2024 - 2025 Orientation/Info Session Registration Open!

Registration for our orientation/info session is open! Attend to learn more about the new policies and expectations of mentors and mentees!

Deadline: September 23rd at 11:59 PM

Missed the deadline but still interested in signing up? Check out our FAQs below to see what you can do!

Please see below for the program eligibility requirements. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our office at uhpac@hawaii.edu.

Please read the Program Policy!

Events Schedule:

Please contact PAC at uhpac@hawaii.edu if you have any legitimate conflicts with the mandatory dates. You will receive an email if you are excused. Remember to state your reasoning also in the registration forms below.

You can keep track of your program status via our tracker sheet!

In-Person Orientation (Mandatory)

Friday, September 27th, 5-6 PM at Campus Center Room 308

Pairing Social (Mandatory)

Wednesday, October 23rd, 4-5 PM at Campus Center Room 308/309

Bi-Weekly Study Sessions

  • Must attend at least 2 this academic year F24-SP25
  • Please fill out the Registration Form prior to attendance so we have a good estimate of how many people are attending
  • Fall Schedule: 
    • Thur. Oct 3rd from 10-11 AM CC  307
    • Wed. Oct 9th from 12-1 PM CC 307
    • Wed. Oct. 30th from 3-4 PM CC 307
    • Thur. Nov. 14th from 10:30 -11:30 AM CC Executive Dining Room
    • Fri. Nov. 22nd from 2-3 PM CC 307

** CC = Campus Center

PAC Workshops

  • Must attend at least 2 this academic year F24-SP25
  • Please fill out the Workshop Sign Up Form prior to attendance so we have a good estimate of how many people are attending

End of the Year Spring Social: (Mandatory) TBA

Why Join?


  • Serve as mentors to lowerclassmen
  • Foster relationships with like-minded peers
  • Refine leadership and communication skills
  • An experience to add to your application/resume


  • Assistance with navigating UHM + your pre-health track
  • Advice on study tips, classes, professors, etc. 
  • Foster relationships with like-minded peers
  • Refine communication skills
  • An experience to add to your application/resume



  • Current student at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 
  • Must have 60+ credits when applying
  • Must be able to fulfill mentor responsibilities for an entire academic year
  • Contact your mentee at least once a month via email or phone, but preferably face-to-face through Zoom or in-person
  • Based on your own experiences, help your mentee develop a career/education plan in medicine
  • If applicable, suggest additional resources to help your mentee’s academic and professional development
  • Must attend all mandatory program events


  • Current student at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
  • Must have <60 credits when applying
  • Must be able to fulfill mentee responsibilities for an entire academic year
  • Contact your mentor at least once a month via email or phone, but preferably face-to-face through Zoom or in-person
  • Be proactive and do not be afraid to ask questions
  • Must attend all mandatory program events 

Policies & FAQs

Mentor/mentee is free to report any problems at any time to PAC. PAC has the right to make the final decision to remove a mentor/mentee from their position due to good reason or re-match pairs if seen necessary.