Emigration Materials
In addition to the Russian imprints from the Asia Pacific region, there is a small collection of Russian publications from other émigré centers such as New York, Paris, Berlin, Toronto, Chicago, Prague, England, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Israel.
E. Magarom, Sovremennyi Kitai (Berlin 1923)
E. Magarom, Zheltyi lik: ocherki kitaiskoi zhizni (Berlin 1922)
Diakoff, N.A., Captain In the Whirl of Life (Bangkok 1931)
Gaiduk, M. I. Utiug: materialy i fakty o zagotovitel’noi dieiatel’nosti russkikh vooennykh [sic] kommissii v Amerikie (N’iu-Iork 1918)
Averchenko, Arkadii. Diuzhina nozhei v spinu revoliutsii (Parizh 1921)
Vremennik Obshchestva druzei russkoi knigi: [No] II (Parizh 1928)