Program Terms:
Spring Semester, Fall Semester & Academic Year
Victoria University is one of New Zealand’s oldest and most prestigious tertiary institutions with a proud tradition of academic excellence. Study in an interactive and supportive environment, then explore Wellington, a walkable yet busy city with access to history, culture, nature, and excellent cuisine. With historic strength in public policy and close proximity to New Zealand’s government, as well as ties with local business and industry, students can gain hands on experience, applying what they’ve learned in the classroom in an international setting. The university is spearheading efforts in digital futures, government and capital, and national culture – something for everyone.
Located in the geographic, political, and cultural center of New Zealand, the university is at the heart of an outstanding community with a global perspective. Victoria University teaches 21,000 students every year, including over 3,000 international students from more than 100 countries. It has four campuses, three of which are within a 20-minute walk of each other in the city centre, Kelburn, Te Aro, and Pipitea. Karori is a 10-minute drive from the city center.
Academic Details:
Course selection form: Students should list a min of 3, or a max of 8, courses per trimester. Listing more will delay the student’s application. Full year or 2 trimester students must list all courses at time of application. Once students have been pre-approved into at least three courses and have an unconditional offer of place, they will receive an email inviting them to enroll in those pre-approved courses online. It will also explain the enrollment process. It is essential that students complete the online enrollment process rather than waiting to enroll upon their arrival to avoid missing out on their preferred course options.
This university is AACSB accredited for business majors students.
Housing Details:
University accommodation is guaranteed for all exchange students who apply by the deadline. That being said, it can be difficult to accommodate students coming in Victoria’s Trimester 1 ( starting in March) for a one trimester only exchange. An additional levy on the university accommodation price is also incurred for these students (10%) to cover the increased administrative costs caused by the five month contract and subsequent replacement for the room. Students coming to VUW for Trimester 2 only (starting in July) or for a full year exchange have a much higher chance of securing university accommodation, provided they submit their accommodation application and application fee by the deadline. Please be aware that it is also unlikely students will be offered another place in university accommodation if they decline their first offer of accommodation, so it is in your best interest to stay with the first placement you have been given if you wish to stay in on-campus housing. Mature students or students who have experience living away from home are advised to consider the self-catered halls of residence. (Source: Victory University of Wellington Fact Sheet 2017)
- Sophomore standing
- 2.7 cumulative GPA – requirement may vary depending on program selected at VUW