Welcome to the Overdose Data to Action (OD2A)
-Care Coordination and Capacity Building (C3) Project
The OD2A-C3 Project is a grant-funded program by the CDC Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) Project through the Hawaiʻi State Department of Health, Behavioral Health Administration, Adult Mental Health Division (AMHD) and is managed by a team from the Department of Social Work, Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
Project Description
The Hawaiʻi “Overdose Data to Action (OD2A)-Care Coordination and Capacity Building (C3) ” provides activities and resources for social workers and other health and human services providers to address opioid misuse, abuse, and overdose. The project utilizes data on emerging trends and evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies to provide participants of the project activities with strategies, tools, and resources to improve their practice and reinforce an integrated healthcare approach. The project also coordinates with community partners in effort to leverage community strengths and local resources to increase the readiness to respond and address prevention needs. Thus, the Hawaiʻi OD2A-C3 project increases awareness and education about the risks of opioids and other drugs and strengthens the state and local capacity to respond to the opioid epidemic.