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Academic Grievance Procedures

Policies and Procedures

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa - Academic Grievance Procedures

Office of Student Conduct  December 2016

Policies and Procedures


It is the policy of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM), that faculty and students of UHM be provided consistent and equitable treatment in resolving disputes arising from the academic relationship between faculty and student(s). The applicability of this policy is limited to those issues directly associated and concomitant with the faculty member’s responsibilities as a teacher and the student’s responsibilities as a learner [note sections I and II, below]. For matters involving alleged academic dishonesty the Student Conduct Code should be consulted.

This policy, with included procedural provisions, was established by the Vice President for Student Affairs with the concurrence of the Faculty Senate, the Associated Students of the University of Hawaiʻi (ASUH), and the Graduate Student Organization (GSO).

Information on the Academic Grievance Procedures is available from the Office of Student Conduct, the campus office responsible for facilitating the grievance process described below.

Students enrolled in the professional schools of law and medicine are not governed by this procedure. Law and medical students have access to academic grievance procedures established by their schools and they may seek redress through those procedures. Decisions reached through University academic grievance procedures shall be considered final within the UHM.


AGC – Academic Grievance Committee

Department Chairperson – The individual designated as administrative head of any department or University unit.

Faculty Member – Any individual employed to conduct research, advising and/or offer instruction at UH Mānoa.

Graduate Faculty Chairperson – The individual designated as administrative head of a graduate field of study.

Graduate Student – Any student who has received a baccalaureate degree.

Grievant – A student who files a formal academic grievance.

Remedy – An action to correct an individual student’s situation.

Respondent – One or more faculty members against whom a grievance is filed.

Semester – Any scheduled term of instruction including Continuing Education and Summer Session.

Student – Any individual enrolled in credit or noncredit courses or matriculated in a program at UH Mānoa.

UHM – University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Undergraduate Student – Any student who has not yet received a baccalaureate degree.