2009 Poster Exhibit

On December 8, 2009, the Assessment Office hosted an Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity Showcase and Assessment Exhibit at the Gregg M. Sinclair Library Heritage Reading Room from 4:00pm–6:00pm. The exhibit featured posters by undergraduate students as well as 21 posters featuring assessment projects from different departments around campus.


Adams, Paul L.; Lowe, Marlene P.; Stitt-Bergh, Monica A. (Assessment Office)Annual Reports: Assessment Status Across Campus

Arno, Andrew (Anthropology, College of Social Sciences)Pilot Test of an Assessment Method

Bingham, Ruth (Pre-Health / Pre-Law Advising Center) – Pre-Health / Pre-Law Advising Center

Bruland, Holly Huff; Henry, Jim (English, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature)The UH Writing Mentors Program: Multi-Perspectival Assessment

Chang, Sandra (Department of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology & Pharmacology, John A. Burns School of Medicine)Assessment & Revision of Core Curriculum in Tropical Medicine

Chantiny, Martha; Frost, Wil; Grosenheider, Alan; Jordan, Allie; Tillinghast, Beth (Library and Information Science Program, Information and Computer Sciences, College of Natural Sciences)Student Achievement Is Our Goal!

Chun, Maria B.J. Ph.D.; Young, Keane G.M. B.S.; Takanishi, Danny M. Jr., M.D. (FACS Surgery, John A Burns School of Medicine)The Development of a Cultural Standardized Patient Exam for a General Surgery Residency Program

Cuizon-Garcia, Rena; Franchini, Nick; Goodman, Crystal; Hamada, Kay; Higa, Lynne; Ishiwata, Cathy; Kirk-Kuwaye, Mike; Lee, Mary; Legaspi, Sheryl; Nishida, Dawn (Arts & Sciences Student Academic Services)Assessment for Advising

Duesterhaus, Bob; Kirk-Kuwaye, Chris (Student Life & Development Student Affairs)LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP: Developing Strategies for Improving Competency in Three Core Learning Outcomes

Heberle, Mark (English, College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature)How Well are First-Year Students Composing? Assessing the Foundations in Written Communication Program

Hwang, Joyce; Lohmann, Gui; Uyeno, Russell; Wen, Ivan; Liu, Juanita (Travel Industry Management)TIM School’s Assessment Process

Lee, Sang-Hyop; Kwak, Sally; Sherstyuk, Ekaterina (Economics, College of Social Sciences)UHM Department of Economics’ Assessment Experience

Menor, Joseph Jr. (Biology, College of Natural Sciences)B.S. Marine Biology Proposed Program SLOs and Assessment

Nejhad, Mehrdad Ghasemi (Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering)ABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology) Assessment Tools

Nicholson, Peter; Clapp, Carl (Athletics Department)Student-Athletics Academic Performance

Ranker, Tom A. (Botany, College of Natural Sciences)Program Assessment – Department of Botany

Riggs, H. Ronald; Ooi, Phillip (Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering)Assessment of Program Outcomes

Schoonmaker, Jane (Oceanography, SOEST)The Global Environmental Science Senior Research Thesis: A Locus for Program Level Learning Outcome Assessment

Sweeton, Nick (Student Housing Services)Student Housing Services Annual Assessment, 2009-2010

Takahashi, Lorey K.; Choo, Mei Sze (Psychology, College of Social Sciences)Assessing the Department of Psychology Undergraduate Program

Vinson, Ellen & Chismar, William (Shidler School of Business)Assessment at The Shidler School of Business

Zaleski, Halina M. (Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources)Using Internship Supervisor Evaluations for Program Assessment