The learning objectives of the undergraduate program in economics include economic literacy, critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and ability to effectively communicate results of economic research and analysis to colleagues and decision-makers. In the fall of 2006, UHM Department of Economics has adopted an assessment plan for the economics undergraduate program, in order to evaluate our progress in achieving these objectives. The undergraduate assessment was first implemented in AY 2006-2007, and has been carried out every academic year ever since. In this presentation, we describe the development of the assessment tools, the process’s preliminary findings, as well as difficulties that are being faced in the assessment process. By Sang-Hyop Lee, Sally Kwak, and Ekaterina Sherstyuk
Recommended Citation:
Lee, S.H., Kwak, S., Sherstyuk, E. (2009, December). UHM Department of Economics’ Assessment Experience. Poster session presented at the Assessment for Curricular Improvement Poster Exhibit at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI.