Historical narratives and global perspectives on human societies and cross-cultural interactions from prehistory to 1500; includes ways to think about the past and ways to use primary sources.
Continuation of 151. Historical narratives and global perspectives on human societies and cross-cultural interactions from 1500 to present; includes ways to think about the past and ways to use primary sources.
In examining aspects of the histories of Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and Oceania, this course highlights the myriad ways in which global contact has transformed our world and narratives of the past.
Examines how disease has affected humans in terms of society, culture, politics, religion, and economics. Explores the impact over a broad range of time periods, from pre-history to the present/future.
Explores the influence of nature–climate, topography, plants, animals, and microorganisms–on human history and the way people, in turn, have influenced the natural world around them.
Development of civilizations from prehistoric origins to 1500. Offered as discussion and/or problems course. Alternative for 151 and 152; students in Honors program only.
Continuation of 161A. Development of civilization from 1500 to the present. Offered as discussion and/ or problems course. Alternative for 151 and 152; students in Honors program only.
Political evolution and major economic, social, and cultural development of European states before 1500, including classical and medieval eras. A-F only. (Alt. years)
Political evolution and major economic, social, and cultural development of European states. 1500–1800.
Continuation of 231. Major political, social, economic, and cultural trends from Napoleon to the present.
Survey of major civilizations of Asia from earliest times to 1500; East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia.
Continuation of 241. Survey of major civilizations of Asia from 1500 to the present; East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia.
Comparative and historical survey of colonialism and revolutions in the Atlantic World from 1500 to 1830. (Alt. years)
Interpretive survey from earliest settlement to 1865. A-F only.
Interpretive survey from 1865 to the present.
Survey of state and local history from Polynesian chiefdoms to Hawaiian Kingdom to American territory and state.
Survey of Pacific Islands from pre-colonial to modern times; early settlement, cultural contact, colonization, contemporary problems.
Traces developments in Philippine history and society from precolonial to contemporary times and explores ways in which the peoples of the Philippines embraced, resisted or negotiated new modes of thought, behavior and social organization influenced by the Spanish, American, and Japanese regimes as well as the postcolonial global order.
Introduction to methods of historical inquiry; current issues in World, American, European, or Pacific history. Repeatable one time. A-F only.
Historical survey of India and South Asia from Mohenjo-Daro to the Mughal Empire, tracing political, social, religious, economic, cultural, and intellectual developments from ancient times to the 18th century. (Cross-listed as IP 300)
Historical survey of India and South Asia from the Mughal Empire to the new millennium, tracing political, social, religious, economic, cultural, and intellectual developments from the 18th century to the present.
Survey of development of civilizations and growth of nations in Southeast Asia, to the 18th century.
Continuation of 305, from 18th century to the present.
Characteristics of East Asian civilizations as they developed in pre-modern China; variant patterns in Japan and Korea; the modernization process to 1500.
Continuation of 309. Period after 1500.
Chinese civilization to the 17th century.
Continuation of 311. Period since the 17th century.
Survey of culture, government, economics, and institutions, to 1700.
Continuation of 321. Period from 1700.
History and culture of Japan as revealed in study and practice of the tea ceremony (urasenke): Zen, aesthetics, calligraphy, architecture, ceramics, gardens, politics. (Cross-listed as ASAN 323)
A social, military, and cultural history of Japan’s samurai (warrior) class.
Survey of political, economic, social, and cultural developments from earliest times to 1400.
Continuation of 327. From 1400 to the present.
History of North Korea in terms of industrialism, militarism, nationalism, and state power, from 1945 to today. Focus on construction of national sovereign identity and comparison with postcolonial world.
Political, social, and cultural history of the Minoan, Mycenean, and Archaic periods.
Political, social, and cultural history of the Classical and Hellenistic periods.
Political, social, cultural history from the Etruscans to Augustus. Emphasis on discussion of literary and archaeological materials. (Alt. years: fall)
Political, social, and cultural history from Augustus to 476 A.D. Emphasis on literary and archaeological materials. (Alt. years: spring)
Formation of European societies after the western Roman Empire and in relation to Byzantine and Islamic cultures.
Main trends in European economy, society, religion, politics, thought, and the arts; interactions with Byzantine and Islamic worlds.
Undergraduate seminar on great debates in Western thought. Discussion of primary source materials; the scientific revolution and Enlightenment.
Continuation of 337. European thought from French Revolution to the present.
Political, social, cultural, and intellectual developments in Europe from 1300 to 1600. Emphasis on cultural and intellectual history and its impact on social and political developments; humanism and its influence on thought and reforming movements, Protestant and Catholic Reformations. (Alt. years: fall)
Comparative historical study of economic ideas and change since around 1700. Considers the histories of capitalism, poverty, industrialization and labor in Europe, Asia, the U.S., and other regions. (Cross-listed as ECON 341)
Introduces major western economic theorists and ideas since around 1700. Considers the history of views on work, poverty, the market and government, and the relationship of those doctrines to society, philosophy, and public policy. Pre: 151, 152, ECON 130, or ECON 131; or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as ECON 342)
Exploration of moments of crisis and the clash of ideas in their historical context through the use of simulation games. Junior standing or higher. A-F only.
Political, social, economic, and cultural history since 1547. Rise of Austria and Prussia, unification, Bismarckian era, World War I and Weimar Republic, Hitler’s Third Reich, post-World War II.
Major social, political, and intellectual developments: Renaissance, Reformation, religious wars, Richelieu, Louis XIV, Enlightenment, and Revolution.
Political, social, economic, and intellectual developments from Revolution and Napoleon to the present.
Traces major developments in British politics, society, and culture between the late Medieval and Modern Eras.
Interaction of 17th-, 18th-, and 19th-century intellectual, political, economic, and social changes, which together produced the British Empire and modern Britain.
Origins and expansion of the British empire between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. Includes imperial policies affecting Britain, Australia, India, Ireland, and Southern Africa. Open to non-majors.
Comparative exploration of the Iberian empires–Spain and Portugal–and their political, economic, and cultural interactions with indigenous societies in Asia and the Pacific. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or consent.
Comparison of Austrian, Polish, Ottoman, and Russian empires by examining political ideologies, religions, lifestyles, and ethno-linguistic identities. Pre: sophomore standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Lecture/discussion exploring the history of France’s relationship with imperialism from the Renaissance to the present. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Once a year)
Muhammad, the Arab conquests, the Caliphate; fundamentals of Islam; classical Islamic civilization; development of Islam into modern times with emphasis on the Middle Eastern heartland.
Survey of developments that created the system of nation-states in the Middle East. History of the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey; Egypt; the Arab world; Israel and Iran. Recommended: 354.
The history of Africa from earliest times to the present: the rise of indigenous civilizations, European and Muslim impact, colonialism and nationalism, and current issues.
Historical survey, from BC period to present, of the peoples of the Mekong region, an area covering southwestern China, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and southern Vietnam. Open to non-majors. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
History of U.S. women and gender relations. Topics include women’s work in and outside the household, women’s involvement in social movements, changing norms about gender and sexuality, and shared and divergent experiences among women. (Cross-listed as AMST 316 and WS 311)
Critical examination of the construction of gender identity and sexuality in ancient Greece and Rome. Junior standing or higher. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as LLEA 362)
Survey of U.S. foreign relations from initial encounters between Europeans and Native Americans through the 1890s.
Survey of U.S. foreign relations from the wars of 1898 to the present.
Politics, family, philosophy, technology, etc.; their interrelationship within the total society. Pre-Colonial to end of the 19th century. (Cross-listed as AMST 343)
Continuation of 373: the 20th century. (Cross-listed as AMST 344)
The evolution of business enterprise from colonial times to the present. Emphasis on entrepreneurship, technological change, labor-management relations, government-business relations, and economic thought. Case studies of industrial development. (Cross-listed as MGT 348)
Examines the interplay between an “American culture of empire” and the rise of the U.S. as a superpower. Topics: imperialism and political culture, social movements and international affairs, race, gender and class relations. (Cross-listed as AMST 365)
Survey of the history of the Caribbean region from 1500 to the present. A-F only. Pre: sophomore standing or higher, or consent.
Explores WWII in the Asia-Pacific region, focusing on the intersection of the grand strategy, military operations, and war crimes. Involves source analyses and discussions.
Classical and guerrilla warfare, revolution, and military systems and institutions.
Continuation of 391, from 1850 to present.
Survey of development of American military forces from War of Independence to war in Vietnam.
Evolution of scientific thought and its cultural context. Antiquity to 1700.
Continuation of 394; science, technology, and society since 1700.
Examination of the nature of historical understanding, research, and writing, and of recent trends in historical scholarship; preparation for senior thesis, including significant discipline-specific writing instruction and a minimum of 4,000 words of graded writing. (B) historiography; (C) education. Pre: any 300- or 400-level HIST course.
History of the digital age in global perspective connecting people, media, and technology. Faculty and students will use digital media to introduce innovative approaches to doing history. (Fall only)
Explores the transnational history of the Indian Ocean world, especially the region connected by the western monsoon. Topics include travel, trade, religion, colonialism, nationalism, diaspora, and globalization, including actors like slaves, sailors, women, and merchants. A-F only. Pre: junior or senior standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Introduces students to the practice of conducting archival research by using materials about World War II in Southeast Asia that have been digitized by various institutions around the world and available on the internet. Junior standing or higher. (Spring only)
Survey of Vietnamese history with particular attention to the multiple ways that the Vietnamese past has been remembered and represented by different peoples. Open to non-majors.
Survey of major developments from pre-colonial through Spanish and American colonial periods, the revolution, Japanese occupation, and post-war republic. (Cross-listed as ASAN 406)
History of Malay peninsula and northern Borneo, emphasizing developments since 18th century: trade, commerce, foreign migrations, pluralism, nationalism, and Islam.
Indonesia from 14th century to present. Emphasis on period from late 18th-century Western colonial impact to struggle for independence and problems of nationhood.
History of the coming of Islam to Southeast Asia, the spread of its ideas, and its role in the lives of Muslim communities living in the region. Junior standing or higher. GPA of 2.0 or higher. (Spring only)
An examination of the political, intellectual, economic, cultural, and social transformations of China in the twentieth century. This lecture studies critical events in the making of modern China and explores important issues in the modernization of Chinese life in the twentieth century.
Ch’ing government and Chinese society from local and regional perspectives; modes of control and disorder during the 19th century.
Sociopolitical change and continuity at local and regional levels since 1900, stressing provincial reform, Hsien and sub-Hsien politics, warlordism, Kuomintang tutelage, and the Chinese Communist movement and rule.
An interpretive survey of Chinese ideas and values in their cultural, social and political settings from classical age to 1600. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Interpretive survey of Chinese thought from 1600 to the contemporary period, with special emphasis on the themes of cultural collision and change.
Systematic review from traditional times, with emphasis on modern and contemporary history, analyses of foreign policy formulation, objectives, and implementation. Recommended: 312.
Origins, development, and meaning of modern revolution in China, 19th century to People’s Republic. Recommended: 311 and 312.
Salient developments from 1949 to the present. Social revolution and modernization, critically relevant foreign relations. Recommended: 312 or 419.
Interpretative survey of China’s changing position, significance, and function in the evolution of world history as a way to provide a better understanding of its past and present. Junior standing or higher.
Japanese history and culture, 1600–1867. Recommended: 321.
Survey of social, cultural, economic, and political history from earliest times to present.
Problems of Japan’s political, economic, and social development since institutional consolidation of Meiji state (c.1890). Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Survey of the changing political, social, economic, and cultural positions of women in China, Japan, and Korea from ancient times to the present. Pre: one course in Japanese history or consent.
Explores the history of Japanese cuisine and investigates the cultural, economic, and geopolitical aspects of food-ways in Japanese domestic and international identity.
Explores how the history of the Asia-Pacific War both shaped and was shaped by the rise and fall of Japan in the twentieth century. Involves extensive source analyses and discussions.
Explores post-WWII Allied war crimes trials in the Asia-Pacific region and transitional justice in Asia. Involves extensive source analyses and discussions. Repeatable one time.
Historical examination of the interaction between the Achaemenid and Parthian empires of Persia and the classical societies of the Mediterranean, such as the Greek city-states, Macedonia, the Hellenistic, and Roman Empires. Recommended: 151. (Cross-listed as CLAS 430 and PER 430)
Civilizations of the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, ancient Egyptians, Hittites, Hebrews, and Achaemenid Persians. Emphasis on discussion of literary and archaeological materials.
In depth study and analysis of major crises and conflicts in the Middle East since World War II: the Arab–Israeli Wars, revolutions in the Arab countries, the Turkish experiment with secularism, the Iranian/ Islamic revolution, Afghanistan, the Gulf War. Recommended: 354 or 355.
Topical study of cultural and cross-cultural issues in the medieval period (circa 300-1500). Class discussion and written work emphasize analysis of primary source documents using cultural and world history theories. Regional focus and readings vary by semester. Repeatable one time.
Historical analysis of the main traditions of Christianity and elements of diversity within Europe and in relation to other parts of the world. Focus on the interpretation of primary sources and discussion of cultural issues. (Alt. years: spring)
Explores interactions between humans and the natural world from early modern era to the present. Topics include invader species and biotic exchange; environmental politics; and the ecological impact of industrialization, urbanization, science, technology, war, etc. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year)
Historical investigation of European beliefs in the superiority of primitive societies. Topics include how primitivist ideas shaped historiography, religion, art, gender, political economy, and empire. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Social and intellectual origins of evolutionary thought and its continuing impact; emphasis on Darwin and the Victorian scientific community. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Contemporary problems and their historical background.
Historical processes in modern European colonization from 16th to 20th century; impact on non-Europeans in Asia and Africa. (Alt. years: fall)
History of the intellectual, social, and cultural causes and consequences of violence, including military conflicts. Pre: upper division standing or consent. (Once a year)
Origins, establishment, and impact of Hitler’s Third Reich. Recommended: 344. (Alt. years: spring)
The origins and progression of the Holocaust, the almost complete destruction of European Jews, and other Nazi genocidal policies. Open to non-majors.
Causes, course, and conduct of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic periods, their impact upon Europe; emphasis on the conflict of ideologies inherent in the Revolutionary process.
Explores war and peace in Europe, from the start of the Great War through the formal end of World War II. Topics include key battles, civilians, peace movements, treaties, the Shoah, Fascism, and Soviet Revolution.
The influence of Spain and Portugal on people and cultures in Europe, Africa, America, and Asia; Portugal’s captivity and the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
Selected themes important in African history, including, for example, the politics, economics, societies, and cultures of pre-colonial, colonial, or modern Africa. Topics to be pre-announced. Repeatable one time. (Once a year)
Explores the many relationships between history and literature, including how literature has reflected and shaped society in the past and our relationship to the past; (B) United States; (C) Europe; (D) Asia/ Pacific; (E) World/Comparative; (F) Provisional topics. Repeatable one time for different alphas, not repeatable for (C).
Explores the many relationships between history and film including how film has reflected and shaped society in the past and our relationship to the past. (B) United States; (C) Europe; (D) Asia/Pacific; (E) world/ comparative. Repeatable one time for different alphas. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year for (D))
Evolution of Western medical traditions; challenges created by European expansion and colonial interactions; development of modern racial and gender theories. Junior standing or higher. A-F only. (Spring only)
Development of the Russian state to the 19th century. Kievan state and early development of culture and art; Mongol era; rise of Moscow, autocracy, and serfdom; Petrine reforms; Western impact; emergence as a major European power.
Creation of the Soviet Union, Stalinization, the Cold War, the collapse of the empire, the post-Soviet era.
Russian/Soviet Siberia and Central Asia; Russian American Company and the Pacific; evolving relations with Asian and Pacific powers.
Lecture/ discussion on the origins, development, and consequences of the American Revolution, explored within the context of the broader revolutionary Atlantic world. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Once a year)
Lecture/ discussion on the origins of racial slavery, slave and free black culture, slave resistance and antislavery, post-emancipation black life, the rise of Jim Crow, the Harlem Renaissance, and the Civil Rights Movement.
Lecture/ discussion on the history of North American Indians from the seventeenth century to the present. Open to non-majors.
Lecture/discussion on Native Americans, Africans, and Europeans in North America from contact to independence. Social, cultural, and economic themes and intersections of race, class, and gender explored.
Lecture/discussion on the Constitution, the growth of partisan politics, the market revolution, religious revivalism, abolitionism and the expansion of slavery in the U.S. during the age of Jefferson and Jackson.
The crisis of the Union: antebellum society and culture, slavery, reform, sectionalism, the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Selected themes that explain major changes in American life during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including the westward movement, consolidation of capitalism, world power diplomacy, popular culture, progressivism, and World War I.
The Roaring Twenties, the Depression, New Deal, coming of World War II, America during the war, origins of the Cold War.
The atomic age and the Cold War, the age of anxiety, the 1960s, the Vietnam War, the Reagan-Bush era, and beyond.
Lecture/discussion examining the impact of television on American society, culture and politics. Analyzed in depth are family sitcoms, presidential politics, Vietnam and the presentation of gender and ethnicity. Open to non-majors.
Upper-division lecture on the historical and cultural significance of Las Vegas in twentieth-century America. Open to non-majors.
Cold War as a global struggle. Topics will include U.S.-Soviet economic and political rivalry, Capitalism vs. Communism as practical policy and ideology, and the force of Third World anti-colonial nationalism. A-F only. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent.
History of U.S. music and recording industry. How industry relates to economy as a whole, and how it reflects broad patterns and trends in American culture and society. (Cross-listed as MUS 440)
Introduction to the new social history; interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the everyday lives of ordinary Americans in past generations.
Examines the history of slavery, race, and abolition in the Americas from a comparative, global perspective, and traces the legacy of slavery in the post-emancipation societies of the New World. (Cross-listed as AMST 432)
Lecture/ discussion surveying the conquest, colonization, and consolidation of North American frontiers and the post-frontier development of the American West.
Origins, development of Constitution, Colonial to modern times.
Racial ideas and ideologies, and their effects throughout American history. (Cross-listed as AMST 440)
Conditions of labor in major phases of American development; response of labor and community to changing work environment. Capitalism, unionism, race, gender, law, etc. Emphasis on 20th century. (Cross-listed as AMST 431)
PreColumbian civilizations: Spanish and Portuguese colonization; political, economic, social, and religious evolution to 1810; independence. (Cross-listed as LAIS 468)
Political, economic, and social development since 1825; case studies from Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba.
Survey history of the complex relations between American societies and diverse U.S. ecosystems, from European contact and colonization to the present. (Cross-listed as AMST 425 and SUST 481)
The Pacific past from first human settlement to the start of the colonial period; emphasis on historiography and analysis of islanders’ responses to Euro-American intrusion.
The colonial experience to the present.
Growth of economic and political interests and policies.
Transformation of Hawai‘i into a state influenced by American and European ideas and institutions and Asian peoples. Pre: upper division standing or consent.
Formation of an American Hawai‘i with its unique local culture from 1898 to the present. Pre: upper division standing.
Survey of world maritime history from earliest times to the present, with emphasis on the evolution of nautical technology, motives from maritime enterprises, and the impact of cross-cultural encounters between oceanic peoples. (Cross-listed as AMST 489)
Compares indigenous sovereignty issues arising among the Maori or Aotearoa-New Zealand and Indian tribes of the U.S. from 1776 to the present. (Once a year)
Conditions under which women’s activism and participation in protest and revolutionary movements developed in the 19th- and 20th-centuries. Cross-cultural comparisons. (Cross-listed as ASAN 492 and WS 492)
Extensive or intensive treatment of special problems. (B) Philippines and Indonesia; (C) U.S. foreign relations; (D) history in Oceania; (E) Chinese traditional government. Recommended for honors students. Pre: 372 (or concurrent) or consent for (C); consent for (B) and (E).
Analysis of sources and evaluation of methods of historical writing. Students undertake a major research and writing project in field of special interest. Capstone course requires a 20-25 page minimum final research paper. Required for majors except those in Honors Program. (B) United States; (C) Europe; (D) Asia/Pacific; (E) comparative/World. A-F only. Pre: 396(B or C) and any 400-level HIST course.
Individual projects in various fields. History majors with consent. Maximum 5 credit hours. (1) American; (2) Pacific; (3) Japanese; (4) European; (5) English; (6) Chinese; (7) Russian; (8) Hawaiian; (9) South Asian; (10) Southeast Asian; (11) Korean.
Enrollment for degree completion. Pre: master’s Plan B or C candidate and consent.
History of history and historians; philosophies of history.
Examines the various ways that the production, presentation, and learning of history through digital media is changing the way people access and process information about the past. Graduate standing only.
Introduction to leading themes, methodologies, and topics in world environmental history. Drawing on new and influential scholarship, readings explore the diverse forces that shape humans’ adaptation to and impact on the natural world. Repeatable one time. (Alt. years)
Explores how various forms of salt, fresh, and brackish water have played transformative roles in the evolution of human communities throughout history. (Cross-listed as SUST 610)
Analysis, research, and discussion of themes and issues in study of history of humankind. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Selected themes— feudalism, economic and industrial development, etc.— important in global history. Topics pre-announced. Repeatable one time. Pre: 609.
Selected topics for advanced reading; (B) ancient; (C) medieval; (D) early modern; (E) modern; (G) intellectual. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years: spring for (D)); (Alt. years: fall for (E))
Critical inquiry into historical representations of the “other” and ways in which modern historians have used culture and other anthropological concepts to write and think about the past.
Graduate seminar designed to introduce history students to the multidisciplinary theories that are appropriate to cultural studies. A-F only. Repeatable one time.
Selected topics for advanced research. (B) ancient; (C) medieval; (D) early modern; (E) modern; (G) intellectual. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Once a year)
Selected topics for comparative advanced reading and research. (D) early modern; (E) modern. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Seminar covering one specific approach to historical methods or theory. The goal is a deep engagement with a particular historical approach via research and reading not bounded by region, time, or specialty. Repeatable one time. Graduate standing only.
Seminar on history of mass atrocity and international justice in the modern world. Topics include postWWII Allied war crimes prosecution, post-cold war ad hoc international criminal tribunals, and contemporary international law and national legal systems. Repeatable one time.
(B) early Russia; (C) modern. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
(B) advanced readings; (C) advanced research on Siberia, Russian activities in the Pacific basin, evolving relations with Asian and Pacific powers. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: 457 and either 454 or 456; or consent.
Interpretations and literature of important themes and problems. (B) early America; (C) the Republic to 1877; (D) industrial America; (E) recent America. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: appropriate 400-level U.S. history course or consent for (D) and (E); graduate standing or consent for (B) and (C). (Alt. years for (B)) ((B) Cross-listed as AMST 610)
(B) early America; (C) the Republic to 1877; (D) industrial America; (E) recent America; (F) foreign relations. Repeatable one time. Pre: appropriate 400 level course or consent
Seminar in advanced research and readings: (B) social and intellectual; (C) foreign relations; (F) the West; (K) business, labor, and technology. Repeatable one time for (B), (C) and (K). Pre: graduate standing and consent. ((B) Cross-listed as AMST 646); ((F) Cross-listed as AMST 614); ((K) Cross-listed as AMST 647)
This reading seminar in the comparative history of modern Asia will introduce graduate students to themes, particularly in social, cultural, and intellectual history, which lend themselves to comparison across the region. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Reading and research seminar on themes about the past and present of Southeast Asia in a comparative framework. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Examination of contested boundaries of Southeast Asia, the various historiographic traditions, the colonial legacy, and the current issues emerging from a dialogue of historians from the “region” and the outside world. Repeatable one time.
Graduate level reading seminar in modern Southeast Asian history. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Seminar on the seas in Southeast Asian history. (Alt. years)
Reading and research seminar on Vietnamese history. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years)
Problems and readings in political, social, and cultural history. (B) early; (C) middle; (D) modern. Repeatable one time.
Readings on the rise, spread, and development of Islamic cultures and civilizations throughout the world down to modern times. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: 354.
Graduate-level reading and research seminar on topics in Indian and South Asian history. Repeatable one time.
Problems, principal sources of bibliographic information. (B) traditional period to c.1600; (C) early modern 1600–1868; (D) 1868 to present; (E) 20th-century diplomatic. Repeatable one time per alpha.
Reading major interpretive works, and research in selected topics. (B) reading; (C) research. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Research seminar on topics of the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945). Explores war, war crimes, and issues of war guilt, accountability, and war commemoration. Involves extensive source analyses and discussions. Repeatable one time.
Reading and research on major themes and issues. (B) South Pacific; (C) Micronesia; (D) 19th century; (E) 20th century. Repeatable one time per alpha. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Reading seminar with short papers required. Covers Kingdom of Hawai‘i and 20th-century Hawai‘i in alternate years. Repeatable one time. (Alt. years: fall)
Research and writings emphasizing the interpretation of Hawaiian and English language primary sources. Development of source materials, approaches, and methods in Hawaiian history. A-F only. Graduate standing only. Pre: HAW 301 with a B or better, or instructor consent.
Individual research topics. (1) American; (2) Pacific; (3) Japanese; (4) European; (5) English; (6) Chinese; (7) Russian; (8) Hawaiian; (9) South Asian; (10) Southeast Asian; (11) Korean. Restricted to plan A (thesis) students. Maximum 2 credit hours. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Major political, economic, and social institutions. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Alt. years: spring)
Reading and use of numerous genres of Chinese historical literature and documents. Chinese bibliography. Knowledge of Chinese required. Repeatable one time.
HIST 151-152 faculty supervisors mentor their Teaching Assistants who teach the discussion labs. Course addresses issues of teaching strategy, grading and historical content. Enrollment limited to current Teaching Assistants in the World History Program. Repeatable seven times. A-F only. Pre: History graduate Teaching Assistants assigned to 151-152.
Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.