program learning outcomes

Introduction to Program Learning Assessment for Graduate Students

This workshop is collaboratively presented by the Assessment Office and Graduate Education Office. Graduate students have a great …

Map Your Program Student Learning Outcomes to Institutional Learning Objectives

This workshop will help undergraduate programs complete the new question on the annual assessment report that asks them …

Make The Most of Your Curriculum Map

This workshop is an introduction to the Curriculum Map: it is a graphical illustration of the relationship between …

Student Surveys: Perceptions of Achievement

In this workshop, the presenters will take participants through a step-by-step procedure to create surveys about student learning …

Techniques for Using Rubrics in Program Assessment

This workshop lets participants evaluate their programs’ learning outcomes (SLOs) related to critical thinking, problem solving, oral communication, …

An Introduction to Learning Outcomes

This workshop looks into what learning outcomes are and how they can enhance student learning. PowerPoint and Handout …

Learning Outcomes & Curriculum Maps

This workshop is an introductory tour of the what, why, and how of learning outcomes and curriculum maps designed for faculty and …

This poster exhibits the outcomes assessment practices of the BA in Second Language Studies program. While engaging in program assessment, the BA in SLS program has strived to develop an outcomes assessment process that is manageable and sustainable as well as meaningful and useful – a considerable challenge given the various pressures and constraints that many higher education programs are currently facing. This poster shows the process and instruments used for program-level outcomes assessment, the assessment results, and changes made to the program as a result of the outcomes assessment process. It also presents challenges encountered by the undergraduate committee during the outcomes assessment process and strategies employed by the committee to address those challenges.

Striving for Useful and Sustainable Outcomes Assessment

This poster exhibits the outcomes assessment practices of the BA in Second Language Studies program. While engaging in …

The Public Administration Program offers a Master’s of Public Administration (MPA) degree. Currently our program is 30 credits, but after using assessment our program will be 39 credits starting in Fall 2015. Using curriculum mapping, the PUBA was able to align our program learning outcomes with our student learning outcomes. We revised our student learning outcomes to include content areas and skills the curriculum was not covering. In addition, we mapped out three degree pathways and identified learning opportunities and assignments that we can use to assess outcomes. After using these assessment tools, in addition to adding an additional 9 credits to PUBA, we have added 3 new courses, and revised individual course student learning outcomes and opportunities.

Leading The Way To Accreditation With Assessment

The Public Administration Program offers a Master’s of Public Administration (MPA) degree. Currently our program is 30 credits, …

Access to College Excellence (ACE) at UHM provides a series of first year programs that serve approximately 25% of incoming freshmen a year. A major ACE program is Learning Communities, in which ACE staff helps students to register a collection of courses in a cluster (e.g., general education, pre-business) and an Access to College Community freshman seminar course: CAS 110. All the students who registered for the courses in one cluster form a cohort—a learning community. CAS 110 enhances the community by helping students reaching the following learning outcomes: (1) building effective study and time management skills; (2) setting goals for success; (3) learning about the academic resources available; (4) learning core and major graduation requirements at UHM. This poster introduces the ACE learning communities and how it assesses the outcomes by using a pre- and post-survey method. The poster will present quantitative results from the closed-ended questions and qualitative results from the open-ended questions. The presenter will also present the impact of ACE Learning Communities by comparing the retention rates between the participants and non-participants, and between the less-engaged and more-engaged participants.

Assessment of ACE Learning Communities 2013

Access to College Excellence (ACE) at UHM provides a series of first year programs that serve approximately 25% …

The Political Science faculty modified existing departmental, undergraduate student learning outcomes (SLOs), which informed assessment development and curricular improvement. Using informal appraisal by individual faculty of student performance at the senior capstone level, the undergraduate curriculum committee found that students’ writing skills need to be addressed in a more cohesive and purposeful way in the curriculum. A 200- level writing politics course was designed to address the gap. In short, the discussions around the learning outcomes revision resulted in faculty collaboration in assessmentdriven curricular improvement. These discussions and innovations are part of a two-year plan to improve program assessment in the department.

Learning Outcome Driven Curricular Improvement – An Example from Political Science

The Political Science faculty modified existing departmental, undergraduate student learning outcomes (SLOs), which informed assessment development and curricular …

The poster describes the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering’s process of assessing program outcomes. The steps in the assessment process are first described followed by a list of program outcomes. Only direct modes of assessment are used. The frequency of assessment is tabulated. The poster then expands on the use of performance appraisal in select courses, which represents a relatively new mode of assessment that the department has recently adopted. Performance appraisal is performed once every three years per outcome and is advantageous in that it can be used as a vehicle to involve more faculty members and facilitate faculty buy-in to the assessment process. Detailed is the schedule involved in the performance appraisal assessment process along with a sample scorecard and a sample evaluation of one outcome. The sample scorecard contains the concepts that were evaluated along with the performance criteria. After one cycle of assessment of using performance appraisal, the Department is interested to know whether the changes implemented will result in any program improvement. It is envisioned this continual process of assessment will lead to continuous quality improvement.

Assessment of Program Outcomes

The poster describes the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering’s process of assessing program outcomes. The steps in …

Shidler College of Business assesses student learning in each of six programs: Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration, Master of Accounting, Master of Financial Engineering, Master of Human Resource Management and PhD in International Management. Undergraduate and Master’s degree programs all make use of course-embedded assessment. Assessment of PhD student learning includes faculty reviews of students’ research and evaluation of students’ teaching. Each semester, the Shidler College assessment committee evaluates assessment results for undergraduate and master’s degree programs and makes recommendations to the college Curriculum and Programs Committee. In addition, each department reviews assessment outcomes of major-specific objectives for undergraduate students.

Assessment at The Shidler College of Business

Shidler College of Business assesses student learning in each of six programs: Bachelor of Business Administration, Master of …

The learning objectives of the undergraduate program in economics include economic literacy, critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and ability to effectively communicate results of economic research and analysis to colleagues and decision-makers. In the fall of 2006, UHM Department of Economics has adopted an assessment plan for the economics undergraduate program, in order to evaluate our progress in achieving these objectives. The undergraduate assessment was first implemented in AY 2006-2007, and has been carried out every academic year ever since. In this presentation, we describe the development of the assessment tools, the process’s preliminary findings, as well as difficulties that are being faced in the assessment process.

UHM Department of Economics’ Assessment Experience

The learning objectives of the undergraduate program in economics include economic literacy, critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and ability …