Big Island Substance Abuse Council (BISAC)
Prevention Materials for Community and Statewide Distribution of Naloxone Kits
The prevention materials will educate the community on what leads to overdose, harm reduction approaches, signs of relapse, naloxone training, and kits. The guiding principles for this project are to acknowledge and highlight the benefits of harm reduction, by not promoting abstinence, but emphasizing the life-saving advantages.
Hawai’i Health & Harm Reduction Center (HHHRC)
Safer Smoking and Syringe Exchange Educational Materials
The project will develop visual materials to promote safer smoking for social media dissemination. The project aims to produce 18 Instagram posts organized in a cohesive social media campaign. The target audience of the educational materials is people with no background knowledge about harm reduction or safer smoking and are dubious.
Hawai’i High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HI-HIDTA)
Fentanyl Social Media Campaign and Youth Survey & CBPR Qualitative Study
The HI-HIDTA team worked on two distinct projects: the first was the creation of a HIDTA social media presence as well as a Hawai’i Drug Awareness Instagram campaign. The social media team created new Instagram and Twitter accounts, populating the former with original content and amassing over 50 followers and hundreds of account impressions in the first few weeks alone. The second was designing a mixed methods research study to survey vulnerable Hawai’i youth on substance use. The research team drafted the methodology for data collection via a quantitative survey and qualitative focus groups with a community-based participatory research approach, outlining the necessary steps for future IRB approval at a later stage.
Hawai’i State Rural Health Association (HSRHA)
Justice-Involved Resource Backpacks
The project plans to create “go-packs” that will serve as re-entry help kits for newly released inmates. These packs include a taxi voucher, bus pass, information/help to secure an ID, cellphone, Narcan, and gift cards/certificates to Longs and Target for medicine and clothing. To do this, we have partnered with numerous non-profits in the community and worked with our mentors to apply for grants to fund this project.
Papa Ola Lōkahi
Systematic Literature Review to Aid in Creating Culturally Grounded Native Hawaiian Harm Reduction Tool Kits