Join us for a series of webinars celebrating the 100th birthday of Barbara B. Smith, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa ethnomusicologist and professor emerita. Among her numerous awards, Prof Smith has received the 2018 Hawai’i Arts Alliance Preis Honoree awarded annually to an individual who has had a significant impact on the arts and culture in Hawai’i, the 2009 Koizumi Fumio Prize honoring outstanding colleagues in the field throughout the world, the 2008 Governor’s Award for Distinguished Achievement in Culture, Arts and Humanities and the 2007 Honpa Hongwanji Living Treasures Award. Colleagues and mentees have prepared a series of papers and presentations in her honor. More information to come.
We invite you to join us at 1:00 pm Hawaiʻi Time on the 10th of each month from June through December, 2020 when colleagues, alumna and good friends share reflections, papers and stories of Prof. Smith. The celebration is sponsored by the East-West Center, the Hawai’i Arts Alliance, the PAʻI Foundation, and the University of Hawaiʻi Music Department.
Attendance is free, but registration is required. Please register by completing the brief form below.
In lieu of a registration fee, we are inviting you to make a tax-deductible donation in any amount to support the event. Click on the link to donate now.