Citations for Webinar Recordings and Presentations
Below you will find suggested citations for webinar recordings and presentations.
Youth and Substance Use
August 30th, 2023
Dr. Colleen Fox discuss the impact of substance use on adolescents and the treatment programs for youth and challenges they face in delivering care.
Speakers: Colleen Fox, PhD, CSAC, CPS, CCS, CSAPA, Director of Adolescent Services, Hina Mauka Teen CARE
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2023, August 30). Youth and Substance Use [Video]. YouTube.
Drug Trafficking in Hawai’i
August 28th, 2023
Gary Yabuta, Richard “Rico” Witt, and Aashish Hemrajani disscus the current state of drug trafficking in Hawaii and the government’s response to drug trafficking and the service providers’ role and relevant information that impacts service delivery.
Speakers: Gary Yabuta, Execute Director, Hawaiʻi-High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HI-HIDTA), Rico Witt, Drug Intelligence Officer, Hawaiʻi-High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HI-HIDTA), and Aashish Hemrajani, Hawaii Public Health Analyst, Overdose Response Strategy
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2023, August 28). Drug Trafficking in Hawai’i [Video]. YouTube.
LGBTQ Youth and Substance Use
August 23rd, 2023
Haylin Dennison discuss the LGBTQ youth and substance use data and programs available for intervention/prevention.
Speakers: Haylin Dennison, LCSW Execute Director and Founder of Spill the Tea Cafe and Mindwerks Clinic
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2023, August 23). LGBTQ Youth and Substance Use [Video]. YouTube.
Hawai’i Behavioral Health Dashboards
August 17th, 2023
Dr. Sean Cleveland and Dr. Treena Becker discuss the data provided on the Behavioral Health Dashboard and the trends and highlights of the data.
Speakers: Sean Cleveland, PhD, Associate Director of Cyberinfrastructure, University of Hawaiʻi System, Treena Becker, PhD, Assistant Researcher, CDC OD2A Principal Investigator, Thompson School of Social Work and Public Health, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2023, August 17). Hawai’i Behavioral Health Dashboards [Video]. YouTube.
Addressing the Substance Use and Mental Health Labor Force Needs in Hawai’i
August 16th, 2023
Dr. Clifford Bersamira, Dr. Seunghye Hong, Robin Arndt, Constance Emory-Khenmy, and Jennifer Manning discuss the labor force need of substance use and mental health providers and the current projects working to address the labor force needs.
Speakers: Clifford S. Bersamira, PhD, AM, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work Principal Investigator, Hawai’i SUPD (Substance Use Professional Development) Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, Seunghye Hong, MA, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Social Work, Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, University of Hawai’i, Robin Arndt, MSW, LSW, Interim Director of Student Services Coordinator, Field & Continuing Education Secretary, National Association of Social Workers, Constance Emory-Khenmy, MPH, Project Coordinator, Hawai’i Behavioral Health Training Institute (HBHTI), and Jennifer Manning, MEd, Project Coordinator, OD2A-C3, Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, University of Hawai’i
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2023, August 16). Addressing the Substance Use and Mental Health Labor Force Needs in Hawai’i [Video]. YouTube.
Co-Occurring Disorders in Incarcerated Individuals
August 2nd, 2023
Dr. Pablo Stewart discuss the needs of incarcerated individuals who have co-occurring disorders and describe steps for service providers to support the reintegration of incarcerated individuals into the community.
Speaker: Pablo Stewart, M.D, Clinical Professor/Psychiatrist, University Health Partners (UHP), University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2023, August 2). Co-Occurring Disorders in Incarcerated Individuals [Video]. YouTube.
Meth and Co-Occurring Disorders
September 30th, 2022
Kathleen Merriam LCSW, CSAC and Tiana Fontanilla, MPH describe the prevalence of meth use amongst individuals with co-occurring disorders. They also summarize treatment options for individual’s experiencing co-occurring disorders, as well as options specific to Hawai’i.
Speakers: Kathleen Merriam LCSW, CSAC Supervisor at Windward Treatment Services Section and Tiana Fontanilla, MPH Epidemiologist, Adult Mental Health Division – Hawai’i State Department of Health, Behavioral Health Administration
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2022, September 30). Meth and Co-Occurring Disorders [Video]. YouTube.
For presentation: Fontanilla, T., and Merriam, K. (2022, September 30). Meth and Co-Occurring Disorders [PowerPoint slides]. Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
What’s Happening with Overdose Issues in Hawaiʻi? A Panel Discussion with EndMeth and HI-HIDTA
June 30th, 2022
Dr. Mark Baker of EndMeth and Rico Witt and Aashish Hemarajani of Hawaiʻi-High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas share lived experiences about overdose issues, discuss the need to implement preventative measure regarding overdose issues, and identify types of data to visualize the correlation between illicit drug supply and drug overdose.
Panelists: Mark Baker, M.D., Founder of EndMeth and Emergency Medicine Specialist and Rico Witt, Drug Intelligence Officer, Hawaiʻi-High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HI-HIDTA), and Aashish Hemrajani, Hawaii Public Health Analyst, Overdose
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2022, June 30). What’s Happening with Overdose Issues in Hawaiʻi? A Panel Discussion with EndMeth and HI-HIDTA [Video]. YouTube.
For presentation: Baker, M., Hemrajani, A., and Witt R. (2022, June 30). What’s Happening with Overdose Issues in Hawaiʻi? A Panel Discussion with EndMeth and HI-HIDTA [PowerPoint slides]. Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Communicating for Change
Michael DeMattos discusses how to differentiate between change talk and “normal” day-to-day conversations, demonstrate fundamental communication skills when helping others, identify and reduce pathologizing language, and recognize and avoid the urge to “fix” others.
Speaker: Michael DeMattos, MSW, PhD, Assistant Specialist, BSW Program Chair, Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2022, June 28). Communicating for Change Workshop [Video]. YouTube.
For presentation: DeMattos, M. (2022, June 28). Communicating for Change [PowerPoint slides]. Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Fentanyl Kills: Don’t Die HIgh
In this workshop, Alysa Lavoie, discusses the recent uptick in fentanyl overdoses and deaths in Hawaiʻi, and how to spread awareness and education about fentanyl use in the community.
Speaker: Alysa Lavoie, MSW
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2022, March 24). Fentanyl Kills: Don’t Die HIgh [Video]. YouTube.
For presentation: Lavoie, A. (2022, March 24). Fentanyl Kills: Don’t Die HIgh [PowerPoint slides]. Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
SUDs, Anxiety, and Trauma Workshop: Understanding the Relationship Between Co-Occurring Disorders
In this workshop, Michael DeMattos discusses the treatment of anxiety and substance use disorders (SUDs) as co-occurring discussions and the varied and changing theories about anxiety and its various forms.
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2022, February 24). SUDs, Anxiety, and Trauma Workshop: Understanding the Relationship Between Co-Occurring Disorders [Video]. YouTube.…
For presentation: DeMattos, M. (2022, February 24). SUDS, Anxiety, and Trauma Workshop: Understanding the Relationship Between Co-Occurring Disorders [PowerPoint slides]. Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
How EndMeth and HI-HIDTA Are Collaborating and Tackling the Meth Epidemic in Hawaiʻi
January 27th, 2022
In this webinar, Dr. Mark Baker and Rico Witt discuss the meth epidemic in Hawaiʻi and how they are working together to tackle the issue and outline solutions for the future.
Speakers: Mark Baker, M.D., Founder of EndMeth and Emergency Medicine Specialist and Rico Witt, Drug Intelligence Officer, Hawaiʻi-High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HI-HIDTA)
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2022, January 27). How EndMeth and HI-HIDTA Are Tackling the Meth Epidemic in Hawaiʻi [Video]. YouTube…
For presentation: DeMattos, M. (2022, January 27). How EndMeth and HI-HIDTA Are Collaborating and Tackling the Meth Epidemic in Hawai`i [PowerPoint slides]. Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Using Data to Inform Practice: The Role of Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) in Advancing Care in Hawaii
August 5, 2021
What is the Overdose Data to Action Project? Join this webinar with Amy Curtis, PhD, MPH, as she dives into the project’s purpose, strategies, recent data findings on substance use and mental illness, and future directions.
Speaker: Amy Curtis, PhD, MPH, Chief, Adult Mental Health Division, State of Hawai‘i Department of Health
For video: Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2021, August 5). Using Data to Inform Practice: The Role of Overdose Data to Action (OD2A-C3) in Advancing Care in Hawai`i [Video]. YouTube
For presentation: DeMattos, M. (2021, August 5). Using Data to Inform Practice: The Role of Overdose Data to Action (OD2A-C3) in Advancing Care in Hawai`i [PowerPoint slides]. Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
From Data Collection to Community Action – The Trials and Tribulations of Establishing a Data Dashboard
June 25, 2021
Have you heard of the Hawaii Behavioral Health Dashboard? Researchers of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s Pacific Health Analytics Collaborative, Center on Aging, and Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health have created an interactive dashboard in efforts to tackle public health challenges such as substance use, mental health, and homelessness. Join this webinar to learn how this accessible dashboard provides necessary data to inform policy, human health and services providers, and further research.
Speakers: Amy Curtis, PhD, MPH, Chief, Adult Mental Health Division, State of Hawai‘i Department of Health, Deveraux Talagi, PhD, Assistant Researcher and Tiana Fontanilla, MPH, Junior Researcher, Pacific Health Analytics Collaborative, Center on Aging, Thompson School of Social Work & Public Health, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2021, June 25). From Data Collection to Community Action [Video]. YouTube.…
Recovery Ready Communities
June 17, 2021
“What makes a community ready to support people in recovery?” Join Patty McCarthy and Nelson Spence of Faces & Voices of Recovery to learn about the cultural and environmental factors that play into a recovery ready community, and how to implement recovery on an individual, community, institutional, and policy level.
Speaker: Patty McCarthy, Executive Director of Faces & Voices of Recovery, Nelson Spence, Project Coordinator of Faces & Voices of Recovery
Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2021, June 17). Recovery Ready Communities [Video]. YouTube.…
Recovery & Resiliency Oriented Systems of Care
May 20, 2021
Join Patty McCarthy and Nelson Spence of Faces & Voices of Recovery to learn how to implement a Recovery & Resiliency Oriented System of Care (RROSC) to achieve sustained change when recovering from problem substance use. Using a person-centered approach, RROSC uses the strengths and resilience of individuals and those around them to reach their full potential and maintain lifelong health, wellness, and recovery.
Speaker: Patty McCarthy, Executive Director of Faces & Voices of Recovery, Nelson Spence, Project Coordinator of Faces & Voices of Recovery
Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2021, May 20). Recovery & Resiliency Oriented Systems of Care [Video]. YouTube.…
Opioid Treatment in Primary Care: Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
April 22, 2021
Alysa Lavoie provides an in-depth exploration of opioid treatment within primary care focusing on medications for opioid use disorder. Alysa discusses the “addictionary” and ways to decrease stigma related to treatment while also highlighting the challenges in implementing treatment, specifically within a rural primary care setting.
Speaker: Alysa Lavoie, MSW, Behavioral Health Programs Manager at West Hawaii Community Health Center (WHCHC)
Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2021, April 22). Opioid Treatment in Primary Care: Medications for Opioid Use Disorder [Video]. YouTube.…
Applying a Macro Lens to Understand the Barriers to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment
April 15, 2021
The opioid overdose epidemic remains one of the most urgent public health issues in the United States today, killing 50,000 people every year and contributing to a variety of other health complications. Corey Davis shares how, despite the proven effectiveness of utilizing opioid agonist treatment (OAT) for those experiencing an opioid use disorder, a multitude of structural and policy barriers prevent them from accessing treatment.
Speaker: Corey Davis, J.D., M.S.P.H., Deputy Director, The Network for Public Health Law
Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2021, April 25). Applying a Macro Lens to Understand the Barriers to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment [Video]. YouTube.…
Overdose Prevention, Recognition, & Response
March 18, 2021
Overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in Hawai‘i and around the U.S. This interactive session explores the impact of opioids on the body and identifies the risks for accidental opioid overdose. At the conclusion of the webinar participants are certified to administer the opioid antagonist, Naloxone
Speaker: Leilani Maxera, Outreach & Overdose Prevention Manager, HHHRC
Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2021, March 18). Overdose Prevention, Recognition, and Response [Video]. YouTube.…
Integrating Social Care in Opioid Prevention
Have you heard of the Social Care movement? Do you know about the social determinants of health? If not, learn more in this webinar with Dr. Seunghye Hong, Dr. Yeonjung Jane Lee, and Robin Arndt, faculty members at the Department of Social Work, as they provide an overview of the Social Care movement and discuss how social determinants of health play a pivotal role in the treatment and prevention of opioid use disorder.
Speakers: Seunghye Hong, PhD, Yeongjung Jane Lee, PhD, and Robin Arndt, MSW.
Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2020, October 29). Integrating Social Care in Opioid Prevention [Video]. YouTube.…
ʻOhana Centered Strengths and Resilience Approach through a Cultural Lens
September 22, 2020
Keola Chan, Ka Pounui (Executive Director) of ʻAha Kāne Foundation, shares the importance of healing the ʻohana in order to heal the individual, and discusses shifting the paradigm to focus on the strengths of the ʻohana toward resilience. Attendees learn to implement cultural resilience factors, while acknowledging the limitations of current data and the necessity to change from a deficit-based to strengths-based narrative.
Speaker: Keola Chan, Ka Pounui (Executive Director) of ʻAha Kāne Foundation
The Malama Project. (2020, September 22). ʻOhana-Centered Strengths & Resilience [Video]. YouTube.
Overview of the Wellbriety Movement
September 4, 2020
In this webinar, Kateri Coyhis introduces the concept of Wellbriety as balance and connection to the natural laws that create healing within the native community. Native peoples across the nation are encouraged to seek this healing by reinstating cultural practices, language, and sacred traditions.
Speaker: Kateri Coyhis, Director of Wellbriety Training Institute
Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2020, September 4). Overview of the Wellbriety Movement [Video]. YouTube.…
Overview of the National Collegiate Recovery Movement
September 1, 2020
Lilinoe Kauahikaua, Mālama Project coordinator, and Kuʻulei Salzer, Mānoa Campus Alcohol and Drug Education Counselor, share how a culturally informed model is implemented on the UH Mānoa campus, and their hope to create pilina (association, relationship, connection) with other campuses.
Speakers: Ku’ulei Salzer-Vitale, Mānoa Campus Alcohol and Drug Education Counselor, Lilinoe Kauahikaua, Mālama Project coordinator, & Ariel Britt, Safe Project
The Malama Project. (2020, September 1). Overview of the National Collegiate Recovery Movement [Video]. YouTube.
Pharmacology of Opioids and Opioid Use Disorder Treatments: An Introduction for Social Workers and Other Allied Health Professionals
August 27, 2020
Do you know the pharmacology of opioids? Join Andrew Abe, PharmD, as he provides an overview of the pharmacology of opioids as well as discuss barriers to treatment access.
Speaker: Andrew Abe, PharmD, Assistant Researcher with the Center on Aging’s Pacific Health Analytics Collaborative
Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2020, August 27). Pharmacology of Opioids and Opioid Use Disorder Treatments: An Introduction for Social Workers and Other Allied Health Professionals [Video]. Zoom.
Opioids & Meth – What Do Social Workers Need to Know?
In this webinar with Dr. Mark Baker, an emergency department physician and immediate past president of the Hawai‘i Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, explains the prevalence of hospital admissions for opioid and meth use in Hawai‘i.
Speaker: Mark Baker, MD, emergency department physician and immediate past president of the Hawai‘i Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, and founder of EndMeth
Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2020, July 15). Opioids & Meth – What do Social Workers Need to Know? [Video]. YouTube.…
Hawaiʻi Opioid Initiative
March 24, 2020
What is the Hawai‘i Opioid Initiative? Learn about the project and its most recent developments in the one-hour webinar with guest speakers Daniel Galanis and Heather Lusk.
Speakers: Daniel Galanis, PhD, Epidemiologist, State of Hawaii, Department of Health EMS & Injury Prevention System Branch DOH and Heather Lusk, MSW, Executive Director of the Hawaii Health and Harm Reduction Center
Overdose Data to Action-Care Coordination and Capacity Building. (2020, March 24). Hawaiʻi Opioid Initiative [Video]. YouTube.…
Conference Presentations
Disparities in Overdose Epidemic and Achieving Equity for Vulnerable Populations
October 2, 2020
Presenters: C3 Team presented at the NASW Hawai’i Chapter Conference on