This is based on a history by Agnes Niyekawa written probably in 1995 or 1996, supplemented with documents from the following years. Corrections and additions are most welcome.

Following up on a suggestion made by Chancellor Dick Kosaki at a reception for retirees in the Spring of 1985, one Wytze Gorter sent out 341 questionnaires to retired faculty on September 16th to gauge their interest in establishing a retiree’s association. All but five of the 201 who responded supported the idea. All but one of them were willing to pay “as much as $5” dues, and 75 volunteered to help organize and/or operate the association.
The first meeting was held 22 January 1986, a party in the Campus Center Ballroom, with Gorter the first president. By that time, the FRA had changed its name to FRAUHM, but it was noted that the “Faculty” at the beginning of the name and the “Manoa” at the end were not meant to exclude retirees from other campuses, or retired staff.
Quick links to academic years:

Officers and Board members, 2012-2013

Elected Officers


John B. Hall

Vice President:

Cedric Cowing


LaRene DeSpain


Bob Campbell

Elected Members-at-Large

Don Char

Bob Cole

Victor Kobayashi

Elizabeth McCutcheon

John Southworth

Ex-Officio Members and Committee Chairs

Cedric Cowing, Immediate Past President

Bart Mathias, Webmaster, Newsletter Editor

Ced Cowing, Immediate Past President

Bob Campbell, Membership

Leslie Lewis/Emily Fay (UH Foundation)


09/11 Mr. William Hamilton, The University of Hawaii Press: its Successes and Challenges”
10/09 Ms. Bron Solyom, Curator, UHM, “Discovering Charlot: ‘revelations’ from a collection of artist’s papers”
11/13 Richard Borreca, his take on the recent elections.
12/11 Terry Hunt, on the statues of Easter Island.
01/08 Robert Buss, “The Story of the Humanities in Hawai’i”
02/12 UH Cancellor Tom Apple, “Challenges and Innovation at UH-Manoa”
03/12 Gunther Hassinger, Director IfAm “Excellent Astronomy from Hawaii”
04/02 John F. Morton, “The Cannon Club, KCC, and ‘articulation’ at UH Manoa”
05/14 Robert Perkinson, “An Obama Library in Hawaii”