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Kung Hee Fat Choy Display
Jan 1 2006
Jan 31 2006

Location: Hawaiian & Pacific Collection

If you're enjoying 2006, then you're going to love 4704. That's right: It's time to ring in the Chinese New Year--January 29 kicks off the... View "Kung Hee Fat Choy" Exhibit

Root's Revival: Kava in the 21st Century Kava BW Picture
Jan 1 2006
Jan 1 2006

Location: Hawaiian & Pacific Collection

Kava (Piper methysticum) is believed to have first been domesticated on Vanuatu some 3,000 years ago. Since then it has spread through much of the... View "Root's Revival: Kava in the 21st Century" Exhibit

Romance Book Covers Pacific Collection
Jan 1 2006
Jan 1 2006

Location: Hawaiian & Pacific Collection

"The self-imposed restraint on his emotions broke free, and he closed his arms around her. He expected some resistance, but there was none. There... View "Island Rendezvous: Find Romance in the Hawaiian & Pacific Collections" Exhibit

Question: What are two important customs in a Tongan wedding? Question
Jan 1 2006
Jan 1 2006

Location: Hawaiian & Pacific Collection

Gift giving of fine mats and tapa made by women and the preparation of food by men for the feast table.Kava ceremony. The wedding... View "Question: What are two important customs in a Tongan wedding? Answer:" Exhibit

Christmas in Hawai`i Book Covers
Dec 1 2005
Dec 31 2005

Location: Hawaiian & Pacific Collection

We have books about the history of Christmas in Hawai'i. Read all about the very first Christmas in the Islands and how Hawai'i began the... View "Christmas in Hawai`i" Exhibit

A Documented Life: The Papers of Hawaii's Senator Spark M. Matsunaga Boxing Gloves
Dec 1 2005
Jan 11 2006

Location: Bridge Gallery

The Sen. Spark M. Matsunaga Papers form a cornerstone of the Hawaii Congressional Papers Collection at the University of Hawaii at Manoa Library. In 1997,... View "A Documented Life: The Papers of Hawaii's Senator Spark M. Matsunaga" Exhibit

BW Book Image
Nov 7 2005
Jan 13 2006

Location: Elevator Gallery

Despite a total desire for control, a majority of the photographic process is filled with anxiety - from shooting to printing. Among the different stages,... View "The Luck's Luck (A photography show in two parts)" Exhibit

Rembrandt at Manoa: The Collection of Dr. Morton and Tobia Mower BW Image
Oct 23 2005
Nov 6 2005

Location: Bridge Gallery

Hamilton Library's Bridge Gallery hosts a two-week display of 30 rare Rembrandt etchings from the private collection of Baltimore cardiologist Dr. Morton Mower and his... View "Rembrandt at Manoa: The Collection of Dr. Morton and Tobia Mower" Exhibit

Obake Ghost Story Book Cover Haunted
Oct 1 2005
Oct 31 2005

Location: Hawaiian & Pacific Collection

After checking out the Rembrandt etchings on the Bridge, swing by and check out Special Collections display of scary stories and spooky tales.On display until... View "Haunted Hamilton BOOks" Exhibit

Disaster preparedness kit items
Oct 1 2005
Oct 31 2005

Location: Hawaiian & Pacific Collection

It's only a matter of time before the next hurricane strikes. When you are given the order to evacuate ... will you be ready? What... View "Disaster Preparedness Kit" Exhibit

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