We are pleased to announce the publication of Biography 45.2, which which includes a tribute to Miriam Fuchs and our annual bibliography of works on life writing. Find it on Project Muse: https://muse.jhu.edu/issue/49784.
Biography 45.2, Table of Contents
Editor’s Note
Remembering Miriam Fuchs
Miriam Fuchs, Life Writing, and Life
Craig Howes
A Voyage Beyond the Text as Self: Remembering Miriam Fuchs Holzman
Cynthia G. Franklin
Miriam: The Text Is Herself
Ellen G. Friedman
Miriam: Friend, Mentor, Scholar, and Teacher
Sarita Rai
Miriam, The Bookies, and I
Joseph H. O’Mealy
In the Warm Waters of Lanikai: Paddling with Miriam
Leinaala Davis
A Tribute to Miriam Fuchs: With Love from Her Student
Amy Carlson
Annual Bibliography of Works about Life Writing, 2021
Compiled by Zoë E. Sprott and Caroline Zuckerman
Edited Collections and Special Issues
Articles and Essays