
RASRL Series Notes - Student Papers


Most of the faculty of the Department of Sociology at the University of Hawaiʻi followed the philosophies of instruction in sociology established at the University of Chicago. Both Dr. Romanzo Adams, the first professor of sociology at the University of Hawaiʻi, and later Dr. Andrew Lind (Adams’ successor) received their PhDs from Chicago. These men and later faculty structured their courses so as to foster their students working on research projects within the “laboratory” which was Hawaiʻi. Early on the faculty began saving some student writing to include in resource files for later student use. Evidence of a circulating system for the student papers exists in a notice instructing the students to record their names, dates materials were removed, and titles of removed materials, as well as in a single-sheet list containing surnames of students borrowing some papers.

We are proud to launch a searchable database that includes the first round of entries that will make the papers more accessible to our researchers. The database was created with support from a Hawaiʻi Council for the Humanities grant. The project’s humanities scholar Dr. Christine Kirk-Kuwaye inspired the team with her dedication in reading every paper and joyfully sharing new discoveries. The Library project team included Lynn Davis, Dainan Skeem, Charise Michelsen, Sherman Seki and Daniel Ishimitsu. Contact us at if you have questions or if you know one of the students who wrote a paper.

Scope and Content Note

The Romanzo Adams Social Research Laboratory Student Papers echoed the concern of the faculty in the Laboratory to document the variety of sociological phenomena occurring in Hawaiʻi. From the beginning, race relations was one of the primary subjects. Ethnic identities and relations received equal emphasis. Cultural and religious institutions within the various groups and generational conflicts are also widely covered. Though the United States military has wielded immense influence in Hawaiʻi during the twentieth century, during World War II the heavy influx of military personnel and Mainland civilians into Hawaiʻi had a major impact on daily life, resulting in an increase in student papers on subjects related to haoles, interracial dating and marriage, race relations, and altered workplace relations. Changing ethnic customs, labor unions, the coming of statehood, and the politics of the post-World War II period are also covered. The papers offer firsthand accounts of what the people of Hawaiʻi thought and felt over a forty-year period of change, turmoil and progress.

The Student Papers are currently divided into three subseries. The first chronologically is Subseries A, consisting of student papers in which the author is identified by name. The papers are filed alphabetically by surname. These papers date from as early as 1924 into the 1950s and cover a wide range of topics. The second subseries, without a letter prefix, is by far the largest of the subseries of student papers, containing some 10,000 student papers. Primarily the identities of these students are hidden by codes (although some names appear). The codes usually identify the sociology class and section for which the paper was written, the student’s ethnicity and sex. A typical code may be 254-2-j-f-25 referring to Sociology 254, section 2, with the author being a Japanese or Japanese American female, number 25. Other codes include the calendar year and semester of the course. The code system allowed RASRL faculty to make student papers immediately available to other sociology students without endangering the privacy of the writers. Privacy concerns seem to be the major reason for the division of the second series from the first series. The dates of the second subseries overlap somewhat with the first and extend into the late 1960s. This ending date shows the merging that faculty in Sociology made between RASRL and their classes; faculty continued filing student papers from their classes in the RASRL files after RASRL was disorganized in 1964. The third subseries, Subseries J, contains student journals with much more abbreviated entries, made over a period of time and documenting concerns of the sociological class(es) being taken by the students. The Journals subseries was created primarily during World War II and may have been instituted by RASRL faculty because of the need to restrict consumption of paper and other commodities.


The main series and the J-series are in one large database, which has also been made available in pdf format. Series A has a separate inventory. Finding aids for these series are available in the Archives Reading Room.

Main Series and Series J (pdf)

Series A

Box A-1:
  • Abe, Lillian, Study of a Community in Honolulu, 1929
  • Abe, Shogo, The Relation of Family Equipment to Culture Conflict, 1936
  • Agena, Tsuruko, Life on a Typical Japanese Plantation Camp in Ōlaʻa, 1930
  • Agena, Tsuruko, Race Relations in Haiti, n.d.
  • Aguiat, Earl, Report on the St. Antonio Society, c 1930
  • Alona, Lee, Yee, Leong, Nakamura, Committee on Racketeering, 1939
  • Aitken, Robert B., Age and Race in Wahiawā Churches, 1952
  • Akau, John K. Jr., Human Relations as Demonstrated at a Student Boarding House, n.d.
  • Albao, M; Lee, J.; Chung, H., The Study of Alcoholism, 1939
  • Albao, Mary, Filipino Immigration to Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Anderson, Henry, The Dynamics of Ethnic-Group Attendance at the University of Hawaiʻi, 1950
  • Angco, Ethel, Life History of an Immigrant, 1936
  • Anonymous, The Alcoholic in a Plantation Setting, n.d.
  • Anonymous, College Working Girls’ Place in Society, n.d.
  • Anonymous, The Development of Kapaʻa, n.d.
  • Anonymous, Family and Personal Disorganization, 1945
  • Anonymous, Harris Memorial Japanese M. E. Church, 1928
  • Anonymous, The Japanese in the District of Kakaʻako, n.d.
  • Anonymous, Life of an Adopted Chinese Girl, n.d.
  • Anonymous, My Role in the Family (Haole), 1931
  • Anonymous, My Role in the Family (Portuguese), 1934
  • Anonymous, Project on the Community of Waimea, 1930
  • Anonymous, Slum Life in Honolulu, c 1930
  • Anonymous, Studies on Family(1), 1939
  • Anonymous, A Study of the Girls Dormitories in Honolulu with the Mid-Pacific Dormitory as Special Case, n.d.
  • Anonymous, Urban Filipino Survey, 1936
  • Anonymous, Waiʻanae Plantation, 1932
  • Aotaki, Ethel, Changing Life in a Plantation Village, 1948
  • Aping, Clarissa, Kailua (Oʻahu) Business District, 1950
  • Argenbright, Zella, Oʻahu Prison and the Adjustment of the Prisoners, 1948
  • Ariyoshi, Betty, Seicho-no-Ie, 1950
  • Asada, Stanley S., n.t. [Account of his father’s life.], n.d.
  • Asato, Mildred, A Kinship System I am Acquainted With, 1945
  • Aspuria, Charlotte, Filipino: Kinship Ties, Customs, Religion, and Superstitions, 1931
  • Aspuria, Monica, The Filipino Community Church, 1941
  • Au, Betty, A Personal Account of Race Relations, n.d.
  • Au, Chew Hin, Social Change and the Chinese Drama, n.d.
  • Au, Man Kwong; Smith, Nat Logan, The Development of the Hotel in Honolulu from the Standpoint of Social Change, 1940
  • Avecilla, Angeles M., Settlement Houses, n.d.
  • Awai, Ruth, Pālama Settlement, 1948
  • Bartels, Helene, The Study of the Honokaʻa Sugar Co. Plantation, 1928
  • Bartlett, Beulah D. & Monroe, Blythe F., Hawaiʻi‘s Changing Position in the Pacific in Terms of Shipping Costs, 1934
  • Beppu, T., The Stowaway, 1940
  • Berrigan, Darrell, Japan’s Occupation Babies, 1948
  • Betts, Alexa, Kahuku Sugar Plantation Community, 1932
  • Bevens, Don et alia, Report of the Housing Committee, 1946
  • Bevens, Don, University Housing,
  • Chesshir, Haskell, Pre- and Post-War Mainland Housing,
  • Ohta, Edith, Kamehameha Housing Project,
  • Ajimine, Jane, Kamehameha Homes,
  • Han, Naomi, Emergency Housing Project: Mānoa and Pālolo Housing,
  • Choi, Evelyn, Kemoʻo [Pre-War] Housing,
  • Barientos, Alyce, Hawaiʻi Housing Authority: Legal Aspects of the Housing Acts,
  • Bishop, Joe, Why Men Enlist in the Service, 1930
  • Bown, Barbara, Juvenile Delinquency in Honolulu During the War, n.d.
  • Burroughs, Joan & Dunn, Margaret, The Bahai Faith, 1941
  • Burroughs, Joan, Racial Relations on a Plantation, 1940
  • Burgess, Kaliko, The Ecological Study of the Community, n.d.
  • Campbell, Caroline S. Peto(2), A Study of Disturbances Between Civilians and Servicemen in Honolulu During July, August, September, and October 1945. [two versions], 1946
  • Carson, Margaret, Racial Intelligence, 1948
  • Cayaban, Jesus O., Marriage Practices of Filipinos in Hawaiʻi with Special Reference to Intermarriage, n.d.
  • Cayaban, Jesus O., A Report on Field Work in Sociology, 1929
  • Chambers, Ruth (Mrs.), Study of Kailua Churches, 1952
  • Chang, Eloise, Chinese Marriage Customs and Marriage Superstitions, n.d.
  • Char, Charles, Mrs., Folkways and Mores Found Within the Family of the Chinese, n.d.
  • Ching, Annabelle, Heathen Chinese Funeral Ideas, n.d.
  • Ching, Jennie, Changes in a Chinese Immigrant Family, n.d.
  • Ching, Quan Lun, Role of the Church of the Crossroad in Urban Life, 1928
  • Chong, Beatrice & Ching, Vivian, The Effect of War on the Institutions and Organizations in the Chinese Community, n.d.
  • Choo, Andrew & Dang, Johnny, Prostitution in Honolulu, 1949
  • Choy, Madeline, My Community Genealogy, 1941
  • Chu, Winifred, Migrations in my Family, 1943
  • Chun, Kan Chee et alia., A Study of the Chinese Language School Teachers in Honolulu, 1936
  • Chun, Kan Chee, ,
  • Lau, Kenneth, ,
  • Lee, Koon Wah, ,
  • Leong, Edna, ,
  • Tam, Pina, ,
  • Wong, Charlotte, ,
  • Chung, Hisoon, An Original Study of a Plantation Community, 1940
  • Coller, Richard, Certain Aspects of the Social Organization of the Sacred Hearts Church at Punahou, 1949
  • Coller, Richard W., Personal Observations of Campus Race Relations, 1949
  • Conant, Sue Ann, Wailua Luau, n.d.
  • Congdon, Shirley M. (Mrs.), An Analysis of the Racial and Religious Composition of Membership of the Y-Teen Clubs in the city of Honolulu, n.d.
  • Corey, James, A Study of Specialization and Non-Specialization with Emphasis on United States Army Career Management Program., 1950
  • Corey, James, Utilization of Negro Manpower in the Army, 1950
  • Corey, Jim, Social Disorganization and the Returned Veteran, n.d.
  • Coulson, Genevieve, A Sociological Study of the Mānoa Valley Community, 1937
  • Cowan, Jean and Strohlin, Roy, The Plantation Community, 1940
  • Daikokuya, Haruko, Cheating in our University, n.d.
  • Dang, Vernon et alia, Narcotics in Hawaiʻi, 1939
  • Dang, Vernon, ,
  • Hayashi, Yuji, ,
  • Hong, John, ,
  • Kisada, Yoshie, ,
  • Dang, Vernon C., Recreation in Honolulu, n.d.
  • Day, Olive, The Sailor in Honolulu, 1928
  • Dean, Sylvia, A Survey of Mānoa Valley, 1928
  • Decker, C. C., Culture Conflict as Observed in a Japanese Christian Congregation in Honolulu, 1952
  • Deinert, Hilda, Hawaiian Marriage Customs, n.d.
  • Dixon, Henrietta, Rehabilitation in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Doe, Robert E., The Service man in Hawaiʻi: His Problem of Social Adjustment; The Community Problem which His Presence Creates., 1937
  • Duker, Mary Emma, Race Prejudice, 1948
  • Ebisu, T., Makiki Church, n.d.
  • F____,(3) John [sic] Jose, I Come from Azores, 1934
  • Fern, Natalie, Which Races Make the Most Desirable Neighbors?, n.d. but prob. 1951; see below.
  • Fern, Stewart E.; and Fern, Natalie M., Hawaiian Revival, 1951
  • Fried, Jack, Some Aspects of the Personality of Hawaiians of Japanese Ancestry, 1949
  • Fujie, Yayoko, The Story of a Japanese Immigrant, 1946
  • Fujii, Tamae, A Plantation Community, 1948
  • Fujikawa, Asako, Neighborhood Study – Neighborhood of Custer Avenue, 1930
  • Fujimoto, Hisame, An Interview with Father, 1948
  • Fujioka, Margaret, From Zone III to Zone II, 1948
  • Fujita, Fumiko, The Shin Sect of Buddhism in Honolulu, 1941
  • Fujita, Marjorie., A Study of Religious Institutions in Honolulu: The Soto Shu, n.d.
  • Fujitani, Fumie, Āhualoa, Hawaiʻi, 1948
  • Fukada, Bernice, Migration and World War II (The Rural Phase: Kohala), n.d.
  • Fukuda, Isaac, Write Up on a Certain Area of the Kakaʻako District, n.d.
  • Funai, Ruth, Japanese Business District in Downtown Honolulu: Residential and Recreational Aspects, n.d.
  • Furukawa, Chiyo; Law, Yan Kwai; Shon, Patsy, A Study of the Kapahulu Area, 1945
  • Garcia, Jose, Filipino Laborers in Hawaiʻi, 1930
  • Giltner, John, Social and Ecological Organization of the Central Union Church [NOT FOUND], n.d.

Box A-1: Notes

1.Stanford, 1939. File contains six anonymous essays, apparently written by students at Stanford University in 1939. Titles are 1) “Family at the Cross-Roads”; 2) [“A Sociological Study of the Family” (page 2)]; 3) [untitled; lacking part I, pp. 1-4, but on writer’s immediate family in Palo Alto]; 4) “An Analysis of My Family”; 5) “Family History and Analysis”; 6) “The Family”.

2.Two versions of the paper exist; the longer draft, filed behind the shorter version, appears to be the earlier version. Paper itself reads “Carolyn S. Peto.” It seems evident that the filing label was created later, after Ms. Peto married and not at the time of the writing of the paper.

3.No name appears on title area of the essay, but early in it the writer says his name is “John Jose F_____.”

Box A-2 (Go):
  • Godfrey, Ethel, A Comparative Exploratory Study of Female Japanese and Hawaiian Juvenile Delinquents, 1951
  • Gonsalves, Violet and Jose, Dorothy, A Sociological Study of the Laupāhoehoe Sugar Company Plantation, n.d.
  • Goo, Madeline, My Neighborhood — Good and Bad, Past and Present [Kakaʻako (between King and Ala Moana and Punchbowl and South Streets)], n.d.
  • Gum, Moy Fook, Place of the Negro in Honolulu, 1952
  • Gum, Moy Fook, Negroes and the Hawaiian Melting Pot (Divisional Master’s Paper), 1953
  • Hamada, Mitsie Mitsugi, The Personal and Cultural Approach to the Study of a Community, n.d.
  • Hamada, Shigeno, Kakaʻako (with map), n.d.
  • Hamaishi, Edward, Fishermen as an Occupation Group, n.d.
  • Hamasaki, Margaret, A Private Shrine, n.d.
  • Han, John D., Recreation of the Filipino Laborers in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Hannus, Minto, Interracial Relationships in Hawaiʻi, 1949 [?]
  • Harada, Tokie; Hannus, Minto; Funai, Ruth; Yoshioka, Amy; Katamoto, Jane; Shirakawa, Sumie., A Study of a Disorganized Community: The Hall Street Area., 1948
  • Hara, Clarence, Alcoholism in Hawaiʻi, 1948 [?]
  • Hart, Elizabeth, Unemployment in Hawaiʻi, [c1940]
  • Hasebe, Elsie, A Report on My Neighborhood, 1948
  • Hasebe, Evelyn, A Growing Institution: [Kalihi Union Church], 1948
  • Hasebe, Evelyn; and Kamisato, Masato, The Spirit of Honorable Hara-Kiri, 1949
  • Hashimoto, Pearl, Veterans’ Village, 1948
  • Hashimoto, Ralph, Human Relations on the Plantations, n.d.
  • Hata, Yukiko, Problems of the Early Japanese Immigrants to Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Hayashi, S., Conflict Between First and Second Generation Japanese in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Hayashi, Yuriko, Migrations in May Family, 1943
  • Hayashi, Yuriko; Hokaido, Setsuko; & Kuwahara, Katherine, Attitudes Toward Illegitimacy in Hawaiʻi Especially of the Japanese Group, 1946
  • Hayashida, A., History and Movement of the Japanese in Kalihi [The paper consists of two sections, “Historical Approach” and “Ecological Approach.” The former is typed; the latter hand written., n.d.
  • Helekunihi, V., Hoʻolehua [Original essay left off the final “a”] — Pālāʻau Homestead, 1933 [?]
  • Herron, James L. and Kato, Terumi, Mānoa War Homes(4), 1950
  • Hevesi, Francis, The Jewish Congregation, n.d.
  • Hevesi, Francis, Kahuna; Kohen and Priest: Comparative Studies in Priesthood and in Missionary Achievements.(5), n.d.
  • Hew, A.K., The Maui Agricultural Company: A Plantation Study(6), 1932
  • Higa, Clara, Drink and Disorganization, 1943
  • Higa, Jean, My Hometown and Okinawan — Naichi Relationships, 1948
  • Higashi, Mary S., Some Common Notions About the Differences Between People of Different Ancestries: In School Performance, Work Behavior, Social Life, etc., 1948
  • Higashi, Mary, chair, Suicide Committee Report, 1948
  • Nakamae, Laura, ,
  • Kuniyuki, Kiyoko, ,
  • Yokoyama, Kyoko, ,
  • Isobe, Sadako, ,
  • Masatsuga, Helen, ,
  • Higashihara, Amy, The Issei in Hawaiʻi and the “Seicho-No-Ie” Movement, 1946
  • Higashino, Robert; Yadao, Elias, Filipino Federation of America, c 1948 [?]
  • Higuchi, Asa, chair, Juvenile Delinquency in Honolulu, 1948
  • Fujimoto, Yaeko, ,
  • Park, Virginia, ,
  • Sato, Edward, ,
  • Serai, Harriet, ,
  • Suehiro, Richard, ,
  • Tateishi, Sue, ,
  • Yamashita, Hisako, ,
  • Yap, Avon, ,
  • Hiltner, Stella Mary, A Report and Analysis of Language Spoken in the Homes by Parents and 7th Grade Students from Four Intermediate Schools in Honolulu, 1949
  • Hina, Donald S., Generation Problems Among Japanese Families in Kaimukī: Study of the Relationship Between the Second Generation High School Students of Japanese Ancestry and their Alien Japanese Parents.(7), 1949
  • Hintz, Waldemar G., “Navy” Attitudes Toward Hawaiʻi: A Preliminary Investigation, 1951
  • Hintz, Waldemar, Some “Navy” Attitudes toward Religion and Church: A Preliminary Investigation, 1952
  • Hirai, Ritsuyo, A Sociological study of the Makee Sugar Plantation, 1937
  • Hiranaka, Betty and Kataoka, Jane, The Territorial Public Welfare with Special Reference to Ecological Distribution of Recipients of DPW Aid for November 1949.(8), 1950 [?]
  • Hirose, Dennis, Interracial Relations, 1949
  • Hirose, Mikako, Jodo Mission, n.d.
  • Hirose, Mikako, Race Relations in Wailuku, n.d.
  • Hiu, Hon Sam, Chinatown, n.d.
  • Hiu, Hon Sam, The Adjustment of a Chinese Immigrant to a Community, 1931
  • Ho, Ethel Jean and Kaulukukui, Solomon, Ecological Study of residences of University [of Hawaiʻi] Freshmen First Semester, 1949-50.(9), 1950
  • Hoe, Clarence, Project on Mānoa War Housing, 1949, 1949
  • Hoge, Cornelia, The Effect of Migrations upon the Jews and the Changing Ghetto, n.d.
  • Honbo, Masuru, The Makiki Japanese Language School Organization, n.d.
  • Honbo, Masuru and Spillner, Ernest, Makaweli Plantation, Kauaʻi.(10), 1930
  • Hong, Edith and Kawano, Helen, A Sociological Study of Housemaids, 1936
  • Hong, Samuel K. S., The Pre-Teenage and Juvenile Delinquency, 1949
  • Hongo, H., Glimpses through the Eyes of an Immigrant, n.d.
  • Horne, Margaret W. et al, Missionary Families:(11), 1934
  • Horne, Margaret W., Digest of the Judd Geneology,
  • Gouveia, Henry R, Family Tree of the Missionary Bond Family in Hawaiʻi,
  • Hasegawa, Hisashi, An Introduction to the Study of the Missionary Families in Hawaiʻi;,
  • Hoag, Nell H., The Missionary Family [Dwight Baldwin].,
  • Horswill, Sarah, Clothing in Hawaiʻi [note on paper: Social Change in Clothing], n.d.
  • Hupp, Lucie, The Relation of the Navy Wife to the Community, 1946
  • Hussey, Beatrice, Study of Rural Community: Waikapū, Maui, n.d.
  • Hutchinson, Mercedes, Viewing Our Campus through the Eyes of a Hybrid Student, 1949
  • Iaea, John, Molokaʻi Community: Kaunakakai, n.d.
  • Ide, Irene, Hometown: A Community in Honolulu, 1949
  • Ide, Kazuyoshi & Ihara, Les, Hilo: A Community Study(12), 1950
  • Ide, Kazuyoshi and Ihara, Les, Shin Buddhism in Honolulu(13), 1950
  • Ide, Kiyoshi, Kona: An Ecological Study(14), 1950
  • Ide, Kiyoshi, Race Relations in Kona During the War Years, 1949
  • Ide, Kiyoshi, Racial Situations in Kona: Past and Present, 1949
  • Ide, Kiyoshi and Yoshida, Yoshio, Social Research on the Bars in Honolulu, 1949
  • Igawa, Alice and Chang, Veronica, Statistical Study of Juvenile Delinquency, 1950
  • Ige, Doris, Reasons for Slum Inhabitance, 1950
  • Ige, Thomas H., Small Town Stuff: Mineville and Pineville, n.d.
  • Ijima, Charles, Trends in our Plantation Economy, 1950
  • Ikeda, Kiyoshi(15), Drinking and Social Disorganization, n.d.
  • Ikeda, Kiyoshi, An Ecological Study of a Plantation, 1950
  • Ikeda, Kiyoshi, A Field Trip to Kahaluʻu, 1948
  • Ikeda, Kiyoshi, Urbanization of a Plantation Community, 1949
  • Ikeda, Nora, Japanese Diet During Pregnancy, 1941
  • Ikenaga, Helen, Mother and Her Changing Attitudes, 1948
  • Ikezawa, Andrew, The Effect of Migration in My Family, 1943
  • Ikezawa, Andrew, Social Change in Hawaiʻi Since the Coming of War, 1944
  • Imada, Stanley S., Migration of the Independent Kona Coffee Farmers’ Children, 1949
  • Imai, K.(16), History of Hawaiʻi‘s Maritime Trade, n.d.
  • Imamura, Teruko, Japanese Language Schools in Hawaiʻi, 1930
  • Imoto, Alice, My Neighbors: [Kapahulu], 1948
  • Ing, M., The Study of a Community — Kapahulu, 1933
  • Ing, Ruth R. S., Race Relations Between the Second Generation Japanese Girls and the Young First Generation Filipino Men in a Small Plantation Camp on Maui, n.d.
  • Ing, Walter, An Exploratory Study in Assessing the Roles of Parents in the Marriages of Chinese Couples of the Second and Third Generations., 1949
  • Ing, Walter, An Exploratory Study of Cultural Factors and Their Role with the Male Filipino Delinquent Juvenile, 1951
  • Ishibashi, Florence, The Japanese Language School, 1948
  • Ishii, Dean Y., Community of Līhuʻe, n.d.
  • Ishimoto, Mieko, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1941
  • Ishimoto, Winifred, Juvenile Delinquency Causes, 1949
  • Ishizaki, Misayo and Ikeda, Yoshiko, Japanese Language Schools of Hawaiʻi, 1929
  • Isobe, Chiyoko, Communities [Southwestern Kauaʻi in comparison with others in published studies]., n.d.
  • Isobe, Chiyoko, The Inter-Island Strike, [1940](17)
  • Itao, Leatrice, An Immigrant Japanese, 1948
  • Iwamoto, Yoshio, A Sociological Study of Ishimaru, n.d.
  • Jahries, Elizabeth & Miller, Ellen L., Birth Control in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Jamieson, Helen T., Horswill, Sarah H., & Johnson, Florence, Thr Problem of Mental Deficiency in Hawaiʻi, 1939
  • Jeffrey, Barbara Jean, Recent Trends in the Medical Profession, n.d.
  • Jensen, Everett J., Moanalua Navy Housing Area, Pearl Harbor, Hawaiʻi: A Preliminary Investigation, 1949
  • Jensen, Everett J., A Sociological Investigation of Christian Sects in Honolulu, 1950
  • Jessen, Louise, Report of Field Trip to Kahaluʻu, 1948
  • Jessen, Louise S., Employment Opportunities of Negroes, n.d.
  • Jessen, Louise S., Waimea, Hawaiʻi: First in Cattle, First in Vegetables, n.d.
  • Judd, Sophie, Study of a Community: [Waimea, Hawaiʻi], n.d.
  • Kagawa, Nora, Sociological Study of the Japanese Community, Waimea, Kauaʻi, 1940
  • Kamei, Edward S., The Community of Waimea on the Island of Kauaʻi, n.d.
  • Kam, Bessie; Okamoto, Takeko; Chang, Wai Tim; Nabeta, Nora, Adjustment of War Brides in Hawaiʻi, 1950
  • Kanada, Harry, My Community, 1948
  • Kanenaka, Edwin, Labor Organizations & Social Disorganization, 1949
  • Kaneshiro, Kiyoshi, Hawaiian Students in the University of Michigan — A Study of Adjustment & Integration in the Light of the Marginal Man Theory(18), 1941
  • Kaneo, Kazuma, The Attitude of the Second Generation Japanese Towards Japanese Culture, 1930

Box A-2: Notes

4.Contains photograph of Mānoa Homes and Mānoa Valley. Wrapped in acid-free paper and stored in front of folder.

5.Though the title does not indicate it, the subject matter is a four-part study of interrelationships between ancient Hawaiian religion, Mormonism and, to a limited extent, Judaism.

6.Includes a hand-drawn map of Maui.

7.Includes hand drawn map of Kaimukī showing residences of eighteen YMCA members.

8.Includes large map of City of Honolulu by David A. Awana with entries for DPW aid recipients, Nov. 1949

9.Pencilled comments on title page indicate “of Hawaiʻi” and “w/map.” Map is missing.

10.Contains photographs.

11.In file “The Missionary Families.”

12.Contains photographs, some as postcards, but still photo prints.

13.Contains drawing of the facilities at Honpa Hongwanji Temple in Honolulu, including the development of schools and recreation facilities for YBA across street from the front of the temple.

14.Includes hand drawn map and statistical chart from Social Process in Hawaiʻi, v. 13, 1949.

15.Kiyoshi Ikeda received his BA in 1950, his MA in 1955 from the University of Hawaiʻi and his PhD in 1959 from Northwestern University. He served on the faculty of UH for many years.

16.This paper remains within the collection in spite of its appearing not to be a student paper, because we have been unable to find evidence that Imai was not a student.

17.Date gathered from content: page 2, last paragraph: “… I will try to present a specific strike which occurred about two and a half years ago in Honolulu….” The beginning paragraph of the next page dates the labor action as beginning in March 1938. Thus the papers is from fall semester 1940 or spring semester 1941.

18.This paper is Kaneshiro’s Master’s Thesis at the University of Michigan.

Box A-3 (Kao)
  • Kaonohi, Irene, Filipinos in Hawaiʻi, 1930
  • Kaopua, Emelia Ana, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Kalihi Ward — A Unit of Social Welfare Control, 1941
  • Kapela, Mercedes K., My Neighborhood (Waiākea Houselots), 1948
  • Karmen, Alfred, Pool in Honolulu, 1940
  • Kato, Shingo, The Japanese Homes and the Home Education in Hawaiʻi, 1930
  • Kau, Ruth, The Fort Street Chinese Church, n.d.
  • Kaumeheiwa, Solomon, Ancient Hawaiian Customs, 1930
  • Kawamoto, Ellen, Race Relations on the Campus, 1949
  • Kawamoto, Ellen; and Wong, Shin Quon, Housing, n.d.
  • Kayano, Kenzo, The Filipino on the Hawaiian Sugar Plantation, 1930
  • Kazusa, Frank, The Sociological Approach to the Study of Public Housing, 1950
  • Kenney, L. (Mrs.) and Abshire, Eileen, The Lei Makers of Hawaiʻi, 1936
  • Kesagi, Yasunobu, The Seventh-Day Adventist: The Japanese Mission, 1941
  • Kesagi, Yasunobu, Survey of a Plantation Community, n.d.
  • Kikawa, Betty T.; Oyama, Shigeko; Yahiku, Fusako, A Sociological Study of the Pauoa Valley Area, 1945
  • Kim, Chong Sook, Migrations in my Family, n.d.
  • Kim, Sarah, A Study of the Kaimukī Community, 1939
  • Kim, Stanley, Factors Contributing Towards High Amalgamation of Koreans in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Kimura, Fumiko, The Japanese Theater Crowd in Hawaiʻi, 1933
  • Kimura, Yukiko(19), Psychological Effect of Immigration on the Japanese People in Hawaiʻi, 1940
  • Kimura, Yukiko, Race Relation in Formosa, 1940
  • Kimura, Yukiko, Social and Economic Survey of Women Employees of Japanese Barber Shops in Honolulu, 1939
  • Kimura, Yukiko, Sociological Analysis of the Types of Social Readjustments of Alien Japanese in Hawaiʻi Since the War(20), 1947
  • Kimura, Yukiko, A Study of Japanese Dressmakers in Honolulu, 1939
  • Kimura, Yukiko, A Study of Problems and Needs of the Second Generation, 1940
  • Kimura, Yukiko, A Study of Subjective Experience of the Picture Brides and the Consequent Role Played by Them, 1940
  • Kimura, Yukiko, A Study of the Problems & Attitudes of Second Generation Boys of Oriental Ancestry in Hawaiʻi, 1941
  • Kimura, Yukiko, A Study of the Trends of Out-Marriages of the Japanese People in Hawaiʻi During the Period of Ten Years from 1928 to 1938, 1939
  • Kimura, Yukiko, A Tentative Summary of a Study of Problems of Filipino Boys, 1941
  • Kiriu, Yukiko, Social Change in an Island Community [ʻAiea], n.d. [post-WWII]
  • Kitaoka, Takashi, A Community Study of Hāna, 1932 ?
  • Kiyosaki, Thomas, My Background: Race and Cultural Contacts Prior to [and] During the War Years, 1948
  • Kobayashi, Constance, The Way Migrations have Played a Role in My Family, 1943
  • Kobayashi, Kunio, A Statistical Study of Juvenile Delinquency in the Hawaiian Islands, 1949
  • Kodama, Douglas, Growth and Expansion of Honolulu, 1940 – 1947(21), 1950
  • Koenig, Elizabeth H., Results Obtained in Hospital Administration by Adjusting a Personality to Two Cultural Patterns of Behavior, 1950
  • Kohatsu, Jane, Social Disorganization in Kāheka Village and its Families, n.d.
  • Kojima, Mitsue & Itakura, Betty, Inter-Racial Marriages of Local People, n.d.
  • Kong, Hester; Matsumoto, Hilda; Tyau, Mary, A Study of the Central Area, 1945
  • Kono, Aiko; Yukimura, Kimie, The Makiki Castle Japanese Church, n.d.
  • Kouchi, Grace; Ohata, Chiyoko, Changing Folkways and Mores of Japanese with Reference to Old Age Retirement, c 1939 [?]
  • Kring, Walter, A Study of the Racial Composition of Central Union Church and Church School, 1936
  • Kubo, Earl, Japanese Youth and Juvenile Delinquency, 1952
  • Kubo, Earl T., Ten Thousand Plus, n.d.
  • Kubo, Judith, Social Changes as Effected by the War, 1944
  • Kubota, Masako, Population Trends of the Schools of Hawaiʻi, 1872 to 1932, n.d.
  • Kunichika, Toshiko, Japanese Children’s Home, 1930
  • Kunihiro, Momoe, My Neighborhood (Kakaʻako) [map drawn on title page verso], 1948
  • Kuniyuki, Edwin M., History of the Nuʻuanu Japanese Church, 1929
  • Kuramoto, Rinkoro, Community Study: A Survey of Pake Camp [Makiki], 1930
  • Kurihara, Thomas, A Sociological Study of the Japanese Students’ Association of Hawaiʻi, 1929
  • Kushiyama, E, Kahakuloa, A Hawaiian Village [includes map “Kahakuloa Valley, Wailuku, Maui” printed Jan. 1946], 1949
  • Kuwaye, Sumiko, Conflict Between the Naichi and Okinawan Groups in Hawaiʻi., 1950
  • Kwan, Lui L., Miloli’i and Its People [Hawaiʻi Island], 1948
  • Kwon, Catherine M., A Plantation Community, 1941
  • Laborado, Remedus et alia(22), Areas of Conflict and Disorganization In the Plantation Community, 1948
  • Itamura, Ruth, History of Plantation Community: Areas of Conflict Between Racial Groups, First and Second Generations.,
  • Laborado, Remedus, Individual Disorganization: Alcoholism, Suicide, Immorality, Violence,
  • Hazama, Ethel, Family Disorganization; Wartime Disorganization,
  • Ito, Harry, Plantation Trends: Background, Mechanization, “Ideal Worker,” Strikes, Management vs. Union, Coming of the Union, Interviews,
  • Laborado, Remedus, Plantation Trends: Camp Consolidation, Interviews,
  • Laborado, Remedus, Summary,
  • Lai, Henry, Old World Traits Transplanted [Chinese Temples], n.d.
  • Lai, Kum Pui, Study of a Community [Leilehua Chinese Community], 1935 [?]
  • Lam, Margret, A Study of The Local Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 1929
  • Larm, Edwin, Feudin, a fussin — Kāneʻohe Style, 1948
  • Lau, Kenneth et alia, The Changing Family in Hawaiʻi : The Chinese Family, 1938
  • Lau, Kenneth & Leong, Kam Man, The Changing Patterns: Generations, Residence, Education, & Religion,
  • Lum, Gladys, The Changing Family in Hawaiʻi : Reproduction,
  • Mau, Beatrice, The Economic Aspects of the Changing Family in Hawaiʻi,
  • Lee, Violet C., Attitude of Chinese Towards Marriage,
  • Lau, Kenneth K.C., A Sociological Study of Pālama District Along King St. From Liliha St. to Pua Lane, 1929
  • Lau, Marion H.G., The Hill in Transition, 1949
  • Lau, Rosamond, The Ecological study of the Hyde St. Community, 1937
  • Laureta, Alfred, Characteristics and Camp Life of the Filipino in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Lee, Abbie chair; other members not listed., Inter-Island Mobility, 1933
  • Lee, Amy; Lum, Kam Chin, Fashion, n.d.
  • Lee, Annie, Ethnic Composition and Residential Distribution of Students of St. Francis Convent, 1950
  • Lee, Caroline, Migrations of Early Chinese Christians to Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Lee, Caroline, The Waikīkī Community, 1940
  • Lee, E. [ Evelyn ?], A Community Study of Haleʻiwa, Waialua, Oʻahu. With Some Comparisons to that of Madison, Wisconsin.(23), n.d.
  • Lee, Evelyn, Hawaiian Political Rallies As A Form of Collective Behavior., n.d.
  • Lee, Evelyn(24), Some Occupations as Found in Urban Communities with Special Reference to Honolulu, n.d.
  • Lee, Evelyn W.(25), Chinese Temples, 1938 [?]
  • Lee, James F. L., Views and Opinions of Rural School Teaching Particularly in a Plantation Area, n.d.
  • Lee, June & Chung, Hisoon, Changing Attitudes of Koreans in Hawaiʻi Toward Old Age Dependency,
  • Lee, June J., A Plantation Community, 1940
  • Lee, Lila K., The Way Migrations Have Played a Role in My Family, 1943
  • Lee, Lloyd L., Evaluation of the Role and Status of the Negro in Hawaiʻi, 1947
  • Lee, Mae, The French-Canadians contrasted with the Koreans in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Lee, Mahn Kuen, The Sociological Study of the Community [Area near Dole Park, between ʻIolani and Lusitana Streets and Pele and Alapaʻi Streets](26), 1937
  • Lee, Margaret O. Q., A Report on Two Chinese Temples in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Lee, Robert J., Honolulu Taxi, 1947
  • Lee, Robert M.W., Vertical Mobility Among the Chinese in Hawaiʻi, c 1948
  • Lee, William, The Assimilation of the Chinese Members of the Class of 1928 of the University of Hawaiʻi, Chiefly of its Economic Aspect…(27), 1935
  • Leong, Ah Nee; Macy, Emma; & Medeiros, Helen, A Study of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church on Keʻeaumoku Street, Honolulu, Oʻahu, 1941
  • Leong, A. Q., Chinese Death Customs, 1936
  • Leong, Dorothy, Cultural Approach: A Middle Class Cosmopolitan Community [subtitle in pencil in different hand], n.d.
  • Leong, K.M., Pālama Slums(28), n.d.
  • Leslie, Elizabeth, Social Institutions: The Salvation Army, 1941
  • Leu, Aldrich, Our Police Department, 1949
  • Leu, Chong Fook; Kiyosaki, Rose; & Botelho, Donald, Observation of Conditions at Kalākaua Homes for the Year 1949, 1950
  • Lim, Sung Hi, Ecological Study of the Community of Spreckelsville (Camp One), Maui., 1937
  • Lim, Tai Hi, The Personal and Cultural Approach to the Study of a Community, 1937
  • Loo, Theodore, The Street on Which I Live [Young St. between McCully and Artesian], 1937
  • Loo, Winifred, The Effects of the War on Farmers in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Lord, Virginia; & Lee, Alice W., The Taxi-Dance Hall in Honolulu(29), 1935

Box A-3: Notes

19.Yukiko Kimura presents a problem in the definition of “student.” According to the University of Hawaiʻi “Commencement Exercises” for 1947, at which time she was awarded an MA in sociology, she attended Oberlin College, receiving an MA in 1937. The archival staff at Oberlin College said via email that their records indicate that Yukiko Kimura attended the Graduate School of Theology at Oberlin from Sept. 1935 to May 1937 at which time she received a Master of Arts degree. Some papers are marked as class papers; others appear to be far too professional for class papers. Nevertheless, all have University of Hawaiʻi on the title page. As a result, I have decided to retain all within Student Papers.

20.This is part of Master’s Thesis, completed in same year.

21.Penciled on the title page are words “as indicated by data on births and deaths” and ” w/map.” Map is missing (Oct 2002).

22.Includes various photographs illustrating aspects of the changes affecting plantation communities.

23.Includes two hand-drawn maps of Haleʻiwa, dated 1930 and 1940.

24.The essay “A Community Study of Haleʻiwa…” by E. Lee and the essay “Some Occupations as Found in Urban Communities…,” by Evelyn Lee are holographic manuscripts in the same hand. The intervening essay, “Hawaiian Political Rallies…” is a typescript.

25.The author of this essay, Evelyn W. Lee, has a different hand than the Evelyn Lee above.

26.Includes hand-drawn maps on onion skin sheets glued together to make large maps.

27.Includes Honolulu Rapid Transit Co. Map with residences of class members indicated.

28.Includes several hand-drawn maps of small housing tract.

29.Published in Social Process in Hawaiʻi, vol. 2 (1936).

Box A-4 (Lu)
  • Lum, Gladys; Kim, Sarah; Kimura, Yukie; Lee, Mary S., Report on Prostitution, 1939
  • Lum, Kwong Yen, [Concerns Italian Prisoners of War held on Oʻahu] [NOT FOUND] , unknown
  • Lum, Margaret, The ” I Am” Movement in Honolulu, n.d.
  • Lum, Margaret, A Study of Race Relations in a Local Church Group, n.d.
  • Lum, Ruby, The Salvation Army(30), n.d.
  • Luning, Pearl, Alcoholism, n.d.
  • Lyum, Jane; Chung, Barney, Ala Moana School Project, 1949
  • MacClean, Charles R., An Ecological Study of A Community [Paʻauilo, Hawaiʻi Island], 1937
  • Maeda, Gladys, Shingon Shu, c 1947
  • Maeda, Sumiko; Okimoto, Helene; Sonoda, Sheila, An Ecological Study of the Hawaiian Pineapple Company Plantation Camps on Oʻahu for the Years 1942-1948(31), 1950
  • Makizuru, Susan, I Am an Immigrant, 1948
  • Maney, Florence, Mental Diseases Among Immigrants, n.d.
  • Mansfield, Faye(32), A Mainlander’s Conception of the Islands, 1952
  • Marques, Adaline, The Portugese Protestant Church of Honolulu(33) , 1930
  • Martavid, The Development of Marginal Personality, n.d.
  • Marutani, Amy T., Waiākea Social Settlement, 1948
  • Masuda, Ruth N., Study of an Institution — Tanomoshi, 1936
  • Masumoto, Grace; Miyasato, Mary; Nako, Alice; & Okura, Flora, War Brides in Hawaiʻi(34), 1949
  • Matsui, Toshiko, Public Health Nursing in Hawaiʻi, 1948
  • Matsunaga, Masayuki, Inter-Racial Relations in Hanapēpē(35), c 1940
  • Matsunaga, Yoshiro, Effect of Unionization on the Plantation Workers [ʻŌlaʻa Plantation, Hawaiʻi Island], n.d. but c 1949
  • Matsunohi, Tokie, A Rural Community [ʻŌlaʻa, Puna, Hawaiʻi Island], n.d.
  • Matsushima, Toshio, The Japanese Family, 1930
  • Matsuura, Kunio, The Kibei Post-War Returnees From Japan, n.d.
  • Mau, Beatrice, A Cultural Food Study of Families in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • McGregor, Marion, Lāʻie Plantation Community(36), 1932
  • McLaren, Kazue, Pālolo Emergency Homes, 1946, 1948
  • McLaren, Kazue, Social Disorganization: 8902 Kalanianaʻole Highway, 1950
  • Medeiros, A., Policy of the Honolulu Plantation Company with Regards to Labor and the Corresponding Attitudes of its Employees, n.d.
  • Medeiros, Enos, The History of Hāmākuapoko, 1937
  • Medeiros, Enos, Some Aspects of Marriage Among the Portugese, n.d.
  • Medeiros, H., A Changing Attitude: Bingham Tract, n.d
  • Medeiros, Helen, The “Holy Rollers”, 1941
  • Medeiros, Helen, The Russians in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Medina, Revocato, ASUH Election 1947, c 1947
  • Menor, Benjamin, Plantation Kaleidoscope [Pāhoa, Puna, Hawaiʻi Isl.], 1947
  • Merriles, Clarence, A Portugese Family, 1948
  • Mihara, A., Project on Community: Hakalau Plantation(37), 1932
  • Mills, Jean, A Case of Mental Illness, n.d.
  • Miller, Z., Leprosy, 1932
  • Minami, Jessie, Social Change [in Kapaʻa as occasioned by War.], n.d.
  • Minami, Mondo, Survey of Kahuku as Plantation Community(38), 1932
  • Mirikitani, Clifford, Study of the Race Attitudes of Students of the University of Hawaiʻi and Student Politics, 1932
  • Misaki, Edward; & Nitta, Hitoshi, Street-Corner Gang, n.d.
  • Mitahara, James, Pool Halls, 1949
  • [Flag in box suggested a paper had been pulled.]
  • Mitsui, Kazuko, The Nuʻuanu Japanese Children’s Home, 1936
  • Mitsuka, Roy Manabu, The Assimilation of the Japanese(39), n.d.
  • Miura, Katherine; Aoki, Chie; & Akahoshi, Shirley, The Changing Cost of Public Education in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Miyashiro, Anne S., A Study of Certain Aspects of Waipahu, 1937
  • Miyashiro, Sadao, The Hawaiian Homes Commission(40), 1949
  • Miyashiro, Sadao, The Japanese: Where They are Congested in Downtown Honolulu and Their Business Establishments(41), 1949
  • Miyazaki, Fuji, The Japanese People in Mānoa Valley: Sociological Study [corrected], 1930
  • Miyoshi, Doris; Tsotsumi, Gertrude; Hironaka, Betty, Mōʻiliʻili Community Association and Its People, 1949
  • Mizuha, Kiyoto, Diary of a Japanese Immigrant, 1948
  • Mizusaki, B., Hakolau [sic] Plantation Community [Should be Hakalau], 1932
  • Mizuta, Iwao; & Sasai, Nobu, Parent-Child Relations in the Japanese Family, 1938
  • Moodie, Mary, A Survey of the Maui Agricultural Co. Plantation at Pāʻia, Maui, 1930
  • Mori, Masako, The Case of Sumi, 1945
  • Morimoto, Elaine; & Yasutake, Peter, Study of Waitresses, 1936
  • Morimoto, Florence, The Japanese People on the Sugar Plantation of Kekaha, n.d.
  • Morimoto, Harue, The Personal and Cultural Approach to the Study of a Community [Hilo], n.d.
  • Morinaga, Kenneth, The Assimilation of the Japanese in Hawaiʻi, 1930
  • Morinaga, Kenneth, Immigrant Institution: The “Tanomoshi”, 1930
  • Mossman, Hortense, A Study of Kakaʻako(42), n.d.
  • Moulton, F.P., Studies on Marriages in Hawaiʻi, 1946
  • [Existence of flag in box suggests a missing paper.]
  • Mumm, Kathleen, The Personality Adjustment According to Race of the Seniors at McKinley High School, n.d.(43)
  • [Existence of flag at this point suggests a missing paper.]
  • Muneno, Shinae; et alia, Family Disorganization: Factors Leading to Divorce, 1946
  • Muneno, Shinae, War Marriages and Divorce,
  • Mirikitani, Clara; & Yonamine, Kay, Interracial Marriage and Divorce,
  • Nosse, Beatrice, Economic Status as a Factor in Divorce,
  • Aoki, Adora; & Matsuda, Betty, The role of Religion in the Family,
  • Okamoto, Jane, Education and How it Affects Divorce,
  • Sewake, Ritsuko, Sex Factors in Family Disorganization,
  • Tara, Evelyn, In-Laws as a Possible Factor in Family Disorganization,
  • Maruno, Peggy, Desertion,
  • Watanabe, Cecile; & Harada, Grace, Legal Grounds for Divorce,
  • Chang, Gracie Mae, The Effects of Divorced Parents on Their Children,
  • Akagi, Bernice; & Hiraoka, Yuriko, After Divorce,
  • Murakami, Wallace, Camp Life in Plantation, 1930
  • Muranaka, Betty, Religious Revival, n.d.
  • Muranaka, Betty, A Study of the Nichiren Sect in Honolulu, n.d.
  • Murin, Stephen, Hawaiʻi‘s Gypsies(44), 1949
  • Murin, Steve [sic], Hawaiʻi‘s Gypsies(45), 1949
  • Nagai, Marjorie, Causes of the Japanese Migration To Hawaiʻi, 1945
  • Nagai, Yoshino, Report on Part of the Japanese Community in Mānoa, 1928
  • Nagano, Masaru, The Nichiren Sect Society, n.d.
  • Nagaue, Katsuto, Race Relations at the University of Hawaiʻi: In the Light of Social and Political Contacts, 1936
  • Nagaue, Katsuto; & Murakami, Itsuku, Japanese Barber Girls of Honolulu, 1936
  • Nahm, David, Several Aspects of Juvenile Delinquency in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, 1940
  • Nakagawa, Y., Study of Japanese Children’s Home, 1932
  • Nakai, M., The First and Second Generation Japanese in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Nakamoto, Alice, A Japanese Immigrant, 1948
  • Nakamura, Beverly; Yap, Avon;(46) & Chun, Annette, A Rural Community: Kahaluʻu, 1948
  • Nakamura, Hisao, Gang X, 1949
  • Nakamura, Robert, Pālama Business District, n.d.
  • Nakamura, Tokumi, A Study of My Neighborhood as a Community:[between Nuʻuanu and Fort St., mauka of School](47), 1940
  • Nakanishi, Ralph, My Community: Kula, Maui, 1948
  • Nakao, James, The Makaweli Plantation, 1932
  • Nekota, H., Effects of the Housing Shortage, 1949 [?]
  • Nishihara, Richard, Changes in My Community [Upper Pālolo Valley], 1949
  • Nishimoto, Tamayo, Sociological Study of the Church of the Crossroads, n.d.
  • Nishimura, Bert, A Study of the University of Hawaiʻi Campus, n.d.(48)
  • Nelson, Jeannette S., My Community: Civilian Housing Area III (CHA III), 1948
  • Nishimura, Dorothy, My Neighborhood: [Kaimukī], 1945
  • Nishimura, Nobue, Oki-Kamuro — Japan and Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Niyekawa, Agnes M., The Adjustment Problems of Students from Japan in an Interracial Situation, 1952
  • Niyekawa, Agnes M., The Effect of Bilingualism on Personality(49), 1952
  • Nishizaki, Masayoshi, Cancer in Hawaiʻi: A Statistical Survey, n.d.
  • Nojima, Isami, Students House: A Cooperative, 1948
  • Nose, Ruth, Hulēʻia: 1927-1937, 1948
  • Nottage, Marjorie; & Forbes, Geraldine, A Study of a Section in Kakaʻako(50), n.d.
  • Nozoe, Eleanor, The Church of God, 1948
  • Obara, Genevieve, Occupational Attitudes of a Selected Group of Rural Young People, 1939
  • Obayashi, Evelyn, Hutchinson Plantation Company, Kaʻū, 1932(51)
  • Oda, Harold Y., The Japanese — Hawaiian Trade(52), 1927
  • Oda, Sachiko, Child and Family Service: Its History and Services, 1948
  • Ogura, Shiku, Social Organization in the Central Area, n.d.
  • Ohashi, James; & Maruyama, Bernice, Housing: Kamehameha Low Income Housing(53), 1950
  • Oka, David S., Racial Stereotypes in Hawaiʻi, 1949
  • Okamoto, Marjorie, Boy-Girl Relationships in Mōʻiliʻili, 1945 [?]
  • Okamura, Satoru, Five Rural Families, 1949
  • Okawa, Miharu, Some Attitudes of the Japanese Towards Interracial Marriage, 1940
  • Okimoto, Wallace M., Kapahulu: A Community Study, 1949
  • Okimura, Kenji, East Mānoa Organization, 1930
  • Okimura, Kenji, The Japanese Community of Mānoa, 1930
  • Okino, Agnes, My Community, 1948
  • Okubo, M., Honolulu’s Changing Social Life, n.d.
  • Okubo, Miye; Hata, Yukiko; & Saito, Kaname, A Study of Insanity in Hawaiʻi, 1939
  • Okuda, Martha A., Marriage and Social Change, n.d.
  • Okuna, Edward K., Some Phases of Matrimonial Practices of the Japanese in Hawaiʻi, 1939
  • Olivas, Consuelo, Brawn for Hawaiʻi Industry, 1946
  • Olivas, Consuelo, “Cadena de Amor” [Club in Girls’ Dormitory of Filipino United Church], 1945 [?]
  • Olstad, Eleanor, Social Change Among Whites on a Plantation, 1940
  • Ome, Moses, A Section of Kapahulu, n.d.
  • Oshima, Helen, The King’s Daughters’ Home: An Expression of Human Love, 1948

Box A-4: Notes

30.Includes photographs glued to pages of the paper.

31.Indicates on title page that maps included; maps are missing at date of inventory, Oct 2002.

32.Though Ms. Mansfield was a student writing for a sociology class at the University of Hawaiʻi, she was a professor of education at Illinois Normal College; the essay shows the writer’s maturity.

33.Includes Honolulu Transportation Co. Map with location of homes of church members marked.

34.In addition to the sections in Table of Contents, essay includes two sections, “Causes of Conflict and Maladjustment” for European war brides and Japanese war brides.

35.Includes hand-drawn map covering two 8.5 x 11 inch pages.

36.Includes three hand-drawn maps.

37.Includes four hand-drawn maps.

38.Includes hand-drawn map and floor plans. Also contains a Pass from Kahuku Plantation Co. to permit holder access to plantation camps.

39.Part typescript and part hand-written.

40.Includes maps of all islands Hawaiian Home Lands entered by author.

41.Includes two maps, one showing areas of central Honolulu where Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, and Black populations centered.

42.Includes photographs glued to a page plus hand-drawn map.

43.Data within study based on test given at McKinley High School, January 1946.

44.This is one version of the paper, labeled “a.” It contains one photograph and while the first page of text appears to have the same content as the other version, it is typed on a different typewriter, having larger, pica, type.

45.The other version of the paper, with the same title, is labeled “b.” It contains several photographs of Gypsies living in Hawaiʻi. The type of this version is elite.

46.Paper by Avon Yap, only partially present, pertains not to Kapaluʻu but to Kipapa. These portions pulled and placed in folder of paper by Avon Yap, “Kipapa Valley: A Rural Farm Community”

47.Includes hand-drawn map of neighborhood with demographics.

48.While no date exists on the title page or the reverse of final page, it does contain a photocopy (thermofax [?]) of campus map dated June 1934 while charts of student enrollment include academic year 1936.

49.Written for Psychology 283 class, May 1952.

50.Contains hand-drawn maps of area between South and Cooke Streets and Queen Street and Kapʻiolani Blvd.

51.Date written in red pencil on title page.

52.Submitted as a partial requirement for the B.A, in Commerce; as a result, it is not written for a RASRL related class. 1927 Ka Palapala shows Harold Oda as a graduating senior in Commerce.

53.Contains nine photographs mounted on three pages with cellophane tape.

Box A-5 (Osh)
  • Oshima, Yasuko, Seicho No Ie In Hawaiʻi, 1944
  • Oshiro, Harold, The Control of the Community Over the Family Structure: An Account of Okinawan — Naichi Relationship in My Community, 1948
  • Oshiro, Shizuko; & Shimabukuro, Kikue, Forms of Social Unrest in the Plantation, 1939
  • Otani, C.T.; Sakoda, H., The Pattern of Expansion as Displayed by Honolulu (54), n.d.
  • Ouchi, Edward, Young Men’s Christian Associaiton, Kaimukī Branch: It’s History and Role, 1948
  • Oyama, Grace, My Hawaiian Neighbors: Upper Liliha, [1948]
  • Oyama, Misao, Corporation Dominance in Lānaʻi, 1944
  • Oyasato, Tom; Ozaki, Ronald H., The Slums and Blighted Areas of Honolulu, 1950
  • Ozaki, Shigeo, Community Study: Pāpaʻikou [Island of Hawaiʻi ] (5), 1940
  • Pang, Kam Lun, A Rural Community: Lāʻie, Oʻahu, n.d.
  • Pang, Morris, A Korean Immigrant, 1948
  • Pearce, Gladys A., St. Andrew’s Cathedral, 1928
  • Piimauna, Rebecca; Yanagisako, Elaine; Serikaku, Jean, Papakōlea: Hawaiian Homestead, 1950
  • Pimm(56), A Study of Wartime Effects on the Vocational and Avocational Problems of Young Men Members of the Central Branch of the Y.M.C.A. of Honolulu, 1945
  • Pirtle, Pauline D.; Newton, Gwendolyn, Broken Homes, 1950
  • Potti, Noah A., Population Growth and Trends, 1945
  • Powell, Charles G., A Look at the Bahai Faith, n.d.
  • Price, Gail, A Study of some Hawaiian Families in 1950, 1950
  • Protheroe, Irma J., The Class Structure and Mobility Among the Koreans, 1950
  • Richardson, Amy, Old Hawaiian Customs and Traditions, 1936
  • Rodrigues, Romona, In My Day, 1948
  • Roney, William H.; Leflar, David, A Statistical Survey of the Development of Communication and Transportation in the Territory of Hawaiʻi, 1934
  • Roney, William H., A Survey of the Development and Role of Transportation and Communication in the Territory of Hawaiʻi, 1934
  • Rose, Ruth, The Japanese Language Schools: Their Influence on the Assimilation of Japanese into the American Community, n.d.
  • Ross, Edean, Kahuku vs. Samoa, 1940
  • Rutherford, Stuart E.; Judd, Frank C.; Jarrett, Paul J.; Ing, James K., The Police as an Occupational Group, 1936
  • Saiki, Vernon K., Teacher, Pupil and Parent Relationship, 1950
  • Saito, Lillian, Sociological Study of Japanese Boys’ Clubs in a Plantation Community, n.d.
  • Sakai, Etsuko, A Study of the Alexander House Settlement of Maui with Reference to the Henry Street Settlement of New York, n.d.
  • Sakai, Kazuko, The Valley of Churches [Kapaia, Kauaʻi], 1948
  • Santoki, S., The Plantation Community of ʻAiea, n.d.
  • Sasai, Louise, Comparison of Divorces in Japan to Japanese Divorces in Hawaiʻi, 1934
  • Sasai, Louise, Neighborhood Study: A section of Pāwaʻa District off Sheridan St., 1936
  • Sasai, Nobu, Neighborhood Study, 1937
  • Sasai, Nobu, [Changes in a Rural Community ­] Haleʻiwa, 1939
  • Sasaki, Jean; Nishikawa, Leanora, Adult Crime in Honolulu, 1949
  • Sato, Fumiko, My Immediate Neighborhood, 1948
  • Schmitt, Robert C., Some Ecological Factors in Juvenile Delinquency on Oʻahu, 1949
  • Schultz; Kegawa; McComb; Paulsen; Young(57), Divorce in Hawaiʻi, 1939 [?]
  • Seiji, Janet, The Hālawa Veteran Housing Project, 1950
  • Seki, Fumi, Honokohua [sic] as a Community(58), n.d.
  • Shapiro, Harvey, A Survey of Cheating at the University of Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Shida, Alice, A Neighborhood Community in Japan, n.d.
  • Shields, Mabel, [no title] [Personal Disorganization], n.d.
  • Shikuma, Kazuko, The Yanks have Landed…Right in Our Own Backyard [Hilo], 1949
  • Shigezawa, Annette, The Nishi System of Health Engineering, 1951
  • Shigezawa, Annette; Gotanda, Yukio, On the Expansion of the City of Honolulu(59), 1949
  • Shimabukuro, Kikue; & Oshiro, Shizuko, The Methodist Church in Hawaiʻi, 1941
  • Shimokawa, Michiko, The Personal and Cultural Approach to the Study of a Community: Kohala Mill, Hawaiʻi (Japanese People), 1937
  • Shin, Emma, The Korean Methodist Episcopal Church,
  • Shinoda, Minoru, The Personal and Cultural Approach to the Study of a Community [Hilo], n.d.
  • Shiroma, Davis, Konkokyo, 1941
  • Shiroma, Davis, The Territory, Population and Economy of Waipiʻo, n.d.
  • Silva, David, The Portugese in Hawaiʻi: A brief history of the coming of the Portugese to the Hawaiian Islands and their activities there, 1929
  • Siu, Laura, A Study of Forty-Two Filipino Barbers, 1940
  • Siu, Laura, Occupational Succession of the Chinese People in Hawaiʻi, 1941
  • Siu, Laura (chairman); Tyau, Hannah; Wong, Ruth; Uchigaki, Tadashi; Yamasaki, Ryoichi; Uenoyama, Hidehiko; Beppu, Tadao, Slums in Honolulu(60), n.d.
  • Smythe, Barbara, The Change in Hawaiian Music, n.d.
  • Soong, Edith, On Intermarriages — I Married a Chinese, 1948
  • Souza, Grace, A Study of Portugese Immigration to the Plantations in Hawaiʻi, Mainly a Psychological Study, 1939
  • Souza, Grace; Macy, Emma, Unrest in the Plantation Community, n.d.
  • Spillner, Ernest, The German Club, n.d.
  • Spolum, Elizabeth M., Attitudes of a Haole Housewife Toward Race Relations in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Sproat, Thelma, chair; Ralston, Evangeline; Ayau, Lei, Homesteading in Hawaiʻi, 1933
  • Stauffer, Eleanor, The Dependant Child, [1940]
  • Stranske, Arthur, The Mormon Migration, 1940
  • Stroupe, Connor B., Trends in the Enrollment of Private Schools in the Territory of Hawaiʻi 1930-1947, 1952
  • Stroupe, Connor B. Jr., A Comparison of Race Relations in the South and Hawaiʻi, 1953
  • Sueoka, Nancy, Grandma’s Life Story, 1948
  • Sueoka, Toshiko, Leisure Time Activities of Girls in Waipahu, n.d.
  • Suga, Hatsumi, Central Union Church, 1948
  • Sugahara, Esther, The Strike, 1941
  • Sugahara, Esther, A Study of Religious Institutions in Honolulu: Tenrikyo: A Sect of the Shinto Religion, n.d.
  • Sugiura, Peggy, A Story of a Kamaʻaina Japanese Woman, 1948
  • Sumimoto, Haruko, My Community Genealogy, 1941
  • Sun, Kam Oi, Playgrounds of Honolulu, n.d.
  • Suzuki, A.K., Plantation Community — Niuliʻi [Japanese Society in Niuliʻi Village], 1932
  • Swift, Muriel; & Kaaua, Stella, Adult Crime in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Tada, Dora, Superstitions Regarding Childbirth Among Japanese, 1946
  • Tahara, George, Maunalaha Valley, 1945 [?]
  • Taira, Sachio, Olivet Baptist Church, 1948
  • Takahashi, Shuichi, The Study of ʻAiea, 1932
  • Takahashi, Doris; Young, Marilyn; Wong, Sau Moi; Lai, Henry, Causes of Juvenile Delinquency, n.d.
  • Takakawa, Judith, Cultural Conflicts in the Japanese Immigrant Home, 1936
  • Takano, Thomas, A Study of the Problems of the Foreign Language Broadcasts, 1947
  • Takata, Miriam, Waiheʻe, A Local Community, 1948
  • Takatsuka, Doris, Lahainaluna, 1948
  • Takayesu, Saburo; Choo, Andrew; Booth, Jacqueline, The Waialeʻe Training School, 1950
  • Takemoto, Violet, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: Central Pacific Mission(61), 1950
  • Takemoto, Waichi, Cheating in the University of Hawaiʻi, 1937
  • Takeshima, Kasumi, Report on the Community of Ōlaʻa(62), n.d.
  • Tam, Fannie; Wong, Lily, Leadership in Collective Behavior, n.d.
  • Tam, Fannie, The Migration of the Japanese into the South Sea Islands(63), n.d.
  • Tam, Fannie, Race Relations in Hong Kong, n.d.
  • Tam, Fannie, Race Relations in My Neighborhood, n.d.
  • Tam, Phyllis; Suizo, Beatrice, Prostitution, n.d
  • Tanaka, Hiroshi, Juvenile Delinquency: What Are the Causes of It?, n.d.
  • Tanaka, Masso, Report on the Automobile Repair Garages of the City of Honolulu, n.d.
  • Tanaka, Thomas N., The Changing Japanese Family in Hawaiʻi and the Factors Causing the Present Changes, 1930 [?]
  • Taniguchi, Charles, The Ecological Study of the Community: The Keaʻau Village (Ōlaʻa)(64), 1937
  • Tao, Takeo, Study of Community: From Beretania to School Streets and Between Fort and Nuʻuanu Streets, n.d.
  • Tateishi, Sue, My Hometown: Pāʻia, 1949
  • Tatsuno, Howard, My Community Geneology [sic] (First and second generations Japanese), 1941
  • Tatsuyama, Tamiko, A Divorce Case I Have Observed, 1948
  • Tavares, Edna; Kimseu, Gladys; Crowell, Elsie, The Boarding House as a Social Institution: Kaʻiulani Home, 1936 [?]
  • Tinker, J.S., A Study of a Disorganized Community, n.d.
  • Thompson, David E., The Filipino Federation of America in Honolulu’s Press, 1941 [?]
  • Tokuda, James(65) (pseudonym), Veteran’s Homes: Mānoa Valley, 1950
  • Tofukuji, Harue; Matsunaga, Harue, Geishas and Nakai, 1936
  • Tokimasa, Yuki, Suicide, n.d.
  • Tolentino, Mildred C., The Pineapple Filipino Hour: Reaching the Filipino Plantation Worker by Radio, 1948
  • Tom, Florence, My Community: Bingham Tract (Race Relations), 1948
  • Tom, Florence, Pālama Settlement and House on Henry Street, n.d.
  • Tom, Geraldine, Chinese Social Organizations in Honolulu(66), 1946
  • Tom, Vivian, My Community: 1938-1948 (Kahoʻokele Street in Wailuku, Maui), 1948
  • Tomita, R., Puʻunēnē, Maui, n.d.
  • Tomita, Rokuro, Stereotypes, 1952
  • Tong, G., The Dentistry Problem, n.d.
  • Toyama, Masako, My Community Genealogy (Hāwī, Kohala, Hawaiʻi Island), 1941

Box A-5: Notes

54.Contains one hand-drawn map of Honolulu plus a copy of a sketch of Honolulu made by the first Rev. Bingham.

55.Contains hand-drawn map

56.Folder contains only surname.

57.Originally filed under Paulsen; paper, however, lists Schulz as first author, so Archives staff provided a new folder with names in order on cover page of paper and moved it to the new alphabetical place.

58.The writer has spelled the town name “Honokohua” with an “o” in the third syllable. Two towns of similar name are in West Maui. “Honokahua” is the larger and closer to Lahaina; “Honokōhau” the smaller and further north and east along the coast. Three reasons suggest the author is discussing Honokahua rather than Honokōhau. First her description of her subject town’s being approximately eleven miles from Lahaina more closely resembles the location of Honokahua which is about 10.1 miles north of Lahaina whereas Honokōhau is another 4.8 miles further north and east. Secondly, the writer makes no mention of the other town. If she is writing about Honokahua, it is unlikely she would mention Honokōhau, smaller and further away from Lahaina. Were she describing the smaller more distant town from Lahaina, she would more likely mention the larger town located on the road to Lahaina. Finally, the pronunciation of the final two syllables of Honokahua verses the final diphthong of Honokōhau is so distinctive between the two names, one would suppose a spelling error would not be made in this syllable; hence the writer is more likely describing Honokahua.

59.Content suggests a map was included; it is missing.

60.Contains hand-drawn map, two pages of mounted b/w photographs and several charts mounted on paper at end.

61.Contents suggest the existence of a map showing distribution of Japanese members of the L.D.S. Church. If map was part of paper, it is missing. It is also possible the reference is to one of the (other) RASRL maps.

62.Contains hand-drawn map show community with inset showing relationship to Hilo and Pahoa.

63.”South Sea Islands” refers to the island groups under League of Nations mandate to Japan: the Carolines, Marianas, and Marshalls.

64.Includes hand-drawn maps.

65.James Tokuda is a pseudonym for Michiro Nakashima

66.Includes numerous typed on half sheets of paper which need to be rehoused in acid-free envelope. Each card contains information on one organization; paper seems to be summary of the information.

Box A-6 (Tsu)
  • Tsubaki, Kiyoto, The Nuʻuanu Japanese Church Dormitory and a Brief Resume of the Men’s Dormitories in Honolulu [Also has information in the “resume” of other dormitories throughout the city.], n.d.
  • Tsukiyama, Kazu, The Japanese Language Schools, 1940
  • Tsukiyama, Kazu, Present Problems of Labor Supply and Control on the Plantations in Hawaiʻi, 1939
  • Turner, Arthur N., Racial Discrimination in Employment in Hawaiʻi, 1949
  • Tyau, Hannah, Punchbowl (Portugese) [ a community analysis], 1940
  • Uchimura, Masayuki, Waiākea-Uka [Island of Hawaiʻi (near Hilo) [Community analysis], 1930
  • Uchiyama, Fusao, Japanese Immigrants, 1948
  • Uenoyama, Ryutaro et alia, Marriage Relations of the Japanese People, n.d.
  • Uenoyama, Ryutaro, Changing Conventions of Pre-Marital Relations, n.d.
  • Morimoto, Aiko, Conflicts of the Sexes in Various Places of Marriage, n.d.
  • Kouchi, Grace, Factors in Marriage Selection, n.d.
  • Miike, Fred, Sources of Conflict Between Husband and Wife, n.d.
  • Kimura, Takeo, The Standards of Marital Relations, n.d.
  • Ujiki, Misao, The Japanese Community in the Village of Honokaʻa [Hāmākua Coast, Island of Hawaiʻi], 1932
  • Ung, Margaret, The Waiākea Houselot Community(67), 1937
  • Uno, Hirobumi, A Comparative Study of the Family in Japanese Peasant Society and the Family of the Middle Class Urban Society in the United States, 1942
  • Uno, Hirobumi; Hirai, Gene, Christian Science: First Church of Christ, Scientist ­ of Honolulu, n.d.
  • Uto, Kaoru, An Immigrant from Japan, 1948
  • Utsumi, Mary, Migration in My Family, 1943
  • Uyenoyama, Hedesuke, Personal and Cultural Study of Kurtistown, 1937
  • Vellom, Betty, Race Relations in Jobs, 1946
  • Verhusen, Ben L., Culture Norms and Conflicts in a Large Military Hospital, 1950
  • Wallace, Samuel D., Maunaloa [sic] Flow Disaster, n.d.(68)
  • Watanabe, James K.(69), Foreign Trade of Hawaiʻi, 1928
  • Watrous, Anna; and Ikeda, Elsie, A Plantation Community: ʻEwa and Hakalau(70), 1936
  • Webster, Molly; and Koch, Beverly, A Study of Cheating at the University of Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Wessel, Pauline, Central Union Church [Social Institutions], n.d.
  • Westley, Mrs.[Ella T.](71); & Chow, Phyllis, Organized Religious Churches in Honolulu, 1936
  • Won, Esther, Personal Experiences in Race Relations at a Mainland University, 1949
  • Wong, Dorothy and Tatsuyama, Tamiko, cochairs, Faith Healing in Hawaiʻi, 1948
  • Morigaki, June, Mokusa Yaito- – – Is It Faith Healing?,
  • Morigaki, June, I Was a Reiki Patient,
  • Komatsubara, Tomiye; and Morigaki, June, Faith Healing at a Shingon Mission,
  • Komatsubara, Tomiye, Interview with Jitsumyo Uyehara of the Shingon Temple, 13 May 1948,
  • Komatsubara, Tomiye, Christian Science, an Interview(72),
  • Miyashiro, Sadao, An Interview with a Faith Healing Practitioner, 22 April 1948,
  • Kitagawa, Michiko, Reiki,
  • Kitagawa, Michiko, Kahunaism,
  • Greaves, Bobbe, Faith Healing in Hawaiʻi: an Interview,
  • Uesato, George, Faith Healing: 1)An Interview with a Bodaiji Priest; 2)Accounts of Experienced Faith Cures,
  • Tatsuyama, Tamiko, Faith Healing Practices,
  • Wong, Dorothy, Faith Healing Practices Among the Chinese,
  • Wong, Grace, A Study of the Beretania St. Chinese Church of Christ, n.d.
  • Wong, Kam How, Kuan Yin Temple, 1941
  • Wong, Litheia, Observations on Collective Behavior, n.d.
  • Wong, Maria K., In Old and New Kakaʻako(73), n.d.
  • Wong, Ruth K. Y., Kāneʻohe as contrasted with Greenwich Village, 1940
  • Wong, Pui Shin, Hanalei — A Rural Community, 1948
  • Wong, Sau Moi, Bingham Tract Thru the Eyes of a Chinese, 1940
  • Wong, Sau Moi, Changing Attitude of the Chinese Towards the Aged, 1941
  • Worley, Virginia Lee, Racial Frontiers in Hawaiʻi: 1936 and 1946 As Observed By One Person, 1948
  • Worthington, Betty Anne, Old Age and the Hawaiian, n.d.
  • Wriston, Arthur James, The Filipino Labor Situation in the Hawaiian Sugar Industry(74), 1928
  • Yadao, Elias, Mental Illness in Hawaiʻi: A Study of the Filipino Patients at the Territorial Hospital, 1948
  • Yahiku, Fusako, Migrations in My Family, 1943
  • Yahiku, Fusako, Social Change, [1943]
  • Yama, Evelyn; & Zimmerman, Margaret, Race Relations in a Hawaiian Business Firm, 1952
  • Yama, Evelyn; Zimmerman, Margaret, The Assimilation of the Middle Class Nisei and Its Impact on Personality Development [NOT FOUND], ?
  • Yamada, Junichi, Race Relations on a Plantation, 1936
  • Yamaguchi, Fay, Keālia, My Community [Kauaʻi](75), 1948
  • Yamamoto, George S., Mcinerny [sic] — Kamehameha Heights. Plus an additional summary, “Opinions on Interracial Marriage of Atherton House Residents.”, n.d.
  • Yamamoto, Misako, Cultural Conflicts and Accommodation of the First and Second Generations, 1938
  • Yamamoto, Misako, History of ʻAhana Lane(76) [one block ʻEwa of Kāheka], 1937
  • Yamamura, Douglas S., A Study of Some of the Factors in the Education of the Child of Hawaiian Ancestry in Hāna, Maui(77), 1941
  • Yamamura, Douglas, Bell Boys, 1936
  • Yamasaki, Ryoichi, Study of a Fishing Community on the Island of Kauaʻi [Kukuiʻula](78), 1939
  • Yamasaki, Ryoichi, Two Fishing Communities: Blanc Sablon and Kukuiʻula, 1940
  • Yamase, Molly, The Okumura Home, 1948
  • Yamashita, Hisako, Conflict in Snelling(79), n.d.
  • Yamato, Masami, A Sociological Study of Pāʻia Town, 1937
  • Yanagi, Kenneth, Housing in Hawaiʻi, n.d
  • Yanagihara, Mineko, The Personal and Cultural Approach to the Study of My Community: The Waiākea Houselots [near Hilo], 1937
  • Yanagihara, Ted, My Community [Waiākea Houselots], 1948
  • Yang, Sarah, Things Korean, 1953
  • Yano, Ayako, A Typical Japanese Community in Rural Hawaiʻi [a kumi-ai near Mountain View, Island of Hawaiʻi], n.d.
  • Yano, May, My Neighborhood [ʻAinahou Dr., Wailuku, Maui], 1948
  • Yap, Avon; & Honma, Haruo, Kīpapa Valley; A Rural Farm Community(80), 1948
  • Yap, Avon, A Juvenile Case as Interpreted By a Student, 1948
  • Yap, Florence, Historical Approach to Community Study: Rural Area of Paʻuwela [Makawao district, Maui], n.d.
  • Yap, Florence, Study of the Girls’ Dormitories in Honolulu, 1929(81)
  • Yap, Irene, My Community [Punahou], 1948
  • Yap, Lily C., Religious Life of the Filipinos Including Their Birth, Marriage, Sickness, and Death Customs in Hawaiʻi, 1933
  • Yatogo, Koji, Slum Housing and its Relation to Social Disorganization, 1950
  • Yee, H. N., The Settlement Movement in Hawaiʻi, n.d.
  • Yee, Winfred, Urban Society: The Jocko-Jocko, 1950
  • Yee, Saura, Types of Relations in a School: Punahou, n.d.
  • Yim, Bernard, The Chinese as a Stable Group in Chinatown, 1950
  • Yokoyama, Kazumi, Study of the Japanese-Hawaiian Trade, n.d.
  • Yokoyama, Kyoko, Report on the Field Trip to Kahaluʻu, 1949
  • Yokoyama, Kyoko, Social Survey of Kawainui [Island of Hawaiʻi](82), 1949
  • Yonge, Marguerite, Pouhala, Waikele, 1932
  • Yoshida, Yoshio, Bars of Metropolitan Honolulu, 1949
  • Yoshida, Yoshio, What Has Been the Effect of Returned Veterans on Home Solidarity Among the Japanese Family Group, 1951
  • Yoshigai, S., Lēʻahi Hospital, 1948
  • Yoshinaga, Toshimi, Japanese Buddhist Temples in Honolulu(83), 1936
  • Yoshimura, Edward M., A History of the Native Population in Hawaiʻi, 1942
  • Yoshimura, Roy T., A Study of Juvenile Parole Program in Hawaiʻi, 1950
  • Yoshioka, Florence, Seicho-no-Ie, 1948
  • Yoshioka, Jennie, A Study of the Recreation of Young People in a Section of Kapahulu Area, n.d.
  • Young, Benson, Partial Disorganization in My District [Vineyard, River, College Walk, Liliha, Nuʻuanu Streets], 1951
  • Young, Elsie, Divorce, A Factor in the Disorganization of the Urban Family, 1940
  • Young, Jennie N. M.; & Wong, Kam How, The Inter-Island Strike as a Form of Collective Behavior, 1941
  • Young, Jennie N. M., The Study of Religious Institutions in Honolulu: St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Mission, 1941
  • Yukitomo, A. T., The Japanese in Hawaiʻi, 1930
  • Yutaka, Teruko, The Shinto Daijingu Temple of Honolulu, 1941
  • Zane, Arthur K. Y., The Reciprocity Treaty of 1876 and It’s Effects on the Hawaiian Islands(84), 1928
  • Zink, Leland, The Army and Navy Y.M.C.A., 1928

Box A-6: Notes

67.Includes hand drawn map. Pages are heavily foxed; NO PHOTOCOPYING.

68.Concerns the eruption of Mauna Loa beginning 1 June 1950.

69.Thesis, submitted “as partial requirement for graduation in the course in Commerce” at the University of Hawaiʻi.

70.Two authors visited ʻEwa plantation and compared with personal experiences from Hakalau plantation.

71.Mrs. Ella T. Westley [with a “t” in her surname] is listed as an unclassified student in Catalog, 1936.

72.Includes “A Few Questions and Answers About Christian Science,” Christian Science Publishing Society, 1946.

73.Includes hand drawn maps, charts, and a drawing and has five photographs mounted on four pages.

74.”Thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Commerce” at the University of Hawaiʻi.

75.Includes hand drawn map.

76.Includes four hand drawn maps on very thin paper plus charts.

77.Thesis submitted for Master of Education degree at the University of Hawaiʻi in June 1941.

78.Includes one hand drawn map.

79.Fort Snelling, Minnesota, site of the Army Japanese language training school during World War II.

80.Contains several edited sections crossed out or with revisions stapled or taped to the original page.

81.Date written on paper by later RASRL personnel says 1929. In essay, writer indicates that Kaʻiulani Girls’ Home was begun twenty years earlier. Polk directory of Honolulu has entries for Kaʻiulani Girls’ Home as early as 1905/06.

82.Includes a hand drawn map.

83.Includes one large format chart comparing various Buddhist temples.

84.Signed “O.K. Ben Dorfman” who is the same man who signed the theses for the Bachelor’s degree at University of Hawaiʻi above. (See Wriston, [find others.])

Box A-7 (large format)
  • Cockburn, Katherine, Social Work on a Plantation Oʻahu Sugar Company, Waipahu, n.d.,
  • Hirashima, P. T., Japanese Community in Mānoa Valley, n.d.,
  • Kaneda, Nobuko and Mori, Masako, Statistical Study of Illegitimacy in the Territory of Hawaiʻi, 1935-1945, 1946,
  • Kim, Chong Sook, Migrations in My Family, 1943,
  • Lim, Herbert, Filipino Business Organizations on the Liliha-Kukui Block, 1950,
  • Machida, E.; & Ide, K., Study of Several Japanese Cultural Household Customs and Traditions in Hawaiʻi, 1950(85),
  • Murin, Stephen, Directed Readings in the Field of Race Relations, 1948,
  • Nakamura, Beverly; & Park, Virginia, Whitmore City: A Study of Plantation Consolidation (86), n.d.,
  • Nakamura, Torako, Community Study of Auld and Peterson Lanes in Pālama, 1930,
  • Nakamura, Torako, A Study of Life on a Plantation Camp, 1931,
  • Owens, Zonita, Teenagers in “Upstate” Oʻahu (two copies in separate folders), n.d,

Box A-7: Notes

85.Date written on typed title page is in ink.

86.Contains eight photographs mounted on three 8 ½ X 11 inch pages and clipping from unknown magazine, pages 67-69. This clipping is slightly larger than 11 inches and so entire essay pulled and moved to large format box, A-7.

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