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World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM
Dec 27 2015
Dec 31 2015

Location: Government Documents

As 1945 comes to a close, death tolls of the Second World War are still being calculated. In northern China, there are 46 thousand US Marines posted... View "Terrorists strike British bases in Palestine; US Coast Guard command transferred" Exhibit

World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM
Dec 20 2015
Dec 26 2015

Location: Government Documents

In a hospital in Heidelberg, Germany, General Patton succumbs to injuries sustained in an automobile accident. One of his last acts is to shield the American sergeant driving... View "US and England recognize Yugoslavia; United Nations Participation Act of 1945 becomes public law" Exhibit

World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM
Dec 13 2015
Dec 19 2015

Location: Government Documents

As 1945 draws to a close war criminals are being rounded up and trials convening, of which there will be thousands in the coming decades, in all quarters... View "Fleet Admiral Halsey's ticker tape parade in NYC; prospective Class A war criminal Prince Konoe commits suicide" Exhibit

World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM
Nov 29 2015
Dec 5 2015

Location: Government Documents

Congress considers the meaning of its obligations to the United Nations, and how it impacts control over the country's armed forces. Meanwhile in the Nuremberg Trials, former Nazi... View "Last Japanese unit in Saipan surrenders" Exhibit

World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM
Nov 22 2015
Nov 28 2015

Location: Government Documents

Army General George Marshall, newly retired from post as Army Chief of Staff, is appointed special envoy to China by President Truman. He is charged with... View "Butter rationing ends; Japanese emperor's abdication deemed unnecessary by MacArthur" Exhibit

World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM
Nov 15 2015
Nov 21 2015

Location: Government Documents

Seventy years ago, as still today, there are fears and expectations of nuclear energy, borne from the destruction visited upon two Japanese cities at the end of... View "Second arrest of Japanese war criminals in Tokyo; US Congress works to withdraw Marines from China" Exhibit

World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM
Nov 8 2015
Nov 14 2015

Location: Government Documents

While Korea struggles with an interim military government instead of the hoped-for independence, Japan is occupied with a new ruler--General MacArthur--viewed with something akin to... View "Offensive against communist positions by Chinese nationalists; General Charles de Gaulle beomes head of post-war French government" Exhibit

World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM
Nov 1 2015
Nov 7 2015

Location: Government Documents

Operation Olympic, a combined naval, air, and ground assault to capture Kyushu--and the beginning of what would have been tremendous casualties on both sides--was originally... View "Chinese nationalist forces plan offensive in civil war" Exhibit

World War 2 70th Anniversary - Exhibit and resources from Government Documents and Maps Department, UHM
Oct 25 2015
Oct 31 2015

Location: Government Documents

Several million people on both sides of the Hudson River observe a proud nation's Navy Day, celebrated October 27. President Truman reviews the naval fleet on his... View "Japanese surrender in Taiwan; Indonesian separatists riot against former colonial security forces" Exhibit

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