Legal Primers in Native Hawaiian Law
These legal primers provide community-oriented introductions to laws governing iwi kupuna (ancestral bones), traditional and customary rights, water, and quiet title. They are designed to summarize major laws and issues, and direct those with additional questions to available resources.
Although these primers are intended to provide helpful information, they are not substitutes for and do not provide individualized legal advice. If you have legal questions, please consult an attorney who specializes in these areas of law. These primers were printed with funding from the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
Natasha Baldauf ’11 and Malia Akutagawa ’97
Ho‘i Hou I Ka Iwikuamo‘o: A Legal Primer for the Protection of Iwi Kupuna in Hawai‘i Nei (PDF)
David M. Forman ’93 and Susan K. Serrano ’98
Ho‘ohana Aku, a Ho‘ola Aku: A Legal Primer for Traditional and Customary Rights in Hawai‘i (PDF)
D. Kapua‘ala Sproat ’98
Ola i ka Wai: A Legal Primer for Water Use and Management in Hawai‘i (PDF)
Stephanie M. Chen with Kainui M. Smith ’13, Mari L. Tsukayama ’12, & Lisa H. Higa ’14
E ‘Onipa‘a i Ke Kulaiwi: A Legal Primer for Quiet Title & Partition Law in Hawai‘i (PDF)