- Introduction
- Academic Grievance Procedures
- Policies and Procedures
- I. Responsibilities of Faculty
- II. Responsibilities of Students
- III. Resolution of Academic Grievances
- IV. The Academic Grievance Committee
- V. Authority of the Academic Grievance Committee
- VI. Reports of the Academic Grievance Committee
- VII. Redress Beyond the University
- Appeal Packet Checklist
In the classroom, in seminars, in the laboratory, studio, practicum or other instructional setting, and in conference, faculty members are expected to adhere to the highest professional standards of behavior and conduct. The responsibilities of faculty members include, but are not limited to, the following:
- to exhibit behavior which does not interfere with the rights of other faculty and students to learn or carry out their research or creative activities;
- to provide students equitable and unbiased treatment in an educational climate free from harassment and discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, status as veteran, sex, disability, arrest and court record, age, and sexual orientation;
- to provide students with sufficient and timely information, in writing, on the standards they are expected to meet and the procedures used to evaluate their achievements in their academic program, including (if relevant) an explanation of degree requirements, course objectives, general grading policy, attendance policy (see Section II,B), and related matters;
- to ensure that each course offered is in fundamental accord with the latest course description provided at the beginning of the course;
- to permit students who act in accordance with the responsibilities indicated in "Responsibilities of Students" (Section II) to complete any course in which they are enrolled;
- to provide instruction as scheduled with class meetings beginning and ending at the stated times, and to comply with other stipulations of the UHM calendar and examination schedule;
- to provide students timely evaluation in a fair, objective, and consistent manner;
- to retain student papers, tests, projects, reports, and examinations, as well as any other records maintained for the purpose of issuing grades, through the ensuing semester unless returned to the students; Summer Session papers should be retained through the Fall semester;
- to allow students to question and discuss the options, written materials, and other data considered part of each course or instructional program;
- to maintain reasonable office hours during the semester at times which are mutually convenient to students and faculty;
- to adhere to the policies of the Faculty Senate and the Graduate Division concerning authors’ recognition of contributions to their work by students and others (refer to Board of Regents Policy on Ethical Standards of Conduct (RP 12.201), Policy for Responding to Allegations of Research and Scholarly Misconduct (EP 12.211) and Administrative Procedure for Responding to Allegations of Research and Scholarly Misconduct (AP 12.211)); and
- to refrain from any interference with these academic grievance procedures, or from any retaliatory action against a student because the student has filed a grievance.