Seminar to introduce new GES majors to the research interests of GES faculty and the research facilities available within SOEST. Restricted to GES majors. CR/NC only. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as OCN 100)
Introduction to principles of environmental science and sustainability as they apply to ecosystems. Sustainability will be introduced through active learning with an emphasis on sustaining resources and mitigating pollution to ecosystems. Repeatable one time. A-F only. (Cross-listed as OCN 102 and SUST 112)
Introduction to a variety of quantitative and qualitative approaches and methodologies to describe and assess key components to the environment. A-F only. Pre: (102 or OCN 102 or SUST 112) or concurrent. (Cross-listed as OCN 102L and SUST 112L)
Global environmental change problems such as carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect, acid rain, chlorofluorocarbons and the ozone layer, global deforestation and the effect on climate, etc. GES majors only. Pre: OCN 201, ATMO 200, ERTH 101, ERTH 103, or ERTH 170; or consent. (Cross-listed as ATMO 310 and OCN 310)
(2-hr Lab) Laboratory to supplement OCN 310. Quantitative aspects of global environmental change will be addressed through problem-solving and computer modeling. GES majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 242, PHYS 170/170L, CHEM 161/161L, and OCN 310; or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as OCN 310L)
Pollution of freshwater and marine systems by human activities. Causes, consequences, and correctives. GES majors only. Pre: 201, CHEM 161, BIOL 171. (Cross-listed as OCN 320)
Directed reading in earth system science, oceanography, or environmental science. Repeatable up to 6 credits. GES majors only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 399)
Relationship of biogeochemical cycles in the atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere to global chemical cycles and planetary climatic conditions. GES degree foundation and capstone course. GES majors only. A-F only. Pre: OCN 201, OCN 310/310L or ATMO310/310L or OEST 310/310L, BIOL 172/172L, CHEM 162/162L, ERTH 101/101L, MATH 241, MATH 243 & 252A, MATH 373 (or ECON 321), ATMO200, PHYS 170/170L, and PHYS 272/272L; or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as OCN 401)
Lecture on the diversity and function of the Earth’s microbiomes, inclusive of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, symbiotic and free living microorganisms with a focus on the microbial underpinnings of the Earth’s biogeochemistry. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: OCN 102 or OCN 201 or BOT 305 or BIOL 305, or BIOL 171 and BIOL 172. (Alt years: Fall) (Cross-listed as OCN 454)
Lab on the diversity and function of the Earth’s microbiomes, inclusive of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, symbiotic and free living microorganisms with a focus on the microbial underpinnings of the Earth’s biogeochemistry. Repeatable unlimited times. A-F only. Pre: OCN 102 or OCN 201 or BOT 305 or BIOL 305, or BIOL 171 and BIOL 172. (Alt years: Fall) (Cross-listed as OCN 454L)
Combined lecture, discussion, and laboratory on global Earth system databases and satellite instrumentation, including computer laboratory. GES majors only. A-F only. Pre: MATH 242; and either 310 and 310L, or OCN 310 and OCN 310L; or consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 463)
Lecture/discussion to provide instruction and experience in oral and written presentation of scientific results and material. GES majors only in their final semester. A-F only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 490)
Directed research in which the student carries out a scientific project of small to moderate scope with one or more chosen advisors. The student must complete a document in the style of a scientific journal article. Repeatable one time or up to six credits. GES majors only. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as OCN 499)