)

Integrated beginning studio art course, which offers students the opportunity to understand and express Hawaiian cultural perspectives through contemporary art practice. A-F only.

ART 201 Introduction to Electronic Arts (3)

Theory and practice course investigating language common to all arts activity particularly as related to the contemporary arts. Pre: any studio art course; or consent.

ART 202 Introduction to Digital Imaging (3)

Combined theory and practice examining major techniques, concepts, and aesthetics in contemporary digital image production. Direct studio experience in essential software, printing techniques and hardware necessary in producing the gallery quality inkjet print. A-F only. Pre: 113.

ART 207 Intermediate Photo: Black and White (3)

Black and white photography emphasizing communication and self-expression. Lectures,
demonstrations, and projects. Student must supply camera and material. Pre: 107 (with a minimum grade of B).

ART 213 Intermediate Drawing (3)

Extension of the observational foundation established in 113 to address contemporary conceptual and expressive approaches to drawing. Pre: 113 or consent.

ART 214 Introduction to Life Drawing (3)

Investigations of the figure concerning anatomical construction, light, space, diagramatic analysis, and thematic content. Pre: 113 or consent.

ART 215 Intaglio Printmaking (3)

Studio practice in concepts and techniques of making prints from metal plates including etching, engraving, aquatint, and drypoint. A-F only. Pre: 113.

ART 217 Screenprinting (3)

Studio practice in screenprinting on paper. Copy camera and basic photo-stencil techniques introduced. A-F only. Pre: 113.

ART 218 Relief Printmaking (3)

Studio practice in the techniques and concepts of woodblock, linoleum cut, monotype, and calligraph printmaking. Emphasis on both traditional and contemporary practices. A-F only. Pre: 113.

ART 223 Approaches to Painting (3)

Theory and practice of painting; contemporary conceptual and expressive approaches. Pre: 113.

ART 225 Painting/Water-Based Media (3)

An introduction to water-based media. Traditional transparent color, gouache and acrylics. Pre: 113 or consent.

ART 230 Glass Casting: Sand and Metal Molds (3)

Expressive explorations in glass casting with wet sand, bonded sand, and metal molds. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 and 130.

ART 234 Cold Glass Fabrication (3)

Expressive explorations using architectural sheet glass. Development of 2D and 3D forms using engraving, sandblasting, and cold joinery techniques. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 and 130.

ART 237 Woven Structures (3)

Structured studio exploration of creative potential of working with threads under tension. In-depth introduction to a variety of traditional and experimental processes/ materials. Tradition of pattern weaving to experimental woven forms. A-F only. Pre: one of 103, 116; or consent.

ART 238 Fiber Forms (3)

In-depth studio exploration of non-loom fiber techniques for creating/ manipulating 2D and 3D forms. Emphasis on concept development, skill mastery, innovative application of materials/techniques. May include felting, knotting, netting, piecing, coiling, found object/sewn constructions, papermaking. A-F only. Pre: one of 103, 116; or consent.

ART 242 Introduction to Ceramics (3)

Three-dimensional concepts in clay; hand-building and wheel-throwing techniques. Projects, lectures, and demonstrations.

ART 254 Sculpture—Metal Casting (3)

Metal casting and development of associated practices and concepts. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or consent.

ART 255 Sculpture—Carving, Mixed Media (3)

Investigations of traditional and contemporary carving concepts and methods. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or consent.

ART 265 Design: Studio I (3)

Introduction to graphic design. Explorations of rhetorical and semiotic structures and their relationship to visual form and content. ART 176 is recommended as a prerequisite.
A-F only. Pre: 113 or consent. Co-requisite: 265L and 266.

ART 265L Design: Studio I Lab (1)

Beginning instruction in the Macintosh computer environment, including hardware, software, and lab networking as it relates to graphic design production. ART 176 is recommended as a prerequisite. CR/NC only. Pre: 113 or consent. Co-requisite: 265 and 266.

ART 266 Design: Typography I (3)

Introduction to typography. Exploration of letterform and word compositions in the context of single-page structures. ART 176 is recommended as a prerequisite. A-F only. Pre: 113 or consent. Co-requisite: 265 and 265L.

ART 301 (Alpha) Electronic Arts Studio (3)

(6 Lec/ Lab) Combined theory and practice studio course(s) that investigate language, processes, and personalized composing systems related to the use of technological media and its application to a variety of contemporary art areas and related disciplines. (B) imaging systems; (C) sound; (D) interactive systems. Pre: 201 and one 200-level studio; or consent.

ART 302 Introduction to Contemporary Critical Theory (3)

Examination of the significant themes and issues in contemporary critical theory as they relate to the production and reception of art. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 303 Kiln-Formed Glass (3)

Expressive explorations in the use of kiln-formed, fusible-sheet glasses and enameling on glass. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 and 130.

ART 304 Digital Imaging: Professional Printing (3)

Combined theory and practice. Investigates industry standard methods for archival pigment printing. Techniques include: device calibration and profiling, black and white, coating techniques, mounting and adhesive techniques, professional portfolio presentation. A-F only. Pre: 202 (with a minimum grade of B).

ART 305 Digital Imaging: Alternative Printing (3)

Combined theory and practice. Merges digital printing, mark-making, photography, and traditional printmaking. Includes image transfers, lifts, precoating techniques, as well as printing on alternative substrates such as watercolor papers, metals, and cloth. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 202 (with a minimum grade of B).

ART 306 Lost Wax Glass Casting (3)

Glass kiln casting techniques, lost wax fuse casting, pâte de verre. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 and 130.

ART 307 Advanced Lighting (3)

Emphasis on aesthetic and critical analysis. Techniques covered include continuous light, strobe and handheld flash. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 202 and 207 with a minimum grade of B.

ART 308 (Alpha) Advanced Photographic Techniques (3)

Emphasis on aesthetic and critical analysis. (B) digital color photography and printing; (C) hand-applied emulsion. Each alpha is repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 202 and 207 with a minimum grade of B.

ART 313 Advanced Drawing (3)

Studio practice in drawing emphasizing contemporary developments in art. Repeatable one time. Pre: 213 or consent.

ART 314 Intermediate Life Drawing (3)

Further investigations of the figure concerning anatomical and diagramatic construction, light, space, and thematic content. Repeatable one time. Pre: 214 or consent.

ART 315 Experimental Art and Animation (3)

Provides students an opportunity to experiment with new mediums while collaborating with artists from different backgrounds, such as art, theatre, dance, film, and animation. ACM, ART, THEA, DNCE majors only. Pre: 113 or ACM 216 (or concurrent) or THEA 353 (or concurrent) or THEA 356 (or concurrent), or consent. (Cross-listed as ACM 315 and THEA 314)

ART 316 Lithography (3)

Studio practice in concepts and techniques of making prints from lithographic limestone and plates. Pre: (with a minimum grade of B) 215 or 217 or 218.

ART 318 Intermediate Printmaking (3)

Intermediate level specialization in either intaglio, lithography, screenprinting, or relief printmaking. Concentration on the techniques and formats of color printing and sequential image development. Repeatable two times. Pre: (with a minimum grade of B) two of 215, 217, 218, or 316.

ART 322 Advanced Color (3)

Theory and application of color as related to studio practice. Pre: 113.

ART 323 Advanced Painting I (3)

Studio practice in painting emphasizing contemporary developments in art. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 223 or consent.

ART 324 Painting from Life (3)

Painting from the model; a survey of the figurative tradition. Repeatable one time. Pre: 123 or 223, and 214.

ART 330 Advanced Glass (3)

Glass as an expressive medium. Individual problems; construction of studio equipment. Readings and discussions of contemporary glass issues. Repeatable one time. Pre: Two of the following: 230, 234, 303, 306.

ART 335 Papermaking (3)

Studio emphasis on handmade papermaking techniques, conceptual exploration in two and three dimensions. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: one fiber course or one of 104, 113, 116; or consent.

ART 336 Wearable Art—Body and Material (3)

Studio exploration of clothing as art form and the body as living armature and performance. Emphasis on development of concept, skill, collaborative and individual voice through material investigation, research, discussions, lectures, individual and group projects. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: one 200-level fiber course, or 116 and one 200-level studio course; or consent.

ART 337 Fiber Sculpture—Endurance and Impermanence (3)

Studio exploration in contemporary dimensional fiber using both conventional and non-conventional materials and processes. Emphasis on concept development, sensitivity to the evocative potential of materials, context, surface treatment and its relationship to concept and structure. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: one 200 level fiber course or 116 and one 200 level studio course; or consent.

ART 339 Designing Surface (3)

In-depth studio exploration of fiber techniques for patterning and manipulating cloth and other related experimental surfaces. Engages conceptual exploration through experimentation with traditional fiber patterning techniques such as dyeing, resisting, direct printing, embellishment drawing with thread and piercing. Group and individual projects. A-F only. Pre: 113 and 116; or consent.

ART 343 Ceramics—Sculpture (3)

Sculptural concepts and techniques specifically related to the medium of clay; advanced hand-building, throwing, glazing, and firing techniques. Repeatable one time. Pre: 242 or consent.

ART 344 Ceramics—Vessels (3)

Exploration of the ceramic vessel as function, metaphor, and expression. Advanced hand-building, throwing, glazing, and firing techniques. Repeatable one time. Pre: 242 or consent.

ART 345 Ceramics—Low Temperature (3)

Form and surface problems related to earthenware clay bodies and low-temperature glazes; mold-making for ceramics. Repeatable one time. Pre: 242 or consent.

ART 346 History of Western Ceramics (3)

Western ceramics history from chronological, developmental, contextual, and theoretical standpoints; influence of Asian ceramics. Pre: 242, with 175 and 176 recommended; or consent.

ART 347 Technical Ceramics (3)

Clay body development, glaze development, empirical and calculation methods. Emphasis on glaze maturity, surface, and color. A-F only. Pre: 242, and one of 343, 344, or 345; or consent.

ART 351 Sculpture—Figure Modeling (3)

Figure modeling, mold making, and casting. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or consent.

ART 352 Kinetic Sculpture (3)

The design and construction of objects incorporating movement as an integral element of their content. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or consent.

ART 356 Sculpture—Metal Fabrication (3)

Metal fabrication and development of associated practices, concepts, and historical references. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or consent.

ART 357 Sculpture—Small-Scale (3)

Fabrication and casting of forms on a small scale such as jewelry. The development of related practices, concepts, and historical references. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or

ART 358 Utilitarian Sculpture (3)

The design and construction of objects intended for use/interaction. Emphasis on wood and synthetic materials. Repeatable one time. Pre: 116 or consent.

ART 359 Sculpture—Contemporary (3)

Contextualization of late 20th/early 21st century sculptural practice, including stylistic and theoretical frameworks, with references to influences of various historical Western and Asian traditions and applying this knowledge in the creation of sculpture. Pre: 116 and 176, or consent.

ART 360 Exhibition Design and Gallery Management (3)

Design theory and techniques for presentation of artworks and mounting exhibitions. Pre: junior standing.

ART 361 Art Museums and Preservation Practices (3)

Introduction to collections management and preservation techniques, incorporating both theoretical and practical approaches, and including hands-on work with the collections of the John Young Museum. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.

ART 365 Design: Studio II (3)

Intermediate graphic design. Emphasis on communication problems involving process and analysis. Introduction to modernist precedents and information theory. A-F only. Pre: 113, 116, 175, 176, 265, 266; or consent. Co-requisite: 365L and 366.

ART 365L Design: Studio II Lab (1)

Intermediate instruction in the Macintosh computer environment, software, and peripheral devices, including intermediate layout. Introduction to graphic design industry standard multi-media and web design programs. CR/NC only. Pre: 265, 265L, and 266; or consent. Co-requisite: 365.

ART 366 Design: Typography II (3)

Intermediate typographic design, exploration of word and text composition in the context of multiple-page structures. A-F only. Pre: 113, 116, 175, 176, 265, 266; or consent. Co-requisite: 365 and 365L.

ART 369 (Alpha) Study Abroad-Studio Art (3)

Intensive study of topics in studio art at a UH Manoa approved study abroad institution. (B) introductory; (C) upper-division. Repeatable one time per alpha. A-F only. Pre: consent.

ART 371 Medieval Art (3)

Arts of Europe from early Christian era to Renaissance. Pre: 175 or consent.

ART 373 Art of Greece and Rome (3)

Minoan and Mycenaean arts; Greece and Rome. Pre: 175 or consent. (Cross-listed as CLAS 373)

ART 374 Art of the 19th Century (3)

Architecture, sculpture, and painting of Europe. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 380 Early Art of Japan (3)

Major developments, prehistoric through Kamakura; architecture, painting, sculpture. Pre: 175 or consent.

ART 381 Later Art of Japan (3)

Major developments, Muromachi to modern period; painting, sculpture, architecture. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 382 Philippine Visual Art from Burial Jars to Burning Effigies (3)

Introduction to the arts and material culture of the Philippines from the pre-colonial to the contemporary period through the examination of sculpture, metalwork, ceramics, textiles, and painting from various ethnolinguistic groups. Sophomore standing or higher. (Cross-listed as IP 382)

ART 384 Art of Korea (3)

Ceramics, sculpture, painting, and architecture; neolithic through Yi periods. Pre: 175 or consent.

ART 385 Art and Culture of Early China (3)

A culturally oriented study of Chinese visual arts; emphasis on jade, bronze, secular and religious sculptures, and paintings from prehistory to the 9th century. Pre: 175 or consent.

ART 386 Art and Culture of Late China (3)

A culturally oriented study of Chinese visual arts; emphasis on the rise of literati painting and theory individualism in art and theory, garden, and architecture, and the Chinese pursuit of modernity and post-modernity in art. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 387 Sculpture of China (3)

Thematic introduction to sculpture in China from the Neolithic period through the present day. A-F only. Pre: 175.

ART 389 (Alpha) Study Abroad-Art History (3)

Intensive study of advanced topics in art history at a UH Mânoa-approved study abroad institution. (B) introductory; (C) upper-division. Repeatable one time per alpha. A-F only. Pre: consent.

ART 390 Art of Africa, Pacific, North America (3)

Contextual study of art from selected areas in Africa, the Pacific, and North America. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 391 (Alpha) Art of Southeast Asia (3)

Critical analysis of the historical and cultural development of Buddhist and Hindu art in Southeast Asia; (B) island Southeast Asia; (C) mainland Southeast Asia. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 175 or consent.

ART 393 Art of India and South Asia (3)

Art and architecture of South Asia in historical and cultural context. Art of India and South Asia. Pre: 175 or consent.

ART 395 Art Historical Methodology (3)

Introduction to the methods and approaches of art history. Students will develop skills in perception and comprehension of visual art forms, and a critical understanding of the methods used by art historians to analyze them. A-F only. Pre: 175 and 176 and consent.

ART 396 (Alpha) History of Photography (3)

History of photography from its beginnings to the present; emphasis on the evolution of photography as an art form; (B) nineteenth century, from the invention of photography through pictorialism; (C) twentieth century, from World War I to the present. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 399 Directed Work (V)

Individual projects; tutorial. Maximum: 3 credit hours per semester; total 3 for BA, 6 for BFA. Pre: two 200-level or above art courses in area of directed work, as well as consent of instructor and department associate chair

ART 400 (Alpha) Special Topics (V)

Intensive and specialized work at advanced level in fields of special interest of visiting or resident faculty; (B) studio art; (C) art history. Repeatable three times per alpha, up to 12 credits. Junior standing or higher and instructor consent only.

ART 401 Advanced Electronic Arts Studio (3)

Tutorial studio that encourages exploration in combined and new media through independent work within an environment of theoretical and critical discourse. Repeatable one time. Pre: 301 or consent.

ART 405 Professional Practice in the Arts: Creative, Career, and Leadership (3)

Examination of the role of the artist in society, the artist as self, as community member, as teacher. Professional Practice skills in the arts; planning, grantsmanship, fundraising, budgeting, marketing, outreach, and media relations. ART majors only. Senior standing or graduate students only. A-F only.

ART 409 Graduation Portfolio (BA) (0)

Required graduation portfolio for BA Art History and Art Studio students. BA ART majors only. Undergraduates only. CR/NC only. To be taken during the semester prior to expected graduation.

ART 410 BFA Capstone Seminar/Studio (3)

In conjunction with the production of art for the BFA annual exhibition, this seminar will examine, critique, and evaluate the student’s art within the context of contemporary art, professional practices, exhibition theory, and integrate theoretical and practical issues in
the life of an artist. BFA majors only. A-F only. Pre: BFA major or consent. (Spring only)

ART 436 Use, Re-use, and Radical Re-use (3)

Explores the related concepts of use, re-use, and radical re-use through an exploration of new applications of traditional fiber techniques and contexts of making. A-F only. Pre: 113 and 116 and one 200-level or above fiber course, and consent. (Cross-listed as SUST 436)

ART 439 Installation/Performance–Material in Context (3)

Studio investigation of the definition/ transformation of space through artist intervention.
Emphasis on the evocative potential of materials in context (physical, social, political, psychological) as well as experiments in non-object based interventions. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: two 200-level or above studio courses, or consent.

ART 460 Early 20th Century American Art (3)

American art in the first half of the 20th century and its impact on American culture. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 176 or consent. (Alt. years: fall) (Crosslisted as AMST 460)

ART 465 Design: Studio III (3)

Advanced graphic design. Emphasis on postmodernist theory, context, audience, and alternative media. A-F only. Pre: 365, 365L, and 366; or consent. Co-requisite: 465L.

ART 465L Design: Studio III Lab (1)

Advanced instruction in the Macintosh computer environment, including software and peripheral devices. Instruction in image manipulation and editing still video images for the web, CD, DVD, and portable interface devices. CR/NC only. Pre: 365, 365L, and 366; or consent. Co-requisite: 465.

ART 466 Design: Typography III (3)

Advanced typographic design. Exploration of 2D, 3D, electronic, and intermedia. Emphasis on contemporary typographic models. A-F only. Pre: 365, 365L, and 366; or consent.

ART 467 Design: Production Techniques (3)

Advanced techniques in design production from printed and digital media. A-F only. Pre: 465, 465L, and 466; or consent. Co-requisite: 467L. (Spring only)

ART 467L Design: Production Techniques Lab (1)

Advanced study of digital media for graphic designers. Focuses on skills and specific technical information to complement material covered in 467. CR/NC only. Pre: 465 and 465L and 466. Co-requisite: 467. (Spring only)

ART 469 Design: Advanced Studio (3)

Individual and team investigations of complex problems in graphic design. Emphasis on projects with actual clients (when available) and/or independent investigations addressing advanced and current questions in the graphic design field. A-F only. Pre: with a minimum grade of B- for (465 and 466) and credit for 465L. (Spring only)

ART 470 (Alpha) Renaissance Art (3)

Painting, sculpture, and architecture: (B) early Renaissance in Italy; (C) northern Europe; (D) High Renaissance and mannerism in Italy. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 471 Baroque and Rococo Art (3)

Architecture, sculpture, and painting of Europe in the Baroque and Rococo periods. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 472 Art of the United States (3)

Emphasis on the 18th and 19th centuries. Pre: 176 or AMST 202 or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 456)

ART 473 Art of the First Half of 20th Century (3)

Development of modern art in Europe 1900–1939. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 474 (Alpha) Art Since 1945 (3)

Art since 1945, with a focus on the global expansion of the avantgarde; (B) contemporary art 1945-2000; (C) global contemporary art since 2000. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 475 (Alpha) Art of the Pacific (3)

Visual form and function of the arts in cultural context: (B) Melanesia and Australia; (C) Polynesia and Micronesia; (D) North Pacific coast Indian, Eskimo. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 476 Art of Tribal Africa (3)

Visual form and function of arts in cultural context. Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Congo, Zaire. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 477 Art of Indonesia (3)

Architecture, sculpture, and textile traditions of indigenous Indonesia in cultural context. A-F only. Pre: 176.

ART 478 Topics in Contemporary Art (3)

Thematic approaches to contemporary art and visual culture. Course themes may include identity, local/global issues, and appropriation. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent. (Alt. years)

ART 479 Art of Hawai‘i (3)

Stylistic and aesthetic characteristics of art of ancient Hawai‘i; relationship to art from other parts of Polynesia. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 481 Museum Interpretations (3)

Studies the interpretive strategies and methods used by museums to communicate with visitors in museums, art galleries, historic sites, parks, and related places. Considers how interpretations contribute to cultural knowledge. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. (Crosslisted as AMST 457)

ART 483 Applied Art of Japan (3)

Ceramics, metalwork, lacquer, and textiles throughout Japanese history. Pre: 175 and 176; or consent.

ART 484 Contemporary Art and Ecology (3)

Explores the recent history of environmental and ecological art; provides a critical framework for the contemporary image politics of environmentalism, ecology, sustainability, and climate change. A-F only. Pre: 176.

ART 485 Contemporary Art in Hawai‘i (3)

History of contemporary art in Hawai‘i: the institutions, artists, critics, and historians that have shaped it. Strong focus on oral history of Hawai‘i artists. A-F only. Pre: 176.

ART 486 Traditional Chinese Painting (3)

Stylistic and historic development of two-dimensional arts; painting and calligraphy from prehistory through 18th century. Pre: 175 or consent.

ART 487 Modern and Contemporary Art of China (3)

Introduction to the arts of China in the modern and contemporary periods, in all media and genres, from 1840 to the present. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 488 Genres of Japanese Cinema (3)

History of Japanese cinema, including silent films, samurai films, monster films, and literary adaptations, analyzed through the lens of genre and genre theory. A-F only. Pre: 175 and 176. (Summer only)

ART 490 (Alpha) Special Topics in Southeast Asian Art History (3)

Focused study of particular periods, regions and critical themes in Southeast Asian art
and architectural history. (B) Angkor & art of Khmer civilization; (C) art & architecture of Thailand; (D) monuments & nationalism in Southeast Asia. Repeatable one time for up to two different alphas. A-F only. Pre: 175, or consent. (Once a year) (D Cross-listed as ANTH 491)

ART 492 Hindu Visual Culture (3)

Art and architecture of South Asia in historical and cultural context. Hindu visual culture. Pre: 175 or consent.

ART 493 Art of Islam (3)

Major developments in art and architecture. Pre: 175 or consent.

ART 494 Photography: Critical Issues (3)

Seminar on theoretical, ethical and aesthetic issues relating to the practice of photography, past and present. A-F only. Pre: 396B or 396C, or consent.

ART 495 History of Modern Design (3)

Major design movements in Europe and America from late 19th century to present; arts and crafts movement, art nouveau, modernist trends of the 20th century. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 496 Topics in the History of Cinema (3)

Specific period or national style of cinema studied in its historical context. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 176 or consent.

ART 611 Graduate Studio Seminar in Art (3)

Selected topics in art. A critique-based course with emphasis on the development of critical analysis, artistic research, and practice. Repeatable six times. ART majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.

ART 612 Graduate Studio Seminar in Art II (6)

Selected topics in art. Emphasis on the analysis of the systems by which art is conceived and the ability to define developing direction and related research. ART majors only. A-F only. Pre: 611 or consent. (Spring only)

ART 613 Graduate Studio Seminar in Art III (6)

Selected topics in art. Emphasis on the development of critical analysis and the understanding of one’s position relative to the contemporary art world. ART majors only. A-F only. Pre: 612 or consent. (Fall only)

ART 614 Graduate Studio Seminar in Art IV (6)

Selected topics in art. Emphasis on the convergence of one’s studio practice and research, and the refinement necessary to the preparation for entrance into thesis. ART majors only. A-F only. Pre: 613 or consent. (Spring only

ART 620 Methods in Contemporary Art (3)

Examines processes of inquiry and experimentation within studio practice. Students explore a range of research methods as a way to challenge habitual methodologies and expand notions of art and art making. A-F only. (Fall only)

ART 621 Materials in Contemporary Art (3)

Explores the physical, historical, symbolic, and contextual capacity of materials, as well as the mutually constitutive roles of artist and materials within the creative process. A-F only. (Spring only)

ART 630 Graduate Studio Teaching Practicum (3)

Observation, analysis and participation in teaching a lower division course under the direction of an instructor in the student’s area of concentration. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 690, admitted to candidacy for MFA in art, and consent.

ART 670 Art Historical Methodology (3)

An introduction to art historiography, analytical techniques, and research methods and materials. Pre: consent and graduate standing.

ART 677 Art of Oceania (3)

Arts from Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia explored in context of issues involving belief systems and cultural change. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 475C or consent.

ART 688 Topics in the Art of China (3)

Research topics in the history of Chinese sculpture, ceramics, bronzes, jade, and textiles. A-F only. Pre: consent.

ART 690 Seminar in Contemporary Critical Theory (3)

Research and discussion seminar supporting advanced critical theory in the context
of contemporary art and other creative practice. Pre: consent.

ART 691 Seminar in Global Contemporary Art (3)

Selected topics in global contemporary art history. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)

ART 695 Seminar in Western Art History (3)

Selected topics in European and American art history. Pre: consent.

ART 699 Directed Work (V)

Advanced individual projects; advanced tutorial. Maximum: 3 credit hours per semester; total 6 for MA Plan A, 9 for MA Plan B, MFA students must petition OGE for permission
to apply toward degree requirement. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.

ART 700 Thesis Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

ART 780 Seminar in Japanese Art (3)

Selected topics in Japanese art history. Pre: consent.

ART 791 Seminar in South/Southeast Asian Art History (3)

Selected topics in South and/or Southeast Asian art and architectural history with an emphasis on Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent, repeatable with consent.

ART 792 Orientalism and Visual Culture (3)

Investigates artistic representations, appropriations, and exchanges constructed on the basis of East/Orient vs. West/Occident differences. Includes analysis of: Orientalizing artistic traditions throughout history, history and concept of Orient, post-colonial critique of Orientalism. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. 2-3 years) (Cross-listed as ASAN 792)

CLAS 211 Understanding Ancient Religions (3)

Comparative and historical survey of the religious beliefs and practices in ancient times throughout Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria-Canaan, Anatolia, Persia, Greece, and Rome. A-F only. (Cross-listed as REL 211)

COMG 102 Everyday Communication with Numbers: A Survival Guide (3)

Understanding, communicating, and evaluating quantitative information in everyday contexts. Topics include describing and interpreting data, basic statistics, and evaluating the validity of results.

COMG 151 Personal and Public Speech (3)

Develops communication skills necessary to function effectively in today’s society. Students will enhance their communication skills in one-on-one situations, public speaking, and small group situations. Ideal for new majors and non-majors.

COMG 151A Personal and Public Speech (3)

Develops communication skills necessary to function effectively in today’s society. Students will enhance their communication skills in one-on-one situations, public speaking, and small group situations. Ideal for new majors and non-majors.

COMG 170 Introduction to Nonverbal Communication (3)

Beginning course on the fundamental components of nonverbal communication. Aspects of body movements, facial expressions, eye behavior, physical appearance, voice, touch, space, smell, time, and environmental features will be examined in a lecture/discussion format. Extensive practice in skills.

COMG 181 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (3)

Introduction to basic principles of interaction between two people. Emphasis is on enhancement of skills in a variety of interpersonal contexts.

COMG 185 Multicultural Communication Skills (3)

Expose students to practical skills needed for effective intercultural communication. Offer guidelines for improvement in diverse cultural settings such as business, education, counseling, and healthcare.

COMG 251 Principles of Effective Public Speaking (3

Combined lecture/laboratory providing extensive practice in preparing and presenting effective public speeches with special emphasis on organization, outlining, audience analysis, analytical reasoning, and delivery skills.

COMG 251A Principles of Effective Public Speaking (3)

Combined lecture/laboratory providing extensive practice in preparing and presenting effective public speeches with special emphasis on organization, outlining, audience analysis, analytical reasoning, and delivery skills.

COMG 290 Interviewing (3)

Principles and practice; training in informational, persuasive, employment, appraisal, and research interviewing. Pre: one of 151, 170, 181, 185, 251 or 301; or consent.

COMG 301 Introduction to Communicological Theories (3)

Introduction to the theoretical perspectives that are the foundations of the communication discipline. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.

COMG 302 Research Methods (3)

Introduction to methods of inquiry in the field of communication. Topics include research design and problem formulation, sampling, analytic and observational techniques, and data interpretation. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.

COMG 321 Instructional Communication (3

Analysis of and practice in using models of communication in the classroom. Extends application of oral communication skills to various instructional and teaching contexts. Emphasis on organization, preparation, and delivery. Pre: 151 or 251; or consent.

COMG 351 Professional Presentations (3)

Extends application of public speaking skills to professional contexts: group sales, press conferences, and corporate annual reports. Emphasis on organization, preparation, and delivery. Pre: 151 or 251, or consent.

COMG 352 Group Decision-Making and Leadership (3)

Study of decision-making within the small group. Effects of organization, leadership, membership, and goals on achieving group purposes. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.

COMG 353 Argumentation and Debate (3)

Adapting communication theory to forensic strategies for social action. Practice in formal argument. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits

COMG 361 Leadership and Organizational Communication (3)

Principles and practices of organizational communication and its relationship to networks, leadership, power, conflict, cultures, and other contemporary views of organizational work, change, and development. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.

COMG 364 Persuasion (3)

Theories, concepts, strategies, and processes of persuasion and social influence in contemporary society. Focus on analyzing, developing, and resisting persuasive messages. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.

COMG 371 Creating Understanding (3)

Introduction to theory and research on human communication, comprehension, creation of understanding. Discussion of codes and media, information and message processing theories. Topics include inference-making, implicature, natural language processing, and deception. Junior standing or higher.

COMG 380 Family Communication (3)

Focuses on the role of interaction patterns (both constructive and destructive) in the evolution of family communications. The impact of family dynamics upon these interaction patterns is given equal attention. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.

COMG 381 Interpersonal Relations (3)

Theory and research on the development, maintenance, and termination of interpersonal relationships. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.

COMG 385 Culture and Communication (3)

Survey of major factors affecting interpersonal communication between members of different cultures. Emphasis upon interaction between U.S. and Asian-Pacific peoples. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.

COMG 386 Special Topics in Culture and Communication (3)

Contemporary research and theory on intercultural communication. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.

COMG 390 Interrogation and Interviewing (3)

Survey of theory and research on the communicative demands of obtaining reliable information from others. Restricted to students with 30 or more credits.

COMG 392 Evolution and Human Communication (3)

Analysis of the role of human communication in mate attraction, intrasexual competition, cooperation, family dynamics, and coalition formation; discussion on the biological function of language, laughter, yawning, and emotion expressions. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.

COMG 395 Research on Communication Behavior (3)

Survey of research on communication behavior. Verbal and nonverbal data collection; analysis of research data. Students design and implement a research project. Repeatable three times. Pre: 301 and 302.

COMG 399 Internship (V)

Analysis and application of communication knowledge and behaviors in organizational settings. Repeatable up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: consent.

COMG 452 Intergroup Communication (3)

Surveys theory and research on communication between members of different social groups, highlighting how communication influences and is influenced by social identity. Applies concepts to intergenerational, health, family, educational, multilingual, and computer-mediated contexts. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.

COMG 454 Political Communication (3)

Survey of interpersonal and mass communication theories in the political context. Topics may include communication in public opinion processes, elections, debates, political campaigning and advertising. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.

COMG 455 Conflict Management (3)

Examination of the theories, assumptions, practices, models, and techniques of managing interpersonal conflicts. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.

COMG 464 Human Communication and Technology (3)

Analysis of evolving communicative exchanges in the Internet age including how people communicate with computer technology: focus on personal, interpersonal, and cultural effects associated with technology use. Pre: 60 or more credits.

COMG 465 Theories and Research in Strategic Communication (3)

An in-depth overview of theories related to strategic communication and scientific approaches to attitude formation and changes. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 301 or 364 or consent.

COMG 470 Nonverbal Communication (3)

Understanding communication beyond the words themselves. Review of theory and research on gestures, facial expressions, touch, personal space, and physical appearance. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.

COMG 471 Verbal Communication (3)

Roles of language: perception and assumption in human relationships; relation of language symbols to emotion and attitudes. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.

COMG 472 Deceptive Communication (3)

Survey of major social scientific theories, concepts, and research findings on deceptive communication, in a lecture/discussion format. Emphasis is on how people create deceptive messages, induce deception, and strategies used to detect deception. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.

COMG 481 Relational Management (3)

Survey and critical discussion of current theory and research in relational management literature. Focus on conversation management, deception, jealousy, privacy, communication of emotions. Pre: 381 or consent.

COMG 490 Communication in Helping Relationships (3)

Theory and application of personal and interpersonal elements affecting communication of human-service professionals. Supervised practice. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits. (Cross-listed as PSY 477)

COMG 493 Teaching Speech (6)

For communicology majors who lead, under supervision, a freshman seminar section of communicology. Pre: senior standing and consent.

COMG 495 Health Communication (3)

Develop understanding of the process through which communication influences health outcomes, and learn how to design effective health communication programs using theory and research. Restricted to students with 60 or more credits.

COMG 499 Directed Reading (V)

Pre: consent of department chair and instructor.

COMG 600 Master’s Plan B/C Studies (1)

Enrollment for degree completion. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: master’s Plan B candidate and consent.

COMG 601 Theories in Communicology (3)

Major theoretical foundations; humanistic and social scientific perspectives. Examination of the research and the development of different models of human communication. COMG majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.

COMG 602 Research Methods in Communicology (3)

Design and analysis of quantitative research in communicology. Focus on measurement issues, research design, descriptive and inferential statistics. COMG majors only. A-F only. Pre: consent.

COMG 620 Practicum for Instructional Communication (1)

Combined seminar and lecture/ discussion format on techniques and procedures for teaching communication skills and their related components in a laboratory setting. CR/NC only. Repeatable three times. COMG majors only. Pre: COMG GTA or consent.

COMG 660 Business Communication (3)

Analysis of communication issues in business through discussion of verbal/nonverbal messages, interpersonal relationships, conflict, and persuasion. Focus on interviewing, group communication, and public speaking skills. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) or 602 (or concurrent), or consent.

COMG 664 Persuasion and Social Influence (3)

Theories of persuasion and resistance to persuasion; assessment of attitudes and measurement of change. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) or 602 (or concurrent) or consent.

COMG 670 Message Processing (3)

Theories of human message processing. Effects of verbal and nonverbal codes, channels, and message forms on encoding and decoding. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) or 602 (or concurrent); or consent.

COMG 681 Relational Communication (3)

Major models and theories of interpersonal communication; research on interpersonal relationships; interaction and functions of human communication. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent); or consent.

COMG 685 Foundations of Intercultural Communication (3)

Major models, theories, and concepts of intercultural communication; basic methodological and analytical issues of research related to intercultural communication; research on intercultural communication. Graduate standing only. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent); or consent.

COMG 699 Directed Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times. Only three credits can count toward degree.

COMG 700 Thesis Research (V)

Repeatable three times. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.

COMG 702 Advanced Research Methods in Communicology (3)

Advanced focus on survey, laboratory, and field study design, data collection, and data analysis. Emphasis on control of variance through design and statistical analysis. Appropriate preparation for graduate theses and dissertations. A-F only. Pre: 602 or consent.

COMG 721 Approaches to Instructional Communication (3)

Seminar on communication theories and models in instructional environment; emphasis on message processing, classroom dynamics, cognitive and metacognitive processes associated with learning, and learning assessment. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) or 602 (or concurrent), or consent.

COMG 752 Research in Intergroup Communication (3)

Theory, concepts, research, and application of communication processes between members of different social groups. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) or 602 (or concurrent), or consent.

COMG 760 Seminar in Special Topics in Communicology (3)

Substantive areas in communication that are of current interest and the focus of research, but not addresed in other COMG courses. Topics vary each semester. Content to be announced. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: (601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent)) with a minimum grade of B), or consent.

COMG 764 Seminar in Persuasion and Influence (3)

Contemporary research in persuasion and influence. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 664 or consent.

COMG 770 Issues in Message Processing (3)

Contemporary research in verbal and nonverbal message processing. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 670 or consent.

COMG 781 Seminar in Relational Communication (3)

Contemporary research in interpersonal relations. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 681 or consent.

COMG 785 Research on Intercultural Communication (3)

Functional approach to the study of communication in intercultural settings. Examination of culture-based variables and their impact on social influence, relational management, and message processing. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 685 or consent.

COMG 787 Artificial Intelligence and Communication (3)

Comprehensive understanding of the role and function of computer technology (including. A.I.) within the field of communication. Basic methodological and analytical issues of research related to semi-intelligent artifacts as information source or receiver. COMG majors or consent. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent); or consent.

COMG 795 Seminar in Health Communication Research (3)

Contemporary interpersonal and/ or public communication issues in health communication research. Topics include communication functions such as information management, interpersonal influence, relational management, emotional management, social influence. A-F only. Pre: 601 (or concurrent) and 602 (or concurrent), or consent.

DNCE 103 Introduction to Japanese Dance (1)

Beginning techniques of Japanese dance. Repeatable three times.

DNCE 105 Introduction to Korean Dance (1)

Beginning techniques of Korean dance. Repeatable three times.

DNCE 106 Introduction to Okinawan Dance (1)

Beginning techniques of Okinawan dance. Repeatable three times.

DNCE 107 Introduction to Philippine Dance (1)

Beginning techniques of Philippine dance. Repeatable three times.

DNCE 121 Beginning Ballet Technique (3)

Introduction to classical ballet technique. Repeatable three times.

DNCE 122 Continuing Ballet Technique (3)

Continuation of beginning classical ballet technique. Repeatable three times. Pre: 121 or consent.

DNCE 131 Beginning Contemporary Dance Technique (3)

Introduction to contemporary dance technique. Repeatable three times.

DNCE 140 Hip Hop Dance (1)

Introductory lecture/lab geared towards those with or without Hip Hop dance experience. Students will learn the fundamentals of various Hip Hop dance styles. Repeatable two times.

DNCE 141 Jazz Dance Technique (1)

Introduction to jazz dance technique. Repeatable two times.

DNCE 142 Ballroom Dance (1)

Introduction to those with or without ballroom dance experience. Students will learn the fundamentals of various ballroom dances. Repeatable five times.

DNCE 150 Introduction to Dance (3)

Survey the development of major dance styles and their relationship to contemporary choreography.

DNCE 151 Music Theory for Dancers (3)

Elements of music and relationship to dance; emphasis on rhythmic analysis. (Alt. years)

DNCE 152 Live on Stage (3)

Will view 10 locally-produced theatre and dance productions. Readings, class discussion, and live demonstration will assist students to understand each performance. Performances may include theatre, dance, musical theatre, opera, and performance art. Repeatable one time. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as THEA 152)

DNCE 221 Low Intermediate Ballet Technique (3)

Low intermediate ballet technique. Repeatable three times. Pre: 122 or consent.

DNCE 231 Intermediate Contemporary Dance Technique (3)

Low intermediate modern dance technique. Repeatable three times.

DNCE 240 Introduction to Stage Production (3)

Survey class introducing theater management, lighting, costuming, scenery, and other aspects of theatre that relate to producing stage performances. (Cross-listed as THEA 240)

DNCE 240 Introduction to Stage Production (3)

Survey class introducing theater management, lighting, costuming, scenery, and other aspects of theatre that relate to producing stage performances. (Cross-listed as THEA 240)

DNCE 245 Principles of of Design (3)

Introduction to general design principles as applied to theatre. Will introduce the language and tools of visual literacy and visual communications via individual projects and collaboration. Repeatable two times. (Cross-listed as THEA 245)

DNCE 255 Global Perspectives on Dance (3)

Overview of global perspectives on dance, with emphasis on Asia and the Pacific, and related concepts.

DNCE 259 Topics in Dance (V)

Readings, research, and/or field and movement experiences. Repeatable two times, up to nine credits.

DNCE 260 Movement Fundamentals (1)

Organized somatic systems as a framework for understanding movement and dance techniques. Required for majors. Repeatable two times.

DNCE 301 Asian Dance I (V)

Performance and techniques at the introductory level. Repeatable up to eight credits.

DNCE 302 Chinese Dance I (1)

Performance and techniques at the introductory level.

DNCE 303 Japanese Dance I (1)

Performance and techniques at the introductory level.

DNCE 304 Indonesian Dance I (1)

Performance and techniques at the introductory level.

DNCE 305 Korean Dance I (1)

Performance and techniques at the introductory level.

DNCE 306 Okinawan Dance I (1)

Performance and techniques at the introductory level.

DNCE 307 Philippine Dance I (1)

Performance and techniques at the introductory level.

DNCE 311 Oceanic Dance I (1)

Performance and techniques at the introductory level.

DNCE 312 Hula/Chant Ensemble I (2)

Ancient style. Pre: upper division standing or consent. A-F only. (Cross-listed as MUS 312)

DNCE 321 Intermediate Ballet Technique (3)

Intermediate ballet technique. Repeatable four times. Pre: 222 or consent.

DNCE 331 High Intermediate Contemporary Dance Technique (3)

Intermediate modern dance technique. Repeatable four times. Pre: 232 or consent.

DNCE 334 Taiji (T’ai Chi) for Actors I (3)

Basic Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) movement training. Repeatable two times. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 334)

DNCE 345 Lighting I: Beginning Lighting Design (3)

Basic principles of lighting design and associated technologies. Includes functions and properties of light, lighting and control equipment, working procedures, and drafting and paperwork techniques. Pre: DNCE/ THEA 240 or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as THEA 345)

DNCE 353 Scenic I: Beginning Scenic Design (3)

Workshop introducing the basic principles and approaches of scenic design for theatre and dance, with emphasis on the creative process. Pre: a course in THEA or DNCE, production experience, or consent. (Consent required for production experience option) (Cross-listed as THEA 353)

DNCE 354 Introduction to Costume Construction (4)

Workshop on basic principles of costume construction for theatre and dance. Professional practices, materials, and methods. (Cross-listed as THEA 354)

DNCE 356 Costumes I: Beginning Costume Design (3)

Basic principles and approaches to costume design for theatre and dance. Visual communication methods, creative process, historical research, and organizational practices. Repeatable one time. Pre: 250, THEA 240, or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 356)

DNCE 360 Dance Kinesiology (3)

Practical information for dance students on diet and nutrition, anatomy, training and conditioning, and injury prevention. Pre: 260 or consent.

DNCE 361 Elementary Labanotation (3)

Elementary theory of Labanotation with practical application in scoring and reconstructing dances. (Alt. years)

DNCE 362 Visual Media for Dance (3)

Introductory theory of digital technology for dance with practical applications in documentation and performance. (Alt. years)

DNCE 370 Movement Improvisation (3)

Introduces movement improvisation to all levels and disciplines. Movement studies will explore improvisation approaches, devices, elements, exercises, and implications to gain skills in and appreciation for the art of improvisation. Repeatable one time.

DNCE 371 Choreography I (3)

Elementary techniques and theories for dance-making. Pre: 370 or consent.

DNCE 372 Choreography II (3)

Intermediate techniques and theories for dance-making. Pre: 371 or consent.

DNCE 401 Asian Dance II (V)

Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 301 or consent.

DNCE 402 Chinese Dance II (1)

Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 302 or consent.

DNCE 403 Japanese Dance II (1)

Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 303 or consent.

DNCE 404 Indonesian Dance II (1)

Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 304 or consent.

DNCE 405 Korean Dance II (1)

Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 305 or consent.

DNCE 406 Okinawan Dance II (1)

Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 306 or consent.

DNCE 407 Philippine Dance II (1)

Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 307 or consent.

DNCE 411 Oceanic Dance II (1)

Performance and techniques at intermediate level. Repeatable up to eight credits. Pre: 311 or consent.

DNCE 412 Hula/Chant Ensemble II (2)

Ancient style. Pre: 312 or consent. (Cross-listed as MUS 412)

DNCE 413 Hula/Chant Ensemble III (2)

Ancient style; hâlau protocol. Repeatable nine times. Pre: 412. (Cross-listed as MUS 413)

DNCE 421 Advanced Ballet Technique (3)

Advanced ballet technique. Repeatable six times. Pre: 321 or consent

DNCE 431 Advanced Contemporary Dance Technique (3)

Advanced contemporary dance technique. Repeatable six times. Pre: 331 or consent.

DNCE 433 Movement Workshop (V)

Special workshops in movements relating to specific departmental theatrical productions beyond the scope of movement taught in 437 and 438. Repeatable one time. Pre: one of 435 or THEA 435, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 433)

DNCE 434 Taiji (T’ai Chi) for Actors II (3)

Intermediate-level Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) movement training. Repeatable two times. Pre: 334 or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 434)

DNCE 435 Movement for Actors (3)

Training actors to discover experientially the sources of movement; to teach skills for analyzing movement for its mechanical, anatomical, spatial, and dynamic content; and then to apply these skills in a role. Pre: THEA 222 or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 435)

DNCE 436 Advanced Movement for Actors (3)

Detailed development of material presented in 435. Focus on Bartenieff fundamentals and movement analysis as it applies to the physical interpretation of theatrical roles. Pre: 435 or THEA 435, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 436

DNCE 437 Period Movement Styles, 1450–1650 (3)

Movement styles and social deportment of European societies in the Renaissance and early Baroque periods. Pre: 435 or THEA 435, one semester of a 100-level dance technique class; or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 437)

DNCE 438 Period Movement Styles, 1650–1800 (3)

Movement styles and social deportment of the Baroque and pre-Romantic periods in Europe and the American colonies. Pre: 435 or THEA 435, one semester of a 100-level dance technique class; or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 438)

DNCE 439 Musical Theater Dance Forms (3)

Theatrical dance forms used in 20th-century musical theater. Pre: 100 level or above dance technique class, 421, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 439)

DNCE 446 Topics in Costume Construction (3)

Costume production techniques, both Western and Asian, for theatre and dance. Topic rotation includes: understructures and armatures, patterning, tailoring, dyeing, fabric modification, millenery and crafts, within the context of current industry practice. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 354, 356, or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 446)

DNCE 452 Dance History I: From Ritual to the Concert Stage (3)

Development of Western theatrical dance from Ancient Greece through 19th-century ballet. Pre: upper division standing or consent.

DNCE 453 Dance History II: 20th Century to the Present (3)

Development of modern dance, contemporary ballet, and dance forms of musical theater and film. Pre: upper division standing or consent.

DNCE 456 Costumes II: Intermediate Costume Design (3)

Advanced costume design for theatre and dance. Introduction to collaborative process in costume. Intensive work on rendering skills, applied to various design problems. Cost analysis and organizational techniques. Pre: 356 or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 456)

DNCE 458 Field Experiences in Dance (V)

Field experiences in relevant contexts under professional and faculty supervision. Repeatable one time. CR/NC only. Pre: upper division standing and consent.

DNCE 459 Topics in Dance (V)

Readings, research, and/or field and movement experiences. Repeatable if topic changes unlimited times. Pre: upper division standing and consent.

DNCE 460 Teaching Dance Technique (3)

Principles, techniques, and materials used in the teaching of dance technique. A-F only.

DNCE 470 Dance Performance (1)

Performance in various dance styles and settings. Repeatable eight times.

DNCE 471 Improvisation II (1)

Advanced-level dance improvisation. Repeatable two times. Pre: 370 or consent.

DNCE 480 Dance Repertory (V)

Preparation of standard and new works for performance. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.

DNCE 490 Creative Dance (3)

Dance activities for young people. Appropriate for teachers, group workers, recreation majors, and others working with children. Also adults with special needs. Supervised field activities.

DNCE 495 Senior Project (1)

Individual choreographic project; student choreographs, performs, and oversees all technical aspects of a creative project; tutorial. A-F only. Pre: 372, senior standing, and consent.

DNCE 499 Directed Work (V)

Individual projects, tutorial. Pre: consent.

DNCE 617 Seminar in Performance Studies (3)

Special topics. Repeatable up to two times when topics change. Pre: THEA 615 or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 617)

DNCE 651 Seminar in Dance Research (3)

Research materials and methods; preparation for thesis and scholarly research reporting. Required for graduate concentrations in dance. (Alt. years)

DNCE 652 Seminar: Dance Theory and Criticism (3)

Major theories of dance and dance criticism; emphasis on Western ideas. Pre: 452 and 453, or consent.

DNCE 653 Dance Ethnology Seminar (3)

Exemplary studies and field research. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)

DNCE 654 Dance and Performance Theory: Asia (3)

Dance content and historico-social context of principal dance traditions. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)

DNCE 655 Dance and Performance Theory: Oceania (3)

Dance content and historico-social context of principal dance traditions. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)

DNCE 658 Business for the Arts (3)

Seminar offering overview and foundation for launching or advancing enterprises in the arts. A focus on the processes and method for creating economically successful grants and project development applications. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 658)

DNCE 659 Advanced Topics in Dance (V)

Readings, research, and/or field movement experiences. Repeatable one time if topic changes. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

DNCE 660 Laban Movement Analysis (3)

Study and application of Laban Movement Analysis as a framework for enhancing analytical and artistic abilities. Pre: 260 (or concurrent) and 360 (or concurrent); or consent.

DNCE 661 Advanced Problems in Movement Analysis (3)

Advanced skills in movement analysis and interpretation of movement scores. Emphasis on Labanotation. Repeatable two times. Pre: 362. (Alt. years)

DNCE 671 Advanced Choreography (3)

Advanced analytic and creative study. Pre: 372 or consent. (Alt. years)

DNCE 672 Dance Performance (V)

Graduate performance in various dance styles and settings. By audition only. Repeatable six times. Pre: consent.

DNCE 673 Advanced Dance Technology and Live Performance (3)

Advanced skills in dance and technology in live performance. Emphasis on New Media. Graduate students only. Pre: 362 or consent. (Alt. years: spring)

DNCE 676 Seminar in Choreographic Methods (3)

Graduate level course designed for students with prior choreographic experience. Students will research, create, revise, and perform new works based on a variety of choreographic methodologies. Repeatable one time. Pre: 371, 372; or consent. (Alt. years)

DNCE 679 Directed Choreography (1)

Concert choreography for selected performance settings under the direction of a faculty advisor. Repeatable six times. Pre: 372 (or concurrent) or 671 (or concurrent), or consent.

DNCE 691 Seminar in Teaching Dance/Theater (3)

Pedagogy and classroom experience in teaching technique and theory. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as THEA 691)

DNCE 692 Practicum in Teaching (V)

Supervised teaching experience at the introductory or undergraduate level. Students will teach an appropriate level course in their field of expertise under faculty supervision. Repeatable up to nine credits. THEA or DNCE majors only. (Cross-listed as THEA 692)

DNCE 693 Internship: Youth Theater/Dance (V)

Supervised leadership experiences in dance/theater program with children. Students spend nine hours per week in supervised setting and three hours in weekly class meeting. Pre: 490, THEA 470, or THEA 476; or consent. (Cross-listed as THEA 693)

DNCE 695 Dance Colloquium (1)

Forum for presentation and discussion of current intellectual and artistic activities in the dance field. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.

DNCE 696 (Alpha) Professional Internship (V)

Internship program where students will work for or with a professional theatre company under supervision of a UH faculty member, plus possible supervisor(s) from the theatre company. Students must participate hands-on in production activities of that company and receive a satisfactory (or better) review from their supervisor(s); (B) entertainment design: costume, lighting, scenery, props, sound, or other related disciplines; (C) performance: acting, directing, dance, choreography, or other related disciplines. Repeatable eight times per alpha, up to nine credits per alpha. A-F only. Pre: 345 or 353 or 356 for (B); 621 or 682 or DNCE 371 for (C). (Cross-listed as THEA 696 (Alpha))

DNCE 699 Directed Reading and Research (V)

Individual projects: tutorial. Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: consent.

DNCE 700 Thesis Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

HIST 151 World History to 1500 (3)

Historical narratives and global perspectives on human societies and cross-cultural interactions from prehistory to 1500; includes ways to think about the past and ways to use primary sources.

HIST 152 World History since 1500 (3)

Continuation of 151. Historical narratives and global perspectives on human societies and cross-cultural interactions from 1500 to present; includes ways to think about the past and ways to use primary sources.

HIST 155 Issues in World History (3)

In examining aspects of the histories of Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and Oceania, this course highlights the myriad ways in which global contact has transformed our world and narratives of the past.

HIST 156 World History of Human Disease (3)

Examines how disease has affected humans in terms of society, culture, politics, religion, and economics. Explores the impact over a broad range of time periods, from pre-history to the present/future.

HIST 157 Global Environmental History (3)

Explores the influence of nature–climate, topography, plants, animals, and microorganisms–on human history and the way people, in turn, have influenced the natural world around them. (Cross-listed as SUST 157)

HIST 161A World Cultures in Perspective (3)

Development of civilizations from prehistoric origins to 1500. Offered as discussion and/or problems course. Alternative for 151 and 152; students in Honors program only.

HIST 162A World Cultures in Perspective (3)

Continuation of 161A. Development of civilization from 1500 to the present. Offered as discussion and/ or problems course. Alternative for 151 and 152; students in Honors program only.

HIST 230 Early European Civilization (3)

Political evolution and major economic, social, and cultural development of European states before 1500, including classical and medieval eras. A-F only. (Alt. years)

HIST 231 European Civilization 1500-1800 (3)

Political evolution and major economic, social, and cultural development of European states. 1500–1800.

HIST 232 Modern European Civilization 1800- (3)

Continuation of 231. Major political, social, economic, and cultural trends from Napoleon to the present.

HIST 241 Civilizations of Asia (3)

Survey of major civilizations of Asia from earliest times to 1500; East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia.

HIST 242 Civilizations of Asia (3)

Continuation of 241. Survey of major civilizations of Asia from 1500 to the present; East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia.

HIST 245 Atlantic History: Colonies to Revolutions (3)

Comparative and historical survey of colonialism and revolutions in the Atlantic World from 1500 to 1830. (Alt. years)

HIST 281 Introduction to American History (3)

Interpretive survey from earliest settlement to 1865. A-F only.

HIST 282 Introduction to American History (3)

Interpretive survey from 1865 to the present.

HIST 284 History of the Hawaiian Islands (3)

Survey of state and local history from Polynesian chiefdoms to Hawaiian Kingdom to American territory and state.

HIST 288 Survey of Pacific Islands History (3)

Survey of Pacific Islands from pre-colonial to modern times; early settlement, cultural contact, colonization, contemporary problems.

HIST 294 History of the Philippines (3)

Traces developments in Philippine history and society from precolonial to contemporary times and explores ways in which the peoples of the Philippines embraced, resisted or negotiated new modes of thought, behavior and social organization influenced by the Spanish, American, and Japanese regimes as well as the postcolonial global order.

HIST 296 Topics in History (3)

Introduction to methods of historical inquiry; current issues in World, American, European, or Pacific history. Repeatable one time. A-F only.

HIST 301 History of Early India (3)

Historical survey of India and South Asia from Mohenjo-Daro to the Mughal Empire, tracing political, social, religious, economic, cultural, and intellectual developments from ancient times to the 18th century. (Cross-listed as IP 300)

HIST 302 History of Modern India (3)

Historical survey of India and South Asia from the Mughal Empire to the new millennium, tracing political, social, religious, economic, cultural, and intellectual developments from the 18th century to the present.

HIST 305 History of Southeast Asia (3)

Survey of development of civilizations and growth of nations in Southeast Asia, to the 18th century.

HIST 306 History of Southeast Asia (3)

Continuation of 305, from 18th century to the present.

HIST 309 East Asian Civilizations (3)

Characteristics of East Asian civilizations as they developed in pre-modern China; variant patterns in Japan and Korea; the modernization process to 1500.

HIST 310 East Asian Civilizations (3)

Continuation of 309. Period after 1500.

HIST 311 History of China (3)

Chinese civilization to the 17th century.

HIST 312 History of China (3)

Continuation of 311. Period since the 17th century.

HIST 321 History of Japan (3)

Survey of culture, government, economics, and institutions, to 1700.

HIST 322 History of Japan (3)

Continuation of 321. Period from 1700.

HIST 323 Way of Tea in Japanese History and Culture (3)

History and culture of Japan as revealed in study and practice of the tea ceremony (urasenke): Zen, aesthetics, calligraphy, architecture, ceramics, gardens, politics. (Cross-listed as ASAN 323)

HIST 324 The Samurai of Japan (3)

A social, military, and cultural history of Japan’s samurai (warrior) class.

HIST 327 History of Premodern Korea (3)

Survey of political, economic, social, and cultural developments from earliest times to 1400.

HIST 328 History of Modern Korea (3)

Continuation of 327. From 1400 to the present.

HIST 330 History of North Korea (3)

History of North Korea in terms of industrialism, militarism, nationalism, and state power, from 1945 to today. Focus on construction of national sovereign identity and comparison with postcolonial world.

HIST 331 Ancient Greece I (3)

Political, social, and cultural history of the Minoan, Mycenean, and Archaic periods.

HIST 332 Ancient Greece II (3)

Political, social, and cultural history of the Classical and Hellenistic periods.

HIST 333 Ancient Rome: The Republic (3)

Political, social, cultural history from the Etruscans to Augustus. Emphasis on discussion of literary and archaeological materials. (Alt. years: fall)

HIST 334 Ancient Rome: The Empire (3)

Political, social, and cultural history from Augustus to 476 A.D. Emphasis on literary and archaeological materials. (Alt. years: spring)

HIST 335 Early Medieval Europe 300–1050 (3)

Formation of European societies after the western Roman Empire and in relation to Byzantine and Islamic cultures.

HIST 336 Medieval Europe 1050–1350 (3)

Main trends in European economy, society, religion, politics, thought, and the arts; interactions with Byzantine and Islamic worlds.

HIST 337 European Intellectual History (3)

Undergraduate seminar on great debates in Western thought. Discussion of primary source materials; the scientific revolution and Enlightenment.

HIST 338 European Intellectual History (3)

Continuation of 337. European thought from French Revolution to the present.

HIST 339 Renaissance and Reformation (3)

Political, social, cultural, and intellectual developments in Europe from 1300 to 1600. Emphasis on cultural and intellectual history and its impact on social and political developments; humanism and its influence on thought and reforming movements, Protestant and Catholic Reformations. (Alt. years: fall)

HIST 340 Comparative Economic History (3)

Comparative historical study of economic ideas and change since around 1700. Considers the histories of capitalism, poverty, industrialization and labor in Europe, Asia, the U.S., and other regions. (Cross-listed as ECON 341)

HIST 342 The History of Economic Thought (3)

Introduces major western economic theorists and ideas since around 1700. Considers the history of views on work, poverty, the market and government, and the relationship of those doctrines to society, philosophy, and public policy. Pre: 151, 152, ECON 130, or ECON 131; or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ECON 342)

HIST 343 Reacting to the Past (3)

Exploration of moments of crisis and the clash of ideas in their historical context through the use of simulation games. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.

HIST 344 Modern Germany (3)

Political, social, economic, and cultural history since 1547. Rise of Austria and Prussia, unification, Bismarckian era, World War I and Weimar Republic, Hitler’s Third Reich, post-World War II.

HIST 345 France in the Old Regime (3)

Major social, political, and intellectual developments: Renaissance, Reformation, religious wars, Richelieu, Louis XIV, Enlightenment, and Revolution.

HIST 346 Modern France (3)

Political, social, economic, and intellectual developments from Revolution and Napoleon to the present.

HIST 347 Tudor-Stuart Britain (3)

Traces major developments in British politics, society, and culture between the late Medieval and Modern Eras.

HIST 348 Modern Britain 1688-1945 (3)

Interaction of 17th-, 18th-, and 19th-century intellectual, political, economic, and social changes, which together produced the British Empire and modern Britain.

HIST 349 British Empire (3)

Origins and expansion of the British empire between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. Includes imperial policies affecting Britain, Australia, India, Ireland, and Southern Africa. Open to non-majors.

HIST 350 Iberia in Asia and the Pacific (3)

Comparative exploration of the Iberian empires–Spain and Portugal–and their political, economic, and cultural interactions with indigenous societies in Asia and the Pacific. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.

HIST 351 East European Empires (3)

Comparison of Austrian, Polish, Ottoman, and Russian empires by examining political ideologies, religions, lifestyles, and ethno-linguistic identities. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. (Alt. years)

HIST 352 France and Empire (3)

Lecture/discussion exploring the history of France’s relationship with imperialism from the Renaissance to the present. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Once a year)

HIST 354 Introduction to Islamic History (3)

Muhammad, the Arab conquests, the Caliphate; fundamentals of Islam; classical Islamic civilization; development of Islam into modern times with emphasis on the Middle Eastern heartland.

HIST 355 The Making of the Modern Middle East (3)

Survey of developments that created the system of nation-states in the Middle East. History of the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey; Egypt; the Arab world; Israel and Iran. Recommended: 354.

HIST 356 Survey of African History (3)

The history of Africa from earliest times to the present: the rise of indigenous civilizations, European and Muslim impact, colonialism and nationalism, and current issues.

HIST 358 The World of Mekong (3)

Historical survey, from BC period to present, of the peoples of the Mekong region, an area covering southwestern China, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and southern Vietnam. Open to non-majors. Pre: upper division standing or consent.

HIST 361 U.S. Women’s History (3)

History of U.S. women and gender relations. Topics include women’s work in and outside the household, women’s involvement in social movements, changing norms about gender and sexuality, and shared and divergent experiences among women. (Cross-listed as AMST 316 and WS 311)

HIST 362 Gender and Sexuality in the Classical World (3)

Critical examination of the construction of gender identity and sexuality in ancient Greece and Rome. Junior standing or higher. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as CLAS 362)

HIST 368 Global History of Sport (3)

Explores the relationship between sport and society in historical perspective. Analyzes global processes of imperialism, nationalism, globalization, and international relations,
and studies themes such as the politics of race, class, and gender.

HIST 371 U.S. Foreign Relations to 1898 (3)

Survey of U.S. foreign relations from initial encounters between Europeans and Native Americans through the 1890s.

HIST 372 U.S. Foreign Relations From 1898 (3)

Survey of U.S. foreign relations from the wars of 1898 to the present.

HIST 373 American Thought and Culture: To 20th Century (3)

Politics, family, philosophy, technology, etc.; their interrelationship within the total society. Pre-Colonial to end of the 19th century. (Cross-listed as AMST 343)

HIST 374 American Thought and Culture: 20th Century (3)

Continuation of 373: the 20th century. (Cross-listed as AMST 344)

HIST 378 History of American Business (3)

The evolution of business enterprise from colonial times to the present. Emphasis on entrepreneurship, technological change, labor-management relations, government-business relations, and economic thought. Case studies of industrial development. (Cross-listed as MGT 348)

HIST 379 American Empire (3)

Examines the interplay between an “American culture of empire” and the rise of the U.S. as a superpower. Topics: imperialism and political culture, social movements and international affairs, race, gender and class relations. (Cross-listed as AMST 365)

HIST 386 Caribbean History (3)

Survey of the history of the Caribbean region from 1500 to the present. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.

HIST 389 The Asia-Pacific War (3)

Explores WWII in the Asia-Pacific region, focusing on the intersection of the grand strategy, military operations, and war crimes. Involves source analyses and discussions.

HIST 391 History of Warfare to 1850 (3)

Classical and guerrilla warfare, revolution, and military systems and institutions.

HIST 392 History of Warfare Since 1850 (3)

Continuation of 391, from 1850 to present.

HIST 393 U.S. Military History (3)

Survey of development of American military forces from War of Independence to war in Vietnam.

HIST 394 History of Science to 1700 (3)

Evolution of scientific thought and its cultural context. Antiquity to 1700.

HIST 395 History of Science Since 1700 (3)

Continuation of 394; science, technology, and society since 1700.

HIST 396 (Alpha) Historical Theories and Methods (3)

Examination of the nature of historical understanding, research, and writing, and of recent trends in historical scholarship; preparation for senior thesis, including significant discipline-specific writing instruction and a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. (B) historiography; (C) education. Pre: any 300- or 400-level HIST course.

HIST 400 Digital History in the Global Village (3)

History of the digital age in global perspective connecting people, media, and technology. Faculty and students will use digital media to introduce innovative approaches to doing history. (Fall only)

HIST 401 History of the Indian Ocean World (3)

Explores the transnational history of the Indian Ocean world, especially the region connected by the western monsoon. Topics include travel, trade, religion, colonialism, nationalism, diaspora, and globalization, including actors like slaves, sailors, women, and merchants. A-F only. Pre: junior or senior standing or consent. (Alt. years)

HIST 402 Researching WWII in Southeast Asia (3)

Introduces students to the practice of conducting archival research by using materials about World War II in Southeast Asia that have been digitized by various institutions around the world and available on the internet. Junior standing or higher. (Spring only)

HIST 403 Vietnam: History and Memory (3)

Survey of Vietnamese history with particular attention to the multiple ways that the Vietnamese past has been remembered and represented by different peoples. Open to non-majors.

HIST 406 Modern Philippines (3)

Survey of major developments from pre-colonial through Spanish and American colonial periods, the revolution, Japanese occupation, and post-war republic. (Cross-listed as ASAN 406)

HIST 407 Modern Malaysia (3)

History of Malay peninsula and northern Borneo, emphasizing developments since 18th century: trade, commerce, foreign migrations, pluralism, nationalism, and Islam.

HIST 408 Modern Indonesia (3)

Indonesia from 14th century to present. Emphasis on period from late 18th-century Western colonial impact to struggle for independence and problems of nationhood.

HIST 409 History of Islamic Southeast Asia (3)

History of the coming of Islam to Southeast Asia, the spread of its ideas, and its role in the lives of Muslim communities living in the region. GPA of 2.0 or higher. (Spring only)

HIST 410 Twentieth-Century China (3)

An examination of the political, intellectual, economic, cultural, and social transformations of China in the twentieth century. This lecture studies critical events in the making of modern China and explores important issues in the modernization of Chinese life in the twentieth century.

HIST 411 Society and Culture in Traditional China (3)

Ch’ing government and Chinese society from local and regional perspectives; modes of control and disorder during the 19th century.

HIST 412 Local History of 20th-Century China (3)

Sociopolitical change and continuity at local and regional levels since 1900, stressing provincial reform, Hsien and sub-Hsien politics, warlordism, Kuomintang tutelage, and the Chinese Communist movement and rule.

HIST 416 Chinese Intellectual History (3)

An interpretive survey of Chinese ideas and values in their cultural, social and political settings from classical age to 1600. Pre: upper division standing or consent.

HIST 417 Chinese Intellectual History (3)

Interpretive survey of Chinese thought from 1600 to the contemporary period, with special emphasis on the themes of cultural collision and change.

HIST 418 China’s Foreign Relations (3)

Systematic review from traditional times, with emphasis on modern and contemporary history, analyses of foreign policy formulation, objectives, and implementation. Recommended: 312.

HIST 419 The Search for Modern China (3)

Origins, development, and meaning of modern revolution in China, 19th century to People’s Republic. Recommended: 311 and 312.

HIST 420 People’s Republic of China (3)

Salient developments from 1949 to the present. Social revolution and modernization, critically relevant foreign relations. Recommended: 312 or 419.

HIST 421 China in World History (3)

Interpretative survey of China’s changing position, significance, and function in the evolution of world history as a way to provide a better understanding of its past and present. Junior standing or higher.

HIST 422 Tokugawa Japan (3)

Japanese history and culture, 1600–1867. Recommended: 321.

HIST 423 Okinawa (3)

Survey of social, cultural, economic, and political history from earliest times to present.

HIST 424 20th-Century Japan (3)

Problems of Japan’s political, economic, and social development since institutional consolidation of Meiji state (c.1890). Pre: upper division standing or consent.

HIST 425 Women in East Asian History (3)

Survey of the changing political, social, economic, and cultural positions of women in China, Japan, and Korea from ancient times to the present. Pre: one course in Japanese history or consent.

HIST 426 History of Japanese Cuisine and Foodways (3)

Explores the history of Japanese cuisine and investigates the cultural, economic, and geopolitical aspects of food-ways in Japanese domestic and international identity.

HIST 428 WWII and the Making of Modern Japan (3)

Explores how the history of the Asia-Pacific War both shaped and was shaped by the rise and fall of Japan in the twentieth century. Involves extensive source analyses and discussions.

HIST 429 War Crimes Trials in Asia (3)

Explores post-WWII Allied war crimes trials in the Asia-Pacific region and transitional justice in Asia. Involves extensive source analyses and discussions. Repeatable one time.

HIST 430 Persia, Greece, and Rome in the Classical Age (3)

Historical examination of the interaction between the Achaemenid and Parthian empires of Persia and the classical societies of the Mediterranean, such as the Greek city-states, Macedonia, the Hellenistic, and Roman Empires. Recommended: 151. (Cross-listed as CLAS 430 and PER 430)

HIST 431 Ancient Near East: Pyramids and Writing Tablets (3)

Civilizations of the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, ancient Egyptians, Hittites, Hebrews, and Achaemenid Persians. Emphasis on discussion of literary and archaeological materials.

HIST 432 Crisis and Conflict in the Middle East (3)

In depth study and analysis of major crises and conflicts in the Middle East since World War II: the Arab–Israeli Wars, revolutions in the Arab countries, the Turkish experiment with secularism, the Iranian/ Islamic revolution, Afghanistan, the Gulf War. Recommended: 354 or 355.

HIST 433 Medieval Cultures (3)

Topical study of cultural and cross-cultural issues in the medieval period (circa 300-1500). Class discussion and written work emphasize analysis of primary source documents using cultural and world history theories. Regional focus and readings vary by semester. Repeatable one time.

HIST 434 History of Christianity to 1500 (3)

Historical analysis of the main traditions of Christianity and elements of diversity within Europe and in relation to other parts of the world. Focus on the interpretation of primary sources and discussion of cultural issues. (Alt. years: spring)

HIST 436 World Environmental History, 1500 to Present (3)

Explores interactions between humans and the natural world from early modern era to the present. Topics include invader species and biotic exchange; environmental politics; and the ecological impact of industrialization, urbanization, science, technology, war, etc. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year)

HIST 438 European Cult of the Primitive (3)

Historical investigation of European beliefs in the superiority of primitive societies. Topics include how primitivist ideas shaped historiography, religion, art, gender, political economy, and empire. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Alt. years: spring)

HIST 439 The Darwinian Revolution (3)

Social and intellectual origins of evolutionary thought and its continuing impact; emphasis on Darwin and the Victorian scientific community. Pre: upper division standing or consent.

HIST 440 20th-Century Europe (3)

Contemporary problems and their historical background.

HIST 441 Expansion of Europe (3)

Historical processes in modern European colonization from 16th to 20th century; impact on non-Europeans in Asia and Africa. (Alt. years: fall)

HIST 442 War and Violence in Early Modern Europe (3)

History of the intellectual, social, and cultural causes and consequences of violence, including military conflicts. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Once a year)

HIST 443 Nazi Germany (3)

Origins, establishment, and impact of Hitler’s Third Reich. Recommended: 344. (Alt. years: spring)

HIST 444 The History of the Holocaust (3)

The origins and progression of the Holocaust, the almost complete destruction of European Jews, and other Nazi genocidal policies. Open to non-majors.

HIST 445 French Revolution and Napoleon (3)

Causes, course, and conduct of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic periods, their impact upon Europe; emphasis on the conflict of ideologies inherent in the Revolutionary process.

HIST 446 Europe, 1914-1945: War, Peace, and Revolution (3)

Explores war and peace in Europe, from the start of the Great War through the formal end of World War II. Topics include key battles, civilians, peace movements, treaties, the Shoah, Fascism, and Soviet Revolution.

HIST 448 Imperial Spain and Portugal (3)

The influence of Spain and Portugal on people and cultures in Europe, Africa, America, and Asia; Portugal’s captivity and the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

HIST 450 Topics in African History (3)

Selected themes important in African history, including, for example, the politics, economics, societies, and cultures of pre-colonial, colonial, or modern Africa. Topics to be pre-announced. Repeatable one time. (Once a year)

HIST 451 (Alpha) History and Literature (3)

Explores the many relationships between history and literature, including how literature has reflected and shaped society in the past and our relationship to the past; (B) United States; (C) Europe; (D) Asia/ Pacific; (E) World/Comparative; (F) Provisional topics. Repeatable one time for different alphas, not repeatable for (C).

HIST 452 (Alpha) History and Film (3)

Explores the many relationships between history and film including how film has reflected and shaped society in the past and our relationship to the past. (B) United States; (C) Europe; (D) Asia/Pacific; (E) world/comparative. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year for (D))(C Crosslisted as ACM 452C); (E Cross-listed as ACM 452E)

HIST 453 Colonial Medicine (3)

Evolution of Western medical traditions; challenges created by European expansion and colonial interactions; development of modern racial and gender theories. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Spring only)

HIST 454 Tsarist Russia (3)

Development of the Russian state to the 19th century. Kievan state and early development of culture and art; Mongol era; rise of Moscow, autocracy, and serfdom; Petrine reforms; Western impact; emergence as a major European power.

HIST 456 Modern Russia (3)

Creation of the Soviet Union, Stalinization, the Cold War, the collapse of the empire, the post-Soviet era.

HIST 457 Russia in Asia and the Pacific (3)

Russian/Soviet Siberia and Central Asia; Russian American Company and the Pacific; evolving relations with Asian and Pacific powers.

HIST 458 The American Revolution (3)

Lecture/ discussion on the origins, development, and consequences of the American Revolution, explored within the context of the broader revolutionary Atlantic world. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year)

HIST 459 African American History (3)

Lecture/ discussion on the origins of racial slavery, slave and free black culture, slave resistance and antislavery, post-emancipation black life, the rise of Jim Crow, the Harlem Renaissance, and the Civil Rights Movement.

HIST 460 Native American History (3)

Lecture/ discussion on the history of North American Indians from the seventeenth century to the present. Open to non-majors.

HIST 461 Early America (3)

Lecture/discussion on Native Americans, Africans, and Europeans in North America from contact to independence. Social, cultural, and economic themes and intersections of race, class, and gender explored.

HIST 462 The Early American Republic (3)

Lecture/discussion on the Constitution, the growth of partisan politics, the market revolution, religious revivalism, abolitionism and the expansion of slavery in the U.S. during the age of Jefferson and Jackson.

HIST 463 American Civil War Era 1841–1877 (3)

The crisis of the Union: antebellum society and culture, slavery, reform, sectionalism, the Civil War and Reconstruction.

HIST 464 Transformation of America 1877–1920 (3)

Selected themes that explain major changes in American life during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including the westward movement, consolidation of capitalism, world power diplomacy, popular culture, progressivism, and World War I.

HIST 465 The United States 1920–1948 (3)

The Roaring Twenties, the Depression, New Deal, coming of World War II, America during the war, origins of the Cold War.

HIST 466 The U.S.: 1948 to the Present (3)

The atomic age and the Cold War, the age of anxiety, the 1960s, the Vietnam War, the Reagan-Bush era, and beyond.

HIST 467 American Television History (3)

Lecture/discussion examining the impact of television on American society, culture and politics. Analyzed in depth are family sitcoms, presidential politics, Vietnam and the presentation of gender and ethnicity. Open to non-majors.

HIST 468 Viva Las Vegas! (3)

Upper-division lecture on the historical and cultural significance of Las Vegas in twentieth-century America. Open to non-majors.

HIST 469 The Cold War (3)

Cold War as a global struggle. Topics will include U.S.-Soviet economic and political rivalry, Capitalism vs. Communism as practical policy and ideology, and the force of Third World anti-colonial nationalism. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.

HIST 471 Music, Industry, and Society (3)

History of U.S. music and recording industry. How industry relates to economy as a whole, and how it reflects broad patterns and trends in American culture and society. (Cross-listed as MUS 440)

HIST 472 American Social History (3)

Introduction to the new social history; interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the everyday lives of ordinary Americans in past generations.

HIST 473 Slavery and Freedom (3)

Examines the history of slavery, race, and abolition in the Americas from a comparative, global perspective, and traces the legacy of slavery in the post-emancipation societies of the New World. (Cross-listed as AMST 432)

HIST 474 The American West (3)

Lecture/ discussion surveying the conquest, colonization, and consolidation of North American frontiers and the post-frontier development of the American West.

HIST 475 Constitutional History of the U.S. (3)

Origins, development of Constitution, Colonial to modern times.

HIST 476 Race and Racism in America (3)

Racial ideas and ideologies, and their effects throughout American history. (Cross-listed as AMST 440)

HIST 477 History of American Workers (3)

Conditions of labor in major phases of American development; response of labor and community to changing work environment. Capitalism, unionism, race, gender, law, etc. Emphasis on 20th century. (Cross-listed as AMST 431)

HIST 478 Colonial Latin America (3)

PreColumbian civilizations: Spanish and Portuguese colonization; political, economic, social, and religious evolution to 1810; independence. (Cross-listed as LAIS 468)

HIST 479 Latin America Since Independence (3)

Political, economic, and social development since 1825; case studies from Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba.

HIST 480 American Environmental History (3)

Survey history of the complex relations between American societies and diverse U.S. ecosystems, from European contact and colonization to the present. (Cross-listed as AMST 425 and SUST 481)

HIST 481 Pacific Islands I (3)

The Pacific past from first human settlement to the start of the colonial period; emphasis on historiography and analysis of islanders’ responses to Euro-American intrusion.

HIST 482 Pacific Islands II (3)

The colonial experience to the present.

HIST 483 United States in the Pacific (3)

Growth of economic and political interests and policies.

HIST 484 The Hawaiian Kingdom 1819–1893 (3)

Transformation of Hawai‘i into a state influenced by American and European ideas and institutions and Asian peoples. Pre: upper division standing or consent.

HIST 485 History of 20th-Century Hawai‘i (3)

Formation of an American Hawai‘i with its unique local culture from 1898 to the present. Pre: upper division standing.

HIST 489 World Maritime History (3)

Survey of world maritime history from earliest times to the present, with emphasis on the evolution of nautical technology, motives from maritime enterprises, and the impact of cross-cultural encounters between oceanic peoples. (Cross-listed as AMST 489)

HIST 490 Maori and American Indians (3)

Compares indigenous sovereignty issues arising among the Maori or Aotearoa-New Zealand and Indian tribes of the U.S. from 1776 to the present. (Once a year)

HIST 492 Women and Revolution (3)

Conditions under which women’s activism and participation in protest and revolutionary movements developed in the 19th- and 20th-centuries. Cross-cultural comparisons. (Cross-listed as ASAN 492 and WS 492)

HIST 493 Library Treasures: Exploring Special Collections & Archives (3)

Conduct original research using general library materials, special collections, rare books, archives, and manuscripts, maps, and other historical documents that are uniquely available at libraries and archives at UH and beyond. Repeatable one time.

HIST 495 (Alpha) History Colloquium (3)

Extensive or intensive treatment of special problems. (B) Philippines and Indonesia; (C) U.S. foreign relations; (D) history in Oceania; (E) Chinese traditional government. Recommended for honors students. Pre: 372 (or concurrent) or consent for (C); consent for (B) and (E).

HIST 496 (Alpha) Senior Tutorial in History (3)

Analysis of sources and evaluation of methods of historical writing. Students undertake a major research and writing project in field of special interest. Capstone course requires a 20-25 page minimum final research paper. Required for majors except those in Honors
Program. (B) United States; (C) Europe; (D) Asia/ Pacific; (E) comparative/World. A-F only. Pre: 396(B or C). Recommended: any 400-level HIST course

HIST 499 Directed Reading (V)

Individual projects in various fields. History majors with consent. Maximum 5 credit hours. (1) American; (2) Pacific; (3) Japanese; (4) European; (5) English; (6) Chinese; (7) Russian; (8) Hawaiian; (9) South Asian; (10) Southeast Asian; (11) Korean.

HIST 602 Seminar in Historiography (3)

History of history and historians; philosophies of history.

HIST 605 Seminar in Digital History (3)

Examines the various ways that the production, presentation, and learning of history through digital media is changing the way people access and process information about the past. Graduate standing only.

HIST 607 Advanced Topics in Environmental History (3)

Introduction to leading themes, methodologies, and topics in world environmental history. Drawing on new and influential scholarship, readings explore the diverse forces that shape humans’ adaptation to and impact on the natural world. Repeatable one time. (Alt. years)

HIST 608 Seminar on Water in History (3)

Explores how various forms of salt, fresh, and brackish water have played transformative roles in the evolution of human communities throughout history. (Cross-listed as SUST 610)

HIST 609 Seminar in World History (3)

Analysis, research, and discussion of themes and issues in study of history of humankind. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

HIST 610 Topics in World History (3)

Selected themes— feudalism, economic and industrial development, etc.— important in global history. Topics pre-announced. Repeatable one time. Pre: 609.

HIST 611 (Alpha) Advanced Readings in European History (3)

Selected topics for advanced reading; (B) ancient; (C) medieval; (D) early modern; (E) modern; (G) intellectual. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years: spring for (D)); (Alt. years: fall for (E))

HIST 612 Ethnographic History (3)

Critical inquiry into historical representations of the “other” and ways in which modern historians have used culture and other anthropological concepts to write and think about the past.

HIST 613 Introduction to Cultural Studies (3)

Graduate seminar designed to introduce history students to the multidisciplinary theories that are appropriate to cultural studies. A-F only. Repeatable one time.

HIST 614 (Alpha) Research in European History (3)

Selected topics for advanced research. (B) ancient; (C) medieval; (D) early modern; (E) modern; (G) intellectual. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Once a year)

HIST 615 (Alpha) Topics in European Colonialism (3)

Selected topics for comparative advanced reading and research. (D) early modern; (E) modern. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)

HIST 616 Topics in Historical Methods and Theory (3)

Seminar covering one specific approach to historical methods or theory. The goal is a deep engagement with a particular historical approach via research and reading not bounded by region, time, or specialty. Repeatable one time. Graduate standing only.

HIST 617 Atrocity Crimes: Law and History (3)

Seminar on history of mass atrocity and international justice in the modern world. Topics include postWWII Allied war crimes prosecution, post-cold war ad hoc international criminal tribunals, and contemporary international law and national legal systems. Repeatable one time.

HIST 618 (Alpha) Advanced Readings in Russian History (3)

(B) early Russia; (C) modern. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

HIST 621 (Alpha) Russia in East Asia and the Pacific (3)

(B) advanced readings; (C) advanced research on Siberia, Russian activities in the Pacific basin, evolving relations with Asian and Pacific powers. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: 457 and either 454 or 456; or consent.

HIST 632 (Alpha) Advanced Readings in American History (3)

Interpretations and literature of important themes and problems. (B) early America; (C) the Republic to 1877; (D) industrial America; (E) recent America. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: appropriate 400-level U.S. history course or consent for (D) and (E); graduate standing or consent for (B) and (C). (Alt. years for (B)) ((B) Cross-listed as AMST 610)

HIST 634 (Alpha) Research in American History (3)

(B) early America; (C) the Republic to 1877; (D) industrial America; (E) recent America; (F) foreign relations. Repeatable one time. Pre: appropriate 400 level course or consent

HIST 639 (Alpha) Advanced Topics in American History (3)

Seminar in advanced research and readings: (B) social and intellectual; (C) foreign relations; (F) the West; (K) business, labor, and technology. Repeatable one time for (B), (C) and (K). Pre: graduate standing and consent. ((B) Cross-listed as AMST 646); ((F) Cross-listed as AMST 614); ((K) Cross-listed as AMST 647)

HIST 650 Seminar: Comparative Asia (3)

This reading seminar in the comparative history of modern Asia will introduce graduate students to themes, particularly in social, cultural, and intellectual history, which lend themselves to comparison across the region. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)

HIST 656 Topics in Southeast Asia (3)

Reading and research seminar on themes about the past and present of Southeast Asia in a comparative framework. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

HIST 657 Historiography of Southeast Asia (3)

Examination of contested boundaries of Southeast Asia, the various historiographic traditions, the colonial legacy, and the current issues emerging from a dialogue of historians from the “region” and the outside world. Repeatable one time.

HIST 658 Seminar in Modern Southeast Asian History (3)

Graduate level reading seminar in modern Southeast Asian history. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

HIST 659 The Seas in Southeast Asian History (3)

Seminar on the seas in Southeast Asian history. (Alt. years)

HIST 660 Seminar: Vietnamese History (3)

Reading and research seminar on Vietnamese history. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)

HIST 661 (Alpha) Seminar in Chinese History (3)

Problems and readings in political, social, and cultural history. (B) early; (C) middle; (D) modern. Repeatable one time.

HIST 662 Seminar: Islam and Islamic Civilization (3)

Readings on the rise, spread, and development of Islamic cultures and civilizations throughout the world down to modern times. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 354.

HIST 663 Seminar in South Asian History (3)

Graduate-level reading and research seminar on topics in Indian and South Asian history. Repeatable one time.

HIST 665 (Alpha) Seminar in Japanese History (3)

Problems, principal sources of bibliographic information. (B) traditional period to c.1600; (C) early modern 1600–1868; (D) 1868 to present; (E) 20th-century diplomatic. Repeatable one time per alpha.

HIST 667 (Alpha) Seminar in Korean History (3)

Reading major interpretive works, and research in selected topics. (B) reading; (C) research. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

HIST 670 Topics on the Asia-Pacific War (3)

Research seminar on topics of the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945). Explores war, war crimes, and issues of war guilt, accountability, and war commemoration. Involves extensive source analyses and discussions. Repeatable one time.

HIST 675 (Alpha) Seminar in Pacific History (3)

Reading and research on major themes and issues. (B) South Pacific; (C) Micronesia; (D) 19th century; (E) 20th century. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

HIST 677 Seminar in History of Hawai‘i (3)

Reading seminar with short papers required. Covers Kingdom of Hawai‘i and 20th-century Hawai‘i in alternate years. Repeatable one time. (Alt. years: fall)

HIST 678 Hawaiian Historical Research: Documents and Methods (3)

Research and writings emphasizing the interpretation of Hawaiian and English language primary sources. Development of source materials, approaches, and methods in Hawaiian history. A-F only. Graduate standing only. Pre: HAW 301 with a B or better, or instructor consent.

HIST 699 Directed Research (V)

Individual research topics. (1) American; (2) Pacific; (3) Japanese; (4) European; (5) English; (6) Chinese; (7) Russian; (8) Hawaiian; (9) South Asian; (10) Southeast Asian; (11) Korean. Restricted to plan A (thesis) students. Maximum 2 credit hours. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.

HIST 700 Thesis Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

HIST 702 Institutional History of Korea (3)

Major political, economic, and social institutions. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years: spring)

HIST 713 Chinese Historical Literature (3)

Reading and use of numerous genres of Chinese historical literature and documents. Chinese bibliography. Knowledge of Chinese required. Repeatable one time.

HIST 790 Teaching History (1)

HIST 151-152 faculty supervisors mentor their Teaching Assistants who teach the discussion labs. Course addresses issues of teaching strategy, grading and historical content. Enrollment limited to current Teaching Assistants in the World History Program. Repeatable seven times. A-F only. Pre: History graduate Teaching Assistants assigned to 151-152.

HIST 800 Dissertation Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.

MUS 106 Introduction to Music Literature (3)

Elements, styles, and forms of music, from listener’s standpoint.

MUS 107 Music in World Cultures (3)

Folk, popular, and art music from major regions of the world, with emphasis upon Asia and the Pacific; representative styles and regional characteristics.

MUS 107A Music in World Cultures (3)

Folk, popular, and art music from major regions of the world, with emphasis upon Asia and the Pacific; representative styles and regional characteristics.

MUS 108 Fundamentals of Music (3)

Basic organization concepts in music and introduction to music theory. Learning through hands-on experience with creative activities in various media. Focused listening, composing original meolodies, utilizing technology to explore how music is created, basic notation.

MUS 114 University Chorus (1)

Performance of choral literature from Renaissance to present. Previous choral experience not required. Repeatable unlimited times.

MUS 121 (Alpha) Class Instruction I (1)

Basic principles of performance; relevant problems in literature. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) guitar. A-F only. Cannot be audited.

MUS 122 (Alpha) Class Instruction II (1)

Basic principles of performance; relevant problems in literature. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) guitar. Repeatable in different sections. Cannot be audited. A-F only. Pre: 121 or consent.

MUS 123 (Alpha) Pacific Music Performance Class (1)

Basic principles of performance of Pacific music. Relevant problems at elementary level. (B) slack key guitar; (C) ‘ukulele. Repeatable in different sections. Pre: 121D or consent for (B); 108 or consent for (C).

MUS 125 First-Level Secondary Piano (1)

Piano as secondary performance field; application of theory to problems in improvising, harmonizing, creating accompaniments, transposing, and sight-reading at keyboard. For music majors. A-F only. Pre: consent. Co-requisite: 281 or consent.

MUS 126 First-Level Secondary Piano (1)

Piano as secondary performance field; application of theory to problems in improvising, harmonizing, creating accompaniments, transposing, and sight-reading at keyboard. Continuation of 125. For music majors. A-F only. Pre: 125 or consent.

MUS 127 (Alpha) Asian Music Performance Class (1)

Basic principles of performance of Asian music. Relevant problems in literature at elementary level. (B) koto; (C) shamisen; (E) shakuhachi. Cannot be audited. Pre: consent.

MUS 128 (Alpha) Asian Music Performance Class (1)

Basic principles of performance of Asian music. Relevant problems in literature at elementary level. (B) koto; (C) shamisen; (D) South Indian singing; (E) shakuhachi. Cannot be audited. Pre: consent.

MUS 155 Percussion Techniques (2)

Similar to 151 using percussion instruments. A-F only.

MUS 156 Brass Techniques (2)

Similar to 151 using brass instruments. A-F only.

MUS 157 String Techniques (2)

Fundamental performance techniques, materials, and teaching skills on string instruments for students preparing to teach instrumental music. A-F only. (Once a year)

MUS 158 Woodwind Techniques (2)

Fundamental performance techniques, materials, and teaching skills on woodwind instruments for students preparing to teach instrumental music. A-F only. (Once a year)

MUS 199 Recital Attendance (0)

Attendance at approved departmental concerts. Required of all music majors (BMus, six semesters; BA and BEd, four semesters). Repeatable unlimited times. CR/NC only.

MUS 225 Second-Level Secondary Piano (1)

Continuation of 125–126; increased emphasis on piano literature up to intermediate level. MUS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 126 or consent.

MUS 226 Second-Level Secondary Piano (1)

Continuation of 225. A-F only. Pre: 225 or consent.

MUS 230 (Alpha) Elementary Applied Music, Ethnic (V)

Instruction in instrumental performance at elementary level. Study of works representative of literature. (B) koto; (C) shamisen; (E) Hawaiian chant; (F) shakuhachi; (I) other. Repeatable for four semesters. A-F only. Pre: audition or consent.

MUS 231 (Alpha) Applied Music, Western (1)

For non-majors or music majors in secondary performance fields. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at elementary level. Representative works. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (F) recorder; (G) classical guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable for four semesters. A-F only.Pre: audition or consent.

MUS 232 (Alpha) Applied Music, Western (V)

For music majors or intended majors. Individual instruction in solo or instrumental performance at first performance level. Representative works. Weekly repertoire laboratory required. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (G) classical guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable for six semesters. A-F only.Pre: audition.

MUS 240 Creative Applications of Music Technology (3)

Introductory laboratory experience. Teaches musicians fundamental technology concepts through creative projects. Exposes students to a variety of music and audio software. A-F only. Pre: music majors or minors or consent.

MUS 250 Introduction to Music Education (1)

Survey of American education, with an emphasis on music learning, teaching and philosophy, school structure and governance, diversity and multi-cultural education, and professional ethics. Supervised clinical and field experiences required. MUS majors only. A-F only. (Alt. years)

MUS 253 Elementary Music in Action (3)

(3 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Musical concepts, philosophy and pedagogy: use of media, singing, movement, and instruments; as well as resources for an active elementary music classroom. A-F only.

MUS 259 Introduction to Voice Function and Singing Styles (3)

Students will study how the singing voice works in various styles, including classical, musical theater, jazz, choral, and pop/ rock. Students will learn historical contexts, aural characteristics, and musical vocabulary through lecture, discussion, and listening. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as THEA 259)

MUS 265 History of Western Music to 1750 (3)

Development of Western music from its origins to 1750. Styles, schools, composers. Pre: 282 or consent.

MUS 266 History of Western Music After 1750 (3)

Development of Western music from 1750 to the present. Styles, schools, composers. Pre: 282 or consent.

MUS 270 World of Music: Asia/Pacific (3)

Study of music as social process, sound system, aesthetics, and world view. Emphasis on Hawai‘i, Asia, and the Pacific and the ways music creates links across the region and among people. Pre: ability to read music and one introductory music course (108, 114, 121- 126, 151-156) or consent. (Fall only)

MUS 280 Basic Theory and Aural Skills (3)

Fundamentals of music theory, notation, sight-singing, and dictation. A-F only. Pre: 108 or consent.

MUS 281 Theory I (2)

Materials and organization of music; analysis, writing, and keyboard application. MUS majors only. Pre: 280 or consent. Co-requisite: 283 or consent.

MUS 282 Theory II (2)

Continuation of 281. Pre: 281 or consent. Co-requisite: 284 or consent.

MUS 283 Aural Training I (1)

Perception, identification, and notation of musical sounds through dictation and sight singing. Pre: 280 and ability to sing diatonic melodies at sight, or consent. Co-requisite: 281 or consent.

MUS 284 Aural Training II (1)

Continuation of 283. Pre: 283 or consent. Co-requisite: 282 or consent.

MUS 285 Theory III (2)

Detailed study of theory: writing, analysis, keyboard application. MUS majors only. Pre: 282. Co-requisite: 287 or consent.

MUS 286 Theory IV (2)

Continuation of 285. Pre: 285. Co-requisite: 288 or consent.

MUS 287 Aural Training III (1)

Advanced level of perception, identification, and notation of musical sounds through dictation and sight-singing. MUS majors only. Pre: 284. Co-requisite: 285 or consent.

MUS 288 Aural Training IV (1)

Continuation of 287. Pre: 287. Co-requisite: 286 or consent.

MUS 289 Introductory Practicum in Music Composition (V)

Original composition; specific approaches to creative writing. Repeatable five times, up to six credits. MUS majors only. Pre: 282 and 284; or consent.

MUS 311 (Alpha) Ethnic Music Ensembles I (1)

Performance of literature for groups of various sizes and kinds at introductory level (B) Hawaiian; (C) Japanese; (D) Chinese; (E) Korean; (F) Okinawan; (G) Philippine; (H) gamelan; (I) gagaku; (J) Tahitian; (K) Oceanic; (M) other. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: upper division standing or consent.

MUS 312 Hula/Chant Ensemble I (2)

Ancient style. Pre: upper division standing or consent. A-F only. (Cross-listed as DNCE 312)

MUS 321 Diction for Singers (3)

Diction and phonetics of English, Italian, liturgical Latin, German, and French for singers and conductors. Pre: 232B and 281 or consent.

MUS 325 Conducting (1)

Problems in directing instrumental and choral ensembles. Score reading, rehearsal techniques, and basic interpretive problems. Pre: 286 and 288.

MUS 326 Advanced Conducting (2)

Continuation of 325. Pre: 325 or consent.

MUS 330 (Alpha) Advanced Applied Music, Ethnic (V)

Individual instruction in instrumental and dance performance at advanced level. (B) koto; (C) shamisen; (E) Hawaiian chant; (F) shakuhachi; (I) other. Repeatable for six semesters. A-F only. Pre: advancement from 230 or consent.

MUS 331 (Alpha) Applied Music, Western (V)

For nonmajors or for music majors in secondary performance fields. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at an advanced level. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (E) conducting; (F) recorder; (G) classical guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable for six semesters for all other alphas; repeatable five times, up to 12 credits for (E). Juniors and seniors only for (E). A-F only. Pre: advancement from 231 or consent; any 231 or consent for (E).

MUS 332 (Alpha) Applied Music, Western (V)

For music majors. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at the junior level. Representative works. Weekly repertoire laboratory required. Half recital required to complete junior level. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (G) classical guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable for three semesters. A-F only. Pre: four semesters of 232 and promotion by board examination.

MUS 340 Electronic Music (3)

Basic techniques of electronic sound synthesis. Pre: 240 or consent.

MUS 341 Audio Recording/Mixing/Sound Design (3)

Preproduction, mixing, setup and recording suitable for film. Mixing techniques in software for small systems. Sound design using original synthesis techniques to enhance film and support stories. Pre: 240 or consent. (Alt. years)

MUS 342 Digital Audio Synthesis and Multimedia Applications (3)

Sound control through graphical interfaces. Advanced digital audio synthesis techniques. Audio control of graphics and video. Introduction of alternate controllers. Pre: 240 or consent. (Once a year)

MUS 353 Integrating World Music in Education (3)

Application of musical concepts through an integrated approach. This includes strategies, world music, literature, materials and resources for the classroom curriculum. Pre: 253 or 282, or consent.

MUS 354 General Music Methods (3)

Required for K-12 music specialists. Scope and nature of music in the lives of children and adolescents; planning, teaching, learning, and evaluating music in elementary, middle, and high school curriculum. A-F only. Pre: 250, 286, and 288, or consent. Co-requisite: 354L.

MUS 354L General Music Methods Lab (1)

Observing, analyzing, participating, and teaching in general music classrooms. Supervised 40 hours of field  2020-2021 Courses 491 Key to symbols & abbreviations: see the first page of this section. experiences required. MUS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 250, 286, and 288; or consent. Co-requisite: 354. (Every 3rd semester)

MUS 355 Instrumental Music Methods (3)

Objectives, materials, and procedures of instrumental music in schools. A-F only. Pre: 250, 286, and 326 (or concurrent); or consent.

MUS 355L Instrumental Music Methods Lab (1)

Observing, analyzing, participating, and teaching in instrumental settings. Supervised 30 hours of field experiences required. MUS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 250, 286, and 326 (or concurrent); or consent. Corequisite: 355. (Every 3rd semester)

MUS 356 Choral Music Methods (3)

Objectives, materials, and procedures of choral music in schools. A-F only. Pre: 122B, 250, 286, and 326 (or concurrent); or consent. Co-requisite: 414.

MUS 356L Choral Music Methods Lab (1)

Observing, analyzing, participating, and teaching in choral settings. Supervised 30 hours of field experiences required. MUS majors only. CR/NC only. Pre: 250, 286, and 326 (or concurrent); or consent. Co-requisite: 356. (Every 3rd semester)

MUS 358 Piano Pedagogy (2)

Concepts, materials, and procedures for class and individual instruction in piano. Pre: 282.

MUS 359 Piano Pedagogy (2)

Continuation of 358. Pre: 358 or consent.

MUS 360 Music in Film (3)

Lecture investigating the role of music in narrative film, and developing critical skills through close study of films and their music. Understanding styles and techniques of film music within larger aesthetic trends and historical contexts. Pre: 106 or consent. (Once a year)

MUS 362 Curtains Up! Broadway Musicals, Then and Now (3)

Traces the history of the Broadway musical in a survey of works from the mid-1800s through the recent “Hamilton” phenomenon, and explores their developmental process, structure, and sociocultural, religious, and political contexts. Pre: 106 or consent.

MUS 364 Superstars: A History of Musical Celebrity (3)

Explores how the cultural phenomenon of celebrity has impacted musicians and composers from antiquity to the present. Pre: 106.

MUS 370 Music in Modern America (3)

Varieties of music, including jazz and other popular forms; relevant antecedents. Pre: sophomore standing; freshmen with consent only.

MUS 381 Counterpoint (3)

Form, texture, and style in music literature from Renaissance to present. Formal analysis and writing. Contrapuntal textures and forms. Pre: 286.

MUS 382 Form and Analysis (3)

Form, texture, and style in music literature from Renaissance to present. Formal analysis and writing. Larger forms with various textures; recent contemporary approaches to continuity. Pre: 265, 266, and 286.

MUS 383 Orchestration (3)

Basic principles of scoring for orchestra and band; instrumental ranges, timbres, transpositions; transcribing or composing for band, orchestra, and chorus. Pre: 286 or consent.

MUS 386 Theory and Practice of Jazz Improvisation (2)

Development of an improvising technique through analysis and performance practice. For instrumentalists only. Pre: 285 and 287.

MUS 399 Directed Study (V)

Limited to majors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in music. Pre: consent.

MUS 400 Topics in Music (V)

Topics in history, literature, theory, applied music, music education, and ethnomusicology; for music majors. Consult department for topics and specific dates. Repeatable up to twelve credits. Pre: 281 and appropriate lower division music courses; or consent.

MUS 407 Music Cultures of the World (3)

Folk, popular, and art music from major regions of the world, with emphasis upon Asia and the Pacific, representative styles and regional characteristics. Pre: junior standing or consent.

MUS 410 (Alpha) Ensembles (1)

Performance of literature for ensembles and performing groups of various sizes and kinds; (B) Hawaiian chorus; (C) University Chamber Singers; (D) piano-vocal collaboration; (E) composer-performer collaboration; (F) chamber music; (G) guitar; (K) jazz; (M) contemporary music; (N) theater music; (O) percussion; (P) digital and electronic musical arts; (Q) piano-instrumental collaboration; (R) saxophone choir. Repeatable unlimited times, repeatable five times for (R). A-F only for (E), (Q), and (R). MUS majors only for (E). Pre: 2 credits of 289, or 4 credits of 232, or consent for (E); audition or consent for all other alphas. (Spring only for (R))

MUS 411 (Alpha) Ethnic Music Ensembles II (1)

Performance of literature for ensembles and performing groups of various sizes and kinds, (B) Hawaiian; (C) Japanese; (D) Chinese; (E) Korean; (F) Okinawan; (G) Philippine; (I) Asian; (J) Tahitian. Repeatable unlimited times except for (J), repeatable eight times for (J). Pre: 311 in same section or consent.

MUS 412 Hula/Chant Ensemble II (2)

Ancient style. Pre: 312 or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 412)

MUS 413 Hula/Chant Ensemble III (2)

Ancient style; hâlau protocol. Repeatable nine times. Pre: 412. (Cross-listed as DNCE 413)

MUS 414 University Concert Choir (1)

Performance of choral literature from all style periods throughout the world. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: choral experience or consent.

MUS 415 Opera Workshop (V)

Opera in performance. Styles and characterizations. Performance of scenes and one complete work. Repeatable unlimited times. MUS majors only. Pre: upper division standing or consent.

MUS 416 (Alpha) University Symphony Orchestra (1)

Performance of orchestra literature, including major works for chorus and orchestra, opera and dance; (B) symphony (4.5 hours); (C) chamber orchestra. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: audition or consent.

MUS 417 University Javanese Gamelan (1)

Performance of jogja and solo gamelan traditions; Ujon-Ujon, Wajang Kulit, Wajang Wong. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: 311H or consent.

MUS 419 (Alpha) University Band (1)

Performance of literature, including works by contemporary composers. (B) symphonic wind ensemble; (C) symphonic band; (D) concert band; (E) marching band; (F) marching band percussion. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: audition or consent.

MUS 420 (Alpha) Music Literature Lab (2)

Problems of style and interpretation and their implications in performance. Inquiry with laboratory performance. (B) solo voice; (C) piano. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. A-F only for (C).

MUS 421 Musical Theatre (3)

Essential training in skills required to perform in musicals. Students present scenes from musical comedies for criticism and review. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: one of 231B, THEA 321, THEA 322, or consent; and/or audition. (Cross-listed as THEA 421)

MUS 422 Piano Repertoire (1)

Focused study on a specific area of piano literature. Extensive score study, analysis, performance practices, technique and listening lists will be studied. A-F only. Pre: 2 semesters of 232C or consent. Repeatable five times, up to six credits. (Alt. years)

MUS 423 Keyboard Skills I (2)

Practical keyboard applications including transposition, keyboard harmonization, figured bass, improvisation, score reading and sight reading. A-F only. Pre: 282 and 2 semesters of 232C, or consent. (Alt. years)

MUS 424 Keyboard Skills II (2)

Continuation of 423. A-F only. Pre: 423 or consent.

MUS 425 Wind Band Literature (2)

Historical survey and analytical study of wind band literature, with particular attention to significant works for winds from the 1700s to the present. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 265 and 266. (Alt. years: fall)

MUS 432 (Alpha) Applied Music, Western (3)

For music majors. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at the senior level. Representative works. Weekly repertoire laboratory required. Full recital required for completion of this performance level. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (G) classical guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable for three semesters. A-F only. Pre: two semesters of 332 and advancement by board examination.

MUS 440 Music, Industry, and Society (3)

History of U.S. music and recording industry. How industry relates to economy as a whole, and how it reflects broad patterns and trends in American culture and society. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Cross-listed as HIST 471)

MUS 441 Scoring Techniques for Films (3)

Aspects of scoring original music for films. Use of small systems, and software production tools. Music production techniques (including Foley and sound effects) and music for television also covered. Repeatable one time. Pre: 341 or consent. (Alt. years)

MUS 450 Contemporary Practices in Music Education (3)

Contemporary practices and issues in music education. For public school and community music contexts. A-F only. Pre: 286 or consent.

MUS 451 Perspectives on K-12 Music Education (2)

Required for K-12 music education majors. Topics include music learning, classroom management, assessment, and national standards. A-F only. MUS ED majors only. Junior standing or higher. Pre: 250, 286, 288, and EDEP 311; or consent. (Fall only)

MUS 452 Advanced String Pedagogy (2)

Study of intermediate to advanced techniques and pedagogical approaches to violin, viola, cello, and double bass in both individual and class settings. A-F only. Pre: 157 or consent. (Alt. years: spring)

MUS 454 Music in Special Education (3)

Designed for music educators, elementary, and special education majors or musicians interested in understanding and preparing to use music with special education students. Will be offered both as a campus and online course. A-F only. Pre: 353 or EDEP 311, or consent.

MUS 457 Asian and Pacific Music in Education (3)

Musical concepts in songs, dances, and instrumental music of Asia, Hawai‘i, and other Pacific Islands, appropriate for K–12. Pre: 353, 354, or 355 and 356.

MUS 459 Vocal Pedagogy (3)

Scientific studies of vocal mechanism; application to techniques of singing. Pedagogical methods for individual voice instruction; participation in applied music teaching. Pre: 286 and 288.

MUS 461 (Alpha) Eras of Western Music History (3)

Changing styles and forms in periods of European art music from 500 A.D. to the present. (B) medieval; (C) Renaissance; (D) Baroque; (E) Classic; (F) Romantic; (G) 20th century. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 265 and 266, or consent.

MUS 462 (Alpha) Studies in Western Music History (3)

(B) music of the United States. Pre: 265 and 266, or consent.

MUS 463 (Alpha) Topics in Music Literature (3)

(B) symphonic music; (C) concerto; (D) chamber music; (E) choral music; (F) solo song; (G) wind band literature; (H) guitar literature. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: 265 and 266, or consent.

MUS 464 Opera (3)

Historical study from Monteverdi to present. Pre: 265 and 266, or consent.

MUS 467 Music and Ethics (3)

Studies music’s roles in religious traditions and politics, as identity formation, and music’s relationship with lyrics in a variety of forms. Readings approach these issues from the question of ethics. A-F only. Pre: 265 and 266, or consent. (Once a year)

MUS 472 Sound Systems of World Musics (3)

Music-theoretical study of sound organization as defined by various cultures and development of aural analysis in world musics. Pre: junior standing or consent.

MUS 477 History of Rock and Roll (3)

An examination of rock and roll from various perspectives including economics, regionalism, freedom of expression. Pre: upper division standing or consent.

MUS 478 (Alpha) Musical Cultures (3)

The study of a musical culture area. (B) Hawai‘i; (C) China; (D) Japan; (E) Korea; (F) Indonesia; (G) Philippines; (H) India; (I) Polynesia; (P) Africa; (Q) other. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: junior standing or consent. ((H) Cross-listed as ASAN 478)

MUS 479 Topics in Ethnomusicology (3)

Problem-oriented cross-cultural investigation of music and music organization. Pre: junior standing or consent.

MUS 484 Composition for Music Majors (1)

Original composition; specific approaches to creative writing. Intended for music majors not majoring in composition. Repeatable one time. MUS majors only. A-F only. Pre: 286 and 288.

MUS 485 Intermediate Practicum in Music Composition (V)

Creative writing beginning with smaller forms. Repeatable unlimited times. MUS majors only. Pre: 286 and 288, or consent.

MUS 487 Advanced Practicum in Music Composition (3)

Creative writing in larger forms. Composition majors only. Repeatable one time. Pre: 485 or consent.

MUS 488 Contemporary Techniques (2)

Theoretical techniques in music of the 20th and 21st centuries; emphasis on writing as the synthesis of concepts. Investigation of important stylistic movements. Pre: 286 or consent.

MUS 495 Senior Project (1)

Capstone project designed by student, who must find and work with faculty advisor before enrolling. Also subject to advance approval by departmental committee. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: senior standing and consent.

MUS 565 Western Music History Review (3)

Online course surveys representative composers, musical styles, and genres from the Western tradition. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing and consent or departmental approval.

MUS 600 (Alpha) Seminar (3)

Selected problems in (B) composition; (C) ethnomusicology; (D) music literature; (E) performance repertory; (F) music education; (H) theory. Repeatable nine times. Pre: graduate standing or consent; also 661 for (D) and (E).

MUS 601 Advanced Topics in Music (V)

Advanced topics in history, literature, theory, applied music, music education, and ethnomusicology; some in intensive modular format. Repeatable nine times. MUS majors only. Pre: appropriate lower division music courses or consent and graduate standing.

MUS 610 Advanced Ensemble (1)

Projects in study and performance. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.

MUS 625 Advanced Conducting (V)

Conducting instrumental and choral groups. Repeatable three times, up to 12 credits. Pre: instructor consent.

MUS 626 Advanced Conducting (2)

Continuation of 625.

MUS 631 (Alpha) Applied Music, Western (V)

For nonmajors or music majors in secondary performance fields. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at an advanced level. (B) voice; (C) piano; (D) organ; (E) conducting; (F) recorder; (G) guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) french horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Each alpha repeatable five times, up to 12 credits. MUS majors only, for majors in secondary performance fields. A-F only. Pre: consent.

MUS 635 (Alpha) Graduate-Level Applied Music (3)

For students accepted for MMus in performance. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at graduate performance level. Representative works. (B) voice; (C) piano; (E) conducting; (G) guitar; (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) double bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion; (Z) other. Repeatable three times for (E), repeatable two times for all other alphas. MUS majors only for (E) and (G). Graduate students only for (E). A-F only for (E) and (G).

MUS 636 (Alpha) Graduate Recital (V)

For students accepted for MMus in performance. Individual instruction in solo vocal or instrumental performance at graduate level; full recital required. (B) voice; (C) piano; (E) conducting; (G) guitar (3 cr.); (H) violin; (I) viola; (J) cello; (K) bass; (M) flute; (N) oboe; (O) clarinet; (P) bassoon; (Q) saxophone; (R) trumpet; (S) French horn; (T) trombone; (U) tuba; (X) euphonium; (Y) percussion. Repeatable two times for (G); repeatable up to six credits per alpha for all other alphas. MUS majors only. Graduate students only for (E). A-F only.

MUS 649 College Level Teaching Practicum (1)

Practical experience teaching at the college level. Examination of elements for successful college teaching. Repeatable two times. MUS majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: consent.

MUS 651 Foundations of Music Education (3)

Music and music education in their philosophic, aesthetic, social, historical, and psychological dimensions. Pre: graduate standing and consent.

MUS 652 Introduction to Research in Music Education (3)

Introduction to research techniques in music education, including topic selection, literature review, and presentation of information in written form. A-F only. MUS majors only. Graduate students only. Pre: 651 (with a minimum grade of B-)

MUS 653 Music Curriculum Theory and Design (3)

Procedures for planning, teaching, evaluating, and administering music programs in elementary, secondary, and higher education. Evaluation of current programs; procedures for change. Pre: graduate standing and consent.

MUS 655 Music in Childhood Education (3)

Principles and programs in teaching music to children in early childhood settings and elementary school. Curriculum development, analysis of research, and current approaches. Pre: 353 or 354, teaching experience, and graduate standing.

MUS 657 World Musics in Undergraduate Education (2)

Concepts and materials at junior college and undergraduate levels. Preparation for structuring and teaching courses in non-Western musics. Pre: graduate status in music and 107 or 407 (or concurrent).

MUS 659 Seminar in College Music Teaching (3)

Examines components of good teaching, adult learning theories, course organization, methodologies, evaluation, and other music issues. For students planning a college teaching career in music. Pre: consent.

MUS 660 (Alpha) Studies in Music Literature (3)

Detailed study by chronological period. (B) medieval; (C) Renaissance; (D) Baroque; (E) Classic; (F) Romantic; (G) 20th century. Repeatable in different alphas. Pre: 661 or consent.

MUS 661 Bibliography and Library Resources in Music (3)

Basic materials and techniques; includes retrieval techniques from online computer catalog. MUS majors only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

MUS 670 (Alpha) Regional Music (3)

Musical content and historicosocial context of principal musical traditions. (B) Asia; (C) Oceania. Repeatable nine times. Pre: consent.

MUS 678 (Alpha) Advanced Problems in Ethnomusicology (3)

(B) transcription of music performance; (C) movement analysis; (D) other. Pre: consent.

MUS 680 (Alpha) Studies in Music Theory (3)

(B) stylistic counterpoint to 1700; (C) stylistic counterpoint from 1700; (D) advanced analysis; (E) comparative theory; (F) history of theory; (G) contemporary techniques and resources; (H) atonal analysis and set theory; (I) Schenkerian analysis. Pre: 286 and graduate standing.

MUS 685 Intercultural Composition (3)

Examination of compositional approaches, techniques, and characteristics of works with East Asian influences in Western concert settings. Composing idiomatically for East Asian instruments. Repeatable one time. MUS majors only. Graduate students only. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

MUS 687 Masters Composition Practicum (3)

Original composition in all forms. Masters-level composition students only. Repeatable five times. A-F only. Pre: consent.

MUS 695 Plan B Master’s Project (V)

Independent study for students working on a Plan B master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. A maximum of 3 credits may be earned in MUS 695. Graduate standing in music education or music composition. A-F only.

MUS 699 Directed Work (V)

Reading and research in ethnomusicology, musicology, music education; reading and practice in theory, composition, or performance. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of chair and department chair.

MUS 700 Thesis Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

MUS 701 (Alpha) Topics in Music (3)

Advanced topics in musicology; theory, ethnomusicology, and music education. (B) psychology of music; (C) research in music education; (D) research methods in musicology; (E) advanced diction for singers. Repeatable in different alphas. A-F only. Pre: appropriate to topic or consent.

MUS 702 Seminar for Doctoral Students (V)

Selected topics centering on areas pertinent to the student’s degree needs and research interests. Repeatable nine times, up to 12 credits. A-F only. Pre: admission to PhD program in music or consent.

MUS 750 (Alpha) Seminar in Music Education (3)

Selected problems in music education. (B) childhood; (C) adolescence/adults; (D) major issues. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing and consent.

MUS 787 Doctoral Composition Practicum (3)

Original composition in all forms. Doctoral-level composition students only. Repeatable five times. A-F only. Pre: consent.

MUS 800 Dissertation Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Pre: candidacy for PhD degree and consent of dissertation chair.

PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy: Survey of Problems (3)

Introduction to the kinds of problems that concern philosophers and to some of the solutions that have been attempted.

PHIL 100A Introduction to Philosophy Survey of Problems (3)

Introduction to the kinds of problems that concern philosophers and to some of the solutions that have been attempted.

PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy: Morals and Society (3)

Philosophical attempts to evaluate conduct, character, and social practices.

PHIL 101A Introduction to Philosophy: Morals and Society (3)

Philosophical attempts to evaluate conduct, character, and social practices.

PHIL 102 Asian Traditions (3)

Universal themes and problems from Asian perspective.

PHIL 102A Asian Traditions (3)

Universal themes and problems from Asian perspective.

PHIL 103 Introduction to Philosophy: Environmental Philosophy (3)

A critical examination of environmental issues; analyzing the nature of the human being, the nature of nature, and the relationship of the human being to nature.

PHIL 110 Introduction to Deductive Logic (3)

Principles of modern deductive logic.

PHIL 110A Introduction to Deductive Logic (3)

Principles of modern deductive logic.

PHIL 111 Introduction to Inductive Logic (3)

Introduction to the theory of arguments based on probabilities and to the theory of decision-making in the context of uncertainty. A-F only.

PHIL 130 Introduction to World Philosophy I (3)

Introduction to philosophy as it has manifested itself differently across cultures throughout the world. Focus on the development of philosophical thought from its beginnings up until 1500 CE.A-F only. (Fall only)

PHIL 131 Introduction to World Philosophy II (3)

Philosophy attempts to understand the human being and the societies they form. Introduces students to the notion of world philosophy, focusing upon thinkers who have helped to shape our present. A-F only. (Spring only)

PHIL 211 Ancient Philosophy (3)

An introduction to the history of philosophy based on translations of texts originally written in classical Greek or Latin.

PHIL 212 Between Ancient and Modern Philosophy (3)

Introduction to the history of philosophy based on translations of texts originally written in post-classical Latin or Arabic.

PHIL 213 Modern Philosophy (3)

Introduction to the history of philosophy based on texts or translations of “modern” works, that is works originally written in a modern European language.

PHIL 218 Women Philosophers (3)

Introduces students to the ideas of women philosophers. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or WS, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as WS 219)

PHIL 222 Existentialism: Freedom, Being, Death (3)

Introduction to the major thinkers and the fundamental concepts and debates of Existentialism, taking Existentialism as a global movement expressed not just in philosophical texts, but also in literature and film. A-F only.

PHIL 300 Business Ethics (3)

Case studies and critical analyses of ethical issues in business. Readings from business, philosophy, law, etc. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or BUS or BLAW, or consent.

PHIL 301 Ethical Theory (3)

Problems and methods in theory of moral conduct and decision. Pre: any course 101 or above in PHIL or above 100 in POLS or SOC; or consent.

PHIL 302 Political Philosophy (3)

Problems and methods in philosophical theories of political legitimacy. Pre: any course 101 or above in PHIL or above 100 in POLS or SOC, or consent.

PHIL 303 Social Philosophy (3)

Problems and methods in examination of contemporary life, values, and institutions in light of traditional philosophical problems of freedom, justice, authority, equality. Pre: any course 101 or above in PHIL or above 100 in POLS or SOC, or consent.

PHIL 304 Metaphysics (3)

Problems arising from attempts to categorize rationally what is, and what appears to be. Among others, topics may include universals and particulars, personal identity, freedom and determinism, and time. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL, or consent.

PHIL 305 Philosophy of Religion (3)

Problems and methods. Nature of religious experience, alternatives to theism, existence of god, relation between faith and reason, nature of religious language.

PHIL 306 Philosophy of Art (3)

Problems and methods in aesthetic valuation and in appreciation, creation, and criticism of artworks.

PHIL 307 Theory of Knowledge (3)

Problems and methods in epistemology. Nature of knowledge, its varieties, possibilities, and limitations. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL, or 200 or above with either DB or DP or DS designation; or consent.

PHIL 308 Philosophy of Science (3)

Problems and methods. Domains of inquiry, methods of validation, and attendant moral concerns. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL, or 200 or above with either DB or DP designation; or consent.

PHIL 310 Ethics in Health Care (3)

Ethical issues in application and organization of biomedical resources; professional responsibility, confidentiality, euthanasia, experimentation on human subjects, etc. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or MED or NURS or with a DB designation; or consent.

PHIL 311 Philosophy and Aesthetics of Film (3)

Aesthetics and ontology of film and video, based on readings in the philosophy of film and the viewing of a number of films per semester.

PHIL 312 Ethics in Practice (3)

Team-taught exploration of five contemporary ethical issues using a variety of philosophical approaches and methods. Pre: any 101 course or above in PHIL or above 100 in POLS or SOC; or consent. (Once a year)

PHIL 313 Philosophy and Evolution (3)

Explores the ethical and epistemological implications of the theory of evolution. (Alt. years)

PHIL 314 Critical Thinking: Pre-Medicine (3)

Scientific and social perspectives on the nature of disease and their impact on medical practice. Exploration of these topics through reading, writing and critical inquiry. Pre: any course in PHIL, 100 or above; or any two BIOL, CHEM or PHYS courses; or consent.

PHIL 315 The Role of Models in Global Environmental Science (3)

Introduction to philosophy of science for those with some background in the natural sciences. Special emphasis on issues arising from the construction and use of models. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or any course 200 or above with either DB or DP designation, or consent. (Alt. years: spring) (Cross-listed as OCN 315)

PHIL 316 Science, Technology, and Society (3)

Investigation of some of the complex interconnections between science, technology, and society. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or in a course with either DB or DP or DS designation, or consent.

PHIL 317 Critical Thinking: Pre-Law (3)

Introduction to concepts and techniques for evaluating arguments with special emphasis on their application both to questions of law and to issues in jurisprudence. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or POLS or SOC, or consent.

PHIL 318 Philosophy of Law (3)

Historical and contemporary issues in law and legal theory. Law and morality; legal responsibility, justice, rights, punishment, judicial reasoning. Pre: any course 101 or above in PHIL or above 100 in BLAW or POLS or SOC, or consent.

PHIL 319 Ethical Issues in the Law (3)

Exploration of ethical issues that have come before (mainly U.S.) courts, including but not confined to, medical and criminal justice ethics. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 101 or a course numbered 200 or above in PHIL or HIST or ENG or with a DS designation; or consent.

PHIL 320 American Philosophy (3)

Survey of major philosophers and schools in development of American thought up to modern times. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL, or consent.

PHIL 330 Islamic Philosophy (3)

Survey of major Islamic philosophers and schools. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or ARAB, or consent.

PHIL 350 Indian Philosophy (3)

Survey of major orthodox and heterodox systems: Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavadgita, Vedanta, Jainism, Buddhism. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or PALI or SNSK; or consent.

PHIL 360 Buddhist Philosophy (3)

Survey of central thinkers and schools. (Cross-listed as ASAN 360)

PHIL 370 Chinese Philosophy (3)

Survey of important schools and thinkers in classical Chinese traditions: Confucianism, Daoism, Mohism, Legalism.

PHIL 380 Japanese Philosophy (3)

Survey of central thinkers and schools from ancient to modern. Pre: 21 credits.

PHIL 387 The Meaning of War (3)

Exploration of ethical questions related to the many facets of war–e.g., patriotism, tribalism, holy war, self-sacrifice, cowardice, media coverage, propaganda, torture, genocide, pillage, suicide tactics, battlefield immunity. (Cross-listed as PACE 387)

PHIL 399 Directed Research (V)

Repeatable up to a maximum of 6 credits. Pre: consent.

PHIL 402 Introduction to Phenomenology (3)

Methods of analyzing the structures of experience, as developed by Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, etc.

PHIL 406 Introduction to Zen (Ch’an) Buddhist Philosophy (3)

Development and philosophical significance of basic precepts, explored through translations of Chinese and Japanese sources.

PHIL 414 (Alpha) Western Movements and Periods (3)

(B) Greek; (C) late antiquity; (D) medieval; (E) Renaissance; (F) continental rationalism; (G) British empiricism; (H) German idealism; (I) 19th century; (J) 20th century. Repeatable two times in different alphas, not in same alpha. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL, or consent.

PHIL 417 Philosophy in Literature (3)

Philosophical themes in the literary mode in world literature.

PHIL 418 Feminist Issues in Philosophy (3)

Examination of basic feminist issues in philosophy, and of responses to them. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or WS, or consent. (Cross-listed as WS 419)

PHIL 422 Philosophical Psychology (3)

Classical and modern theories of mind, cognition, and action.

PHIL 436 Philosophy of Language (3)

Contemporary theories in semantics and syntax; problems of meaning, reference, speech acts, etc. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or LING, or consent.

PHIL 438 Gender and Environmental Philosophy (3)

Interdisciplinary approach to women’s perspectives and roles on ecological and environmental issues; critical analysis of eco-feminism as a social and political movement; cross-cultural comparison of women’s roles in human ecology. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or WS or any course 200 or above with a DB or DP designation, or consent. (Cross-listed as WS 438)

PHIL 445 Symbolic Logic (3)

Intermediate-level course covering proof techniques for classical, first-order predicate calculus, and an introduction to meta-theory. Pre: 110 or any course 200 or above in ICS or MATH; or consent.

PHIL 448 Individual Philosophers/Topics (3)

Examination of work of a major Eastern or Western philosopher, or topic of philosophical concern. Repeatable three times. Pre: 100, 101, 102, 103, 211, 212, 213, or consent.

PHIL 449 Undergraduate Capstone (3)

Capstone seminar for undergraduate majors. Concentration on a topic of current philosophical concern. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: declared major in PHIL with at least six courses 200 or above in PHIL, or consent.

PHIL 473 Understanding Place: Philosophical Inquiry and Community (3)

Uses tools of philosophical inquiry, specifically p4cHI pedagogy, to develop a deep understanding of lived environment in a Hawaiian context while drawing on urban planning theories and methods to empower students as agents of change. Repeatable one time. Pre: any course 100 or above in PHIL or PLAN, or consent. (Fall only)

PHIL 492 Philosophy with Children (3)

Experience theory and practice developing intellectually safe philosophical communities of inquiry in contexts from kindergarten through university and beyond. Pre: any course 200 or above in PHIL or EDUC, or consent.

PHIL 493 Teaching Philosophy (3)

Supervised work in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms, facilitating philosophical inquiry with students. Repeatable one time. Pre: 492 or consent.

PHIL 611 Studies in Ethics (3)

Key issues in contemporary philosophical debates about ethics. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 301.

PHIL 614 Studies in Metaphysics (3)

Key issues in ontological and cosmological theory. Problems of materialism, idealism, phenomenalism, etc. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 304.

PHIL 615 Studies in Philosophy of Religion (3)

Key issues in theory of religious experience, language, reasoning. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 305.

PHIL 616 Studies in Aesthetics (3)

Key issues in contemporary aesthetics, against background of traditional Western and Eastern theories. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 306.

PHIL 617 Studies in Epistemology (3)

Key issues in contemporary philosophical debates about knowledge. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 307.

PHIL 618 Philosophical Foundations of Cultural Criticism (3)

A survey of the philosophical texts, thinkers, concepts, and theoretical approaches that are used in cultural criticism. A-F only. (Fall only)

PHIL 622 Studies in Hermeneutics (3)

Important debates concerning the methodology of textual interpretation. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PHIL 630 History and Theory of Science (3)

Exploration of problems at the intersection of historical studies of science as a process and philosophical analysis of basic concepts of the sciences. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 308 or 316.

PHIL 670 Confucianism (3)

Ethical, social, institutional problems in classical theory. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 370.

PHIL 671 Neo-Confucianism (3)

Logic, epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics of major Chinese Neo-Confucian philosophers, 11th–16th century. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 370.

PHIL 672 Daoism (3)

Critical examination and evaluation of major philosophical ideas in Lao Zi, Zhuang Zi, and the Neo-Daoists. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 370.

PHIL 699 Directed Research (V)

Repeatable up to 30 credits. Pre: graduate standing and consent.

PHIL 700 Thesis Research (V)

Repeatable up to six credits. Pre: master’s Plan A candidate and consent.

PHIL 720 Seminar on Individual Philosophers (3)

The most significant texts of an important philosopher. Repeatable three times in the MA program; an additional four times in the PhD program. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PHIL 725 Seminar in Philosophical Topics (3)

Close study of a topic of important philosophical controversy. Repeatable two times in the MA program; an additional three times in the PhD program. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PHIL 730 Seminar in Islamic Philosophy (3)

Major philosophical problems in Islamic thought. Focus either on a specific topic or one author. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Once a year)

PHIL 735 Seminar on Philosophical Periods (3)

Close study of a period of significant and connected philosophical activity within a philosophic tradition. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PHIL 740 Seminar in Philosophical Texts (3)

Reading, analysis, and critical discussion of one (or of several closely related) philosophical text in its original language (sometimes in conjunction with established translation). Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PHIL 750 Seminar in Indian Philosophy (3)

Major philosophical problems in the development of Indian thought during its formative period. Repeatable two times with consent of instructor and Graduate Chair. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 350.

PHIL 760 Seminar in Buddhist Philosophy (3)

Major philosophical problems in the development of Buddhist thought during its formative period. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 360.

PHIL 770 Seminar in Chinese Philosophy (3)

Fundamental issues, problems, movements, and schools of Chinese philosophy, such as classical Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism, Chinese logic, and Neo-Confucianism. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 370.

PHIL 771 Seminar in Yi Jing (3)

Metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, and axiological views of Yi Jing and its claim as foundational work for classical Confucianism, Daoism, and Neo-Confucianism. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PHIL 780 Seminar in Japanese Philosophy (3)

Various periods, movements, and thinkers in Japanese philosophy. Topic changes each semester. Consult department for more information. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 380.

PHIL 790 Seminar in Comparative Philosophy (3)

Comparison of widely differing philosophical traditions. Specific topic changes each semester. Consult department for more information. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

PHIL 800 Dissertation Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

REL 149 Introduction to the World’s Goddesses (3)

Cross-cultural analysis of the religious narratives, beliefs, practices, iconography, and sacred sites related to female deities in the Americas, Polynesia, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe from prehistory to 1500 C.E. (Cross-listed as WS 149)

REL 150 Introduction to the World’s Major Religions (3)

Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shinto, Taoism and indigenous traditions of Hawai‘i and/or Oceania.

REL 151 Religion and the Meaning of Existence (3)

Basic ideas and issues in contemporary religious thought about the meaning of existence.

REL 151A Religion and the Meaning of Existence (3)

Basic ideas and issues in contemporary religious thought about the meaning of existence.

REL 160 Religion and Social Justice (3)

Religious persons and organizations play significant roles in fighting for issues of social justice worldwide. Introduces students to the relationship between religions and social
justice in China, South America, U.S., and Hawai‘i. Repeatable one time. A-F only.

REL 200 Understanding the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) (3)

Examines the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) as an expression of the religious life, history, and thought of ancient Israel and as a sacred text within later Judaism and Christianity.

REL 201 Understanding the New Testament (3)

Origin and development of early Christian message as set forth in the New Testament; special attention to Jesus and Paul.

REL 202 Understanding Indian Religions (3)

Historical survey of the teachings and practices of major religious traditions of India.

REL 203 Understanding Chinese Religions (3)

Taoist, Confucian, Buddhist and folk beliefs and practices in their social and historical context. Repeatable one time.

REL 204 Understanding Japanese Religions (3)

Broad survey, with primary focus on Shinto, Buddhist, and modern sectarian movements, analyzed in relation to social and cultural themes of major historical periods.

REL 205 Understanding Hawaiian Religion (3)

Major teachings and practices from ancient times to present, their cultural influence; analysis of religious texts; relation to other traditions of Oceania and to Christianity.

REL 207 Understanding Buddhism (3)

Survey of major forms and practices.

REL 208 Understanding Judaism (3)

Survey from origin to modern times; emphasis on Jewish thought in Talmudic and medieval periods.

REL 209 Understanding Islam (3)

Historical survey of the beliefs and practices of Islam as a world religion, including the prophet Muhammad, scriptures, philosophy and science, theology, law, major sectarian movements, relations with other religious traditions, and fundamentalism. (Alt. years)

REL 210 Understanding Christianity (3)

History of ideas concentrating on events, persons, and issues with the greatest impact on the evolution of Christianity.

REL 210A Understanding Christianity (3)

History of ideas concentrating on events, persons, and issues with the greatest impact on the evolution of Christianity.

REL 211 Understanding Ancient Religions (3)

Comparative and historical survey of the religious beliefs and practices in ancient times throughout Egypt, Mesopotamia, Syria-Canaan, Anatolia, Persia, Greece, and Rome. A-F only. (Cross-listed as CLAS 211)

REL 300 The Study of Religion (3)

Definitions and functions of religion; methodologies by which it is studied; relationship to other areas of human culture. Pre: 150 or consent.

REL 301 Biblical Hebrew I (3)

Orthography and structure of Biblical Hebrew, history and development of Hebrew as the sacred language of Judaism, overview of religious and historical development of the Hebrew Bible. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as CLAS 301)

REL 302 Biblical Hebrew II (3)

Reading of selected prose passages from the Hebrew Bible; analysis of literacy forms, paying special attention to stories which have played an important role in the development of the Abrahamic religions. Minimum C- grade required for prerequisites. Pre: 301/LLEA 301. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as CLAS 302)

REL 303 Creation and Evolution (3)

An exploration of interactions between science and religion with a focus on cosmogonies. Pre: 150 or consent.

REL 308 Zen (Ch’an) Buddhist Masters (3)

Study of lives, teachings, practices of Zen masters in China, Japan, Korea, and the West. Pre: one of 150, 203, 204, 207; or consent.

REL 310 Global Christianity (3)

Christianity as a transcultural religion, through the study of Christian art, literature, ritual, and theology in diverse cultures; including the Near East, Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific. Pre: 150, 201, or 210; or consent. (Once a year)

REL 311 Ka Baibala ‘Ôlelo Hawai‘i (The Bible in Hawaiian) (3)

Survey of and selected readings from the Hawaiian Bible (Baibala Hemolele). Conducted in Hawaiian. Repeatable one time. Pre: HAW 201.

REL 333 Cults and New Religions (3)

Study of cults and new religious movements in America, the Pacific, and East Asia; examining types, causes, and functions of these movements. Pre: 150 or consent.

REL 345 Religion and Conflict in American History (3)

Analyzes selected historical examples of religious conflicts in America, discerning characteristic patterns of American religious discourse, and identifying the social structures, interests, and ethical principles at stake in conflicts about religion. Sophomore standing or higher. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as AMST 345)

REL 348 Religion, Politics, and Society (3)

Exploration of the diverse approaches and perspectives that American religious groups embrace with respect to some of the more controversial and diverse elements of contemporary American life. Pre: 150 or 151, or consent.

REL 351 Christian Ethics in Modern Life (3)

The meaning of Christian faith for the moral life with reference to contemporary moral issues. Pre: 150 or 151, or consent.

REL 352 Sufism: Mystical Traditions of Islam (3)

Introduction to the history, literature, and worldview of Sufism. Students will encounter the following topics in relation to Islamic mysticism: asceticism, monotheism, philosophy, love, union, sainthood, ecstatic experience, and spiritual uses of art. Pre: 209 or 383 or PHIL 330 or HIST 354, or consent. (Once a year)

REL 353 Witches and Witchcraft (3)

Persecution of witches, witchcraft in Europe, 1300–1700, examined as crisis of church and theology; origins, effects on church and society. Pre: one of 201, HIST 151, HIST 152, PSY 100, or consent.

REL 354 Islam in History (3)

Examination of the historical connections between Islam and other civilizations will focus on the role of Islam in world history. Pre: 150 or 209 or consent.

REL 356 Women and Religion (3)

Examining roles of, and attitudes toward, women in major religious traditions through autobiographies, films, and primary texts. Pre: 150 or ANTH 152 or WS 151. (Cross-listed as WS 356)

REL 361 Love, Sex, and Religion (3)

Love and sex as themes in religions of Asia and the West. Pre: 150 or consent.

REL 363 Religion and Art (3)

The uses of art in religion are studied with historical examples. Pre: 150 or consent.

REL 371 Prophecies of the Last Days (3)

In-depth look at ancient Judeo-Christian apocalyptic texts and the communities in which they originated, followed by a survey of the medieval and modern day heirs of apocalyptic traditions. Pre: 150 or consent.

REL 373 Vedic Hindu Mythology (3)

Study of major Hindu myths of the Vedic Sanskrit literature within the perspective of ancient Indian civilization. Literary sources will be tapped for understanding creation, cosmogony and celestial, atmospheric and terrestrial divinities. Sophomore standing or higher, or consent. A-F only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as IP 373)

REL 374 Classical Hindu Mythology (3)

Study of major myths of Epic Sanskrit literature, primarily with focus of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Literary sources will be tapped for appreciating myths and epics, especially with reference to dharma, karma, ways of life. Sophomore standing or consent. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as IP 374)

REL 383 Mysticism East and West (3)

Mystic traditions of the West from desert monasticism to Renaissance mystics compared with those of South and East Asia. Pre: one of 150, 202, 203, 204; or consent.

REL 390 Hawaiian Gods (3)

The traditions and practices related to one or more major indigenous gods, or class of gods, will be studied by the interpretation and analysis of primary texts. Repeatable one time. Pre: 205 or consent.

REL 394 On Death and Dying (3)

Aspects of death and dying; relation to our culture and society, to understanding of each other and of ourselves. Pre: 150 or 151 or consent.

REL 399 Directed Reading (3)

Pre: one 200-level REL course and consent.

REL 409 Life and Teachings of Jesus (3)

Critical study of synoptic gospels and of extra-Biblical sources. Pre: 201 or 210, or consent.

REL 422 Anthropology of Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion (3)

Cults, legends, millennial movements, myths, possession, rituals, sacred healing, shamanism, sorcery, spirits, symbolism, witchcraft, and other forms of religious and symbolic expression and experience, from small scale to highly urban societies. Pre: ANTH 152. (Cross-listed as ANTH 422)

REL 431 Health/Medicine in Religion (3)

Issues of health and disease in the light of religious beliefs and practices. A-F only.

REL 433 Religion and Food (3)

Seminar exploring foodways as a basic component in the practice of religions. Examines theoretical issues, foodways as creators of community and identity, sustainability, and
other ethical issues, abstinence and fasting, and healing. Pre: 150. (Alt. years: fall)

REL 443 Anthropology of Buddhism (3)

Selected aspects of national, regional and local manifestations of Buddhism are explored through the perspective of anthropology with an emphasis on the daily lives of monks, nuns and lay persons in their socio-cultural contexts. Pre: 207, 422, 475, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 443)

REL 444 Spiritual Ecology (3)

Lectures and seminars provide a cross-cultural survey of the relationships between religions, environment and environmentalism. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 444)

REL 445 Sacred Places (3)

Lectures and seminars provide a cross-cultural survey of sites which societies recognize as sacred and their cultural, ecological and conservation aspects. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ANTH 445)

REL 452 Sociology of Religion (3)

Seminar on research in sociological aspects of religious sectarianism, historical and current; special reference to Hawai‘i. Pre: SOC 300 or consent. (Cross-listed as SOC 455)

REL 475 Seminar on Buddhism (3)

Selected historical, thematic, and textual research topics in Buddhism; topics and geographical focus to be announced each semester. Pre: one of 202, 203, 204, 207, 308; or consent.

REL 476 Daoism: Philosophy and Religion (3)

Seminar on religious Taoism, its historical development and its role in the present-day context. Pre: consent.

REL 478 New World Rituals and Ideologies (3)

Study of cross-cultural patterns in ritual behaviors and creolization of African, indigenous, and Iberian ideological frameworks in the Americas. Topics may include syncretic religions (voodoo, candomble), Andean Christianity, spiritual conquest, conceptions of death, etc. Sophomore standing or higher. Minimum C- required grade for prerequisites. Pre: LAIS 360, or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as ANTH 478 and LAIS 478)

REL 480 Field Methods in Religion (3)

Introduction to theoretical and methodological approaches to doing fieldwork in the study of religion. Application of these in studying Hawai‘i’s diverse religious environment. Pre: 300 or consent.

REL 490 Buddhism in Japan (3)

Major features and trends in thought, institutions, and practices in the context of Japanese history and culture, 6th–20th century. Pre: 204 or 207, or consent.

REL 492 Polynesian Religions (3)

Introduction to field, comparison of several traditions; beliefs and practices from analysis of texts. Historical interactions with Christianity. Pre: 150, 205; or consent.

REL 495 Seminar in Religion (3)

Topics pre-announced each semester. Pre: upper division standing or consent. Repeatable one time.

REL 499 Directed Reading or Research (V)

Repeatable up to six credits. A-F only. Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.

REL 600 History and Theory of the Study of Religion (3)

Survey of development of history of religions; application of methodologies from anthropology, history, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology.

REL 625 Applied Methods in the Study of Religion (3)

Practicum in methods of research, argument, and discourse in scholarly writing about selected topics in religious studies. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 600 and restricted to graduate students in Religion only; or consent.

REL 630 Practicum in Field Research in Religion (3)

Independent field study of an Asian or Polynesian religion at an appropriate academic or religious institution abroad or in Hawai‘i. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 600, 6 credits of area studies, and consent of graduate chair and instructor.

REL 650 Seminar on Western Religions (3)

Historical, theoretical and methodological issues in the study of Western religious traditions. Repeatable two times. REL majors only. A-F only. Pre: 600 or consent.

REL 661 (Alpha) Seminar on East Asian Religions (3)

Selected historical, thematic, and textual research topics in East Asian religions and traditions: (B) Chinese religions; (C) Japanese religions; (D) East Asian Buddhism. Repeatable up to six credits for (D), up to nine credits for (B) and (C). A-F only. Pre: 661B or 661C for (D).

REL 662 (Alpha) Seminar on South Asian Religions (3)

Selected historical, thematic, and textual research topics in Indian religious traditions: (B) Indian religions; (D) Indian Buddhism. Repeatable two times, up to nine credits for (B). A-F only

REL 663 (Alpha) Seminar in Polynesian Religions (3)

Selected historical, thematic, and textual research topics in Polynesian and Hawaiian religious traditions: (B) Polynesian religions; (C) Hawaiian religion. Each alpha repeatable up to nine credits. A-F only.

REL 664 Seminar in Global Christianities (3)

Examines topics in global Christianities, the conjunctures leading to Christianity as a worldwide religion, instantiations of Christianities throughout the centuries, and the trans-historical, theological, and socio-political connections existing between adherents and communities. Repeatable two times. Graduate standing only. A-F only. Pre: 600 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.

REL 680 (Alpha) Pedagogy in Religion (3)

Theory, preparation, and practice in the teaching of religious studies at the community college level: (B) teaching religion; (C) teaching religion practicum. REL majors only. A-F only.Pre: 650 for (B); 600, 650 and (B) for (C).

REL 688 Plan B Research (3)

Research for master’s degree Plan B. Restricted to students in the Religion Masters Program in Plan B. Enrollment must be approved by student’s project committee. A-F only. Pre: consent of committee.

REL 695 Topics in Religious Studies (3)

Topics in the study of religion with special emphasis on theoretical approaches and concerns. Specific topics to be preannounced. Repeatable one time. Pre: 600 or consent. (Alt. years)

REL 699 Directed Reading and Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

REL 700 Thesis Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of thesis chair.

THEA 101 Introduction to World Drama and Theatre (3)

(2 Lec, 1 1-hr Lab) Performance traditions of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and the Pacific from the 5th century B.C. to the present. Analysis of political, religious, and technological conditions of theatre. Includes practical theatre workshop. Emphasis on writing instruction. A-F only.

THEA 152 Live on Stage (3)

Will view 10 locally-produced theatre and dance productions. Readings, class discussion, and live demonstration will assist students to understand each performance. Performances may include theatre, dance, musical theatre, opera, and performance art. Repeatable one time. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as DNCE 152)

THEA 200 (Alpha) Beginning Theatre Practicum (1)

Beginning workshop experience in the practical application of theatre skills. (B) acting; (C) stagecraft; (D) costume; (E) theatre management. Repeatable up to four credits in each alpha. Pre: for 200B, audition and performance of role in a Department of Theatre and Dance production; for 200E theatre majors only or consent.

THEA 201 Introduction to the Art of the Film (3)

Introduction to the aesthetics of silent and sound movies. Technical subjects analyzed only as they relate to theme and style.

THEA 205 Introduction to Long-Form Improvisation (1)

Introduction to long-form improvisation as developed by companies such as Second City and iO Chicago. Focus will be on games, situations, creating characters, and forming narratives from those elements. Repeatable two times.

THEA 214 Development of the Sound Film (3)

Growth and changes in aesthetics of the sound film from 1929 to present; films by Renoir, Welles, Eisenstein, etc. Pre: 201. (Alt. years)

THEA 220 Beginning Voice and Movement (3)

Introduction to vocal and movement techniques to increase self-awareness and potential for self-expression. Repeatable one time.

THEA 221 Introduction to Acting (3)

Concentration on voice, relaxation, body awareness, and freedom from self-consciousness through theatre games, improvisations, monologues, and exercises. Emphasis also on written work through self-awareness journals and performance evaluations. Repeatable one time with consent.

THEA 222 Acting I: Foundations and Techniques (3)

Fundamentals of contemporary acting styles, including self-awareness, character, and scene work. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 221 or consent or THEA major.

THEA 224 Pidgin/HCE Drama (3)

Introduction to Hawaiian Creole English (HCE) multicultural comedy and drama in Hawai‘i. Emphasis on acting exercises, local dialects, and the performance of Pidgin/HCE plays. Repeatable one time with consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 240 Introduction to Stage Production (3)

Survey class introducing theater management, lighting, costuming, scenery, and other aspects of theatre that relate to producing stage performances. (Cross-listed as DNCE 240)

THEA 240L Theatre Production Lab (1)

Lab observations and projects illustrating basic principles of theatre production. A-F only. Co-requisite: 240.

THEA 241 Film/TV Production Process (3)

Entry-level course details three phases of the production process for film and video projects: pre-production, production, and post-production. A-F only. Pre: consent.

THEA 245 Principles of Design (3)

Introduction to general design principles as applied to theatre. Will introduce the language and tools of visual literacy and visual communications via individual projects and collaboration. Repeatable two times. (Cross-listed as DNCE 245)

THEA 259 Introduction to Voice Function and Singing Styles (3)

Students will study how the singing voice works in various styles, including classical, musical theater, jazz, choral, and pop/ rock. Students will learn historical contexts, aural characteristics, and musical vocabulary through lecture, discussion, and listening. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as MUS 259)

THEA 311 World Theatre I: Script Analysis (3)

Script analysis methods for world drama. Required of all majors. Pre: one of 101, 221, 222, 240; or consent.

THEA 312 World Theatre II: Myth to Drama (3)

Myth and ritual into drama, 1000 BCE–1700 CE. Development of secular drama from sacred and ritual beginnings. Required of all majors. Pre: 311 (Alt. years)

THEA 314 Experimental Art and Animation (3)

Provides students an opportunity to experiment with new mediums while collaborating with artists from different backgrounds, such as art, theatre, dance, film, and animation. ACM, ART, THEA, DNCE majors only. Pre: 353 (or concurrent) or 356 (or concurrent) or ACM 216 (or concurrent) or ART 113, or consent. (Cross-listed as ACM 314 and ART 315)

THEA 318 Playwriting (3)

One-act plays; practice in writing in dramatic form. Repeatable one time. Pre: grade of B or better in composition or consent.

THEA 319 Screenplay Writing (3)

Characterization, structure, theme, image, and other components of writing for film. Pre: 201 and grade of B or better in composition, or consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 321 Auditioning (3)

Preparation of material from different audition situations, including monologues, cold readings, dance, singing, and TV/ film. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 221 or 222 or consent.

THEA 322 Acting II: Advanced Scene Study (3)

Further exploration of character development and dramatic action through textual analysis. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 221 or 222 or consent.

THEA 323 Film/TV Acting (3)

Acting techniques for film and TV production. Students appear in scenes from TV and film scripts. Repeatable one time. Pre: 101 or 221 or 222 or COM 201 or consent.

THEA 324 Advanced Film/TV Acting (3)

Advanced acting techniques for film and TV production. Taping/filming of scenes and full-length scripts. Repeatable one time. Pre: 323 and consent.

THEA 325 Introduction to Asian Acting Styles (3)

Principles of acting based on traditional Asian models. Voice, movement exercises. Pre: 221 or 222 or consent.

THEA 334 Taiji (T’ai Chi) for Actors I (3)

Basic Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) movement training. Repeatable two times. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 334)

THEA 335 Taiji Round Form for Actors (3)

Introduction to basic Asian movement skills through learning the Wu-style taijiquan round form, a faster and more fluid version of the full 108 taiji sequence of forms. Open to non-majors. Repeatable two times. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.

THEA 343 (Alpha) Topics in Theatre Production (3)

Workshop in principles, techniques, and application of contemporary theatre production practices. (B) entertainment electrics: lighting, sound, special effects, projections, and related areas; (C) technical production: technical direction, technical design, construction, rigging, and related areas; (D) scenic painting: techniques of scene painting for theatre through reading, drawing exercises, color theory, and practical projects; (E) props and crafts: techniques to create props for theatre. Repeatable one time for different alphas, each alpha can be taken one time. Pre: any course in THEA or DNCE, or production experience; or consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 345 Lighting I: Beginning Lighting Design (3)

Basic principles of lighting design and associated technologies. Includes functions and properties of light, lighting and control equipment, working procedures, and drafting and paperwork techniques. Pre: THEA/DNCE 240 or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as DNCE 345)

THEA 353 Scenic I: Beginning Scenic Design (3)

Workshop introducing the basic principles and approaches of scenic design for theatre and dance, with emphasis on the creative process. Pre: a course in THEA or DNCE, production experience, or consent. (Consent required for production experience option) (Cross-listed as DNCE 353)

THEA 354 Introduction to Costume Construction (4)

Workshop on basic principles of costume construction for theatre and dance. Professional practices, materials, and methods. (Cross-listed as DNCE 354)

THEA 356 Costumes I: Beginning Costume Design (3)

Basic principles and approaches to costume design for theatre and dance. Visual communication methods, creative process, historical research, and organizational practices. Repeatable one time. Pre: 240, DNCE 250, or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 356)

THEA 357 Stage Makeup Workshop (3)

Western and traditional Asian makeup theory and application practice. Western corrective, period, and old age makeup. Asian may include Jingju, Kabuki, Wayang. Repeatable one time. Pre: 240 or consent.

THEA 380 Beginning Directing (3)

Basic practical course in how to direct a play. Students will direct scenes. Emphasis on writing instruction. THEA and DNCE majors only. Pre: upper division theatre majors or consent.

THEA 400 (Alpha) Advanced Theatre Practicum (1)

Advanced workshop experience in the practical application of theatre skills. (B) acting; (C) stagecraft; (D) costume; (E) theatre management. Repeatable up to four credits per alpha. Pre: audition and performance of role in a Department of Theatre and Dance production for (B); consent for (C) and (D); theatre majors only or consent for (E).

THEA 411 World Theatre III: Elite and Popular (3)

Ethical issues in drama and production, interplay between elite and popular forms and the impact of colonialism, 1500-1900. Required of all majors. Pre: 311 (or concurrent). (Alt. years)

THEA 412 World Theatre IV: Modern (3)

Pluralism in modern theatre, 1900–present. Reactions to realism and current international theatre forms. Required of all majors. Pre: 411. (Alt. years)

THEA 413 (Alpha) Approaches to Dramatic Texts (3)

Intensive analysis and discussion of dramatic texts from a variety of authors. Understanding trends and variations in dramatic form and content. (B) contemporary British and American drama; (C) political drama in the West. Pre: one of 311, 312, 411, 412, or consent.

THEA 414 Women in Drama and Theatre(3)

The role of women and their presentation in theatre from ancient Greece to the present; focus on sociopolitical status of women. Pre: 311. (Cross-listed as WS 414)

THEA 418 Advanced Playwriting (3)

Workshop in experimental writing in dramatic form; full-length plays. Repeatable one time. Pre: 318.

THEA 420 (Alpha) Intermediate Voice for the Actor (3)

Training in proper and dynamic use of the voice for the actor. (B) Western traditions; (C) Asian traditions. Repeatable two times. Pre: 220 or consent.

THEA 421 Musical Theatre (3)

Training in skills required to perform in musicals. Students present scenes from musical comedies for criticism and review. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: one of 321, 322, MUS 231B, or consent; and/or audition. (Cross-listed as MUS 421)

THEA 422 Period Styles in Acting (3)

Presentational acting in comedy and tragedy; emphasis on performance styles in Elizabethan, Restoration, and 18th-century drama. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 222 or 322 or consent.

THEA 423 Acting Shakespeare (3)

Techniques for acting in Shakespearean and heightened language texts. Repeatable one time. Pre: 222, 322, or consent.

THEA 424 Hawaiian Acting Workshop (3)

Training in skills and techniques for selected traditional Hawaiian performance forms and Hawaiian medium theatre. Emphasis on movement and vocal technique. Repeatable one time. Pre: One of: 101, 221, 224, 468, HAW 202, HAW 321, HAW 384, HAW 486; or consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 426 South/Southeast Asian Acting Workshop (3)

Training in skills and techniques for selected traditional south and southeast Asian theatre forms. Emphasis on movement and vocal techniques. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 222 or consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 427 Chinese Acting Workshop (V)

Training in skills and techniques for selected traditional Chinese theatre forms. Emphasis on movement and vocal technique. Repeatable to six credits. Pre: 222 or consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 428 Japanese Acting Workshop (V)

Training in skills and techniques for selected traditional Japanese theatre forms. Emphasis on movement and vocal technique. Repeatable to six credits. Pre: 222 or consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 429 Contemporary Performance Practices (3)

Focus on individual training in the skills and techniques of contemporary experimental theatre including acting, directing, and self-scripting. Repeatable two times. Pre: one of 222, 318, 380, or consent.

THEA 432 Stage Combat (3)

Techniques for performing unarmed and armed stage combat. Repeatable one time. Pre: one of 221, 222, 321, 322; or consent.

THEA 433 Movement Workshop (V)

Special workshops in movement relating to specific departmental theatrical productions beyond the scope of movement taught in 437 and 438. Repeatable one time. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as DNCE 433)

THEA 434 Taiji (T’ai Chi) for Actors II (3)

Intermediate-level Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) movement training. Repeatable two times. Pre: 334 or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 434)

THEA 435 Movement for Actors (3)

Training actors to discover experientially the sources of movement; to teach skills for analyzing movement for its mechanical, anatomical, spatial, and dynamic content; and then to apply these skills in a role. Pre: 222 or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 435)

THEA 436 Advanced Movement for Actors (3)

Detailed development of material presented in 435. Focus on Bartenieff fundamentals and movement analysis as it applies to the physical interpretation of theatrical roles. Pre: one of 435, DNCE 435, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as DNCE 436)

THEA 437 Period Movement Styles, 1450–1650 (3)

Movement styles and social deportment of European societies in the Renaissance and early Baroque periods. Pre: one of 435 or DNCE 435, or one semester of a 100-level dance technique class. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as DNCE 437)

THEA 438 Period Movement Styles, 1650–1800 (3)

Movement styles and social deportment of the Baroque and pre-Romantic periods in Europe and the American Colonies. Pre: one of 435, DNCE 435, one semester of a 100-level dance technique class, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as DNCE 438)

THEA 439 Musical Theatre Dance Forms (3)

Theatrical dance forms used in 20th-century musical theatre. Pre: 100 level or above dance technique class, 421, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as DNCE 439)

THEA 446 Topics in Costume Construction (3)

Costume production techniques, both Western and Asian, for theatre and dance. Topic rotation includes: understructures and armatures, patterning, tailoring, dyeing, fabric modification, millenery and crafts, within the context of current industry practice. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 354, 356, or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 446)

THEA 447 Stage Management (3)

Business, organization and management for theatre and dance productions. Pre: junior standing or consent.

THEA 448 Introduction to Computer-Aided Design for the Theatre (3)

Basic concepts and techniques of 2D computer-aided design. Lecture/ workshop covers language and commands common to most CAD packages with a focus on drafting specific to theatre. A laptop with Vectorworks installed is required. Pre: 343 or consent. (Once a year)

THEA 456 Costumes II: Intermediate Costume Design (3)

Advanced costume design for theatre and dance. Introduction to collaborative process in costume. Intensive work on rendering skills, applied to various design problems. Cost analysis and organizational techniques. Pre: 356 or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 456)

THEA 462 Drama and Theatre of Oceania (3)

Survey of the contemporary drama and theatre of Oceania that combines island and Western traditions. Includes Papua New Guinea, Hawai‘i, Fiji, Samoa, Australia, New Zealand. Pre: 101 or ANTH 350, or consent. (Cross-listed as PACS 462)

THEA 464 Drama and Theatre of Southeast Asia and India (3)

Court, folk, popular traditions, and the manner of their production. Pre: consent.

THEA 465 Drama and Theatre of China (3)

Yuan, southern, spoken drama; Beijing opera and the manner of their production. Pre: consent.

THEA 466 Drama and Theatre of Japan (3)

No, Kyogen, Bunraku, Kabuki, modern drama, and the manner of their production. Pre: junior standing.

THEA 468 Drama and Theatre of Hawai‘i (3)

Survey of indigenous theatre forms of Hawai‘i, Native Hawaiian, and other ethnic playwrights, and contemporary multicultural landscape of drama and theatre in Hawai‘i. Sophomore standing or higher. (Alt. years: fall)

THEA 470 Creative Drama (3)

Dramatic activities for young people. For teachers, group workers, recreation majors, and others dealing with children. Supervised field activities.

THEA 473 Storytelling (3)

Storytelling development through focused activities on personal artistic practice, story content, and public performative techniques. Repeatable one time.

THEA 474 Theatre for Young Audiences (3)

Theories and principles of formal theatre for young audiences. Study of and practice in the selection, direction, and production of plays.

THEA 475 Puppetry for Young Children (3)

Methods of constructing puppets and stages with and for children 3 to 8 years of age. Use of puppets in the creative arts. Fieldwork.

THEA 476 Puppetry (3)

History and scope of puppetry. Construction and presentation of puppets for adult and child audiences. Repeatable one time.

THEA 477 Masks and Giant Puppets (3)

History, construction, and performance techniques for masks and large puppets. For teachers, recreation directors, and others working with students aged 10 to 18 and adults.

THEA 478 Hula Ki‘i: Hawaiian Puppetry and Image Dancing (3)

History, techniques, construction, and performance of Hawaiian puppetry and traditional image dancing. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher.

THEA 480 Intermediate Directing (3)

Workshop; students direct one-act plays. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 380 and consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 490 Experimental Theatre Studio (3)

Working collectively, students research, write, design, develop, and perform a full-length production. Repeatable two times. Pre: 6 credits above the 200 level in acting, directing, playwriting, dancing; or consent.

THEA 492 (Alpha) Topics in Drama and Theatre (3)

(B) Topics in Asian Theatre; (D) topics in Western theatre. Repeatable two times each for (B) and (D). Pre: junior standing or consent for (B) and (D).

THEA 499 Directed Work (V)

Individual projects; tutorial. Repeatable two times. Pre: consent.

THEA 600 Seminar in Theatre Research (3)

Bibliography and research methods; preparation for thesis and dissertation writing. Required of many graduate theatre majors.

THEA 611 Seminar in Major Dramatic Theory (3)

Major theories of Western drama from Aristotle to Roland Barthes. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 412 or consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 612 History of Western Theatre I (3)

Theatre as a cultural and social institution in the West, from ancient Greece to Restoration England. Pre: one of 311, 312, 411, 412, or consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 613 History of Western Theatre II (3)

Theatre as a cultural and social institution in the West, from the 18th century to the present. Pre: one of 311, 312, 411, 412, or consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 614 (Alpha) Topics in Dramaturgy (3)

(B) role of the dramaturg; covers history, theory, and practice; (C) dramaturgy workshop; accompanies specific Kennedy Theatre productions. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 615 Performance Theory (3)

Introduction to key texts and concepts of performance studies. Pre: consent.

THEA 616 Script Analysis (3)

Study of dramatic texts in a seminar format; analysis of Western and Asian classical to post-modern plays. Pre: 312 or consent.

THEA 617 Seminar in Performance Studies (3)

Special topics. Repeatable up to two times when topics change. Pre: 615 or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 617)

THEA 618 Digital Multimedia Tools for Performance Research (3)

Dance, Theatre, Music Majors only. A-F only. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.

THEA 619 Advanced Topics: Playwriting and Dramatic Theory (3)

Readings, research, writing, and seminar discussions. Pre: 418, 611, and consent.

THEA 620 Advanced Voice for the Actor (3)

Training at advanced level in speaking and vocal skills and techniques in preparation for a solo performance. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 420 or consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 621 Great Roles in Acting (3)

Great roles from the Western theatre repertory; focus on the individual actor and performance styles. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate standing or consent.

THEA 625 Experimental Asian Acting (3)

Integration of movement, vocal technique, and concepts of traditional Asian genres into the actor’s repertory. Exploration of application to contemporary Asian and non-Asian texts. Workshop format. Repeatable one time. THEA and DNCE majors only. Pre: consent.

THEA 626 Advanced Topics in Theatre Acting (1)

Readings, discussion, research, and/or performance and scene work. Repeatable eight times. THEA majors only. Pre: consent.

THEA 634 Taiji Weapons for Actors (3)

Advanced level Taijiquan (T’ai Chi Ch’uan) weapons training. Repeatable two times. Pre: 334 or 434, or consent.

THEA 640 Problems in Design and Production (3)

Workshop dealing with special topics in lighting design, sound design, technical design, production stage management, and special effects. Repeatable three times with consent. Pre: 343 or 445 or consent.

THEA 641 Historic Costume and Decor (3)

Overview of visual styles in fashion, textiles, architecture, ornament, and furniture for production and entertainment design through lecture, lab, and discussion.

THEA 644 Lighting II: Intermediate Lighting Design (3)

Workshop in intermediate techniques and skills of lighting design; storytelling, analysis, research, envisioning, and communicating a design plan, execution of successful design projects. Use of communication tools such as mini-plots, light renderings, LightWright, and VectorWorks. Repeatable one time. Pre: 345 (with a minimum grade of B) or equivalent experience.

THEA 645 Lighting III: Advanced Lighting Design (3)

Workshop dealing with special topics in theatrical lighting design and related skills. Repeatable two times. THEA or DNCE majors only. Pre: 445.

THEA 650 Professional Advancement in Entertainment Design (1)

Directed study designed to help MFA candidates in Design acquire the tools helpful in obtaining future employment. Portfolios, resumes, and related application tools will be developed along with other necessary skills. Must be current MFA candidate in theatre. Repeatable six times. THEA majors only. Graduate students only.

THEA 652 Scenic II: Intermediate Scene Design (3)

Workshop in advanced techniques and skills of scenic design; research, presentation, rendering, drafting, and model making. Pre: 353 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.

THEA 653 Scenic III: Advanced Scenic Design (3)

Workshop dealing with special topics in scenic design, related skills, and portfolio preparation. Repeatable two times with consent. Pre: 453 or consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 654 Advanced Topics in Costume Construction (3)

Western and Asian theatre and dance costume production techniques. Topics may include corset building, draping, patterning, tailoring, dying, fabric fabrication, millinery, leatherwork, and crafts. Topics presented within the context of current entertainment industry practice. Repeatable three times for different topics. Pre: 354 (with a minimum grade of B) or consent.

THEA 656 Costumes III: Advanced Costume Design (3)

Workshop dealing with special topics in costume design and related skills. Repeatable one time with consent. A-F only. Pre: 456 or consent.

THEA 657 Seminar in Design (3)

Research, design, and discussion exploring collaborative design problems and solutions. Repeatable two times. A-F only. Pre: 445, 453, 456; or consent.

THEA 658 Business for the Arts (3)

Seminar offering overview and foundation for launching or advancing enterprises in the arts. A focus on the processes and method for creating economically successful grants and project development applications. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 658)

THEA 660 Asian Theatre Field Research (3)

Goals and methods. Interview, questionnaire, observation, and performance study as research techniques. Practical application by designing a research project. Pre: 600.

THEA 663 (Alpha) Topics in Asian Theatre (3)

Comparative and cross-cultural examination. (B) origins; (C) theories and systems; (D) modern Asian drama. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.

THEA 670 Seminar in Advanced Creative Dramatics (3)

Advanced seminar in applied methods and theories of creative dramatics. Repeatable one time. THEA or DNCE majors only.

THEA 678 (Alpha) Topics in Theatre for Young Audiences(3)

Creative movement/drama, puppetry, and theatre/dance; (B) production concepts. Repeatable when topics change. Pre: one of 470, 474, 475, 476, 477, DNCE 490; or consent.

THEA 680 Directing Asian Theatre (3)

Directing traditional Asian theatre pieces and Western plays performed with Asian techniques; development of new performance styles based on Asian examples; directing of scenes and one-act plays. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: graduate theatre major and one Asian theatre course, or consent.

THEA 681 Advanced Topics in Theatre Directing (1)

Readings, discussion, research, and/or performance and scene work. Repeatable eight times. THEA majors only. Pre: consent.

THEA 682 Graduate Workshop in Directing (3)

Direction of scenes and major one-act plays. Pre-thesis production. Repeatable one time with consent. Pre: 600 or consent.

THEA 683 Workshop in Directing Process (3)

Methods class in theatre production for the director. Covers organization and techniques such as rehearsal planning, scheduling, and execution. Repeatable one time.

THEA 685 Directing Western Styles (3)

Students direct scenes in classic or non-realistic western theatre styles or genres. Repeatable one time with consent. THEA majors only. A-F only. Pre: graduate student in theatre program, or consent. (Alt. years)

THEA 690 Graduate Theatre Workshop (V)

Practical and supervisory theatre work pertinent to professional degree objectives on productions being done in Kennedy Theatre or in other venues, by approval. Repeatable eight times, up to 9 credits. THEA majors only. Pre: consent.

THEA 691 Seminar in Teaching Dance/Theatre (3)

Pedagogy and classroom experience in teaching technique and theory. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as DNCE 691)

THEA 692 Practicum in Teaching (V)

Supervised teaching experience at the introductory or undergraduate level. Students will teach an appropriate level course in their field of expertise under faculty supervision. Repeatable up to nine credits. THEA or DNCE majors only. (Cross-listed as DNCE 692)

THEA 693 Internship: Youth Theatre/Dance (V)

Supervised leadership experiences in theatre/dance program with children. Students spend nine hours per week in supervised setting and three hours in weekly class meeting. Pre: one of 470, 476, or DNCE 490; or consent. (Cross-listed as DNCE 693)

THEA 695 Creative Projects (V)

MFA play or dance productions, design projects, original full-length plays. Repeatable unlimited times.

THEA 696 (Alpha) Professional Internship (V)

Internship program where students will work for or with a professional theatre company under supervision of a UH faculty member, plus possible supervisor(s) from the theatre company. Students must participate hands-on in production activities of that company and receive a satisfactory (or better) review from their supervisor(s); (B) entertainment design: costume, lighting, scenery, props, sound, or other related disciplines; (C) performance: acting, directing, dance, choreography, or other related disciplines. Repeatable eight times per alpha, up to nine credits per alpha. A-F only. Pre: 345 or 353 or 356 for (B); 621 or 682 or DNCE 371 for (C). (Cross-listed as DNCE 696 (Alpha))

THEA 699 Directed Research (V)

Reading or research in theatre theory or history; reading and practice in particular areas of dramatic production. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.

THEA 700 Thesis Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.

THEA 705 Seminar in Western Drama and Theatre (3)

Special topics. Repeatable when topics change. Pre: consent.

THEA 763 (Alpha) Seminar in Asian Theatre (3)

(B) Southeast Asia and India; (C) China; (D) Japan. Repeatable two times. Pre: one of 464, 465, 466, or consent.

THEA 779 Seminar in Theatre for Young Audiences (3)

Theories and methods applied in theatrical experiences with and for young audiences: creative movement/drama, puppetry, and theatre/ dance. Pre: one of 470, 474, 475, 476, 477, or DNCE 490.

THEA 800 Dissertation Research (V)

Repeatable unlimited times.