We are so excited to announce that Biography 39.4 is officially out on Project MUSE (https://muse.jhu.edu/issue/35886)! This issue inaugurates a new annual feature, the International Year in Review, which replaces our Reviewed Elsewhere section with, as editor John David Zuern says, “a collection of short, site-specific essays by scholars from around the world on the year’s most influential publications in life writing in the countries, regions, and languages in which they specialize.” Read his introduction to the International Year in Review in this issue to learn more! This issue includes:
—Michael A. Chaney’s essay “Digression, Slavery, and Failing to Return in the Narrative of the Sufferings of Lewis Clarke”
—Maureen Moynagh’s essay “Making and Unmaking: Child-Soldier Memoirs and Human Rights Readers”
International Year in Review
—John David Zuern’s introduction to the International Year in Review
—Gillian Whitlock‘s “Pictures at an Exhibition: The Year in Australia”
—Wilhelm Hemecker and David Österle’s “Biography in Austria, a Selection: The Year in Austria”
—Sergio Barcellos’s “Public Lives as Personal Assets, the Trial of Biography: The Year in Brazil”
—Alana Bell’s “Truth and Reconciliation in Life Writing: The Year in Canada”
—Chen Shen’s “Nostalgia for Republican China: The Year in China”
—Maarit Leskelä-Kärki’s “Old Traditions and New Experiments: The Year in Finland”
—Moulin Joanny’s “‘Life Writing’ n’est pas français: The Year in France”
—Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf’s “Guntram Vesper’s Frohburg Between Religion and Politics: The Year in Germany”
—Zoltán Z. Varga‘s “Seeking Facts and Witnesses in a Post-Factual Age: The Year in Hungary”
—Gunnthorunn Gudmundsdottir’s “Truth and Testimonies: The Year in Iceland”
—Heui-Yung Park‘s “I Am No Hero, the Alternative to Being a Role Model: The Year in Korea”
—Hans Renders’ “Biography in the Public Sphere: The Year in the Netherlands”
—Claudia Ferreira Faria‘s “Reflections and Insights: The Year in Portugal”
—Ioana Luca’s “Life Writing in Full Bloom: The Year in Romania”
—Tom Overton’s “Movement of Trade and Movement of People: The Year in The UK”
—Leigh Gilmore‘s “The Life of the Body in American Autobiography: The Year in the US”
—Carl Rollyson‘s “American Biography: The Year in the US”