News Archive: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017
Honoring Associate Director Gay Satsuma: A Tribute to 28 Years of Service
[Thursday, December 28, 2023]
On December 7, 2023, the Center for Japanese Studies held a celebration for Associate Director Gay Satsuma at Kennedy Theatre’s 2nd floor lanai. Gay has been a driving force behind the success and growth of our Center, making it one of the premier Centers for Japanese Studies in the United States. Many would say that Gay IS the Center for Japanese Studies; she has worked with all but one of the previous directors of the Center since she began her grand tenure in 1995.

Attendees joined together for a group photo celebrating Gay’s retirement
Fall 2023 Japanese National Honor Society Inductees
Congratulations to the following UH Mānoa students who were inducted into the Japanese National Honor Society-College Chapter (JNHS-CC) in Fall 2023! The JNHS recognizes and encourages achievement and excellence in Japanese language study.
From left to right:
- Anna Suzuki
- Minqi Chen
- Liv Peralta
- Melody Matsumoto
- Bryson Hamada
- Christopher Feeny
- Marcy Tokunaga
“I learned Japanese in a classroom” seminar video now available on YouTube!
Thank you again for attending our “I learned Japanese in a classroom” seminar. The video is now available on our YouTube channel!
Please like the video and consider subscribing to our channel as we hope to do more hybrid events like this one in the future.
Please also visit our website where we have a story recapping the “I learned Japanese in a classroom” seminar.
Nippon Culture Day
More than 850 attendees came to the Campus Center Ballroom on October 20, 2023 to enjoy the annual Nippon Culture Day, breaking last year’s record of 700!
Attendees enjoyed traditional Japanese games like karuta and hanafuda, experienced the art of ikebana (Japanese flower arragement) and origami making, listened to the soothing melodies of the koto, and participated in tea ceremony workshops at the Jakuan tea house.
Thank you to the Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures (EALL) and all the organizers involved in making this event another great success, and much gratitude to all who joined us for this amazing day.
Services for Emeritus Professor Yasumasa Kuroda
Emeritus Prof. Yasumasa Kuroda passed away on Aug. 23, 2023 in Yokohama. He was a professor in the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Political Science Department and a member of the Center for Japanese Studies.
A memorial service for Professor Kuroda will be held on Saturday, October 14, 2023 at 2 PM at Diamond Head Memorial Park, 529 18th Ave, Honolulu, HI 96816.
The Crown Prince Akihito Scholarship Foundation Orientation (Q&A) Session
Thu Oct 5 | 3:15pm – 4:15pm | Zoom
RSVP to to receive Zoom link
Deadline to apply is Wednesday, November 1, 2023.
Visit for more information about this prestigious scholarship.
Japanese majors are two of only four U.S. recipients of the prestigious MEXT Scholarship
At an Awards Presentation Ceremony held on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at the Official Residence of Consulate-General of Japan in Honolulu, Japanese majors Sarah Domingo and Maximilien Halim were awarded the prestigious Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science And Technology-Japan (MEXT) scholarship. They are two of only four total recipients in the United States to receive this prestigious scholarship! Congratulations to Sarah and Maximilien for their incredible achievements!
MUSUBI Workshop 2023 (May 19-20)
MUSUBI is the UHM’s Japanese language and culture learning program centered around the original textbook series, MUSUBI: A New Approach to Japanese Language and Culture.
‘Way of Tea’ draws students’ interest to Japan exchange (Spring 2023)
For students of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Way of Tea club, the journey to Japan was more than just an opportunity to explore and experience a new place—it was a long awaited reunion with their sister tea club from Doshisha University, located in Kyoto, Japan, the center of tea schools.
The Ehime Prefectural International Center (EPIC) Summer Internship program resumes!
After a hiatus of four years due to COVID-19, the Ehime Summer Internship Program has been restarted this year.
2023 Monbukagakusho (MEXT) Research Student Scholarship
Ms. Melody Kawaiokalani Chung, a graduate of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (BA, Japanese), was awarded the 2023 Monbukagakusho (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology; MEXT) Research Student (Kenkyuu Ryuugakusei) Scholarship to conduct research in the field of International Culture and Communication at Waseda University in Tokyo from April 2023 through March 2025.
SPAS workshop on April 14, “Advancing Asia Pacific Collaborations” with AAS Executive Director Hilary Vanessa Finchum-Sung
On April 14, UHM School of Pacific and Asian Studies held a workshop, “Advancing Asia Pacific Collaborations” with Dr. Hilary Finchum-Sung, Executive Director of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS).
EALL Professor Pier Carlo Tommasi and students tour the Lane Collection at HoMA on March 31, 2023
Last month, UHM CJS faculty Pier Carlo Tommasi (East Asian Languages and Literatures) organized a field trip for his “JPN 461: Introduction to Classical Japanese” and “JPN 641: Traditional Literary Theory” classes to tour the Honolulu Museum of Art’s (HoMA) Lane Collection vault. They were guided by HoMA Research Associate Kiyoe Minami in viewing the collection of Japanese woodblock prints and manuscripts published during the Edo period.
UHM CJS Faculty at AAS Annual Conference 2023, Boston (March 16-19)
We have a wonderful team of CJS faculty who are presenting at the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) in Boston this week (March 16-19). Please say hello if you see them!
Travel safely and take care!
2023 Spring CJS Seminars
Many exciting CJS events are already set for this semester! For more information and updates, please visit the event page and we’ll keep you posted.