Events (2019)

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Fall 2019 CJS Seminars

Sept. 11 (Wed.) / 12:00-1:30pm /”Dearest Lenny: Letters from Japan and the Making of the World Maestro,” by Dr. Mari Yoshihara

Oct. 11 (Thurs.) / 12:00-1:30pm / “Tadaima! What can Transnational History Reveal?,” by Tom Coffman

Fall 2019 Co-sponsorships and Other Events

Sept. 4 (Wed.) / 5:00-6:30pm / CJS Grad Student Networking Event / Moore Hall 319 (Tokioka Room)

Summer 2019 Co-sponsorships

Aug. 20 (Tues.) / 3:00-5:00pm / Public lecture: Narrating Transpacific Imperial History, by Dr. Eiichiro Azuma / Hamilton Library room 301

Aug. 20-22 / Inaugural Conference of the Empire Studies Initiative: “War and Society in Imperial Japan”/ Hamilton Library 

Spring 2019 CJS Seminars

CJS seminars are held in the Tokioka Room (Moore Hall 319) unless otherwise noted.

January 7 (Monday) / 12:00-1:30pm / “Political Origins of Cybersecurity Capacity: Lessons from Japan and South Korea,” by Dr. Benjamin Bartlett, Postdoctoral fellow, Program on U.S.-Japan Relations, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University

January 9 (Wednesday) / 12:00-1:30pm / “From Artistry to Ethnography in Early Japanese Photographs,” by Dr. David Odo, Director of Student Programs & Research Curator of University Collections Initiatives, Harvard Art Museum

January 16 (Wednesday) / 12:00-1:30pm / “Movement-countermovement dynamics in Japanese nuclear power politics,” by Dr. Tobias Weiss, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich

February 6 (Wednesday) / 12:00-1:30pm / “Recruit the Women:’ The life and career of Lt. Ethel B. Weed in Post-WWII Japan,” by Dr. Malia McAndrew, 2018-2019 East-West Center Visiting Scholar and Associate Professor of History at John Carroll University

February 14 (Thursday) / 1:30-2:45pm / “Spirit of Tea and Peacefulness,” by Dr. Genshitsu SEN, Urasenke Chado Tradition 15th-generation Grand Tea Master and Professor of Japanese Culture & History and Visiting Colleague

February 28 (Thursday) / 4:00-5:30pm / “Moments Gathered on a Paper Screen: Scrapbooks and the Sharing of Knowledge in Early Modern Japan,” by Dr. Robert Campbell, Director-General of the National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL), Tokyo

March 12 (Tuesday) / 12:00-1:30pm / Public lecture as part of a two-day preinaugural symposium for the new multi-year research and resource-development initiative entitled, “Studies of the Empire of Japan and its Legacies: New Directions and New Perspectives”

April 24 (Wednesday) / 4:00pm / “Serendipity and Sociology: Five Decades of Studying Japanese Society,” by Dr. Patricia Steinhoff, Professor of Sociology, UH Mānoa. See transcript here.

Spring 2019 Co-sponsorships and Other Events

Jan. 22 (Tues.) / 5:00-6:30pm / CJS Grad Student Networking Event / Moore Hall 319 (Tokioka Room)

Jan. 30 (Wed.) / 6:30-8:30pm / Rakugo performance (Japanese comedy) from Katsura Sunshine (in English)/ Orvis Auditorium 2411 Dole Street, UH Mānoa Music Department

April 17 (Wed.) / 3:00-4:30pm / “The ‘Japanese Turn’ in Fine Dining in the United States 1980-2017,” by Dr. Samuel Yamashita, Professor of History at Pomona College