This is based on a history by Agnes Niyekawa written probably in 1995 or 1996, supplemented with documents from the following years. Corrections and additions are most welcome.
Quick links to academic years:
Officers and Board members, 2006-2007
Elected Officers
Harvey Gochros
Vice President:
George Simson
Fred W. Riggs
H. Roy McArdle
Elected Members-at-Large
Robert Campbell
Ruth Kleinfeld-Lenney
Virgie Chattergy
Ted Rogers
Seiji Naya
Ex-Officio Members and Committee Chairs
L. Ralph Berger, Newsletter Editor
Fred Riggs, Chair, Liaison Committee (CLUH)
Cedric Cowing, Immediate Past President
Bart Mathias, Webmaster
10/12 Frank Boas (University of Hawaii Foundation), “Governing UH: Problems and Prospects”
11/09 Speaker: W. Steven Ward of the Burns Medical School, “Reproductive Research at UH”
12/14 (At Tree Tops Restaurant at Paradise Park)
Discussions of FRAUHM interactions with UH
01/11 Dr. David M. Karl, Professor of Oceanography, “The Sea of Microbes”
02/08 James Oliver Horton, Distinguished Visiting Professor, American Studies
“American Black history”
03/08 Dr. Michael E. Chauvin, M. Phil., Ph.D., “David Kalakaua: Hawaii’s Astronomer-King”
04/12 Robert Bley-Vroman, “Governing UH–And Roles for Retirees”
05/10 (With buffet lunch) Business Meeting: Election of Officers, 2007-2008
Moderator: Dr. Virgie Chattergy
Discussion Leaders: Oliver Lee and Agnes Niyekawa
“Crossing Cultural Borders, Personal and Profession Experience”
Other activities this year included improving the service to the University specified in our
by-laws by having FRAUHM members serve on certain Faculty committees.