(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Introduction to animal agriculture, animal science, and the use of animals by humans. Ethics and importance of human use of animals in agriculture are emphasized.
Biology, behavior, and management of animals of economic and social importance. Topics include physiology, genetics, nutrition, reproduction, behavior, care, and management to achieve productivity, performance, and welfare. (lecture, discussion, and field trips)
Digestive systems and nutrient functions, interrelationships and metabolism are compared among animal species, including humans. An intermediate, general nutrition course for Food Science and Human Nutrition and Animal Science majors. Pre: 200 (or concurrent), CHEM 161/L or higher. (Cross-listed as FSHN 244)
Micro and gross anatomical arrangements of tissues and organ systems of domestic animals. Pre: 200 (or concurrent). Co-requisite: 301L.
Laboratory to accompany 301. Dissection and identification of anatomical arrangements of tissues and organ systems of domestic animals. A-F only. Pre: 200 (or concurrent). Corequisite: 301. (Fall only)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Application of the principles of nutrition to feeding of farm animals; composition and nutritional value of feed stuffs; nutritional requirements of beef cattle, dairy cattle, horses, poultry, and swine. Pre: 201 (or concurrent), and 244 or FSHN 244.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Ethical issues and other controversies related to human and animal needs; their impact on resource sustainability and quality of life are explored from scientific perspectives. A-F only. Pre: 200 or 201 or FSHN 181 or FSHN 185. (Cross-listed as FSHN 350)
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Origin of species, breeds, nutrition, care, management. Lab on management practices with work on light horses. Pre: 200, or 201 (or concurrent).
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of economic beef production, including beef breeds, selection, breeding, management systems, feeding, and marketing under tropical conditions. Pre: 321 and 445.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles of efficient pork production, including comparative breed evaluation, breeding, feeding, management, marketing, and business aspects. Problems and practices associated with tropical environment emphasized. Pre: 321 and 445.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Principles involved in economical milk production in the tropics, including management, recordkeeping, breeds, breeding, selection, culling, feeding, housing, milking, quality control, and raising young animals. Pre: 321 and 445.
Review and application of genetic principles to livestock, poultry, companion, aquatic, and laboratory research animals. Current practices and future developments. Pre: BIOL 171/L or ZOOL 101/L, and MATH 140 or higher. Recommended:biochemistry and genetics or equivalent.
An understanding of animal biology at the level of genes and their regulations; emphasis on gene structure, recombinant DNA, transgenic animals and functional genomics being used for agricultural, nutritional and biomedical sciences. Open to nonmajors. A-F only. Pre: 301, BIOL 171 or ZOOL 101; or consent
Theory and practice of aquaculture: reproduction, yield trials, management, economics and business case studies of fish, crustaceans, and molluscs. Field classes held at commercial farm and hatchery. Pre: 321 and 445: or BIOL 172/L and CHEM 162/L or higher. (Crosslisted as OCN 450)
Functions and relationships of organs and organ systems of domestic animals excluding reproduction and lactation. Problem-based learning and case studies are emphasized. Pre: 301 or consent.
Disease problems of livestock, poultry, and companion animals; their economic significance, causes, public health implications, and control. Pre: 200 (or concurrent), and BIOL 171/L or ZOOL 101/L.
Development, growth, function, carcass evaluation of muscle tissue. Pre: 301 (or concurrent).
(1 3-hr Lab) Livestock and poultry slaughter, carcass evaluation, meat chemistry, muscle physiology and biochemistry, meat microbiology, and meat processing. Pre: 454 (or concurrent).
Explore human and companion animal relationships in biological, social, cultural, economic, legal, health, and welfare contexts to prepare students for careers in the various animal-related fields in Hawai‘i, the Pacific rim, and worldwide. ANSC majors only. A-F only. Pre: 200, 201, 301 (or concurrent), and 321 (or concurrent); or consent. (Fall only)
Aspects of the biology and culture of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii and marine shrimp Penaeus (sp) species. Scientific research results and case studies presented and analyzed. Pre: 450 or consent.
Introductory exploration of anatomy, development, and physiology of reproduction of domestic animals and artificial insemination. Repeatable one time. Pre: 301.
Reproductive anatomy and physiology of domestic animals, estorus synchronization, breeding soundness, and artificial insemination laboratory, field trips. One week offisland field trip. Repeatable one time. ANSC majors or consent. Pre: 301 and 462.
Intensive, hands-on course involving the culture of larvae and juveniles of marine shrimp, freshwater prawns, molluscs, fish, and their food. Must have strong interest in hands-on rearing and flexible time for continuous live animal care. Lab fee required.
Structure and function of endocrine systems across vertebrate groups, surveying how hormones mediate adaptive responses to dynamic environments and coordinate key aspects of growth, development, metabolism, osmoregulation, and stress. Pre: 301.
Practical aspects of planning and developing an aquaculture business from conceptualization to a final business plan. Topics include species/technology, project planning, business structuring, permitting, contracts, production plans, financial planning and analysis, market/competition analysis, capital acquisition, intellectual property and
legal issues. Pre: 450 or OCN 450. Must have strong interest in hands-on rearing aquaculture animals and flexible time for live animal care.
Study and discussion of significant topics, problems. Offered by visiting faculty and/or for extension programs. Repeatable five times, up to 18 credits. Pre: junior or senior standing.
Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development. Placement with an approved cooperating supervisor/employer. Writing a learning plan and field report. A-F only. Pre: senior standing in FSHN. (Cross-listed as FSHN 492)
Limited to exceptional undergraduate students, generally with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 or a minimum GPA of 3.0 in major. Exceptions may be granted for students with high achievement in last three semesters. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: junior or senior standing.
(1 50-min Lec, 1 2-hr Discussion) Discussion of food systems as they apply to animal science, food science, and human nutrition. Repeatable one time. Pre:graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as FSHN 601)
(3 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Design of experiments and variance analyses in biological and agricultural research. Pre: graduate standing or consent. Recommended: ZOOL 632. (Cross-listed as TPSS 603)
Topics of current interest and current research related to nutrition, genetics, and physiology. Repeatable three times. Pre: consent.
An advanced course in the nutrition of mono-gastric, ruminant, avian, and aquatic species. Topics include digestive system structures, utilization of nutrients, energy metabolism, and experimental techniques used in the study of animal nutrition. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Comparative differentiation, development, growth, and function of the reproductive systems of mammals and birds; external factors that influence response; artificial insemination. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Growth and development of meat-producing animals; skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and bone; protein turnover, lipid metabolism, and bioenergetics; regulation of animal growth. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Combined lecture-lab for students interested in genetic analysis of humans, animals, and other species. Molecular techniques, such as PCR, DNA marker identifications, transgenics, expression analysis and functional genomics, are included. Open to nonmajors. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Crosslisted as FSHN 650 and MBBE 650)
Examines the use of libraries and information technology for scholarly investigation in support of scientific research; provides experience utilizing and critically evaluating a variety of print and electronic sources in basic and applied sciences. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as FSHN 652, NREM 652, and TPSS 652)
Combined lecture/discussion on grants and grant writing. Designed to introduce graduate students to grants and grant proposal writing through lectures, class discussion, writing assignments, and peer review. Open to CTAHR graduate students only; others with consent. (Cross-listed as FSHN 657 and TPSS 657)
(1 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Advanced laboratory techniques used in food science and human nutrition research. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as FSHN 687 and MBBE 687)
Pre: consent. Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Principles and procedures of sanitation and safety in the food service industry, including the study of foodborne illnesses, biological, chemical, physical hazards and cross-contamination as they may occur during the flow of food.
A timeline of the world history of food and how it relates to culture, diversity, ethnicity, and religion. International food demonstrations and tastings included.
Lectures, discussions, and demonstrations on how food components contribute to the functional, sensory, and safety characteristics of foods, and what changes occur in foods due to preparation, processing, and storage. Co-requisite: 181L.
(1 3-hr Lab) Experiments in foods emphasizing ingredient function and standard preparation methods for food groups. Co-requisite: 181.
Integration of natural science concepts basic to the study of human nutrition. Emphasis on nutrient requirements of healthy individuals, food sources, functions of nutrients.
Digestive systems and nutrient functions, interrelationships and metabolism are compared among animal species, including humans. An intermediate, general nutrition course for Food Science and Human Nutrition and Animal Science majors. Pre: ANSC 200 (or concurrent), CHEM 161/L or higher. (Cross-listed as ANSC 244)
Critical and essential aspects of managing institutional food service operations and personnel in healthcare settings; understanding menu development and costing, purchasing procedures and inventory control for food and beverages; includes national sanitation exam. Pre: 181 and 181L (or concurrent), or consent.
Principles and procedures of menu planning, quantity food production, production scheduling, recipe adaptation, equipment operation, and formula costing. Principles of procurement including purchasing, selection, storage of equipment and quantity foods. Pre: 181 and 181L (with a minimum grade of C), or consent.
(1 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Fundamental marketing principles applied to nutrition and food. Will include concepts such as the psychology of food purchasing decisions and consumer behavior. Field trips and group projects included. Open to non-majors. Pre: 181/181L, 185, 312; or consent.
(2 Lec, 1 3-hr Lab) Ethical issues and other controversies related to human and animal needs; their impact on resource sustainability and quality of life are explored from scientific perspectives. A-F only. Pre: 181 or 185 or ANSC 200 or ANSC 201. (Cross-listed as ANSC 350)
Will apply skills in technology, research, and career development to nutrition. Students will identify evidence-based nutrition information and demonstrate their academic skill sets for future professional success through technology. Pre: 185 (with a minimum grade of B). (Summer only)
Physiological changes and nutritional requirements during human life stages: prepregnancy, pregnancy, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and older adulthood. Includes an emphasis on writing instruction. Pre: B or better in 185; C or better in CHEM 161/161L; C or better in PHYL 142/142L (or concurrent)
Experimental approach to study food preparation problems. Applying basic food science research design to conduct experiments, interpret data and write reports. Subject matter used to practice critical thinking and problem solving skills. A-F only. Pre: 181/181L, CHEM 161/161L. Co-requisite: 381L.
Experimental approach to study food preparation, food formulation, and sensory evaluation with laboratory exercises in a certified kitchen environment. Applying basic food science research design to conduct experiments, interpret data and write reports. A-F only. Pre: 181/181L, CHEM 161/161L. Co-requisite: 381.
Addresses concepts and uses of nutrition assessment tools at individual and community levels. Students will be introduced to national surveys and new, more sophisticated body composition measurements. Includes an emphasis on writing instruction. A-F only. Pre: 185 and 370 (or concurrent).
Microorganisms encountered in foods; types of food spoilage; microbial hazards in food; methods of food preservation. Pre: MICR 130 and MICR 140L, or consent.
Principles and applications of thermodynamics, electricity, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, psychrometry, and material and energy balances of food processing and preservation. Pre: (BIOL 171, CHEM 162 or CHEM 171 or CHEM 181A, MATH 243 or MATH 253A, PHYS 151 or PHYS 170) with a minimum grade of C; or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as BE 411)
Design course focused on fundamentals of electronic interfacing, control and automation, including biological processes. Topics include sensor physics, basic instrumentation, digital communication, and programming of microcontrollers and other portable computer systems. Pre: EE 160, EE 211, and BE 350 or MATH 302 or MATH 307 or EE 326; or consent. (Cross-listed as BE 420 and EE 422)
Chemical properties of food constituents studied in relationship to their effects on processing, nutrition, and spoilage. Pre: CHEM 161 and 161L or consent.
(1 3-hr Lab) Application of different chemical methods in the study of food constituents—proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, pigments, enzymes, etc. Pre: 430 (or concurrent).
Discussion of potential microbiological, parasitic, chemical, and natural food hazards; food laws and standards; and related aspects of consumer protection. Pre: 181, BIOL 171, and CHEM 272; or consent.
Fundamental principles of quality control in the food industry: measurement of quality parameters, utilization and integration of the individual test procedures into grades and standards of quality, sampling, and reporting results.
(4 Lec) Concepts and methods of nutrition program planning and nutrition education; analysis of nutritional problems of local, national, and international communities; strategies used to educate groups or individuals. A-F only. Pre: 370 and either HDFS 380 or NREM 310; or consent.
Provide students with a basic overview of the causes and effects of childhood obesity, evidence-based approaches, community-based research, and policies to prevent childhood obesity as it relates to the Pacific region. Pre: 185 (with a minimum grade of B). (Summer only)
Teaches techniques for measuring anthropometry and collecting dietary intake in children. Online course imitates hands-on training through partnering with local organizations and the use of technology. Repeatable one time. Pre: 185 (with a minimum grade of B). (Summer only)
Covers topics related to health and nutritional status monitoring and surveillance, including epidemiology, biostatistics, health and nutrition surveillance systems, and the uses of technology for conducting these activities. Repeatable one time. Pre: 185 (with a minimum grade of B). (Summer only)
In-depth study of culture and child health in the Pacific, including an introduction to the land, people, history, culture, and world views. Explore cultural competency, cultural safety, and multidisciplinary approaches to promote a healthy Pacific. Pre: 185 (with a minimum grade of B). (Summer only)
Principles and applications of food dehydration, thermal processing, low temperature preservation, chemical and biochemical preservation, irradiation, packaging, manufacturing, plant sanitation, water and waste management. Pre: 403 and 430, or consent.
Development of dietary, anthropometric and clinical lab assessment skills measuring nutritional status. Understanding pathophysiology of disease processes, medical terminology and nutritional intervention, utilizing case studies. Pre: 389 and 486 or consent.
Understanding of the pathophysiology of disease processes and nutritional intervention, using medical terminology and case studies. Pre: 467 or consent
Theory and practice in nutritional counseling. Combined lecture and discussion on nutrition/dietary counseling. Knowledge and theories. Application through lab experiences including role playing, case presentations, and performing actual counseling sessions. A-F only. Pre: 467 (or concurrent) or consent.
Application of basic nutrition principles; includes sources and functions of essential nutrients and food patterns compatible with nutrient needs, health, disease prevention, and sustainability. Intended for undergraduate and graduate students. Pre: CHEM 161 (or higher) or BIOC 241 (or higher); PHYL 141, BIOL 171; or consent.
Study of eating from behavioral perspectives. Implications for health practitioners and health education. Pre: two classes from ANTH 151 or higher or SOC 100 or higher or PSY 100 or higher.
Principles of sample preparation and chemical and physical analysis of food components using current methodology. Pre: 430; and CHEM 162 or higher; and BIOL 402 or MBBE 402 or PEPS 402.
(2 3-hr Lab) Application of different chemical and physical methods for the identification and quantitation of food components. Co-requisite: 477.
Effects of physiologic demands of exercise on nutrition. Emphasis on physiologic and biochemical basis for nutrition recommendations to enhance exercise participation and optimize athletic performance. Pre: 185, and PHYL 103 or 141 or 301. (Cross-listed as KRS 480)
Metabolism and biochemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, including chemical structure, digestion, absorption, transport, cellular/molecular functions in human nutrition; integration of metabolic pathways; energy metabolism and balance, including relevance to chronic disease. Pre: 185; PHYL 142/142L or PHYL 302/302L; BIOC 341 or higher (or concurrent) or MBBE 402 (or concurrent); or consent.
Metabolism and biochemistry of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, including chemical structure, digestion, absorption, transport, and cellular/ molecular functions in human nutrition; relevance to establishing nutrient requirements and to mechanisms of chronic disease. Pre: 485 or consent.
In-depth study of obesity, including research, etiology, treatment, and prevention. Pre: 480 and 486.
Study and discussion of significant topics, problems, or laboratory experiments. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: instructor approval.
Integration and application of academic knowledge and critical skills emphasizing professional development. Placement with an approved cooperating supervisor/employer. Writing a learning plan and field report. A-F only. Pre: senior standing in FSHN. (Cross-listed as ANSC 492)
Field practicum designed to integrate knowledge from previous FSHN courses to develop novel and innovative food products. Students deal with shelflife, marketing, packaging, labeling, sensory evaluation, and quality assurance. Repeatable one time. FSHN majors only. A-F only. Pre: 381 and 460, or consent.
Repeatable unlimited times.
(1 50-min Lec, 1 2-hr discussion) Discussion of food systems as they apply to animal science, food science, and human nutrition. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 601)
Advanced topics in chemical and physical characteristics of foods as well as their role in human nutrition. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: graduate student status with undergraduate courses in organic chemistry, microbiology, additional biological science, physics, and biochemistry. Basic knowledge of food science is expected; or consent. (Cross-listed as MBBE 607)
Advances in sensory quality and evaluation, deterioration of foods and food safety, as well as food processing technology. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: graduate student status with undergraduate courses in organic chemistry, microbiology, additional biological sciences, physics, and biochemistry. Basic knowledge of food science is expected; or consent.
Real and perceived food hazards, their ethical issues and implications, advanced emerging topics in food safety, and controls, including laws and regulations of food safety issues and public perception of food safety will be discussed. A-F only. Pre: graduate student status with undergraduate courses in biochemistry, microbiology, food processing, physics and organic chemistry. Basic food science knowledge is required; or consent.
Analysis of major nutrition problems in developing countries. Comparative review of the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs to intervene in the development of malnutrition. Pre: 185 or consent.
Combined lecture-lab for students interested in genetic analysis of humans, animals, and other species. Molecular techniques, such as PCR, DNA marker identifications, transgenics, expression analysis and functional genomics, are included. Open to nonmajors. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 650 and MBBE 650)
Examines the use of libraries and information technology for scholarly investigation in support of scientific research; provides experience utilizing and critically evaluating a variety of print and electronic sources in basic and applied sciences. Pre: consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 652, NREM 652, and TPSS 652)
Combined lecture/discussion on grants and grant writing. Designed to introduce graduate students to grants and grant proposal writing through lectures, class discussion, writing assignments, and peer review. Open to CTAHR graduate students only; others with consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 657 and TPSS 657)
Advanced topics in nutrition assessment, diagnosis, and interventions of patients with specialized clinical conditions. Students will further their knowledge in clinical research methods through case study presentations and evidence-based review. Repeatable one time. Pre: 389 and 467; or instructor consent.
Student presentation of literature reviews and research. Repeatable five times. Pre: consent.
Advanced topics in nutritional sciences, from basic to applied research, including current issues in nutrition and critical analysis of current research literature. Repeatable three times, up to 12 credits. Pre: consent.
Examination of global food and nutrition problems, programs, issues, policies, and strategies for improvement. A-F only. Pre: statistics and consent. (Alt. years: fall) (Cross-listed as PH 683)
Examines a variety of issues associated with nutritional and supplemental approaches to reduce disease incidence, morbidity, and mortality in relation to public health prevention strategies. PH majors only. (Cross-listed as PH 684)
In-depth lecture, discussion, and student presentations on selected topics relating nutrition to the etiology and prevention of chronic diseases at the cellular and molecular level. Repeatable one time. Pre: 485 and 486; statistics; or consent.
Addresses nutrition, growth, and development in children and adolescents and nutrition-related issues, such as childhood obesity and chronic disease risk factors, with a focus on current research in the Pacific region. Pre: 370 or consent. (Fall only) (Cross-listed as PH 686)
(1 Lec, 2 3-hr Lab) Advanced laboratory techniques used in food science and human nutrition research. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as ANSC 687 and MBBE 687)
Explores Indigenous Peoples’ food systems as local food resources Indigenous People acquire through specific cultural knowledge of traditional territories. Global forces transforming these food systems and their impact on population health and nutrition are explored. Graduate students only. (Fall only)(Cross-listed as PH 688)
Dietary, biochemical, anthropometric and clinical methods used for evaluating nutrition and diet in the etiology and epidemiology of disease. Pre: 685 and PH 663, or consent. (Cross-listed as PH 689)
Independent study for students working on a Plan B Master’s project. A grade of Satisfactory (S) is assigned when the project is satisfactorily completed. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing in nutritional sciences.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Repeatable unlimited times.
Advanced topics in food science and technology, from basic to applied research, including current issues in food science and technology and critical analysis of current research literature. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
Provides an overview of the epidemiology and prevention of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and associated complications. Discusses methodological issues associated with evaluating these in epidemiologic studies. A-F only. Pre: 663 (with a minimum grade of B-) or consent. (Cross-listed as PH 749)
Lecture/discussion of current research on gut physiology, gut microbes, dietary fiber, bioactive food components, and their impact on health, including colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease, diabetes, and immune function. Pre: 485 and 486 (or equivalent), statistics, physiology; or consent.
Presentation-discussion of selected research topics in the field of diet-cancer relationships including: nutritional epidemiology of cancer, diet and supplement intervention trials, and cellular/molecular effects of diet on cancer pathophysiology. Repeatable one time. Pre: 685 and 689, or consent.
Research for doctoral dissertation in nutrition. Repeatable unlimited times. Graduate standing only. Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory only. Pre: candidacy for PhD in Nutrition.